Hooponopono (Seven Kind Kids Book 22)

Barry Thomas Bechta

When you do the Ho'oponopono cleaning you are giving permission to God to take care of her. You don;t know what is right for you, then you cannot know what is right for her. Every time you see her or you think of her, juts say thank you, I love you mentally. Is that easy, and it works. When she is sleeping, say to her: I recommend you consult with Cielo. Thank you very much for the opportunity, Mabel. Mabel im into a terrible depression due to my weight gaining and my financials, i've been repeating the words but i dnt see any changes yet.

I am desperate, doctors say theres nothing wrong in my body. I need help, i am desperate claiming ur guidance. You are choosing this. I know you will say how could I be doing that.

A powerful Hawaiian prayer

If you don;t chose to love yourself just the way you are, be ate peace no matter what is going on, then you are choosing your programs to chose for you. You created and attracted it. You can change it! Give all that to God. He is the only one that can help you. You can have a free consultation with Cielo if you feel that can help you.

The cleaning really works. Let go and let God. Your husband and his problems are just your memories, so if you erase them, whatever gets erased from you, it gets erased from him, and everybody else. If you want things to change, you need to change. When you will be ok, he will be ok too, the business, everything.

Ho’oponopono: How to practice it in 4 simple steps

Do not think, do not worry. Give permission to God and he will make it better for you and everybody else involved. Peace withing IS world peace. I am chanting hooponopono as i was suffering from fever thru chanting now i have no fever no weakness. Thank you, this has cleared things further up for me. Thanks a lot for such a detailed and clear explanation! May God bless you for being the medium for guiding us. I am in long distance relationship since March with a guy. We both love each other a lot and want to marry each other.

The problem is that his parents are not agreeing for our marriage because we are from different castes and his parents are too rigid about caste. In March he came to India to convince his parents His parents live in India but they did not agree and he cant go against his parents.

In June he went back to Australia and I am helpless in India. Please tell me what should I do to marry my love Gurpreet. Mabel que devemos aser para que usted se presente en Miami FL usa. Hay muchisimas personas interesadas. Iv e been searching about this. Cause I know i have been program with beliefs about lack and money as well as many other stuff. How many times to i have to do the process? I mean repeating the four words. Also i wanna now how the blue solar water works and how to do it. Great article by the way. The cleaning has to be one all the time. All programs can be erased but you need to be patient.

You want to do this to be at peace with or without money. In general, when we are at peace and we do not worry, the money comes. You decided to "buy" those programs. Nobody can do anything to you unless you allow it. You have free choice. Thank you for the opportunity to clean with this. Hi, I just want to say thank you for the enlightning text, it helped me to understand better the Hooponopono.

I started using the words few days ago and I feel very good, blessed, calm and in control of my life. This is something powerful, very beautiful and really works. I have been researching and using Ho oponopono since last November and I truly believe that this self help method can change someone's life. I am not a religious person, I am spiritual. I have a very intimate relationship with God, I put Him first in my life and spend time with Him every morning before I start my day, and I love it!

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www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Ho'oponopono (Seven Kind Kids Book 22) eBook: Barry Thomas Bechta, Binah Godisall: Kindle Store. Seven Kind Kids # Ho'oponopono. Join Trina Harmony as she learns about Ho'oponopono swimming with dolphins in Hawaii. An Illustrated Children's book.

Is Ho oponopono to take the place of my prayers or is it an addition to my prayers which is what I am presently doing. Just want to be clear, since we all create our own reality good and bad these are just memories from a past life or from an ancestor passed down to us? When we use the Mantra for say a financial issue, does Ho oponopono clean the memory thus erases the financial issue?

I have been using the eraser method along with saying the Mantra and the words Light Switch, Dewdrop and Ice Blue also drinking blue solar water for a couple of weeks on some problem areas in my life-- how long should I continue? Until the problem is resolved?

This is all so fascinating to me and I crave to learn more. Thank you Mabel in advance for taking the time to answer all of my questions. Ho'oponopono is a way of praying. A way of asking for help and allowing the help to come. Thank you for your cleaning. Hi Mabel As you know, I love to clean.. I use thank you pretty much all the time. I have noticed big changes within myself. I am delighted to have the cleaning tool for my brand new website.. I am nearly ready to go live with the site.. I am willing to help.

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Thank you Mabel for clarifying.. I am cleaning on my doubt about the whole process, cleaning on my financial struggles I have been practicing Ho'oponopono for a few months and feel an amazing peace. My question about letting go Do I clean, and clean until I feel I can clean no more and then let go and let the Divine take over? Do I stop cleaning on that issue. This is the part I am confused with. Peace and thank you for helping me with all your wisdom. You are letting Divine to take over moment by moment. Divinity already knows about your house, your family and the financial issues.

The cleaning has to be done all the time as much as you can but you never know what you are cleaning with and you don't know if it is right to sell or not. Money might come from another source. Be open and flexible. You do your part so God can do His. Here you have a lot of resources to start learning http: Can I do ho'ponopono anywhere? At work, in the grocery store etc.? Am I to focus specifically on what it is I want cleansed or do I just let the mantras and God do the work? Because I have many things I would like to focus on lol, so should I just let go and trust my particular will be handled one by one?

Just let go and trust. God already knows and is just waiting for you to give permission. It works everywhere and with all kind of problems. Hello, was wondering if when preparing blue solar water, is it absolutely necessary to use tap water. I prefer to use filtered water or even spring water. I have researched it a lot and get conflicting information. Thank you, I love you. Hello Mabel, was wondering if when preparing blue solar water, is it absolutely necessary to use tap water.

Hi Mabel I always have had relationships with colleagues who take me for granted and will not appreciate my efforts no matter how hard I try to accommodate them. And yes, my staff too, take advantage of my kindness. All I need to do is to say the magic words every day? And it will work? Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. I have already experienced shifts in many areas of my life, but there is one in particular which has not yet been healed.

Is this the perfect answer or solution? To NOT heal one area? Should I just keep cleaning? Keep trusting, Some areas we are more attached or we have more expectations. Dear Mabel, I am. Let go, tell them thank you or I love you. Live in the present. Don't hurt yourself anymore. They might still be there, but do not engage with them.

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Thank you for the wonderful resources! I've been mentally saying "Thank you" and "I Love You" as much as possible throughout each day. Most of the times, it's just mindless mental repetitions. Does it work this way or do I have to be consciously aware of saying it? Thank you very much!

This way you are allowing God to do the transmutation. Thank you Mabel mam.. I feel much lighter and trust in Divine guidance now.. Your post is so enlightning.. Dear Mabel I wanted to know how does someone get out of the way, trust and Allow? I am having trouble with allowing God to take charge of my life and getting out of the way. Do let me know how you and Dr Len did this. Are we just saying thank you I love you in our mind continuously without having to think of any problems or situation. Your subconscious mind inner child can do it for you while you sleep. The same way it does the breathing for you,.

Well the pilled away like a curtain. I immediately began crying and thanking God cause He let me come back. Yesterday while attending orientation at the CaseyRailey school of massage therapy, we were given a tour of the library. Following the tour I asked the librarian about the edgar casey readings and shared apart of my experience with her.

When she heard the words I am sorry, Please forgive me ,Thank You, please forgive me. She stoped me and said do you know what you just said. Of course I didnt have a clue. She dismissed the other students and took me behind the library desk to a little frail Jewish lady. She asked me to share with the lady and then showed me my words written on this ladies desk verbatim.

She tried to take me to the book but it was missing from the library. She sent me to the website. That is so beautiful. I started because i fell in live with someone who was livimg the country and he did not know anf it was in my mind something almost impossible to hapoen, so i was so sad and probably got im some sort of deoression as the only thing i would to was work all day and cry gor the rest of the time. I am ready to start it again because i am sure thw Universe will bring us togethwr on the rifhr time.

I became a much better person aftwr hoponopono. I am so grateful for it. I am sorry, forgive me, thank you and I liove you. This practice does work. I learned it a little bit differently than described here.

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Thank you Starvel for your comment! For example, I had a big pimple on the gum and it kept bursting and reoccurring in a matter of days. Since I practise Hooponopono on this issue, it has never grown into the size it used to be and no more bursting and throbbing for over 5 weeks now. Another lady shared that she had stopped the profound hair loss in the same way in days. We are also loving to have a family.

Dear Hayley, may God bless your partner with healing a cure and a full and speedy recovery and the same for all the doctors and the right donor, may it be speedy and good. Celina, it sounds like you might also need a visit to the dentist. An infected tooth could be the cause of your recurring pimple on your gum. I will, thanks Lisa. The pimple on my gum has disappeared shortly after I posted.

But I will go for a dental check as well. Focus on what empowers you and ignore everything else. At the end of the day the only truly important thing is what you do, not what you think. Whatever helps you grow as a human being is a good thing. Try it yourself honestly and in good faith for at least 40 days and prove me wrong. Read this and maybe everyone, even the author of this post will understand a bit better.

I want to bring back a very good friend of mine with whom I have not met or talked for years only do text once in a blue moon. Can I heal our relation and be comfortable with each other once again. The eternal advice applies: You be the change you want to see. What your friend will or will not do is not your responsibility.

I have quick question on how use this meditation so that is work to it best. Do you use it once a day minutes? Or how is actually use? My understanding is that the traditional advice is to practice it each and every time you feel an internal imbalance, for as long as that imbalance remains. Question does it matter in the order you say it.

I saw it in video it was I love you. How could Oponopono help to overcome limiting belief about professional prosperity and lack of self-esteem? This is only my humble opinion as I have no formal training in this field: Use infinite patience to get immediate results. Practice sincerely daily as much as you can, be patient and persevere. Even if nothing changes outside for whatever reason this will completely transform your perception of the challenges you face, making them less challenging for you.

So many miracles start happening in my life. I also healed a lots of people. Try it, you have nothing to lose, only gain. I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. I started feeling angry and hopelessness. I recognised the issues. I asked please forgive me. I let it go and I said that higher power there to fix this big issues. Feel like losing my mind.

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  • How does the Ho'oponopono cleaning work.

Nothing is truly real unless you believe it is. Anything that causes you stress is an invitation to step back and reflect on what within you is being triggered. Or ignore it all together and trust that life will bring you what you need when you need it and are ready for it. There are many different ways to heal.

Ho'oponopono, Mantra Meditation, Hawaiian Prayer, Theta Binaural Beats, Hooponopono

This is not the only one. Our government is using our area to test 5g.. Every lampost has these transmitters on and if they are withing 30 metres of it you are basically being slowly cooked.. This has all been done without our consent — we have no say — the council refuse to answer when asked if it is safe.. This is going to be rolled out across the whole of the UK.. So basically it is genocide..

I am trying so hard to see it all from a different perspective.. Can I change this perspective, this reality.. Please advise as this is having a profound effect on my vibrations and wellbeing and I need some optimistic focus going on here. Thank you in advance. This is my first visit to the website. The four steps remind me of Catholic Confessionl. I was very upset for my brother because he is a lost soul and hang out with bad guys. I think it is a good sign finally he is going to realise he needs to change and find his true self being in this world. I am reading zero limit book.

Hi — can you give any advice on how to overcome resistance to forgiveness? Very practically for you right now, understand that anger and hate are powerful emotions. Next time you feel these, redirect them to something constructive, e. What happened, happened and you cannot change that.

You are not apologizing and asking forgiveness to him but to yourself. Thank you for your reply. I will try that. I am using as 1. I love you 2. I am sorry 3. Please forgive me 4. Thank you This is not my innovation but, from the very first source from where I came to know about this was in this order and I followed that. Also developed a simple logic of as given below: Mornah re framed just like Dr Hew did…. Was wondering what you thought of this? People may feel like Dr Hew Lens teachings are falsified, but I believe he just simplified and created his own version.

I believe that this is okay because so did Mornah and so does everyone with everything. Since starting this practice, I find myself crying all the time as I feel deeply sorry for everything! There is a Buddhist piece of wisdom that says that if you are hit by an arrow what you will feel is pain. If you start to feel anger or resentment towards whoever sent it — or sadness because you received — it then that is suffering.

Likewise, feeling whatever your compassion leads you to feel is natural and unavoidable. Success to you on your practice! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How to practice it in 4 simple steps. April 3rd, 0 Comments. April 2nd, 0 Comments. Certificate of the Inner Child. March 20th, 0 Comments. How to create your own biography of joy. January 10th, 0 Comments. December 21st, 0 Comments. Kathy June 17, at Mary August 3, at 2: Elisa August 17, at 9: Morag Macdonald July 7, at Dawna January 9, at 4: Elikapeka April 5, at 8: Eden September 28, at Hui November 15, at 6: I would like to repost this comments from Patrice C.

Read and judge wisely Subject: Hew Len and about Morrnah Simeona. Michael Micklei wrote in a comment to an another person: I can only say, steer clear of Dr. Hew Lens 4-phrase mantra and of Dr. Hew Lens cleaning tools! Please let me share this link is only in german language, please use Google tanslator to translate to your language: Naser Khan August 30, at 8: Bests, Naser khanbd at yahoo.

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Sebastien Gendry September 3, at 9: Shaunita February 11, at 5: Jennifer January 9, at 4: Love November 11, at Serendipity November 30, at Jen Sipe June 19, at 5: Calvin york May 9, at Sebastien Gendry November 1, at Lana Jacobs December 30, at 4: Jay January 9, at 6: Eduardo January 21, at 8: Sebastien Gendry January 24, at Muteib July 6, at 3: Marian Long January 23, at Squiggles November 10, at Carolina February 5, at And on the Republicans who support him.

Amy March 21, at 8: Jones March 1, at 1: Clare March 14, at 9: Lucienne August 11, at 9: Greeting from The Netherlands Lulu. Sebastien Gendry March 25, at 4: Joe March 28, at 1: Sebastien Gendry March 29, at 8: Logan April 11, at 2: Sebastien Gendry April 14, at 1: James March 17, at 2: Johanna June 20, at John Ward March 29, at 2: Sebastien Gendry March 30, at 7: Larissa C Rubio July 18, at 8: Selda lane April 12, at Sebastien Gendry April 14, at 2: David April 28, at 4: Nick G May 30, at 7: Sebastien Gendry June 17, at 1: Joaquin April 22, at Sebastien Gendry May 8, at 8: Joaquin May 23, at 6: Isil Ersu April 28, at Jane P Lee May 18, at 1: Sebastien Gendry May 18, at 6: Amy October 30, at 1: Nicky May 30, at 1: Sam July 19, at 8: Edward June 17, at Alicia July 13, at Adriana June 29, at 7: Starvel August 14, at Patsy S October 26, at 5: Celina August 29, at 5: Hayley October 4, at 3: Jennifer January 9, at 5: C ChandraMohan October 9, at 9: Lisa October 9, at Celina November 9, at 4: Benjamin October 16, at 6: Sebastien Gendry October 18, at 8: Healed October 26, at Payel Choudhury November 5, at 4: Sebastien Gendry November 6, at 8: Fritz Miller November 11, at 5: The words of magic today Pave the way To a far better life With far less strife Thank You and Love Create gifts from above Chant every day Miracles come and problems go away Using Thank You and Love You power Causes the universe upon us blessings and successings to shower.

Monica November 24, at 7: Hi everyone, I have quick question on how use this meditation so that is work to it best. Sebastien Gendry November 26, at Peter December 1, at Sebastien Gendry December 3, at Pat December 11, at 3: Sebastien Gendry December 12, at 3: