Jacobs Ladder:Ten Steps to Truth

Jacob's Ladder: Ten Steps to Truth
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The two women meet daily on a beach, where their discussion begins at the bottom rung of the ladder, passion, and climb up the other nine rungs of the ladder — truth, meaning, love, principles, God, Jews, Jesus, Catholics, and authority — one step at a time, to discover truth. Peter Kreeft glides through the dialogue of these two characters, making them appear so real and appealing.

My eyes were glued to each page, wondering what they would say next and what their reactions and responses would be to each point of discussion on the ladder. I was delightfully entertained and even amused, at times, by their activities, and enlightened by their conversation with one another.

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Jacob's Ladder has 68 ratings and 9 reviews. Jean said: In Jacob's Ladder: Ten Steps to Truth, popular Catholic philosopher and writer Peter Kreeft brill. The prolific philosopher Peter Kreeft has a new book out titled: “Jacob's Ladder: Ten Steps to Truth ”. Like some of his previous books it is set.

This is an inspiring book, which you need to read carefully and meditatively, letting the ideas presented open your mind and heart to the truth. Some of the questions it answers are: It is a must-read for all those who seek the truth. I highly recommend it. View all 3 comments. Jun 10, Ryan rated it it was amazing Shelves: It's hard to give a Peter Kreeft book anything less than 5 stars.

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Emotions are another matter, of course. Jun 14, Steve Penner rated it liked it. While I have enjoyed Kreeft in the past and I generally enjoyed this one, the ninth rung of the ladder on Catholicism was rather off-putting if not offensive. He uses the same Lewisian argument on Christ's legitimacy for the Catholic church being the only true church. Thus the Catholic church is crazy, deceitful or what it claims to be--the only true recipient of Christ's authority. I don't vote for the third choice. It was an interesting argument in light of much of the rest of the book and Kre While I have enjoyed Kreeft in the past and I generally enjoyed this one, the ninth rung of the ladder on Catholicism was rather off-putting if not offensive.

IP#209 Dr. Peter Kreeft – Jacob’s Ladder on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor podcast

It was an interesting argument in light of much of the rest of the book and Kreeft's assertions to be broadly ecumenical. Rather disappointing, at least on this point.

Jacob's Ladder - Monsters of the Week

Jan 01, Laura rated it it was amazing. The book had a very unusual writing style for a work of non-fiction. The narrative style was that of a conversation between two people. It gave me "food for thought" as I am frequently asked questions, this book answered. Jun 13, David rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. Not only does it lead to 10 truths but demonstrates the importance of reasoning in religion and how the two are comparable.

I will read it again sometime. So far this book is my favorite Peter Kreeft book. May 11, Marilyn rated it really liked it. I appreciated hearing his perspective. Nov 10, Becca Brady added it. Interesting fictional dialogue to help bring these concepts home on a personal level and shed light on the common intellectual and spiritual plight of our peers.

This book literally changed my life. It lays out belief in God up to Catholicism in 10 consecutive, logical arguments. Feb 11, Jeff Breiwick rated it really liked it. I enjoyed this book - through dialogue 8. Dialogue 9 and somewhat less so 10 was a "salesman's pitch" for Catholicism.

Kazoobooks rated it it was amazing Jul 26, Brad Epp rated it liked it Aug 06, Paul rated it liked it Oct 27, Rob rated it liked it Mar 22, Jonmarc Grodi rated it it was amazing Apr 09, Ben rated it really liked it Mar 28, Zach Jarrell rated it it was amazing Mar 11, Diogo Santos rated it liked it Nov 20, Matthew rated it it was amazing Mar 15, Kenneth Griswold rated it really liked it Dec 31, Corey Spiegel rated it really liked it Jan 03, Pellumb Collaku rated it it was amazing Dec 13, Peter Kreeft sets forth a narrative with which most Americans can relate, talking to a young skeptic about truth, absolute truth, the meaning of life and where that ultimately leads: Scot Landry talks with Dr.

Kreeft, walking quickly through many steps on the ladder from the need for a passion for the truth to why love is the meaning of life and how that truth leads to acknowledging the existence of God and to acknowledging that we accept that either Jesus is God or he is a madman, with no alternative possibility.

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He said he finds that less brilliant students to find the truth because they care more than the brilliant ones. With clarity, wit, and insight, the characters of his dialogue consider some the most central questions in human life-including truth, meaning, love, God and Jesus-in a way both entertaining and accessible. I have to admit; one must be on their toes when discussing any topic with the good doctor, he is one of the great intellects and authors of our time, period. Christians believe Jesus is God. Peter Kreeft glides through the dialogue of these two characters, making them appear so real and appealing.

Subscribe for free in iTunes. Watch the show via live video streaming or a recording later: Ten Steps to the Truth. Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and continues to teach there. Scot noted that Dr. Kreeft has written a wide variety of books, including books on surfing, theology, philosophy.

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These questions are the ladder and going up the ladder gets more and more specific to higher and higher truths. He said these characters have occurred in some of this other books as well. One of them is Mother Kirk, a large, benevolent, multi-racial women who is clever and has all the answers and represents Mother Church and the other is called Seeker. He said dialogue is the best way to learn philosophy as Plato discovered.

Each of us talks to ourselves in our minds in dialogue. We can all identify in ourselves the believer and non-believer, optimist and pessimist and so on. Scot said the character of Libby is in her mids, a college graduate who worked in social work, but recently left her job because she was disillusioned.

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Kreeft said Libby is a sympathetic character. You need a skeptical character to keep things moving. One question comes before another logically. Scot said he never thought another entry point for the pursuit of the truth was to ask whether someone has a passion in pursuit of truth.

He said plenty of guys he knows can have instant recall of the minute stats of their favorite athletes and can spend hours on fantasy sports leagues. You need passion to understand anything. Passion comes from the heart and that drives the head. He said he finds that less brilliant students to find the truth because they care more than the brilliant ones. Kreeft said you have to overcome relativism to come to the understanding that there is an absolute truth. He said the meaning of life is an easy question to answer: So skeptics have to suppress that perception.

Scot said the next part of the book shows that when you think deeply about, people can agree that love is the meaning of life, but not everyone would define love as willing the good of another person. Kreeft said that too we intuitively know. Love has to be a work, it has to do something. It has to change people. If you know that, does it follow that God exists? Most people argue from the other direction.

Kreeft argues that love is the ultimate meaning and if that is so, how far up the ladder does it go? Does it go all the way up to God? Scot noted that the book shows that philosophy as a science, just different from other sciences. Kreeft said art and science are different in that art is something we create.

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We create our own truth in art. In science, we discover the truth. Science is an ordered body of knowledge that seeks the truth by reason. Compared to the soft sciences, we say the latter must be weaker. Philosophy is the science of life. Your fundamental attitude toward another human being if based on feelings is going to be unreliable and based on the whims of our feelings.

It has to be based on something fundamental like a choice to value a person because they are fundamentally valuable. You have to adore God and nothing else. You use objects and nothing else.

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