What Fathers Should Teach Their Sons

28 Rules for Fathers of Sons

I questioned myself for a long time after that night but this post has confirmed that to be true to myself I made the right decision to get the f k out.

52 Things Every Father Should Teach His Son

Still some points to learn …. My Son is gonna be lucky..!! This is the very first time I have been to this site. The title of the post caught my attention as i have my first child, and he is 8 months old. I will subscribe to the site, and thank you for posting this.

So is this just for white parents, or do you feel there are other races which have reason to teach their kids to be proud? Are there any stereotypes about white people that other races should be willing to use to prejudge whites? Considering global demographics, these are questions to which a lot of fathers could probably use answers. Look forward to your feedback! Makes me appreciate what a great job Dad did. Would add a few: Here is the sad twist. My dad raised me like most of those points. Which made me tough.

However this is effecting me raising my now 6 yearold. Iam too hard on him and will eventually break his personality if I did not change. He is a stubborn kid which makes our battles more often. My ponit is there is a certain age and maturity level for each of the above. And the level is set by your son.

I am from india…. Always pull out early. A Father should also teach his son on how to take care of a car or know how to drive a stick. When I was four, my dad taught me how to throw a right cross and follow up with a left hook. In fifth grade some fatass bully tried to bully me into giving him some money. He never came back to that school after that day. Props to my dad, one of the greatest guys I have ever known, who taught me that a solid punch is the only way to deal with those fuckers called bullies. Recently I took him to London Eye where he could see the city from up high.

Little treats like these help to broaden the horizon so they can think big when they grow up. Another great post VP. Just wanna input on few general things, The website pattern is perfect, the subject material is real excellent. Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. He just really needs someone there for him. Should I teach him since i have 3 brothers and I know what he needs to learn or what should I do someone please help me.

Unless you are his wife, you are the last person that should be training him in the ways of being a man. You teaching him these things would be emasculating for him. It would be synonymous with him teaching you how to cook, how to apply your makeup, and how to change your tampon. You care about him. Help him find a viable resource; his uncle, his older brother, trusted youth leader in the church or from a scouting experience. Beyond that, I would encourage him to go to the archives button at the top of this page, read one blog post a day and all the comments attached, starting with the very first post on November 20th, Each day he should read the next blog post and all the comments.

Do not involve yourself in this process. You are not his mommy or his daddy. Knowing your ages would be helpful, but if you are both old enough to be aware of your sexuality in relation to each other, then all of this stuff applies. If you would like to know how to be a great compliment to him, the perfect ying to his yang, just ask.

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While I agree with most of the points in this list, there are a couple of things I am sure could have been touched on better than they were. A strong relationship is a give and take thing, full of love and respect each for the other. Pulling out early will not help you. Always, always, always wear a condom!!

I wish I had someone who could have taught me these points when I was a child. I think your views are pretty sexist and corrupt. To blame it all on single moms is a fallacy in itself. You think some of us single moms wanted to be single moms?

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I would give anything to not have to shoulder all the responsibility of caring for my son and daughter. How about using a condom instead of pulling out? I got pregnant using the pullout method. I believe in tough love. He pees standing up and he has a father figure. His uncle is a stand in father for him until I meet a suitable partner. My son is not a pussy. I bet that bish gives goid head…ache! No wonder she has kids on her own. Being a single mother is a trial I could never dream of undertaking. You have my respect.

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Do not let the rantings of an XYY male disuade you. You have some great ideas You have some horrible ideas You need to treat women as Christ would You can write me anytime. Teach using a rubber. Teach keeping your sperm contained. Dispose of the rubber, so no one can get the contents. At 29, my Dad is still the man I want to be when I grow up… But I can appreciate that some of his views were backwards and old. I am not even sure how your response relates to my comment.


As I thought about writing out a list of things a father should teach his son, I started to feel a bit uneasy. Penetrating questions raced through my mind. Did I do. Before the industrial revolution, it was common for men to spend much of their day in the company of their sons—either on the family farm or in the family.

I respect my father, but that does not mean I have to be blind to his faults. What an excellent article. I wish my father could of taught me these things… I counted. I may of been taught 3 things from the whole list. I was really enjoying your list until I came to To me this is not only stereotypical but also very closed minded. You list very important statements that help fathers, but 31 can only offend people. It is tragic to me that you form so many great concepts.

Eliminate 31 and you will be a better man yourself…. I know many girls who can throw a ball. Teach your sons not to be sexist or how not to give into stereotypes. Not all men love sports,just like not all women are gold diggers. I no it to be true that I as a women can not truthfully raise my son to be a man as I am not masculine…his father has left this to me as he he was raised by a cruel dominaring father that believed men do not have a soft side except when no one is looking.

I do not see this as weakness but a strength stronger then any fist. Discrimination is a world issue, and those who discriminate against others is someone I want to spit on. So the fact that that is up there just makes me sick…. Spitting on people is assault, I have reported you to the internet police for thought assault — expect a knock at your door from the local branch of internet detectives.

You lost me at the word sissy! I believe your heart is in the right place. Please just take a moment to let the egos fall aside. From out side observation, what you have written in practice could produce a young man that thinks he is owed something in life!

Though some of what you said is on point, some is pure macho crap. I am a man, a real man, I can hang with the best and the worst and I have I am secure enough with who I am and with my own sexuality. I dont feel the need to be this gorilla around a women as if she doesnt have her own needs as well. However it should be obvious that once you share your life with someone there is no need to always be right and always boss around. She or he in some cases because yes some people have different sexuality welcome to doesnt need a second dad or mom. Let her celebrate her body or go live in a Muslim country.

Its no different than a guy who works out 7 days a week and walks around with a tight shirt or whatever to show off his muscle no one cares about. And who is to say those Mexican at home depot arent actually buying material to build something from scratch? Such a waste of time trying to pin point what people are up to and worst of all believing your own imaginary world. Maybe you should have put yourself in debt and go for the higher education just so you can learn how to convey a point with out using elementary school slang!

Its called education and self respect. Because when you respect yourself enough you understand that becoming who you want to be or who you are now took , tears, sweat, pain, mistakes, and all the good and bad stuff about life. Just like anyone else trying to make it. Doesnt matter your race or your sexuality, we all struggle and the last thing we all need is some muscular savage going around all cocky giving his opinion about stuff or people he doesnt know shit about.

PC is probably over used , no one can take a joke anymore but there is a fine line between being funny and trying to hurt or think because you are this or that, you are better than someone else. You are just another human with a god complex. You need to eat? We all do, from the poor to the rich.

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You will probably be buried beside a Mexican. Was it useful to me? Am I happy to have learned this? I am way more happy that my mom took time to show me how to play the electric guitar. On some random occasion I get to play in front of people. When was the last time I had a ball in my hand? Like I would know…. I will never treat my love like I treat my sister gag.

The good thing about having a sister is you learn, girls, women, whatever you wanna call them, are no different than guys. They fart, shit, look at guys butt , talk about sex.. To me my girlfriend is my partner in crime. I see her and she sees me, just that look across a restaurant or whatever and we know that we know that we are who we are not sure if you understand what I mean The last thing I want is to have a weak women that want to be treated like she is my sister.

I like me some women with power hell even with some imaginary balls lol It keeps me on my toes and I certainly return the favor. A mother or 2 — again welcome to can do just as good of a job than a father. And having a drunk father who doesnt teach you jack shit wont make you weak. There is no set rules as to what makes someone go for what they want in life or not. I can safely say that no one here , nor you, will ever be able to achieve what someone like Michael Jackson did in his lifetime. Michael Jackson was closer to his mom, he didnt like his dad or his ways of teaching.

But try to even discredit Michael success….. Because he pretty much reached the sky and beyond while being alive and all of this while getting away from his dad or his teaching! A lot of successful people didnt grow up with a dad anyway or a mom or both. Its up to you to understand if you want something in life, you have to learn and unlearn till the day you die. Thankfully I am not enrolled into the army so why in the hell will I walk around with the same buzz cut as any other guy? Its ok for guys to express who they are with their fashion or hair cut. How backward are you to think a stylist only knows how to cut womens hair.

You could use a nice scalp massage by a nice stylist. If you are lucky you get the hot one and while she is washing you hair you take a good look at her….. But hey go enjoy your ole barber if that what it takes for you to feel mainly. Kindness is not weakness but barking at everything is weak as fuck. I go to the gym because it makes me feel alive and by consequences I have muscle but not every women likes muscle. What I am about to say will probably shock you but:. Life is like a box of chocolate.

Mmmhmm Not everyone likes or want the same thing. Welcome to the diversity that makes this world such an awesome place. I love my girlfriend, my family, my friends any race, gay , bi , straight, asexual… Be a decent human being that teach others tolerance. Thats all you need in life. Damn I forgot , if having a pet is something you want, please adopt from the shelter.

Podcast smart and easy with the app that refuses to compromise. Love Worth Finding on Oneplace. Manage episode series Discovered by Player FM and our community — copyright is owned by the publisher, not Player FM, and audio streamed directly from their servers. America today is being flooded with pornography. Young men, older men and some ladies are doing all they can to capture their thought life, yet they are being engulfed in an ocean of filth.

What fathers should teach sons about true manhood

Rogers opens Psalm to help show dads how to teach their sons to overcome their thought life by memorizing and internalizing the Word of God. There are 2 ways to know Him: To know the difference will mean the difference between peace and panic. Adrian Rogers says the reason we have so many failed marriages is that we've thrown away the original plan God has given. Most marriages in America need two funerals and one wedding, where both husband and wife die to themselves and come alive to Jesus Christ.

Cars come with an "Owner's Manual"too bad our children don't. It's never an easy taskeach one is uniquely differentso helping you raise them is the Experttheir Designerand His instruction manual, the Word. Intimacy in marriage is more than just physicalit involves the total person, intellectually, psychologically and emotionally. Adrian Rogers shares 4 steps to achieve total togetherness, when marriage achieves it happiest, most wonderful unity.

Sex was never intended to be dirty, taboo, or dangerous. Gods original plan provided this special gift of communication between a husband and wife, not to steal our pleasure but, as Adrian Rogers shows, to insure maximum joy. Broken homes and broken lives are pretty much the norm these days. Almost every family has been touched in some way by divorce.

Listen today as Adrian Rogers shares timeless principles you can use to hold your home together. Satan tries to take our greatest strength and turn it into a weakness. Teach him to be a man's man. Show him how to be brave and tough around the guys. Then, remind him on the ride home that it is OK to cry. Let him tell you about girls, friends, school. Share dreams, hopes, concerns. He is not only your son, you are not only his father. Be his friend too.

Because sometimes you have to be his father, not just his friend. The world is a happier place when made up of polite words and smiles. Teach him when to stand up and when to walk away. He should know that he doesn't have to throw punches to prove he is right. He may not always be right.

Make sure he knows how to demand respect -- he is worthy of it. It does not mean he has to fight back with fists or words, because sometimes you say more with silence. Teach him to choose his battles. Make sure he knows which battles are worth fighting -- like for family or his favorite baseball team.

Remind him that people can be mean and nasty because of jealousy, or other personal reasons. Help him to understand when to shut his mouth and walk away. Teach him to be the bigger -- the better -- person. Let him dance in tighty whiteys. Dance alongside him in yours. Teach him that there are moments when it is OK to be absolutely ridiculous.

Introduce him to the classics and learn the words to the not-so-classics. Create a rock band with wooden instruments, share your earphones, and blast Pink Floyd in the car. Create a soundtrack to your lives together. Teach him about family. Let him know family is always worth fighting for. Family is always worth standing up for.