A Positively Shocking Lightning Quiz

This lets you stay low with as little ground contact as possible. Thunder is the sound made by lightning — caused by the rapid expansion of air molecules around and within a lightning bolt that produces a sonic-boom-type shock wave.

Static Electricity and Lightning

So thunder can't exist without its flashing companion. However, you can sometimes see lightning without hearing thunder as in the case of "heat lightning" because it's out of audible range, according to the National Severe Storms Laboratory NSSL.

Lightning produces heat when its electrical charges meet resistance as it passes through materials. Things that are good conductors of electricity meaning they produce less resistance don't heat up as much because the charges move through more easily. Air isn't a good electrical conductor, so it becomes super-heated as lightning streaks through.

In fact, it can reach temperatures five times hotter than the surface of the sun 50, degrees Fahrenheit , according to NWS. Extreme heat from lightning can even vaporize the water inside a tree, creating steam that blows it apart or strips its bark. Thunder may not exist without lightning, but you can definitely have lightning without a thunderstorm. In fact, lightning occasionally accompanies other kinds of storms, such as hurricanes and snowstorms called 'thundersnow' , according to NSSL.

Dry lightning without rain is also sometimes witnessed during nuclear detonations, forest fires and volcanic eruptions when a pyrocumulus, or fire, cloud is produced by intense heating of the air from the ground. Unfortunately, the 90 percent of victims who live to tell their sizzling tale often endure serious ongoing physical disabilities that can include blunt-force injuries, chronic pain and brain and nervous system issues including personality changes, memory and cognition issues, social withdrawal, intense headaches and depression.

One of the oddest effects of a lightning strike is a branching fern-leaf pattern that temporarily scars the skin like a feathery tattoo. Called a Lichtenberg figure, these fractal designs occur most often on the arms, back, neck, chest or shoulders. In , scientists recorded a mile lightning flash over central Oklahoma. Lightning has long been known to flare beyond its parent storm, but many were surprised at this extreme long-distance leap. In , National Geographic reported that more than reindeer were found dead, their bodies lying scattered across the grasses of a mountain plateau in Norway.

It's believed they were struck by lightning as they huddled together. This isn't the only report of mass animal deaths from lightning strikes. Both wild and domesticated animals are struck regularly. Keeping pets and livestock safe during a thunderstorm isn't much different than keeping yourself safe — get them indoors in an enclosed shelter and away from high elevations, water and tall objects. Thoughtful gifts can be experiences, time or even a special treat.

If you really want to reduce your footprint, have fewer kids and ditch your car. These easy things can decrease the amount of plastic trash you make. From CPR to car repair, these building blocks create safe, successful adults. Keep up with Mother Nature If you're curious by nature, sign up for our newsletter.

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Email Address Email is required. How much do you know about this striking weather phenomenon? Sidney Stevens June 26, , Question 1 of Question 2 of Question 3 of Standing close to 20 feet tall, giraffes are often the tallest thing in the open savannas of Africa.

Lightning Questions; Types of Lightning; Lightning Definitions; Lightning Facts; Lightning The positive charges or protons form at the top of the cloud and the negative charges or electrons If so, then you know that you can get shocked!. Answers to frequently asked questions about tornadoes can be found at: positively charged and the middle to lower part of the storm becomes nega- tively charged. cooling of the air near the lightning channel causes a shock wave that .

Does this mean they get struck by lightning more often than other creatures? Question 4 of Question 5 of Question 6 of Question 7 of If you're outside during a thunderstorm what's the safest thing to do to avoid being struck by lightning? Question 8 of Question 9 of Question 10 of In addition to thunderstorms, lightning is also sometimes produced during which of the following events?

Question 11 of Vote for this answer. Rubber tires are an insulator. As good or better than the plastic that sourrounds the wiring in your house. As you may have experienced, static can build in the body of your car from the tire friction. This electrical charge is transmitted from the tires to the rims to the axels to the body.

Ever been shocked while exiting your car? It is this that I speak of. This same transferance can be reciprocated in the reverse direction.

Anatomy of lightning bolt

Body to tires through a lightning hit. Cars can be struck by lightning but not statistically probable.

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The sound was unbelievable — like a bomb went off in our car — and our ears rang for a minute or so. We immediately saw and smelled smoke,so we pulled the car over for fear the engine was on fire. We soon discovered that the lightning had burned out the engine or the computer the car is still in the shop and we're awaiting the prognosis , the right, rear tire was ripped open in a right angle, and a plastic windshield visor was completely shattered.

The smoke was from the smoldering tire. But we were perfectly fine. It was so fascinating. I'd always heard that a person is safest in the car, but I thought the rubber tires prevented you from being struck.

The truth is, you CAN get struck by lightning in the car, but the metal shell protects you by conducting the electricity away from you. Lilady Answer has 3 votes. Lilady 13 year member 57 replies Answer has 3 votes. It is true and possible to be struck by lightening while driving in a car. However, statistics prove, that being in a car during a lightning storm is your safest bet. In reality, lightning can strike most anything. Damage may be worse in some case scenarios than others.

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But it's still should be respected regardless. Arpeggionist Answer has 2 votes.

How electrical charges build up

Arpeggionist 15 year member replies Answer has 2 votes. I suppose one stands as much chance of being struck by lightning in a car with rubber tires as one has of being struck while standing outside in rubber-soled shoes.

The electrical working of a car might even make it a better target for lightning. If I were ever in a lightning storm and had the option of staying in the car or getting out for a short while and just standing, I'd get out.