An Introduction to Golf for the Adult Beginner

Adult Golf Lessons

Junior Golf Camp Juniors age All skill levels are welcome to participate. Spend the week practicing and playing under the instruction of our PGA Teaching Professional, with a tournament on the last day.

Golf Basics for Beginners

Junior Instructional Golf League Juniors age Golfers will be grouped by age and skill level. Junior Players Club Juniors age 7 - All skill levels welcome.

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Ten 10 one-hour Junior Beginners sessions and five 5 on course playing sessions on Tuesday mornings with our Junior League. Lessons will include on-course activities taught by trained Golf Professionals who will make sure you have fun each step of the way. Golf Academy Grow your game, or learn to golf.

Additional Services:

Group Lessons available for Adults and Juniors. Individual Lesson Packages - call to schedule an appointment. If you have ever thought about picking up a club, either again or for the first time, you can make golf your sport for a lifetime. Awaken the Golfer in You Lesson 2: Become One with the Course Lesson 3: The Turn Lesson 4: Driving School Lesson 5: Register Here for Get Golf Ready! Significant on-course learning opportunities will be part of each lesson.

How to Teach a Beginner to Swing a Golf Club

Overall, participants will gain insight into techniques regarding chipping, putting, full swing, half swing and bunker play as well as the fundamental guidelines regarding the use and maintenance of golf equipment, keeping score and navigating the course, among others. Responsibility comes with teaching golf, because if the student does not have a pleasant experience with the lessons, there is a possibility he will give up on learning the game and miss out on potentially many years of fun.

Go to a driving range at a local course or to a practice facility with the beginning golfer.

Purchase a bucket of balls and proceed to the practice area. Show the beginning golfer how to do some light stretching to loosen the back, shoulder and leg muscles before the practice session. Demonstrate each step of the golf swing. Don't just tell the student what to do. You learn the game more quickly by emulating someone else's technique. Start with a sound grip. Show the student how to grasp the club first with the left hand, almost like he is shaking hands with it, then wrap the right hand around the club with the little finger of the right hand placed snugly into the space between the index and middle fingers of the left hand.

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All we aim to do is to provide the support and direction they need. Our adult beginner golf classes have been designed to help novices get over their fear and get out on the course in a low-pressure environment. Make sure he does not overswing in an attempt to hit the ball as far as you do. Short Game Series Focused exclusively on developing your short game technique by learning the shots and understanding the strategies that form the basis for improved scoring. Video analysis as required.

This is the popular Vardon grip. Introduce the correct stance and posture.

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Use your athleticism: Beginning golfers often get so tied up in the So now that you've got some clubs and you've learned the basics of the. Golf is the greatest game in the world—just ask anyone who plays! DO: Start on a practice range, not on the golf course. DO: Concentrate on the short game by chipping and putting before focusing on long irons (3-iron, 4-iron, etc.) and your hybrids, fairway woods and driver.

Demonstrate alignment by placing a club on the ground pointed at the target and a second club parallel to the first to align the feet. Have her place his feet along this line and square her hips parallel to the target line. Tell her to address the ball by bending forward from the hips, with knees slightly flexed and her feet shoulder width apart. Make sure her back in flat and that she is not slouching or reaching for the ball with the club. Start with short swings at first, one-quarter of the way back.

Pick clubs that are easier to hit, such as a 9-iron rather than a 5-iron or driver. Let him swing without a ball at first, so he gets the feel of the swing.

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Then have your student just work on making contact with the ball.