Dear Ceridwen

Dear Ceridwen (Paperback)

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Dear Ceridwen by Jan Fortune-Wood

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Continua a fare acquisti. The referential nature of the prose could become tiresome in less talented hands, but Dovey is beholden to story first. The dolphin speaking of Ted Hughes says, "there is something he does with language that makes my brain tingle," and indeed, we feel that tingle here in Only the Animals. The tale of the twin elephants in Mozambique, in the Soul of Elephant chapter, is heartbreaking and riveting.

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Dear Ceridwen has 4 ratings and 2 reviews: Published by Cinnamon Press, pages, Hardcover. When her fifteen year old daughter, Ceridwen, goes missing, Bethan Prichard returns to Wales alone, except for the voice of her recently deceased Grandmother.

The ending is a punch to the guts, in the way that good endings should be. The setting of a country in the depths of a civil war — with a populace dying of starvation — is wonderfully rendered. Each chapter requires an adjustment to vast changes in place, time and the differing consciousness of the animals.

There is some awkwardness in the exchange between creatures. That the prose still sparkles, and that the stories pull at the heart, despite the somewhat awkward, weighty premise, is a remarkable achievement. A witch character, in the Soul of Bear chapter, says to the bear, who has been left caged in the zoo, only surviving starvation through the kindness of soldiers who risked their lives to feed him: Dovey voices the uncomfortable, she speaks the unspeakable, through the shifting mouthpiece of these animals.

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Return to Book Page. Dear Ceridwen by Jan Fortune-Wood. Hardcover , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nov 07, karen marked it as oh-dear. View all 18 comments. Mar 14, Marisella rated it liked it Shelves: An interesting, sad story that starts with a mother writing to her daughter, who has gone missing. There's a little too much back and for in narrative - first Bethann, then Caro with no indication who's who until you've figure it out on your own which doesn't always come easy for me!


Very touching and poetic, with hard truths and twisty turns throughout. It didn't grip me immediately, I had to put it down twice, but it did prove to be a decent read.