What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?

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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 04, Teresa Tsalaky rated it really liked it.

Editorial Reviews

In simple terms, the old habits of thinking, feeling, and behaving that we know as the third dimension are going away. We are all shifting into a fourth, and then. Editorial Reviews. Review. Jim Self, in partnership wit the Archangels and Ascended Masters, brings us a map of the ascension path and the tools to reach the.

This is a terrific little book if you want to increase your personal vibrational rate. Many of the chapters have links to audio or video files so that you can practice the suggested exercises immediately. That locks them into memory. I would have given it five stars, but at the end, the author lists the titles of a bunch of additional exercises, labels them as the really powerful stuff, and says you have to attend one of his seminars to learn them.

So you feel like you have just spent six hours re This is a terrific little book if you want to increase your personal vibrational rate. So you feel like you have just spent six hours reading an advertisement for someone's workshops. Throughout the book, you sense that the author wrote it because he wants to help people high vibration , but the end makes it look like money is his only motivation low vibration.

That said, it's still worth reading.

May 19, Hollielf rated it it was amazing. If you are interested in the energetics of healing, principles of manifestation, and how life works,this is a great book that is chock full of insight. I totally loved it and am regularly practicing some of the techniques with amazing results. May 04, Kelly rated it it was amazing. I know I'll read this again to reinforce what I learned from it the first time.

This book has some great tools to carry us forward in our spiritual journey, as well as to cope with our feelings today. Brad Buckley rated it it was amazing Dec 11, Connie Howell rated it really liked it Mar 06, Cindy rated it liked it Dec 18, Gl Duncan rated it really liked it Jul 05, Carmen rated it really liked it Feb 04, Colleen rated it it was amazing Oct 15, Susana rated it it was amazing Aug 17, Valorie rated it really liked it Jan 18, Lise M Fuller rated it it was amazing Aug 06, Amy Renshaw rated it really liked it Jun 19, Lisa rated it it was amazing Jun 06, Sallystar rated it it was amazing Jan 02, James rated it really liked it Jan 23, It provides us with the direction to take this turn or that.

Opening to and developing your intuition and other spiritual abilities will allow you to see and experience yourself more completely. You will also discover how Capable you are.

Consciousness Shift is Accelerating - How is it Affecting You?

Is published by Inner Sight Press and is available in paperback and digital formats from Amazon. JIM SELF is one of the few international teachers, authors and speakers actually working at the leading edge, providing solid up-to-date information and practical energy tools to help us keep pace with the Shift. A former Vice-Mayor and advisor to and director of governmental operations for the Dept.

Jim has been a leader in the field of spiritual development for over 30 years. She has been featured on television, radio and in national publications both in the US and Australia. She is the co-founder and co-presenter of Mastering Alchemy. Your email address will not be published. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? - In5D : In5D

Keep this website going strong. I run this website out of pure love. In this heightened consciousness, the rational mind plays a very minimal role. It returns to a small, specific focus it was intended to have, namely the wellbeing of the physical body. The vast majority of people on this planet are not prepared to be the masters of their every thought, feeling, and action in every moment. To accomplish this, the 3D playground has a time buffer. For the most part, we are very sloppy with this buffer.

What do you mean the third dimension is going away?

Instead of focusing on what we want, and allowing this to unfold over time, we spew anger, frustration, boredom, worry, anxiety, blame, guilt, fear — all kinds of lower, disharmonic thoughts and feelings. We behave as if we can think and feel anything with impunity because we do not see the instantaneous results of our thinking.

As 3D linear time is collapsing into a single point of present time, the time buffer is collapsing too. We have less opportunity to practice being aware of our mental and emotional habits before what we think is what we get. This is a very big deal. Fortunately, some simple energy tools can help you manage your thoughts and emotions in every moment so that you can be prepared for the unprecedented opportunity and challenge of living and creating in present time in the higher dimensions.

These basic energy tools are available for free on our website www.

In simple terms, the Shift is using one wave of light frequencies to clear away who we are not, and another wave to remind us who we are. However, as these lesser thoughts and feelings are cleared, they will come into our awareness, and magnetize people and circumstances to us that mirror these chaotic energies. How do you handle these often-powerful energies when they appear. Remember most often what comes up is not even yours; it does not belong to you. Take a couple of deep breaths, go for a walk, listen to music — but turn your attention point to something of a higher vibration.

As I mentioned, form will remain when 3D disappears. But fear, judgments, blame and guilt, the rights and the wrongs, will disappear. All this dense emotional energy, which is the only thing that prevents us from playing in the higher dimensions right now, will simply be cleared from our space. However, depending upon the vibration of the thoughts you are thinking as 3D disappears, you will find yourself in either the lower 4th dimension or the higher 4th dimension.

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  • What do you mean the third dimension is going away? by Jim Self.
  • Jim Self/What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Thursday, August 15, .

The lower 4th dimension, which is also called the astral plane or dream space, holds all the thoughts ever thought by anyone in the 3rd dimension. They live on in the lower 4th dimension, with specific weight, texture, density and emotional charge. And they bond and cluster with all the other thoughts of similar character. Some thoughts — such as rape, domination, slavery, war, hatred — feel heavy, dense and dark. Lighter thoughts like these rarely linger in a 3D consciousness. This is because thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic.

Whereas heavier, uglier thoughts come highly charged and wrapped in highly magnetic emotions. These thoughts are not only harder to clear than kind, loving thoughts; they also bond magnetically to all other thoughts like them in the lower 4th dimension. Fortunately, the second wave of the Shift is making this easier and easier. As we let go of the heavier energies of Who We Are Not, the light is rewiring us, stepping us up into a higher 4th dimensional vibration where lesser thoughts and emotions are not such a distraction in our general experience.

The alignment with the heart becomes natural because it already is our natural alignment in the higher fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions. Any limitations, judgments, denials, blame, guilt, or resentments that we each still argue for, in one way or the other, become like weights on a hot air balloon.

See a Problem?

They limit how far we can rise within the fourth dimensional range of vibration. Each of us is percent in charge of the process. The more weight — lower-vibrational patterns of words, thoughts, and emotions — we remove, the higher we rise into the expansive experience of the higher 4th dimension. Here, it is as if we look past the boundaries and limitations, which were always just a habit of observation in 3D. As the shift accelerates and time collapses and everything is in the present moment, you could still choose your thoughts and feelings unconsciously, out of 3rd dimensional habit, and you would have the opportunity to live that discomfort immediately and fully in your experience.

Or you can choose your thought and emotion in every moment, with focus and awareness, and live the fullness of that experience.