AGE OF AQUARIUS (The Avatar God-man)

Aquarian age

Together they focus the Christ consciousness of the seventh ray, as Jesus ensouled the Christ consciousness of the sixth Ray for the Piscean dispensation. During this cycle, the opportunity will be given to humankind to apply the laws of freedom and justice, the science of precipitation and transmutation , and rituals of invocation to God that can bring in an age of enlightenment and peace such as the world has never known.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Inner Perspectives. We come to take up residence on Terra for the age of Aquarius and for the bringing in of that age We will make our abode in the residence of the Lord of the World Angels of the Violet Planet and priestesses of the sacred fire together with the mighty hosts, the , priests who yet hold the focus in the heart of the Violet Planet, have begun that ritual of saturating the earth plane with the action of the violet flame that is for the purpose of the transmutation of millions of years of the qualification of energy on Terra We come, then, to introduce the age of ritual, of science and of alchemy.

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Sources Pearls of Wisdom , vol. Pearls of Wisdom , vol. Retrieved from " http: Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. The third plane — the physical, the reflection of the third highest plane, the atmic. The third periodical vehicle — the personality. The third divine aspect — intelligence. The third grade of divine messenger — Hercules. The sustaining Life, the third or outer Sun — the physical sun. These are a few of the correspondences which it is helpful for us to bear in mind in so far as they reveal divine quality, spiritual intent and universal objectives.

During the Aquarian age and during one third of its expression, that is, during the first decanate, esoterically considered, the vitalising of the human centre spiritually considered and in relation to the Plan and the steady growth of widespread creative activity, both in the individual and the race, will be increasingly seen.

AGE OF AQUARIUS (The Avatar God-man) - Kindle edition by Pat Holliday. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. At first of every age this Logos is made manifest in flesh so man can see and know Jesus referred to the beginning of the Aquarian Age in these words: And then .. The aeon governing this age was Krishna, the eight Avatar, the Lord of the.

This will be due to the work and influence of Saturn, which is governed by the third ray. This planet is the planet of opportunity, of discipleship and of testing and the race can look for an increasing expression of Saturnian activity as that great divine Life continues His beneficent task. The second initiation is closely related to the Hierarchy as a planetary centre and to the activity of the second ray. This initiation will produce in the initiate a growing sense of relationships, of a basic unity with all that breathes, and a recognition of the One Life which will lead eventually to that state of expressed brotherhood which it is the goal of the Aquarian Age to bring into being.

This major centre, the Hierarchy, brings to bear upon humanity the focussed [] life of love and it is this basic love which the second decanate of Aquarius — governed as it is by Mercury — will bring into manifestation. Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods that is, of the Hierarchy of souls , carries always the message of love and sets up an unbreakable inter-relation between the two great planetary centres, that of the Hierarchy and that of Humanity.

You have again in this connection certain fundamental numerical correspondences, which are based upon the coming into activity of an awakened heart centre in the race. This is the second major centre in the individual and is situated above the diaphragm, and through it the Hierarchy can reach the whole of humanity and the subhuman kingdoms likewise. The second planetary centre — the Hierarchy. The activity of the second ray — love-wisdom.

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The second initiation, which relates the solar plexus to the heart, humanity to the Hierarchy and the personality and the egoic rays to the second, which is ever basically in manifestation. The second ray centre — the heart centre. The second race the Atlantean as it climaxes in the fourth, the next race.

The second plane — the astral plane. This is the reflection of the second highest plane. The second periodical vehicle — the soul. The second divine aspect — love-wisdom. The second type or grade of Messenger — Christ. The sustaining Life, the second or subjective Sun — heart of sun.


To all these is related the sixth ray as allied to or subsidiary to the second. In this world cycle it might be said that the emphasis of all spiritual power is placed in the Hierarchy which is, at present, the divine intermediary, interpreting the will of God, which is the purpose of Shamballa. It transmits or steps down the divine energy so that safe application to Humanity becomes possible. It will be apparent, therefore, why in the second decanate of Aquarius the Hierarchy can, as the representative of Shamballa and with the aid of Mercury, bring into physical manifestation the coming Avatar.

This becomes possible when the work of the first decanate is accomplished and when Shamballa has released and definitely re-oriented the energies of the third great centre, that of Humanity.

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This release and readjustment leads to creative expression and renewed spiritual life. Planetary alignment can take place and this is a planned objective for which the Hierarchy is preparing and for which the Avatar Himself is preparing at Shamballa. The third initiation is connected with Shamballa as a planetary centre and to the activity of the first ray. It should be borne in mind that this is the first initiation in which personality and soul are united and fused so that the two aspects form one unit.

When this initiation has taken place, it happens that for the first time some of its broader group implications become a reality and henceforth constitute the motivating impulse of the initiate's life. Aspiration ends and the intensest conviction takes its place. It is interesting also to note that Venus now comes into control in the third decanate of the Aquarian Age. Venus is esoterically recognised as that mysterious force which is a blend of love and knowledge, of intelligence and synthesis, and of understanding and brotherhood.

There you will find a message for the world; for every man; for every living thing. To all these is related the sixth ray as allied to or subsidiary to the second. RAY VI — This ray has been passing out of manifestation for quite some time now, as you know, and will do so with increasing rapidity. During the coming age, the intelligence of the race and its active development will assume real proportions and this with much speed. As the axis so rotates, the point of the spring equinox moves through the signs of the zodiac, denoting which age we are in.

Within the Hierarchy [] itself, the two great Messengers who have embodied the dual Venusian energy were the Buddha and the Christ. The Messenger Who will later come and express the Shamballa urge to synthesis, the hierarchial aspiration towards love and the desire of humanity for intelligent activity with combined power will gather all into Himself. All these qualities will focus in Him, plus another quality or divine principle of which the race of men as yet knows nothing and for which there is, as yet, no name.

He will be a great and potent Avatar and is not along the line of our humanity at all. The numerical correspondences might be noted as follows, remembering that the third initiation is, in reality, the first initiation of the soul, after complete identification with the personality within the life and consciousness of the Monad, the One and the First.

The first planetary centre — Shamballa. The activity of the first ray — will or power. The third initiation which is the first soul initiation, relating the base of the spine to the head centre, and the soul to the Monad. The first major centre — the head. The first truly divine race — the final race. The third plane, which is in reality the first plane of soul consciousness, the reflection of the highest plane, the Logoic.

The first periodical vehicle — the monadic. The first divine aspect — will or power. The first or highest type of Mediator — the coming Avatar. The sustaining Life, the spiritual sun — the central spiritual sun.

We will now consider the trend of the times and seasons as far as the rays are concerned: RAY I — This ray is still out of physical manifestation but is beginning to have a definite effect upon the mental plane; there it influences the minds of disciples everywhere and lays the stage for the appearance of a certain group of disciples from Shamballa. Two thousand years from today, the influence of this ray will be felt powerfully on the physical plane. One hundred years hence its potency will be noted upon the astral plane.

RAY II — This ray is always in subjective manifestation and very potent because it is the ray of our solar system and particularly so at this time as the Hierarchy is approaching closer to humanity in preparation for the "crisis of love," and an imminent major planetary initiation.

At this time, however, the second ray is becoming objective in its influence upon the physical plane. It will become increasingly so for the next two thousand two hundred years when it will gradually withdraw into the background. RAY III — This ray will remain in objective incarnation from the point of view of humanity for a very long time — so long a time that it is needless for us to anticipate its waning influence. That planetary centre which is Humanity itself still needs the intensified application of these forces so as to stimulate even the "lowest of the sons of men.

RAY IV — This ray, as you know, begins to come into incarnation early in the next century and — in collaboration with the developing Saturnian influence — will lead many on to the path of discipleship. When the peculiar energy [] to which we give the somewhat unsatisfactory name of "harmony through conflict" and the forces of that planet which stage opportunity for the aspirant are working in combination and an ordained synthesis, we can then look for a very rapid adjustment in human affairs, particularly in connection with the Path.

This fourth ray is, in the last analysis, the ray which teaches the art of living in order to produce a synthesis of beauty. There is no beauty without unity, without embodied idealism and the resultant symmetrical unfoldment.

7. Initiation in the Aquarian Age.

This ray is not the ray of art, as it is often claimed, but is the energy which brings about the beauty of those living forms which embody the ideas and the ideals which are seeking immediate expression. Many people claim to be on the fourth ray because they dream of the artistic expressive life.

As I have told you before, creative art expresses itself upon all the rays.