5 Footer

HTML 5 and ARIA Landmarks

The short answer is that the most robust method is to use both at the same time, in the same element. ARIA landmarks, on the other hand, are already very well supported right now, and have been for several years.

According to the spec

You can apply ARIA roles to any element. A simplified web page, stripped down to just the bare landmark essentials, might look something like this:.

The markup for regions and roles is redundant, but this is a transition period, and the above markup is the most robust. To ensure that the HTML 5 regions display properly in older browsers, you probably want to assign display: Otherwise they may display inline, which could break the page's layout. If you want to support Internet Explorer versions older than IE 9, you'll also need to add a hack to make up for the faulty way that the browser won't allow you to apply styles to unknown tags. Add this to the style sheet.

We have split the CSS into separate files for each of the templates, so that it is extremely easy to include the footer that you need into an existing website - just copy and paste!

Get your 5Footer now!

The CSS is self contained, so you can be sure that no conflicts will arise with the rest of the page. Our footers also work great on smartphones and tablets. Some of the footers use Font Awesome , so you have plenty of icons to choose from. And as a bonus they are crisp on any resolution, so are retina ready.

Feel free to use these templates in both personal and commercial projects. You can include these footers in WordPress themes if this is what you are asking.

Freebie: 5 Fantastic Bootstrap Footers

Hello Martin, Thank you a lot. I have been searching through the entire internet for my wordpress website for the about us footer.

Browser Support

The header footer script loader Plugin Plugin also called an extension or add-on is a software component with a specific feature that can be added to a software or web application. Thank You for sharing. Sign up using Email and Password. Manage, control, or replace scripts and styles on your WordPress site with the user friendly interface. Geddi since you use geometry you can take a look in its documentation , the keys should be something with foot in their names. What do you want to do? Double-click in the header area or the footer area near the top of the page or near the bottom of the page.

It was great and looks professional. Keep posting such things. I uploaded the footer with contact form on Github, but the social icons are not showing, can you help? This is the page: Thank you so much for this, I am working on a custom WordPress theme for a client and I am kinda out of ideas for the footer and this is just what I needed. Thanks for your templates. Im very new and I dont know where should i add the CSS. Could somebody help me?

Wild Florida iguana catch and cook! 5 footer and 2 footer!

The Design Our templates are responsive and are easy to customize. Beautiful Responsive Footer Templates Some of the footers use Font Awesome , so you have plenty of icons to choose from.

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For the Sticky Footer they tell you to add the following to your header: This can mess up IE 9 and Firefox renderings. Just change the "! IE 7" to "lt IE 7" and you should be good to go. This worked for me, but maybe I haven't found any pitfalls yet. Venkat 1 11 While people are suggesting html5shiv, I recommend using modernizr as well: You do this the exact same way you do it in HTML4.

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