Attachiante (Bloom) (French Edition)

HD makes this ytpo so often he asked me to cover for him. HRH HD's loyal servant thus covers. In case you don't know it, the old coot can be a terrible S. Well enough not to want to ever incur his wrath again. How was I to know she was abdicted? Just because you don't have the book doesn't mean you're not a superior person. Abecedarian poem — a poem having verses beginning with the successive letters of the alphabet. This type of insult is known as an abecedarian insult. I provide an example below. Don't Aberzombies tend to be mindless followers lacking individual personalities and taste?

He's only into other Aberzombies like himself. An abisselfa was the letter "A" when that letter stood by itself within a word such as the "A" in able. When spelling this word, a true scholar would say, "A, by itself, A - b - l - e" and, over time, that first part condensed itself down into abisselfa in what was called " cumulative spelling " before disappearing from the scene altogether.

Another example of this is the word ampersand which came from a condensing of "and, per se, and. And I wouldn't have done it then except for peer pressure. Let me off with a warning and I promise I'll never do it again. Acronym in military phonetic for "Advanced Ordnance and Equipment," referring to any next-level weaponry or protective armor or other gear; 2. Any TV show that shows, demonstrates, or otherwise lauds some military-scientific breakthrough. So was the invention of wire guided antitank missiles, stealth technology, the vulcan cannon, and attack drones.

A response to someone saying something "gay" instead of actually using the word. Jeff Dunham mentions a blue Prius in his comedy routine and calls it "gay. The feeling one experiences when his boyfriend does something embarrassing or stupid and he wishes he wasn't dating him. To top it off -- so to speak -- he's bald and has a pony tail.

What's his deal with wearing shorts year-round, anyway? A piece of lumber used to build a structure. Used by students and artists.

French Ombre, AKA Baby Blooms, using the Nugenesis Dipping Powder

Near to the city with off-street parking? Right in the back seat of the car. We want a professional magician, not an abracadabbler. Unlike common mesons, however, the abracahadron appears to be comprised of two pairs of each, quark-snark-quark-snark. And I have proof! Was used by Bugs Bunny when battling a vampire and he turned into a bat with a vampire's head. He decides that since shows about Lincoln are popular, as are shows about doctors and shows about dogs, that a show about Lincoln's doctor's dog will be a hit.

It is thus an Abraham Lincoln's Doctor's Dog show. Logarithmic scale from 1 to 10 used to measure how much of an asshole someone is being. Similar to the Richter scale for earthquakes with each whole number representing an intensity 10 times greater than the next lower number. Had to be at least a 6. If you've been utlegated you may possibly become an abscotchalater, like Magwitch in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations. Magwitch is the convict that Pip, the central character of Great Expectation, encounters in a churchyard.

If you've not read the book or seen the movie or the TV series, then let me spoil it for you by telling you that later in life Pip receives a tidy sum of money from an anonymous benefactor, who turns out to be Magwitch -- not the frightfully bitter Miss Haversham. Magwitch returns from Australia, to where he had been transported, but he's still an abschotchalater and he's having a feud with another utlegated character called Compeyson.

Compeyson is killed, but Magwitch ends up getting captured and dies before he can be hanged or sent back to Australia whichever is worse. Surely you realize those hills you saw in the background weren't anywhere close to Dodge City. Sometimes still wrong, though. One of a group of words relating to certainty: People can tell you're bald. The concept itself, however, is held with absolute certitude that entertains no doubt and asks no questions. Like a latter day Socrates, he wants you to question even the existence of your own living mother!

But notice with what doctrinaire bombast he defends this doctrine of absolute relativism, while he blithely goes home each evening to eat dinner prepared by his own questionably existent mother! An abomination of absolutely. Usually used an answer to a request.

It even sounds authoritative. And heck, it's even fun to say because of the way it rolls off your tongue. Smartypants, but you'd better be absotivelyposilutely sure before you bet any money on it. Also spelled "absotootly" by the great unwashed. The reverse of to "squat," from ab and squat , originally settlers' slang for abandoning a location when fearing an unwelcome visitation, and settling on a more remote spot.

You'd thank me to absquatulate , as the Yankees say. Cometh up as a Flower. Bartlett calls this "a factitious vulgarism. When we reflect that there are many Yankee and Western men accustomed to spelling bees, and perhaps more familiar with the difficult words of the dictionary than are many scholars, it does not appear remarkable that we find in American slang a number of words which have a learned length and Latin sound.

To any half-educated man with a fancy for extravagant expression, and familiar with "abscond," "to squattle away," and "perambulate," absquatulate would readily suggest itself in an effort to recall one or the other. Once uttered and heard, it would become popular. To deliberately invent a new word, without some foregoing suggestion or basis, and get it adopted, is one of the rarest events in the world, even in America, where men are continually attempting it.

The various slang synonyms are "to skedaddle, to cut one's lucky, to sling one's hook, to mizzle, to bolt, to cut and run, to slip one's cable, to step it, to leg it, to tip the double, to amputate one's mahogany, to make or to take tracks, to hook it, to slope, to slip it, to paddle, to evaporate, to vamoose, to tip your rags a gallop, to walk one's chalks, to pike, to hop the twig, to turn it up, to cut the cable and run before the wind," and in the lingo of the lightfingered and sure-footed gentry, "to make beef, to guy, to speel.

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To complicate things verbally or through written instructions using illustration, conjecture, hyperbole, or any other means to a point so far from the actual that nothing remains resembling the original idea. What does the blue man group, sardines, malevolent envelopes, a bad case of ringworm and the sun's wobble have to do with homemade macaroni and cheese?

The absturniate could imagine a whole world. There were two whole hams, one glazed and the other smoked, cornish hens, a cajun deep-fried turkey, T-bones and sirloin steaks, rack of lamb, fried catfish and grilled Atlantic white fin tuna, smoked boudin, brats and polska kielbasa, a spit-roasted whole hog, chickens' frickaseed, fried, oven-roasted, smoked, ala king and stuffed with cornbread dressing, deviled eggs, barbecued beans, white bean soup, fifteen-bean soup, red beans with rice, pickled eggs and toasted almonds … all from scratch.

Since main proteinitious dishes have been enumerated we'll move on to the side dishes. Needless to say Chris is quite the abundizator. A spelling corresponding to how I type the word about half the time. Might correspond to a bit better to the Canadian pronunciation "aboot" than "about" does. Then, what are ye a-doin? Well, that's all right, then. But you have only abuot another 15 minutes afore ye must start crackin' yer books.

Stop, or else your girlfriend will think your abusion is flirting. Similar to unusual, but more so. Maybe he'd even go around the world. Academic capitalism is a grading system whereby grades are recognized as personal property, and therefore can be bought, sold, or traded amongst students as well as deposited, withdrawn, and transferred between courses -- with full official recognition of such practice by the academic authority involved.

An academic democracy is a system whereby the final grade of each student is voted upon by an academic group of officers, who are elected by the students. Accepted only because of the clever example. And it definitely matches the way the word is pronounced. I agree with Mercer: Accenchuating the positive is, indeed, a key ingredient in recipes for happpiness. Here are the lyrics in full. If they are right, is Holder an accessory before the fact in "at least incidents of murder or attempted murder"? Next thing you know, you'll cause an accident-dent-dent-dent and my insurance rates will skyrocket.

It's always going to be unsafe, but the least you could do is wait until you're the one paying for the insurance. By the way, when's that gonna be -- when you're 26 or 27? Well, for now it does, but just you wait and see. Glass granules and other debris left at an automobile accident site. When you meant to do something but pretended you really didn't. Don't be doing that. She showed how accordianated she was by folding up the road map and steering the car at the same time.

Used in an episode of the TV show Veronica's Closet when a character could not think of a synonym for increase or decrease. I expect sales figures to accribitz in the next quarter. I had an ace time at Jeff's party. I ran into a wall today, and felt like an ace. From poker, where the best hand is five aces.

That gorgeous babe over there just asked me for your phone number. If it hurts too bad, try putting it in the microwave momentarily. An inability to keep track of time, remember dates, etc. Jewish Chronomy is the science of calendar calculation according to the Jewish solar-lunar system. But you should be used to it by now. Besides, you knew I had achronomy when you married me. Tasty and tangy like an orange: Part of the synchronizing protocol used in networking. God must be an atheist. To believe in God's existence is to lessen the powers of God, to confine God, because you are saying to God: You may not not exist.

Whereas, God has the power to exist or not exist, as God chooses but only if God exists. Who are we to say God exists? This is the philosophy I call acknotheschism. Acknowledging the schism between faith and rationality, that the two cannot and should not coincide. Aquinas had it all wrong and so did Darwin's friend T. Huxley, coiner of the term agnosticism. You simply can't have it both ways: You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You can't believe in the story of creation as told in Genesis and believe in evolution as well. You have to separate science from religion.

It's time we stood up to the real challenge and acknotheschized, God bless us every one. A tepid, half-hearted, verbal or written acknowledgement of a gift from a relative's spoiled child. Not having a clue. Those cable repair guys are acluistic. It is symptomized by the abject fear of speaking any racial slur or making any reference to race, especially. A real enough word. Would you please, please scratch my acnestis. The itching is driving me mad. Word courtesy of my very clever brother. Acroviation might be a better choice because of the more equal balance of letters from the contributing words.

I have to run to the bathroom sink and gargle my mouth out with mouthwash. I just watched a rerun of the election campaign highlights, and that pig slop is making me feel real acri d monious! Why would you write, "Please use the word you are submitting in the example"? Are people honestly that stupid? Err, sorry, forget I said that. Stupid or not, even with the request, lots of submittals received do not include the word in the example. Of a video game, book, movie, etc. What's up with all those bonus keys? There's levels, lots of potential for cool prizes, and by the time you've even reached the 20th level, it's just key after key after key.

The process of shortening phrases through acronyms, for the purpose of simplifying statements. Typically used in technical data reporting or inter-office e-mails. I didn't realize that phrase had been acronyzed. It's a wonder we can understand what she's saying with all her mnemonics. Someone who consistently writes or speaks using acronyms at least a third of the time.

She recently seduced a gun without saying a word. In ultimate centuries this is the standard in all locations, terrestrial and outerspacial. The best for everyone without reservations. Health, healing, wholesome and hearty. Eutopeum shall reign complete when our Space Brothers return and institute badly needed actions and accomplishments, salvation for the silly humans, ja-ja! This is the moron center.

The normal-people center is acrost the street. Can also mean to smile, as in "Show me your action tooth. They're just applying the active monopoly. However, the mainstream media does not identify them as such. They prefer to call them 'activists. The ad stated that the United States would not invade Iraq in their name. A specific instance of acumen, especially such an instance memorialized in an object or document; 2. Which is the acument to Jefferson's mind?: Swearing to release stress and tension is something we all do. Unplanned, for one specific case.

In this Banana Republic with its partisan corrupt law enforcement the are no laws protecting those who are not affiliated with the left and there are wide discretionary ad hok rules specifically made up to protect the left. There are kangaroo courts with judges that make up laws and apply them to whomever they do not like as they see fit. The term is used commonly by high school and college students in the United Kingdom, and came about after legendary student Adam Gray copied and pasted an important assignment from the internet.

Not original by any means. Quite the opposite, since Bernice was born Bernard. Do I understand it? Of course not, Dweeb! Short for addition or additional. Gordonna, I don't mind your addy's at all. I enjoy what you write, and it makes me feel special. All warm and gooey inside. I need to throw in some addys before I submit this term paper. Also used to refer to smack downs in video games. The person in charge of said system is the person most skilled at dealing with the problem at hand.

As problems change, so does the name of the person in charge. The real folly is that these issues, so lightly passed over by Nancy Pelosi, now have to be raised in a way that precipitates a crisis. In addition to bankrupting the treasury, these brilliant adhocrats may just knock the Court into the side pocket just as a bonus. But looming in the distance, unconquerable from the beginning of recorded time is Arithmetic.

Nobody, ever, ever beat arithmetic. A colloquialism, possibly of angina, used in Northern New Jersey. Also used to describe one who knows nothing about her job and ends up doing it poorly. Who chose these workstations anyway? And why this software? Oh, that'd be the admin.

The PD office charged with administering admin sects. The admin section was kept hopping adminstering admin sects; they do their job religiously. The things nobody would do unless she had to. Small print at the bottom of written documents, particularly those written by corporate lawyers. It took him two hours to make sure we all got home in one piece.

From The Empire Strikes Back. There are adverbs that modify verbs, but there is no adnoun. Nouns are people, places, and objects. An adnoun is a word that describes those nouns. Or, to use an adnoun, it makes things much simpler. Each of these terms means or meant 'mud brick'Pharaoh, for example, demanded that the Israelites provide 'djobet'this word's been around for nearly three-and-a-half millennia, changing form somewhat though not much , but always meaning the same thing. Of or pertaining to Adonis, the Greek lad who embodied the best of male youth, vigor, and beauty; 2.

Of or pertaining to masculine beauty usually the muscley, strong sort, but also the two-days'-growth of beard kind with smoother muscles but with a lot of charm ; 3. Characterized by the same indicia of masculine beauty and attractiveness borne by the mythical Adonis. I mean, sure, Mike's fairly good looking, I suppose, but next to Paul, all of us look like road kill. The guy is adonic. Used when someone is both hot and cute. Almost too cute for words. Used to describe a person or object that makes you smile uncontrollably or tugs at your heart strings. Can be used to describe both actions and appearance.

The waitress brought my food and smiled at me in a way that was so adorabubble that I couldn't help but smile throughout my whole meal. The kitten was cute, fuzzy, and tiny, and mewed in this little cute voice. We all agreed it was completely adorabubble and knew we had to take it home with us. Cute, in a dorky way. Sweet, but a little awkward. Something dorky but still charming and attractive. Pippy looked adorkable in her mismatched polka-dot socks and bright pink lipstick. A platypus is so ugly it's adorkable.

An addiction for same. I've entered a program to help me get over my adtwixtion. I'm not sure Henry Watson Fowler had in mind going this far when he said, "After all, it is an ancient and valuable right of the English people to turn their nouns into verbs when they are so minded. To make someone dumbfounded: I was adumbened when I ran across this submittal. So much so that I've added it. For example, to encourage more rapid healing of a broken ankle following surgery.

Heard about it, but haven't read anything yet. My guess is that they were advocacy journalists who went too far trying to prop up their negative stories about the President. Hard to imagine anyone going too far in that direction for CNN. Yeah, that sounds about right. But apparently it's possible that CNN has a few shreds of integrity left.

Aeais are capable of acting rapidly for either good or evil. I wish they would weed my garden. Pronounced AY-ow , based on the pd entry for haeious. A complex word deriving from the words "aerobe" organism in an oxegen based atmosphere and "agitate" to stir up, mix together. Aerobizon is the feminine form, aerobizoid the masculine or neuter. From Amazon and android. FM radio stations and DJs that follow a formulaic playlist wherein the same "hit" songs from a given group are aired over and over -- and the rest of the group's work is virtually ignored.

The aerotheuthida is a magnificent creature coming in shades of grey, blue, purple, and even on rare occasions, rainbow. It's delicate flesh is covered in a film that allows it to become invisible to the human eye. Its flighters are located in the center of its tentacles. The aerotheuthida can grow from about two inches cute widdle baby size to about three miles long grandpa size. They also eat humans.

Tommy, look at dat. Such works tend towards harmony and integration with the whole rather than disconnection and destabilization. Wanton acts of industrial capitalism have done considerable damage to the aesthetisphere of the planet. Yesterday, I took a tour of my earth-crunchy friend's house for the first time, and I felt very attuned to the aesthetisphere she has created. I tried to delete my old website dozens of times, but it keeps floating around the aether. Actually means "No," but the response is hardly ever understood. Mostly used in a classroom situation where the teacher asked an all too obvious question.

Always in an answer to a yes-no question. That's a big affirmanegatory. Go for it private. Did you take the shot? That's a big affirmanegatory there, red leader. Discrimination, sometimes called "reverse discrimination. The Vice President of Operations told me I would be the one hired. Unfortunately, he found he didn't have the clout the Vice President of Human Resources had -- he was told he had failed to take affirmative action into account. Now he knew why Rush had said, "The HR department is feared as a sort of gestapo police force, with the power of life and death over your career.

Wealthy and influential, rich and powerful. You're never going to be affluential, George, unless you can come up with some more money. He must have a real affrotolerance to sport that barnet. Barnet is colloquial London slang for hairdo. To be be used when you're just messing with someone's head -- either in a friendly way or in an antagonistic way, depending on the parties involved and the situation. Can also be used when someone not only affects something, she affects it in a very bad way. What no one knew, though, was that I was on an exclusive Prozac diet and couldn't have been rattled by a snake.

Entry came about because of a flap on The View during the October 3, , broadcast. Had it not been for the ensuing brouhaha, I'd surely not have found the Huffington-Post comment the example was found in. Nor would I have become aware of niggermania. All races and religions are welcome to join but niggers and nigger sympathizers are not allowed. In Modern English, "bode" and "forebode" connote the foretelling of events rather dark and dire.

This connotation does not apply to "afterbode," which refers simply to an awareness of the fulfillment or achievement of something previously predicted. Sophocles' "Oedipus the King" is a two-hour afterboding of an old prophecy about his father's death. Meant to convey event occuring tomorrow.

Essentially the same is " L'esprit de l'escalier or l'esprit d'escalier literally, the spirit of the stairway , idiomatically staircase wit is a French term used in English that describes the predicament of thinking of the perfect comeback too late. My wit took the form of an aftergibe -- halfway down the stairwell.

Until then, it was nothing but math, math, math. Bound to confuse a good 95 percent of the people around you. OR The agent glibly explained the oil spill as a calculated risk. Usually forced to go buy alcohol when the group runs out. Usually done for revenge for all the times you bought beer for them when they were under Annoys people to no end, for … it forces people to try, but to no avail. I would carefully agg-grr-gate my most precious and cherished agates.

Back then, "losing all your marbles" had a much different meaning -- but one that, in the children's world, was just as tragic.

Buy Attachiante (Bloom) (French Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Amazon. com. A 17 ans, Jeane est une célébrité du Web grâce à son blog fashion et son concept de la «ringardise sublimée». Jeane Smith, ce sont plus de followers.

From the Latin aggreddi -- "to approach, attack," the Greek therapeuein -- "to serve or administer treatment, to heal," and the Greek catheirein -- "to purge. Two women chat over tea on the veranda while in the distance two boys play a very proper-looking game of croquet. Hugh, the older, larger boy, is thick and rather brutishly built with wide-set heavily-browed eyes and short, club-like arms and hands. He is about 13 and his expression is one of wariness alternating with vacancy. Reginald is a thoughtful-looking boy of about He is slightly built and appears frail, the more so as he is currently sporting a cast on his broken right arm, three taped fingers on his left hand, and a rather cumbersome-looking bandage wrapped around his left knee.

There is a palpable ambivalence between him and Hugh, upon whom he seems dependent. Reginald is Patience's brother and Hortense's nephew; he and Hugh are cousins. Well, Aunt Hortense, something seems to have done cousin Hugh a world of good. See how attentive he is to poor Reginald. Oh,my, yes -- he's quite his old self again. Beating the snot out of your brother has evidently been quite aggrecathartapeutic. Bands like Tool are just so much aggro-pablum. The "sirens" are called actuators. There's one big one at the top. A real word -- accepted because so few of us know what an aglet is.

And because I noticed just this morning that the aglets on both laces of the shoes I am wearing today have disappeared, leaving me with frayed and consequently untidy shoelaces. The aglets on these round laces always disintegrate, why not on the flat ones? Agnostics are not atheists, and atheists are not agnostics -- but as a group, they reject the common idea that God is a proven or provable thing.

Atheists reject the God concept completely, while agnostics hold that the concept of a God cannot exactly be proved. Agnaths are generally not theists or deists, but reject the popular indoctrination of the masses of Earth. Or a word kids say when they're too young to say real words. I don't really know. Child's mother, soothingly, but with an expression of warning: Why don't you go outside and potter about a bit? He's terribly agoraphrenic, you know. Well, of course, we dispatched the wretch, but then, three years later, the strumpet returned with a child, and what do you think Percy did?

Why, he invited her right in, he did, and asked,"I say, Aunt Melody, did you forget something? Agoura is in the San Fernando Valley in California. My way of reminding myself that even though my situation's really really bad, it could easily be worse. To aggravate and annoy. My former boss used this word in meetings. This word is not in any dictionary but it is used in some documents. You can find it by googling. It was especially annoying when the complainer had just returned from a three-week January vacation in Hawaii.

It was agrobabble to me. If you see a cute girl at a gathering of generally ugly people, she looks good. She picked up on what I had called to my wife's attention, the AGWers' MSM facilitators' use of "skeptics claim" or "skeptics say," which barely masks their collusion in the fraud the AGW cult has been perpetrating for years. New Haveners spell pizza "apizza," which sounds like ahbeets.

Ahmunna go straight home after work. Ahmunna go to the Pirates game Sattidy. Ahmunna start speaking clearly. A male child who is the middle child in a family of three children. The child is usually eccentric but intelligent. His older brother and younger sister were not as smart as he was. Word suggested by HD. Holmes told Watson that his stomach pains were "Ailimentary, my dear Watson, ailimentary. Ergo, obfuscating and lying are not the same thing. As a matter of fact, not really even close to being synonyms. It's a lie only if the one making the statement knows that what she's saying isn't true.

It didn't take ailuromancy to predict that the cat's next destination would be the great outdoors. Most often used in a mocking way with friends, rather than as a real threat. You're about to pay for your disregard of my ass-kicking capabilities. AINOs continue to succeed in squelching speech from those they disagree with. For instance, Condoleezza Rice was invited to give a commencement speech at Rutgers University in She had to back out because of student and faculty protests. The state of knowing that you just drank too much and it's about to catch up with you and make you do something incredibly stupid.

This usually results in a D. The girl's butt seems to hang out over her legs like an air conditioner. Also works for computer peripherals, antennae leads, phone cords, etc. I have tried everything and I keep getting the same "modem not detected" error. Oh, I see the problem, you've got an air gap. Any naval crewman who either flies in naval aircraft, or, even though ground or ship-based, is directly assigned to one of the naval ratings job categories supporting flying operations.

It is one of three terms that very generally classifies a sailor into one of the three levels on which the Navy operates and fights: Almost always preceded by the adverb "mite. It's getting a mite airishable all of a sudden. Airthday is "logically" between Sunday and Monday. The work week could be 4 days long, 2 days on and 2 days off: First used at a local grocery with aisles 1 to 9, where if a customer asked for the location of an item you did not know about, you referred her to Aisle Ten. May be used in response to any question you don't know the answer to. Jorge Ramos is what is called an 'advocacy journalist' -- advancing an agenda is more important to AJs than seeking the truth and reporting it.

Reds are power seekers, Blues are do-gooders, Whites are peace makers, and Yellows are fun-lovers. Have you tried Aks Jeeves? Sometimes it's better than Google. The holy rice applied to the forehead on auspicious occassion. One who couldn't be hurt. That's what you want in a quarterback, an akshat body. Akshat arms and legs help, too. His speech last night was full of Al Gore Rythms.

To al-sahaf is to lie with the utmost defiance. A lie that is so unbelievable that it becomes a piece of fictional art. Michael Jackson said in an interview that he had only one plastic surgery. That was a good bit of al-Sahafism. When a marine was told that the Information Minister had al-sahafed again, saying that no US soldiers were in Baghdad, the soldier responded with, "Well, we're right across the street. We could go tell him.

It's so hot and spicy that the crawdads are jumping around and yelling, "Ow! Someone whose idiosyncratic makeup is so disturbed it defies description. Errol, you're a tobacco chewin' and spittin' Son of the Confederacy; you think Mobile is the heartland of heaven; you like your corn liquor neat and your women sloppy; you kick dogs and shoot chickens, and your belly's as big as a swamp hog's. You're a gen-u-wine, lily white, sorry arsed Alabasterd. Hey, you're wrong -- that's not me. A triple meaning word. Take it as the adverbial form of alacritous: Used when a friend makes an extremely stupid mistake.

From the character in Jurassic Park with this minor talent. I must have Alan Grant Syndrome. She can't even feed the first First used by Philip K. Dick in the book by that name. As I could not find a source, I suspected that its meaning was being suppressed. After a long period of research, I was able to learn that there was an actual radio station broadcasting from Albemuth, which advocated freedom from the authorities which have censored them. Unfortunately, either due to the style of communication utilized in Albemuth, or due to some form of censorship imposed on the few transmissions and transcriptions I could find, the exact nature of Albemuth, whether a city, town, island, philosophical society, state of mind, dimension, was never made clear.

Albemuth is a mystery, but at least they are trying to advocate for the freedom represented by Albemuth, whatever that may be. That petulant, angry, in-your-face face that male band members like to assume for album covers. Whenever he comes over, he sits in corners wearing an album face. You look like you're gonna get sick or something. The pit of despair and forgetfulness into which alcoholics and other addicts fall as they lose contact with reality. Sometimes, someone will pull them out; a few, having been in the alcahole themselves, can show them how to get out on their own; and a very few alcoholics find the inner strength to pull themselves out with the help of God, grit, and determination.

Such people are to be revered. It's called "Noel," and it has a really great little parable in it. It's not about addiction, but mental health in general. Like all such parables, it can be applied to the alcohole fairly easily: He can't climb out, so when he sees a doctor walking by the hole, he calls out, 'Doctor!

Can you help me out? Then a priest walks by. Finally, the guy sees a friend. Please, will you help me? They guy says, 'What are you, stupid? Now we're both stuck down here! The pseudo-confidence or attitude one develops after a few alcoholic beverages. Oh … and a bunch of thugs who'll hold someone down for him to kick. What are you -- some sort of alcofop? I'm sort of an alchohaviorist, I guess. It only retains this meaning when said in jest and affection.

Alcohol abuse usually occurs after someone has had enough to drink but can occur anytime. Everyone groaned to see so much alcohol abuse. It really DOES matter where you stick your hyphen. You're right, Joe K Joke? I have a huge backlog of instances where a slight change in either punctuation or spaces can make a difference in what's being said.

It will take a lot of effort to turn what I have into a tutorial on usage, and I may never get around to doing so. For instance, there's a difference, sometimes, between "some day" and "someday. George acts like a cross between FitzWilliam Darcy and Duncan McCleod, but when he's drunk, he's a first-rate alcohole.

Does not include top-shelf beers. Usually to glasses, kitchen-ware, and bedroom items such as lamps and alarm clocks. Can also include odd items that have been gathered on the way home from the drinking session, but that you do not remember ever picking up. I don't know how, but I lost my glasses.

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Safeway's is 5 miles away. The alcolock fits onto a steering wheel and requires the driver to give a breath sample before the ignition can be turned on. I must have a mild case of alcomenesia. Similar to a dillhole. There was an actor in the dark ages named Aldo Ray, but there's little chance the submitter knows of him.

Still, is she using this submittal to insult someone named Aldo? Annoying, Lingering, Dental, Stench. Rancidly horrible breath or bad breath in general due to not brushing or due to having very bad decaying teeth. I almost gagged when he talked to me. He should refreshen his breath with a mint. Except that no one saves anything on a 3 x 5 card these days. I use the PseudoDictonary for note-taking, but that doesn't work for anyone else. Here are a few alecisms, taken from birthday plaques: Leave me in peace.

What are my options? I need some incentive. I was just being generous. PS, Opa likes books. I won because of my great technique. I feel like I have a living creature in my mouth. I can feel the fire of perfectness starting to burn above my head. You wouldn't really want to kill your little brother. I was using the idiom. Excuse me, I don't have time to talk right now. I'm watching my new Yu-Gi-oh movie. Most intense immediately before quaffing the first pint on a Friday arvo.

Alex's nose glows bright blue. He enjoys playing reindeer games, and pulling Santa's sleigh. From Alfalfa of the "Our Gang" shorts. When you're on the at night, there's no other way to go but alfmaps. If you keep running alfmaps, you're bound to get pulled over. A brassiere for one-celled plants.

A brassiere made from algae. How much are the algaebras? Do you give a quantity discount? Does the Little Mermaid wear an algaebra? From The Jamie Foxx Show. The algebratization is much easier to check in the back of the book. One who practices algorism is known as an algorist. This system largely superseded earlier calculation systems that used a different set of symbols for each numerical magnitude and in some cases required a device such as an abacus. Not limited to females. See "-tastic," "-arific," "-asaurus," and "Xtra-.

Wow, your shirt is funk-a-licious! This food is suck-a-licious. I think I'm gonna hurl. The most valuable substance known to man. The oscillating hooty sort of whistle someone thought up back in the s as the proper sound effect for the operation of almost every device of non-terrestrial origin. It is now a fairly common sound made by science-fiction gadgets of various kinds. The show's producers used the alien noise for radar scans, computers, electronic beacons, teleporters, even weapons.

When used for weapons or transporters, the target thing would suddenly vanish with a loud "BEEP"; it was just this side of absurd. I remember humming the alien noise to wake up my kids for school. It was silly and fun and helped them to wake up laughing instead of sullenthey liked getting up for school no more than I did as a kid. Now if only the alien noise could make the school more fun or something. Despite the stupendous effort and the huge sum of funds spent by our National Astrologists of South America NASA , no attempt of diplomatic negotiation for forging alliance with alienation succeeded due to the irrecoverable failure of communication lines.

Currently no human reproduction outside the planet Earth was authorized by the League of Nations. Formation of hostile alienation due to blooming population of non-Earth-born human, which might claim independence at the expense of interplanetary war, was a major concern originated from the legend of Zeon's War of Independence.

He's several months behind in alimoany payments. Of or pertaining to this language or those who speak it. They can read but don't want to. Whether they can alliterate, we're not sure. Used in the Lancaster County area of PA. We can open the windows now that the rain is all. The traffic was bad after the ball game was all. To captivate the full attention of. When the game went into overtime, it was all eyz. I knew every word she was saying was all eyz. She had thought he was too shy for that. Even though she had had a crush on him for years, she was so surprised by his question that she said no.

Too bad, so sad -- he wasn't the sort who would ask again once he had been scorned. Mac wasn't all that shy, anyway -- he just had other things to do that interested more than the teenage dating game. Adjective or verb can go in blank. Redundant way to describe something if you're stupid. It is like saying "Good to go. Frequently used in Maine. Do you want a slice of pizza? Are the blinkers on my car working? Ha, all show, no go. Days and days; 3.

For a long, long time; and, figuratively, 4. Banging away at the keyboards all the livelong. After it's gone by, we can bring the up past Wichita and on to Topeka. Look at the time! We've been working on the railroad all the livelong! Intensive form of " y'all. It states the thought more emphatically, such as calling attention to the individuals being referred to. For example, saying "I know y'all," would mean that one knows a group of people; saying, "I know all y'all" would mean that one knows the members of the group individually.

I know all y'all are gonna want summa my punkin pie for dessert. Used to indicate victory or general superiority over someone or something. Leave me in peace. What are my options? I need some incentive. I was just being generous. PS, Opa likes books. I won because of my great technique. I feel like I have a living creature in my mouth. I can feel the fire of perfectness starting to burn above my head. You wouldn't really want to kill your little brother. I was using the idiom. Excuse me, I don't have time to talk right now. I'm watching my new Yu-Gi-oh movie.

Most intense immediately before quaffing the first pint on a Friday arvo. Alex's nose glows bright blue. He enjoys playing reindeer games, and pulling Santa's sleigh. From Alfalfa of the "Our Gang" shorts. When you're on the at night, there's no other way to go but alfmaps. If you keep running alfmaps, you're bound to get pulled over. A brassiere for one-celled plants. A brassiere made from algae. How much are the algaebras? Do you give a quantity discount? Does the Little Mermaid wear an algaebra?

From The Jamie Foxx Show. The algebratization is much easier to check in the back of the book. One who practices algorism is known as an algorist. This system largely superseded earlier calculation systems that used a different set of symbols for each numerical magnitude and in some cases required a device such as an abacus. Not limited to females. See "-tastic," "-arific," "-asaurus," and "Xtra-. Wow, your shirt is funk-a-licious! This food is suck-a-licious. I think I'm gonna hurl.

The most valuable substance known to man. The oscillating hooty sort of whistle someone thought up back in the s as the proper sound effect for the operation of almost every device of non-terrestrial origin. It is now a fairly common sound made by science-fiction gadgets of various kinds. The show's producers used the alien noise for radar scans, computers, electronic beacons, teleporters, even weapons. When used for weapons or transporters, the target thing would suddenly vanish with a loud "BEEP"; it was just this side of absurd.

I remember humming the alien noise to wake up my kids for school. It was silly and fun and helped them to wake up laughing instead of sullenthey liked getting up for school no more than I did as a kid. Now if only the alien noise could make the school more fun or something. Despite the stupendous effort and the huge sum of funds spent by our National Astrologists of South America NASA , no attempt of diplomatic negotiation for forging alliance with alienation succeeded due to the irrecoverable failure of communication lines. Currently no human reproduction outside the planet Earth was authorized by the League of Nations.

Formation of hostile alienation due to blooming population of non-Earth-born human, which might claim independence at the expense of interplanetary war, was a major concern originated from the legend of Zeon's War of Independence. He's several months behind in alimoany payments. Of or pertaining to this language or those who speak it. They can read but don't want to. Whether they can alliterate, we're not sure.

Used in the Lancaster County area of PA. We can open the windows now that the rain is all. The traffic was bad after the ball game was all. To captivate the full attention of. When the game went into overtime, it was all eyz. I knew every word she was saying was all eyz. She had thought he was too shy for that. Even though she had had a crush on him for years, she was so surprised by his question that she said no. Too bad, so sad -- he wasn't the sort who would ask again once he had been scorned.

Mac wasn't all that shy, anyway -- he just had other things to do that interested more than the teenage dating game. Adjective or verb can go in blank. Redundant way to describe something if you're stupid. It is like saying "Good to go. Frequently used in Maine. Do you want a slice of pizza? Are the blinkers on my car working? Ha, all show, no go. Days and days; 3. For a long, long time; and, figuratively, 4.

Banging away at the keyboards all the livelong. After it's gone by, we can bring the up past Wichita and on to Topeka. Look at the time! We've been working on the railroad all the livelong! Intensive form of " y'all. It states the thought more emphatically, such as calling attention to the individuals being referred to. For example, saying "I know y'all," would mean that one knows a group of people; saying, "I know all y'all" would mean that one knows the members of the group individually. I know all y'all are gonna want summa my punkin pie for dessert.

Used to indicate victory or general superiority over someone or something. Has become enormously popular among internet geeks. Try them and you'll certainly like them. A skeleton or part of a skeleton used as a pointer, marker, or sign; by extension, 2. A dead body used as a pointer, marker, or sign; 3.

Any sign or marker made of bone; 4. Any "spooky" pointer, as in a Halloween decoration of some such. But what sort of a way is that for bones to lie? But for some disarray Just take a bearing, will you, along the line of them bones. The body pointed straight in the direction of the island, and the compass read duly E.

Right up there is our line for the Pole Star and the jolly dollars. If it don't make me cold inside to think of Flint. This is one of HIS jokes, and no mistake. Him and these six was alone here; he killed 'em, every man; and this one he hauled here and laid down by compass, shiver my timbers! They're long bones, and the hair's been yellow. Aye, that would be Allardyce. I mean, the tundra's pretty big.

Through the old house and into the corn maze in the back yard, with an allardyce every now and then to mark the way. The fact they were all wearing sombreros and oversized sunglasses was a bit distracting, however. Yes, I know, it's alledgedly a misspelling; however, it turns out it's also an obsolete spelling. Still, I'm not sure it would be that good an idea to take your teacher to task for marking it as wrong. Someone who goes from riches to rags seemingly overnight, or from a good situation to a really rotten one.

It musta been Karma. Journalism To attack someone unexpectedly with allegations of wrongdoing especially when presented as leading questions. Do you still deny the need for a homeless shelter, or have you marginalized it in favor of refurbishing the dog pound? Do you practice alligating in front of a mirror? Or where just born an equivocating ambush predator? You should have been running away in a straight line. An alligator isn't that likely to get that far from its habitat. They tend to move fastest when they strike, or when they're trying to escape. They're really not very good at chasing something.

That sure sounds like a lot of fun. The someone you would have been had something been different in your life: It's sort of like the person you see and say, "Illuc sine gratia Dei eam" that is, "there but for the grace of God go I" , except that an alloganger is the actual subjunctive, irrealis PERSON you would have been, not just someone like it. He discovers that his childhood home a large residence that he called "Jolly Corner" as a boy is haunted by an alloganger: The alloganger is not just a "potential," however, since it becomes plain in the tale that his girlfriend, who has awaited his return for all the time Brydon's been away, is also acquainted with his other self: And she has, she says, seen the alloganger in dreams.

She pities the alloganger, but she loves Brydon. I've often wondered if in her "pity," she's been stepping out with the alloganger while waiting for Brydon. Another name for something or someone. However, Arthur is also "Mr. McCorkle," " Oak Avenue or Current Resident," "" his cell phone account , "Thomas Butter" his birth name, before he was adopted , "Dad" to his sons , "Daddy" to his daughters , "Pappy Corkle" to his grandchildren , "Cam" for 'Camelot'his wife's name for him , and "son of Andrew and Alice" when he's doing family history.

Those are all allonyms. The process of acquiring and splitting up with an ally has become more imortant than actually having an ally. LeRoy hollered, "Aloose me! Quantitative and qualitative in nature. I like her alot. Alot of people have alot of money. I have alot of bills. Something I've seen alot. Enough that it deserves recognition as a paeudo-word.

Turns out there's already an entry, by Herb Riede. However, being from the Gulf coast region of Texas, I have also had my share of really good seafood. The astonishment of seeing an unshorn alpaca they look a lot like stick figures covered by yard-long yarn , and the equally stunning feeling of seeing one after it has been shorn like seeing Roscoe Arbuckle reduced to a starving maroon.

You may not get as much respect as you'd like to get, but at least you get some. A breakthrough in research, high in yield and nutritional value, guaranteed to terminate only a very small percent of those who consume it. For vegetarians, try an alphafalfa and cheese and tomato sandwich today. Geekish IT person who has been forced into management. What kind of IT resources will we need to implement this accounting policy? I'll need to fly it past the alphanerd. Previously held, processed, accepted, authorized, or whatever.

That is, of or pertaining to a [noun] previously [verb-ed]. Adverbs modify verbs "He had already eaten the cake"; "She already knows about it" as well as adjectives "The already seasick passengers"; "This mission is already hopeless" ; even other adverbs "Already brightly shining". This is a real word: I'm not ready to accept "alright" as a real word, although Merriam-Webster and other folks who publish descriptive dictionaries do. Not agonna do it and never will -- even though you'll find the construct well over ,, times on the Internet.

I'm not about to make it a pseudo-word either. Changed my mind on the latter. From already at dictionary. Although already and all ready are often indistinguishable in speech, the written forms have distinct meanings and uses. The phrase all ready means "entirely ready" or "prepared" I was all ready to leave on vacation. Already means "previously" The plane had already left the airport or "so soon" Is it lunchtime already? See for yourself, it sounds odd, but it means just what I needed it to: In reality, of course, such a debate [merely] panders to each candidate's already supporters.

Is it time to go already? I'm all ready, Chris, and have been for well over an hour. Ellsworth HD Fowler - www. Paul Brians says, "The correct form of this phrase has become so rare in the popular press that many readers have probably never noticed that it is actually two words. The misspelling is about four times as common in American English as it is in British English. You're grounded for life. And maybe these things were some sort of old-school Embassy protocol. There has to be a better way for them to make money. Strange priestly behavior related to delusions of grandeur.

Strange priestly behavior related to schizophrenia. His altar ego was so great he had no idea how boring his homilies were. His altar ego allowed him to molest children while counseling the parents about their children being abused. Former members of the counter-culture movement who have since integrated successfully into the mainstream world of business, power, and bureaucracy, whilst transforming same. The alpha-males and females of a particular regional counter-culture. The local hippie royalty. The power bloc formed by either or both of the above in a particular community.

If you want to get that project up, you'll need to go schmooze the alternatocracy. The alternatocracy and the rednecks are starting to work together around here. Instead of saying something is "gay" you say it is "altivious. Stems from Alucard, son of Dracula from the Castlevania series. From the Latin "alucinatio" and "conjector. I love to visit political sites where those near the far-ends of the political spectrum assuming it's a linear spectrum criticize the intelligence of those at the other end of the spectrum -- and in doing so show just how poorly informed and poorly educated they are.

If you're going to name-call and tell someone she's stupid, do your very best to avoid making usage errors in the process. Otherwise, you're going to be the one who ends up looking like an idiot. They were whipped up in a state of hysteria. The aluminum ghetto residents usually commute long distances to and from their work places. The asteroid responsible for the Chicxulub q. Of or pertaining to either a the Cretaceous-ending asteroid impact or b any extinction-level event metaphorically speaking.

To bring about the end of something an era, a project, a journey, a meeting, a party, a hierarchy, a dynasty, vel cet. Okay, we've excavated all the way down to the Alvarez. A big enough rock hits us and it's an Alvarez. Sixty-five million years ago, the Alvarez disaster killed all the dinos. The Cuban missile crisis created a possibly Alvarez situation. From Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits: He's always the bug, huh?

Made me laugh out loud. Thanks for continuing to entertain the pseudo-partners -- two guys sharing the same brain our wives say. But for the life of me, when my friend was choking, I couldn't remember what to do! So, I put my arms around him from behind, and then the rest came back to me. Even though it started as an Alzheimlich Maneuver, I was still able to dislodge the unchewed steak from his windpipe [Note: A couple of bulletin boards have been using this weird phrase to express happiness with something, or to denote that something is really cool. Tongue-in-cheek, poking fun at mistranslations between Japanese and English, particularly in video games.

He jumped right into the rocket. That is am is are win. I can't make up my mind. Manhattan clam chowder's spices and ingredients bring a nice acidic 'snap' to it, while New England clam chowder has a delicious mellow, creamy richness. If I ordered a cup of each, it would solve my dilemma of being am-bivalve-nt.

Aspiring young women sweat hard, immeasurable hours to transform their dainty, curvy feminine bodies into temples of muscles. The goal is a complete body makeover -- defined, bulging biceps, arms and chest, rippling core "six packs," full muscular hips and calves -- the well-oiled ideal of Amazonian pulchritude.

Young ladies, it can happen to you you can do it! Here in the Ama zone. To overwhelm with corn, usually by serving or purchasing corn, popcorn, corn tortillas, corn bread, corn cobs, creamed corn, corn flour, corn Also "amaizing," "amaized," "amaizement. After six or seven cobs of corn, I get amaized. Mostly occurs on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year. A combination of amuse and amaze first suggested by LiveJournal user baronmind. Besides, they couldn't even understand the lyrics to his songs. In fact, to find out, neither could some of the kids.

I asked an older teenager to help me but he didn't know what I was talking about. I told him it was that new song by Elvis. It amaxed them all. I fell in love with the trapeeze artist, Clyde Beatty's wife. It is pronounced phonetically. It has been used as a sweet nickname for a female partner. Developed during the late 18th century by romance novelists of the period, the word lives on today, albeit more rarely spoken. Some claim it to have been originally conceived by the composer of "Amazing Grace," John Newton, to describe his wife, Mary Catlett.

Man, I love that tune. One of a fabulous race of female warriors in Scythia who is a female; as opposed to one of a fabulous race of female warriors in Scythia who is a male. The suffix "-ess" is also feminine. Thus, the invented word "Amazoness" is a redundancy. The enhancement of one's environment by the addition of music performed by Destiny's Child. However, when it comes to eating Reese's chocolate-covered peanut cups, she is ambidextros. Developed during a game of DnD. I didn't know which hand to believe. To add ambiguity to; to make ambiguous: In order to ambiguate the sentences "She lectured on board the famous ship" and "She lectured about the famous ship," you say "She lectured on the famous ship.

Reworded from the definition of disambiguation at Dictionary. Clever fellows that we are, we could open an Ambiguation School for Politicians. Polloticians are born knowing how to ambiguate. At once I hate and love as well" -- this line by Catullus, Roman poet of the first century BC, is one of the first literary expressions of ambipathy. In this sense, Dmitry and perhaps Dostoevsky himself are the brightest manifestations of this common trait of ambipathy. Often happens near the end of a relationship.

Adrien's a professional amblus. An onslaught of emergency vehicles in full siren mode that appear out of nowhere, usually resulting in your missing a turn or taking the wrong exit on the freeway. Tickets were very scarce, and the scalpers were out in force. The person is actually fully functional and competent.

This rare condition only occurs when exposed to nuclear reactors without protective clothing. An "otaku" is an obsessed nerd. The word has a very negative connotation: Basically, exceedingly misinformed, nerdy, American "anime" fans. Where are we headed in this new Age of Enlightenment? I say they just don't care, why change for the few when the many could care less, eventually we won't recognize the English language we will all be speaking Americanease, whatever that may be?

A rather sweet town in the UK. Suggested by a ytpo.

Translate bloom from English to French

All I can say is that, for now, it's amgiguous who came up with the joke at his expense. The old goat deserved it. HD's a pompous windbag who needs some air let out of him once in a while. Anybody who can manage it deserves our thanks and has earned my applause. What was it she did, again? She claimed her cousin Bob sent her a joke she thought was funny and was passing it along.

She said it was something HD might need some day. Me, I think his wife might have sent it to Michelle and asked her to pretend she was the one who came up with the idea. It doesn't matter how gorgeous or out of my league a woman might be, this line is a winner and I always end up in bed with the woman I use it on. Here's how it goes "Excuse me love, could I ask your opinion? Does this damp cloth smell like chloroform to you? If you're being told you have to kidnap someone to get her attention, you're being told you're pretty lame, aren't you? See The Perfect Number.

Though Pythagoras and his students, and many generations after, gave symbolic importance to amicable numbers, only in Fermat found another pair of such numbers, 17, and 18,, and Descartes found some time later a third pair, 9,, and 9,, In the eighteenth century, Euler published a list of 64 pairs of amicable numbers two of these pairs were found to be wrong , and Legendre succeeded to find one more pair in Of or pertaining to friendship; 2. At the pet store, I bought an amigal beagle as a companion. Spelled the way it usually sounds.

From Evan Morris, creator of The Word Detective -- who takes no credit for inventing the word, just the first example. He's given me tons of them over the years. His subscribe page is so well-written, it's hard to resist signing up. Have to say, though, that I didn't bite on this one: Page will supply a blank space for the amount. I mentioned last time can't really say 'last month,' amirite? I have to get up at the Amish ass-crack of dawn. The reversal of great desire into greater loathing after you get what you thought you wanted.

Afterward, however, "Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her" 2 Samuel It represents the zenith of my financial success. So, are you happy? I thought it represented the zenith of something or other blah blah. Don't make fun of me. I'm really miserable for some reason. You've left nothing for yourself to do after that. Of course you feel miserable: You're not planning on psychological counseling as a full-time job, are you? Because you stink at it. I have 'nothing left to live for?! I'm sad because I'm suicidally useless?!

I'M not saying your life is over; YOU are. What are you saying? It's your zenith thing! He then proceeded to appall Raven with his passionate compliments about Brigitte. What an amoeba bill. My daughter made it up when she was It became one of those family words that fills a void. A person who is good-looking from far away, but not so, up close. A girl that is attractive from a distance, but ugly up close. Reference to the impressionist painter. Someone who is very good looking from a distance, yet from up close the attraction diminishes.

She looked good from across the room, but when I went to get her number, she was a monet. So I left her -- flat out running. He was hot from afar, but he turned out to be a Monet when I went up to speak. So I said, "Well, that's an amoobaly. I think you can understand, and "amo" is short for "amour" which is "love" in French. So, "amopublicus" is going out on a date, just being in a relationship.

As they watched the sun set, she put her head on his shoulder amopublically. And all men kill the thing they love, By all let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword! Usually achieved after several cups of coffee. An image improved with Photoshop. I am sure those pictures were ampedified. Borrowing against future financial gain hoping that will be some ; 2. Savings for future needs ie, retirement, disability, etc.

Somebody else being rewarded or punished as a result of your actions in the past Yesterday, last month, back in the 80s, back in ie, during a former life , etc. I always try to write an attributive etymology so people can tell where these words come from; but it seems so obvious in this case, not like it was with Allerednic q.

Snaps reluctantly agrees, to the consternation of his lieutenants, and his father says, "Now, I can die in peace," and falls back on his pillow. Snaps begins to rise from the bedside when his father punches him in the head. Snaps woozily falls back on his chair as his father says, "That's so you don't forget!

Investing in grain futures is amrak. To be hung over or not fully recovered from partying too hard. A pervasive class of people that are best identified immediately and dealt with accordingly. Something that one examines or reads that also provides entertainment.

Amway Christians subvert the message to instead become a celebration of how rich Jesus has made them. Socially conservative Christians who utilize multi-level marketing, akin to Amway Corporation, combining Christianity and capitalism without seeing the contradiction. The Amway Christians must be having their bible study meeting.

Grant Black, Fernie, B. Eat your biscuits and gravy; they'll stick to your ribs. Stand up for yourself. Don't be a spineless jellyfish. Show them you have some backbone. Dean Edell and Jor] - www. Notice that "ana-condo-gram" is an anagram of "condo-anagram. Instead of coiling around hissing all day, why don't you write an ana-condo-gram, you lazy anaconda? Put down that rat and think of somebody else for a change! Somebody skilled at seeing both sides of an argument or issue, a negotiator or mediator; 3. Someone who takes great care to balance pragmatic application with moral duty; 4.

He'll see your side as well as Westmore's: I have obtained anablepsis! Remembering something at an inopportune time. Blend of "anachronism" and "mnesia. The moment of recognition or discovery in a play, etc. Ultimately from Indo-European root gno- to know that is the ancestor of such words as know, can, notorious, notice, connoisseur, recognize, diagnosis, ignore, annotate, noble, and narrate.

If you've ever been to a movie involving two brothers separated at birth, one of whom ends up as a criminal and the other a police officer, you already know about today's word. Anagnorisis is the point near the end of the movie where the brothers face each other, notice similar lockets in other's necks that their mother gave them at their birth and discover that they are twins, drop their guns, and hug each other tightly.

Anagnorisis was originally the critical moment in a Greek tragedy, usually accompanied by a peripeteia reversal , leading to the denouement of a story. An example is when Oedipus recognizes that the woman he is married to Jocasta is really his mother. Aristotle discussed it at length in his Poetics. He talked about many different kinds of such recognitions, e. The worst, according to him, is recognition by signs, such as scars, birthmarks, tokens, etc. That he was an opportunistic charlatan came as no surprise to me. Of or pertaining to a sudden insight or inspiration which resolves an otherwise hopelessly complicated, convoluted, or confusing problem or situation; 2.

Of or pertaining to a solution which allows you to circumvent a particularly complex or confusing problem without having to deal with it directly. Why don't you just stop by his house tomorrow and tell him? Note, too, that anagrammatique in French translates to anagrammatic in French. From "Anakin Skywalker," aka Darth Vader.

His house is full of old black telephones, t. The "a" is long in analize, short in analyze. Back in the day. My son and my daughter went to high school in analog days. We still have a plethora of his 8-tracks. I'm older than dirt myself -- but I'm the same age as Marty's kid brother. Of or pertaining to the inability to read or write one's own original mother tongue, despite being able to speak it well or at least adequately; n. The state or condition of being unable to read or write one's original language, despite being able to speak it; 3.

Someone burdened by analphabetoi. They can speak, read, and write English because they have to, being surrounded by a rather unforgiving English-speaking culture, but, although they may speak nothing but Spanish at home, they have had very little need to see it in print. Culturally, such analphabetoi is tragic; unfortunately, unless somebody creates a strong counter-coup education, cultural awareness, anti-Latinophobia, and the like to stop it, this Spanish analphabetoi appears to be inevitable. We are born with bones, but during childhood many of these bones fuse together to make a single bone, leaving the average human with bones.

A city with no planning and with no respect for construction standards. Asked what could be done with the city, he suggested dropping an atomic bomb on it. It is believed that since the people don't come to this freedom on their own, it must be imposed on them. Was I right, or was it merely anatidaephobia? I may as well become a monk. Good Morning, class Class: Good morning, teacher Ancaster: How are you today? Fine thanks, how are you? Girls who act stupid and criticize others for doing the same. She's sitting with her legs open again. To find oneself in a position of compromise soley imposed by circumstances either ridiculous or beyond one's control.

Of or pertaining to Androcles the Greek tailor who pulled the thorn from the lion's paw ; 2. The mugger had no idea what to do with a man who not only gave him his wallet and watch, but wrote him a check, gave him his lunch, and traded his suit coat for the mugger's ratty jacket. The man was androcletian, with fries. I pulled another andy. That one will make me famous. That painting was priceless!! Small animals carried by socialites as an accessory. Vague disquiet, the feeling that all is not well, the presentiment of trouble; 2.

Oddly unsettled or frustrated. Stoics avoid ang by surrendering their desires: Goths, on the other hand, avoid ang by surrendering to angst. The curvature of a woman's body. Matt caught some serious angage about halfway down the slope. Check out the angage on Stacy's mom.

There's nothing quite so reassuring as that beautiful angelhum.

Sarra Manning

From, obviously enough, the Angelica Pickles character on Rugrats , who is rather infamous for telling "true stories" aimed at scaring "those dumb babies" out of their wits. Little chest pains, the kind that make you worried, but that the doctors always say don't mean anything they often wind up getting people labeled hypochondriacs ; 2. People who cause chest pains by their constant bother. It's a mess, really, a farragobut it sounds good.

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New Haveners spell pizza "apizza," which sounds like ahbeets. From ankulos, crooked, bent. Errr, ummmm, what link? It's a mess, really, a farragobut it sounds good. I'm older than dirt myself -- but I'm the same age as Marty's kid brother.

The police chief hates reporters: A no-reason worrisome sort of spot. He reacted to that insult with Anglish. He said all its nooks and crannies made it the most angly room he'd ever seen. That no carrying backpacks around school rule is really angrifying. I think that also accounts for his chemo brain. So describe the robbery. This short, wiry, armed guy comes in and asks for all my money. A tough hoodlum like Al Pacino as Scarface? He was a shakily nervous, pimple-faced anst er, who kept rolling his eyes upwards, and saying, "Why is money so important?

So what happened then? I just started to get all angus and had to leave before I slapped him upside the head. One who animadverts; a censurer; also Obs. Victims assign human values to wild animals disregarding all logic and scientific evidence. Unfortunately, the animal sentimentalists were feeding the deer so hunters wouldn't get them, without taking into account their metabolisms change as the natural food supplies change.

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The deer starved to death, with stomachs full of food. Every few years, some animal sentimentalist gets torn up by a bear or a deer during the rut. They think these animals are cute cartoons and they want to go and pet them, but nobody bothered to tell the animals to act that way. Used when attributing animal characteristic to something that is clearly not an animal - -similar to personification.

May be caused by naturally unruly hair, sleeping on one's hair funny, or several cans of hair gel. They watch, attempt to draw, and read anime, but they haven't a clue. Errr, ummmm, what link? Animutations normally are visuals to crazy Japanese songs and are intentionally rough around the edges. A fanimutation is a nanimutation not created by neil Cicirega, but by fans of his animutations. My friend just submitted a fanimutation. Trusts everybody, at times unassumingly. To be fully sometimes overly prepared, such as being heavily layered before going out in the snow or rain, or packing two suitcases for an overnight stay somewhere.

Apparently from "ankylosaurus," an armored dinosaur. I've got on two pair of socks, shoes, overboots, long underwear, two flannel shirts, my coat, a parka, earmuffs, and a hat … I'm ready. We're skiing, not climbing K2. You can't even move. She wouldn't do that to me, would she? Like a little dog that barks and jumps around, trying to bite people's ankles. Guess I'll use my ankle napkins.

From ankulos, crooked, bent. Stiffening of a joint as the result of abnormal fusion. Gary Rothfeld - www. I laughed on seeing the word in the input queue. This sort of entry might have had an influence on me -- my latest adopted internet identity: It was one of the first books I ever bought, as publisher's overstock.

Hey, you with the frown. I know you're one of the Mossity girls. And I know you're one of the Thead boys. Isn't your first name Shi? Used by ferals to complete a sentence that encompasses more than the speakers' vocabulary will allow her to express. Watch me use the annerban on Albert. This should be good. But seriously, I will. Putting his days as annexecon behind him he looked forward to a rosy future. I asked her, "What are you, some kind of annibler? The several plans, variables, and schedules involved in any celebration of an event in the past i.

They'll be here at tomorrow. It is usually accompanied with presents, preferably jewelry that sparkles with diamonds. What a wonderful bracelet! I though your anniversary was last weekend. This is my anniversorry present since Jose forgot our year anniversary. The anniversary of one's divorce. It is an ex-Scotch Pie. It is wholly unfit for eating and I demand a full cash refund forthwith. Technically, it's not the person with ACD but everyone else around her who suffers.

Here are some of the symptoms: Detrimental effect on your central nervous system -- those with ACD get on your nerves. Affect your urinary output -- they piss you off. Affect your vocal level whenever they operate their temporal mandibular joint -- they make you want to scream every time they open their mouths. To be anomalous analytically. A word you use when you cannot remember the right one; 2. Your language's standard I-can't-think-of-the-word word e.

A fill-in name when you can't think of a person's name or title or whatever e. Original 19th century meaning A nameless person. There aren't very many nameless people to apply it to. I can't remember the word! How could I not remember 'refrigerator'? Where are you going, anyway? Thanwait, how could you know what I meant? This sense of unknown should be portrayed in the way this word is said, a pause before saying is a good effect. Said person is known to constantly indulge in rumors, witch hunts, insults, and flaming. Because she's an antagonista, that's why. She deserves all the negative references to her … the bitch.

Then anteloped is the word for you. It is fun and a bit pretentious to use, but antepenultimate is even more so. That gives me the excuse of using antepenultimate in order to eliminate any ambiguity. I have no idea why, but I thought the word prepenultimate existed. And so it shall. My Favourite Word is definitely wort a visit.

You can take this link to get there. Why not twist someone's favorite and make it one of our favorite words? Folks do that all the time. The thing before the antepenultimate thing would then be the preantepenultimate thing, would it not? I'm tired of the antherplatz; I want an office! I assist humans in being all they are capable of being.

The emaciated, chartreuse-clad, sneering goblin that comes around after Christmas repeatedly to extort money from you for the gifts Santa brought to you as well as those you may have purchased for family and friends. He does not bring gifts down the chimney, but shoves savings down the toilet. And as he disappears in his repossessed Maserati, you'll hear him exclaim, "If you have already paid what you owe, please disregard me, and thank you for your payment.

I found him siphoning funds from my paycheck yesterday. I did some checking" "You mean you did some credit carding. Anyway, I checked my acounts: I don't know how I can possibly keep up the payments. Wow, man, Anti Claus, huh? Good luck with that. I gotta take this call.

I told her she could watch chick flicks on my big screen tv! I guess I could exercise my option to give Anti Claus and arm and a leg Are they there just to separate the wheat from the chaff in spelling bees? The first word I ever misspelled in spelling class was "missed" -- because my classmate Loretta wouldn't define the word for me so I'd know whether the word was "missed" or "mist. And enunciated the bee sound on first reading it: Graham asked a question about a second possible solution to the math problem, and Kea raised her hand to give the clever response she had come up with.

Unfortunately, by the time Mr. Graham called on her, all Kea had to say was, "Dang it. Similar to a miracle, but has a bad effect. This has since been taken into two other eras.