Kama Unveiled

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Speakers echo unity call at KAMA foundation day

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Sign in to add this to a playlist. Sign in to remove this from recommended. You are now leaving Pornhub. The sources of the mythological character Kamadeva are varied. The Taittiriya-Brahmana suggests that his father is Dharma, personification of the universal principle of justice, and his mother Shraddha, the goddess of faith. According to the Harivamsa , he is the son of Lakshmi , goddess of material wealth.

Later interpolations consider Kama to be Vishnu 's son. His second wife is Priti, the personification of affection, by whom he has a daughter Trishna or "thirst," representative of insatiable desire. This union was of the utmost importance for gods and humans alike, since a demon by the name of Taraka had been granted a boon which rendered him invincible to any creature save for a son of Shiva, and had been terrorizing the world in the meantime. However, drawing the great destroyer god out of his ascetic lifestyle was no simple task.

Although Parvati attempted to attract Shiva's attention, the god was too deeply immersed in his ascetic practices to notice her. Kama shot his arrows-of-desire at Shiva in order to send him into a swoon; however, the ploy backfired with severe consequences for its perpetrator.

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Angered by the momentary distraction, Shiva unveiled his dreadful third eye and reduced Kama to a pile of ash with a single fiery glance. Although the gods mourn Kama's incineration, his work did not pass without filling its intents, as Shiva wound up falling in love with Parvati nonetheless. However, Shiva resurrected Kama not as an anthropomorphic being but as an incorporeal mental image only, representing the true emotional and mental state of love rather than physical lust this garnered Kama the epithet Ananga. With that, the procreative continuity of the world was restored, and Shiva and Parvati were able to conceive the child Kartikeya, who goes on to defeat the demon Taraka and save the world.

Although not formally worshipped to the extent of other Hindu deities, Kama still remains a prevalent character in Hindu practice, mainly in his connection with Shiva. The popular festival of Holi, the Indian festival of colors, provides one such example of this association. This tale suggests that Kama's wife Rati begged Lord Shiva to take pity on her and restore her husband to life, and Shiva finally relented, granting her the boon that she could see her husband, albeit without physical form. Songs sung in this region during Holi tell the pathetic tale of Rati and her lamentations over her husband's both before and after her reconstituion.

The bonfire traditionally lit on this day are also believed by some to commemorate this legend.


In mid, Nyko were sued by Nintendo over the controller, who asserted that the Kama "wholly appropriate[d] the novel shape, design, overall appearance and even the color and materials used in the Nintendo Nunchuk controller. According to a Nyko spokesman, the redesign of the Kama entailed a wider shape, curved Z button, a grooved handle, rubber battery cover and a new color scheme.

This requires the use of Nyko's Wand controllers, due to its reliance on their proprietary "Trans-Port Technology".

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  3. Speakers echo unity call at KAMA foundation day.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved November 28, Retrieved August 13, Intellectual Property Update1 ".