My Heart Breaks Into Pieces - Poem by Abdul Hakeem Parannur

Now here I go again fallen so hard, so deep but this time it's different, this is one I want to keep! You Broke My Heart! Andisen - Poem Hunter. Comments about You Broke My Heart!

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  2. Broken Heart Poems!
  3. 51 Heartbreak Poems - Healing Poems about Heartbreak;

There is no comment submitted by members.. Read this poem in other languages. This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. What do you think this poem is about? An Angel To Me! More poems of Nicsbabygirl Well I ended it. Got tired of her threats and her showing up at the door. But I know where you're coming from.

Parachute - What Breaks My Heart By WithoutUHere

Don't give up; stay strong. Rose are dead Violets are rotten. A day hasn't gone by that I haven't forgotten I gave you my heart I thought we were art I can't think of how to continue this poem started it 3 years ago and left it because of too much pain. I came back to it today to try and finish it, but I don't know how. That feeling when someone broke your heart but you still love him with all those shattered pieces.

We break promises but memories break us. Sad to say that until now I can't seem to move on with this guy who made me look like a fool but I still love him full.

You Broke My Heart! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - Poem by Nicsbabygirl... Andisen

I don't clearly see why I still love him when I knew right all along he didn't love me, but now I realized I loved him because I saw something good and I felt something. I feel the pain you are going through because I am in the same boat as you. It's difficult to move on. I don't know how they sleep at night. Mine was very recent Basically, he told me to listen to him and send him what he wanted, which were pictures of private body part.

I told him go and read the basic of what Islam teaches you. He didn't like it because I had answers for everything, so he ended up calling me names. He told me I am sick in the head, mad, always lie, and cause fights. I laughed so loud and cry at the same time thinking he was the one, the one fell in love with, but I was wrong. I told him it is wrong for you to ask me for such pictures. Then he said you don't love me.

I told him, "Congratulations, you just lost me. Just be strong and don't lose hope. He has never been abusive or physically hurt me. Just by his actions. We were together once before, and it didn't work out. The feelings I had for him were still there, so like a fool we decided to give it one more try. What a dumb fool I was to fall for his charm knowing I would only end up getting my heart broken by him again. Yeah, it hurt as it was very recent. He only wanted a live-in maid, and I learned he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend of 22 years.

I couldn't compare to her in his eyes. We slowly drifted apart. And we agreed it was best to end it before it was too late. I have no hate towards him. If only I'd have known, I'd have run the other way. I wish him well, but it still hurts Wish you all the best. I feel you so much. I'm in the same situation. Why can't we forget about them? I miss her and I don't want to miss her. I love her still, but I don't wanna love her. She's happy with another guy and I'm jealous and hate it. But I don't wanna hate it or be jealous. I hate these feelings. This poem hit me hard because for 6 good years I gave my all to my ex and found out he was cheating on me with my friends and getting them pregnant.

This make me sick to my stomach. I thought I was not going to move on but I did. But now I can't trust any men because the pain he put me through during the years. I used to write poem because that's how I express myself but I stopped because the pain was too much to grab a pen or pencil to write. It almost sounded like you were in my head thinking about the words I was thinking.

Well said, this was exactly how I was feeling about this guy!!

I totally understand how you feel my ex cheated on me too. It has been 6 years and I still can't get over it. We had been in love for 6 years. This is a beautiful poem, I'm living the same situation right now and even though I also write poems I get touched by all of you which makes me feel and understand what and how I can change it.

Thank you for your poem. Hey it's really awesome. I would love to make it a song with my music. I want it to touch as much hearts as possible. This poem has touched me a lot to where I just bust out in tears. It really explains what I'm going through now. That hit me so brutally. Thank you for writing these words which could never come out of my mouth. I feel as if you were in my mind writing for me. Your poem says perfectly what I cannot.

Healing Poems for Heartbreak

After being engaged, having a son and giving years of my life to someone; I feel true heartache. Years that I spent defending him to my family that said he was no good, years spent dealing with his alcohol soaked mother, years waiting on him hand and foot, dealing with his short temper, his depression and garbage of a friend; he decided to break things off and tell me he never loved me.

I have built my life, present and future, around him. I have devoted myself to him, all because I love him. I hate having to continue living in the same house because of our son. I am surrounded by him, he's all I want, all I think about. I wish I could be angry and hate him but I can't, not even for five minutes.

Your poem, says it all. This really touched me, I'm going through a lot now, I love her soo much, had a broken heart and my world was gonna crash, but she held me, and I cried in her shoulders. Everyday I felt stronger until I was strong enough to live again. Today I'm in great pain cause she lied about she and her ex's breakup. She treats me right but I can't share, I get hurt but I don't fight or complain, I'm just an option in her life, she keeps lying.

My pillow suffer my tears every night.

But I love too much to walk away. I met my partner 4 years ago. I really love him but I don't think he understood how much he means to me. He has betrayed me and I suffered a lot. I gave him a chance at a perfect life but he took advantage of my trust and love and broke my heart again and again. One day it clicked for him just how important it was to have me in his life. I was as surprised as I was wary. I had a lot of patience with him our relationship and since there has been a lot of happiness, even until today. I've been with this guy going on seven years and the past year has went down hill.

I lay here tonight with a broken heart since Saturday night. He told me a while back he wanted me to leave that he didn't love me. Well that ripped my heart and we seemed to work thru it and I didn't go. He then stopped holding my hand kissing me plainly ignoring me played video game most of time except when time to eat. When he about died from having his stomach took out I was there. I did most house work and helped with his grandma. Look what I've got in return I now live at his moms and am still hurting and crying and I can't even get a call saying how are you.

I'm so hurt how about you. One November cold morning of , I saw her going with her friends. On the 1st sight I fell in love with her. It's my first love. I tried to say my love many times, but I feared to say my love. Two months went over. One day I found that she also loves me. Some months later she avoided me on everything, I don't know why she did like this, but I knew that she loves me still now and forever. I'm waiting for her returns. I truely love her. I really miss her. Wow I guess I'm not the only one that hurts inside I'm young I just turned 12 but I had the first boy I ever loved break up with me on my b day I love him but I pretend that I don't care around him and that I've moved on but really I sit in my room crying all day and listening to sad Taylor Swift music all day and I don't have anyone to talk to at all.

He is my brothers friends he live in the house next to mine. Sucks a lot but I will find some one I know it. It made me feel like I was her and felt everything she felt. It made me feel really sad but I understands how she feels. Once I was trying to find my life partner. I met some one after a year.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

He was nice I liked him. I loved him from the bottom of my heart. I trust him, I care He promised to back, I believed. He did not call me, no email, no post. I try to find him on Facebook. I couldn't find him. I heard from some one he was in jail. I tried everything as much as I can but nothing is changing. There is only one thing is left for me, to wait the will of God.

Who knows maybe one day he may back. Every day I am crying. I feel like shining in darkness this all are just a feeling. The truth is for me As I read this, I couldn't keep the tears inside. It is so sad when you truly love someone and give them your all because you sincerely believe that they love you just the same.

Being in love with someone can be a dangerous thing, especially when he or she knows that you would do anything for them. With time the pain will fade away and YOU will find the person who will not only appreciate you, but will love you with the same passion you love them. I've been hurt in a few relationships, but at least I got to know what love was and what it means to have someone care about you, even if didn't last.

Broken Heart Poems

I have a few friends who never experienced what it means to be loved, and I feel sad for them. Even though I've been hurt, I can say that someone did love me once. I am in so much pain today, tomorrow it's my Birthday and today I found out that my husband, the only man I've ever slept with, the man I gave the best 18 years of my life to has a child with another woman and it was hard but I forgave him then today I found out that he's dating another woman How could I be so blind, I'm turning 34 years tomorrow and he's 2 years older than me.

We have successful careers and expensive cars, a beautiful house and 2 daughters, we grew up in the dusty streets of Soweto together but today I found out that it was all a lie I've been crying all day hoping it was a dream but I love myself and know that he's not worth being my husband I feel your pain.

Devastating Heartbreak Poems

I'm 17, the love of my life broke my heart. After I thought I was going to die but trust me, it gets better, you move on and meet someone better, and then he can really see what he missed out on: I cry when I read this poem very touching because a few months ago I had a broken heart. As I sit here and read this tears fell from my eye's, it's been a year and 3 months and I can't seem to let go..

I love him so much.. I can't seem to find anyone to make me feel the way he did.. I run back to him hoping he changed but he didn't..

Abdul Hakeem Parannur

Every word in this poem is truly meant; it's as if my heart was speaking all on its own. I dedicate this to all of those who have been lost in your own love. This poem is about the pain of a broken heart. Tears of blood fall from my broken heart. I never thought we would be apart. When you held me, you said forever.

I was there for him even when I didn't understand.. It really touched my heart! I really liked the way you expressed your feelings since there are so many people who feel the same but don't know how to express! I'm exactly in the same situation now, after 6 years of relationship recently found that there is another woman I knew something was going on..

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I can so much relate with the poem It reminds me so much of my ex husband and I. Even though we are divorced, we still go back and forth. He wants me one minute and breaks my heart the next. I still love him with all my heart, but it comes with a painful price.