Edinburgh 1910 to Lausanne 2010: 100 Years of Theological Convergence

100 Years of Theological Convergence: Edinburgh 1910 to Lausanne 2010

Polycentricism is how mission is done today, in light of the shift in the center of gravity of Christianity to the Global South.

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Israel was strategically chosen by God for many reasons, not least for its missiological implications, being at the crossroads of three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. Even the five original patriarchates sat on three continents: They are like weddings. Mission conferences are celebrations where things start, and it is important to understand starting points to see how they later develop. However, most Christians in the world were not able to go to any of these conferences.

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My recent book [7] provides a snapshot, similar to a wedding photo album. However, the book offers a one-stop summary of what the top missiological leaders in the world are thinking, to facilitate future engagement. Not the conferences themselves, but what came afterward. Four of them produced significant documents: Obviously was half a decade ago. Even in that short time span, many things have changed. Some topics that the five conferences did not address or not as much as they should have include:. More conferences need to happen in the future to address new needs that arise so that mission leaders can collaborate instead of each trying to reinvent the wheel and wasting unnecessary energy as a result.

About people attended from over 80 countries. This was unbeknownst to me, and they were equally unaware of my book. The parallels and coincidences were particularly interesting: From all nations to all nations! They independently confirmed my conclusion: We have a bright future ahead of us, as Christianity continues to maintain its role as the largest religion in the world though not the fastest-growing.

David Taylor

Years of Theological Convergence: Edinburgh to Lausanne [Dr. H. Edward Pruitt] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Edinburgh to Lausanne Years of Theological Convergence [Dr H Edward Pruitt] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

However, even more so, Christianity is the most geographically widespread, with no one ethnic majority and no geographic center we do not have the equivalent of Mecca or Varanasi or Salt Lake City. Unity in diversity is a much more important characteristic than speed of growth, ensuring that Christianity is poised for a strong future. Contextualization , Partnerships , Unreached People Groups. The Lausanne Movement connects influencers and ideas for global mission, with a vision of the gospel for every person, an evangelical church for every people, Christ-like leaders for every church, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.

Need assistance with this form? The universal, one and holy apostolic church appears in local manifestations. Missiologically speaking the church can take courage as she faces the increasing impact of globalisation on local communities today. Being universal and concrete, the church is geared for the simultaneous challenges of the glocal and local. Egil Grandhagen Religion and Globalisation: Violent Conflict or Peaceful Co-Existence?

Case Studies Global Migration: In a world where plurality of faiths is increasingly becoming a norm of life, insights on the theology of religious plurality are needed to strengthen our understanding of our own faith and the faith of others. It can be claimed that no other issue in Christian mission is more important and more difficult than the theologies of religions. The essays of this book reflect not only the acceptance and celebration of pluralism within India but also by extension an acceptance as well as a need for unity among Indian Christians.

The essays were presented and studied at a preparatory consultation on Study Theme II: Insights from Interfaith Dialogue - T. The Contribution of S. This important volume demonstrates that years after the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Evangelism has become truly global.

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Twenty-first-century Evangelism continues to focus on frontier mission, but significantly, and in the spirit of Edinburgh , it also has re-engaged social action. Reaction and Emergence - A. McGavran and Ralph D. Identifying Unreached Peoples - Jim Haney. Personal Reflections on Tokyo - Kevin S. Higgins Celebration, Consultation and Congress: This volume takes on meaning because its authors honestly struggle with and debate how we should relate to postmodernities.

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As with Edinburgh , what came after the conference was much more impactful than the conference itself. Hitchen Christian communities in contemporary contexts: Check out our collecting first editions by the year. Mission in long perspective Keynote address - Dr Dana L. All of them, together. All four meetings are part of a process of reflection and activism that will likely continue beyond This book argues for the primacy of spirituality in the practice of mission.

Should our response be accommodation, relativizing or counter-culture? Hunter Responses and Reflections. Cross-cultural mission has always been a primary learning experience for the church. A Review of T. Middle-Class Masses in search of Mammon? It is clear from the essays collected here that the experience of the Conference was both affirming and frustrating - affirming because of its recognition of how the centre of gravity has moved in global Christianity; frustrating because of the relative slowness of so many global Christian bodies to catch up with this.

These reflections provide plenty of food for thought.

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Imagery as Mission - Luiz Coelho. This volume provides an important resource for those wishing to gain an overview of significant issues in contemporary missiology whilst understanding how they are applied in particular contexts. Regnum, Appendix 2: Mission Today and Tomorrow Oxford: This book argues for the primacy of spirituality in the practice of mission. Since God is the primary agent of mission and God works through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is through openness to the Spirit that mission finds its true character and has its authentic impact.

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Foreword - Lalsangkima Pachuau Introduction: Ojo Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship: Bush Mission in an Orthodox Christian Context: Essays written by an international team of Catholic mission scholars focus on Catholic Mission in every region of the world, summarize church teaching on mission before and after the watershed event of the Second Vatican Council, and reflect on a wide variety of theological issues.

Gregory A Century of Hope and Transformation: Tan Contemplation and Service: There is hope - even if it is "Hope in a Fragile World", as the concluding chapter of Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation puts it. At the very heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of hope and reconciliation.

Nothing could be more relevant and more necessary in a broken world than this Christian message of hope and reconciliation. Reconciliation as a New Paradigm of Mission. A Bridge too Far? This collection is a valuable resource for those concerned with the relationship between mission and ecumenism as well as the broader engagement of the Orthodox Christianity and the Christian West. To the authors of Bible in Mission, the Bible is the book of life, and mission is life in the Word.

Everyone has a theology - Dr Corné Bekker

This core reality cuts across the diversity of contexts and hermeneutical strategies represented in these essays. A Global Perspective - Wendy Strachan. The Church The Bible in Mission: This volume explores the dialectics between 'Mission and Power', one of the nine study themes of Edinburgh , from the perspectives of churches and communities on the margins in a particular context, namely the Dalit churches in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

Foreword - Deenabandhu Manchala Acknowledgements Preface. Patterns, Protagonists and Perspectives: Voices of Dissent and Unfamiliar Vocabulary - S. Their Life and Livelihood c. Asheervadam Blurring the Boundaries: Feminist Theological Reflections - N. A Mission Perspective - K.

Edinburgh 1910 in the Year 2010

Jesurathnam Decoding the Politics of Lukan Discipleship: This is a must read for anyone, scholar and lay Christian alike, who wishes to understand the wondrous phenomenon of contemporary Christianity. Contents Foreword Acknowledgements Introduction: Problems, Possibilities and Proposals - Jonathan W. Editors Selected Bibliography Contributors. This volume deals with the lived experiences and expressions of Christians in diverse communities across the globe. Christian communities do not live in a vacuum but in complex, diverse social-cultural contexts; within wider communities of different faith and social realities.

Power, identity and community are key issues in considering Christian communities. Excerpts from Around the World - Harold D. Jeremiah Tomorrow in Trauma: The Lausanne Movement has since functioned as a platform and forum for Evangelical leaders from various geographical and confessional strands. Christian Communities in Contemporary Context. Edinburgh and Beyond: Historical, Theological and Practical Reflections. Edinburgh challenges today's understanding of mission.

Articles are in German and available as free download from the EMW website. For further information click here. It first appeared in Evangelicals now , a monthly Christian newspaper published in the Uk and distributed worldwide. Papers presented at the conference include 'From Edinburgh to Melbourne The group is studying each part of the phrase 'The whole Church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world'.

Download MSWord file here. The article is attached here and is reprinted with permission from Southwestern Journal of Theology , Download as a pdf file here. Download pdf file here.