Rolltown (Bat Hardin Book 3)

Bat Hardin Series

Many of the books which appeared prolifically through the ss were expansions and fixups of earlier magazine stories; the tauter magazine texts are usually preferable to the padded-out versions. Planetary Agent X fixup dos , the first of several books featuring Section G , shows subversive secret agents of a United Planets Organization working in the cause of socioeconomic progress in the often-eccentric Ultima Thule colony worlds of a Galactic Empire, masking their activities under the nom de guerre Tommy Paine.

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It was followed by the Homer Crawford sequence, the first two volumes of which are Black Man's Burden December April Analog ; dos and Border, Breed nor Birth July-August Analog ; dos , offering entirely serious and constructive versions of Section G -type plots; although they have dated even more quickly than Reynolds's stories about the USSR, the Race in SF issues raised in them otherwise virtually untouched in sf remain politically pertinent. Continued" in Nova 3 , anth , ed Harry Harrison , extends the series.

Day After Tomorrow August Analog as "Status Quo"; exp introduced a status-conscious future USA further elaborated in Mercenary from Tomorrow April Analog as "Mercenary"; exp dos , which became the first of the Joe Mauser series set in a future world in which corporate disputes are settled by pseudo-gladiatorial contests, packaged by the media as entertainment, and involving small professional armies fighting with pre Weapons see Games and Sports.

Joe Mauser, Mercenary from Tomorrow coll with Banks contains revisions of the earlier items.

During Reynolds's work was more determinedly commercial. He continued to write stories around Campbell plot ideas. All involve a good deal of rather slapstick Humour ; examples include Amazon Planet December February Analog ; Italian trans ; and Brain World The most intelligent people get to vote. Those that are not intelligent and thus cannot find jobs in part because of the mechanization of most production and service industries are given a government dole, the NIT negative income tax.

These hordes of dissidents join roving communities which trek across North and South America. I advise any potential readers to glue a piece of paper over the last page. Bat is also an intelligent self-taught man with a fair share of flaws. Most Mexicans hate Americans for destroying their culture — especially the Bohemian traveling communities with their loose morals, questionable agnostic New Temple, flaunted wealth, etc. Just happened across the ending to this one and I see what you mean.

You are commenting using your WordPress. Taking us decades into the future, he tells the story of a world where people have taken to the road en masse, in huge mobile "towns" composed of hundreds or even thousands of inhabitants, attempting to deal with a hostile and over-organized world. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Brief Encounters with Che Guevara.

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Book Review: Rolltown, Mark Reynolds (1976)

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