The Runaway Roommate (Kdrama Chronicles Book 1)

That's what I was thinking.

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Are there many contemporary Korean novels that are translated to English? Time to dust off some of my fanfic and send it to a publisher, if that can bring money I have a chance.

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Although usually it's a financial loss to the author. Anyone up for a book club?

I've been reading a lot lately but nothing k related so idk. I just finished a book about Nero and other about roman civilization I might not be the most fun. Book club with claasic and diverse literature?!?!?

The Runaway Roommate (Kdrama Chronicle) Book Review

I've always wanted a book club! Edited at Lol, I've been reading J.

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The book could have benefited from chapters or sections from David's perspective, or more scenes involving David and his mother, anything to make him seem more like a complete human being. He was such a horrible man, and his behavior just didn't make any sense at all. This exciting, hilarious, and sweet novel keeps you on your toes while you follow Casey throughout the antics she gets into! She no longer enjoyed running, and she stopped doing all the healthy living stuff her boyfriend had convinced her to start doing. How to write a great review. You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices: Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

Barrie's Peter and Wendy the original Peter Pan story. It's pretty classic, lol, and really free on project gutenburg. It's on my e-reader, now. I shall work on it. Not my cup of tea I think the book club idea is great, if there are enough omona members interested. I've read some translated bits of the novel that Coffee Prince was based on and I was really enjoying it. As for this Runaway Roommate thing, I suspect whoever reads it will die of second hand embarrassment before Chapter 3. Help me get a book club started! Log-in to write a review or add a video review.

LG on March 18, This is one of the two books I read and finished during my vacation. However, organizing my notes in order to write this review really highlighted for me just how many things I disliked about this book. I suppose I'll talk about the good aspects first and ease into the rest. In the end, the most prominent K-drama-related aspects were the italicized bits at the beginning of every chapter, which featured Casey and her friends talking as they watched K-dramas.

K-drama titles were rarely never?

See a Problem?

I wish Mae had included some kind of guide at the end that identified specific shows referred to in the book, but, even without definitive answers, it was still fun trying to guess them. For example, I thought it was more than a bit hypocritical to state that she didn't support game piracy but did think it was okay for her and her friends to get bootleg K-dramas.

Her reasoning was that K-dramas are hard or impossible to find in America, which made me immediately check to see when this was published: While I think legal, English-subtitled DVDs may still be somewhat difficult to get, I know of several legal sources of streaming K-dramas. Dramafever, for example, went live in The romance aspect of the book was incredibly bland. There were really only two obstacles between Casey and David: David's girlfriend and Casey's supposed lack of attractiveness. It was inevitable that he would break up with her.

As far as Casey's attractiveness went, David seemed to like her right from the get-go. The problem was that Casey was an Unhappy Fat Person. One of her best friends commented disapprovingly about Casey's choice of pizza over her own choice of grilled chicken salad without dressing.

Account Options The Runaway Roommate (Kdrama Chronicles Book 1) eBook: C.S. Mae: Kindle Store. The Runaway Roommate has ratings and 15 reviews. http:// bookhtml.

She referred to herself as a "dumpy slob" who was four sizes heavier than she used to be a few years ago. Her status as an Unhappy Fat Person essentially cost her a promotion — she didn't have the self-confidence and enthusiasm her boss was looking for. Even though Casey's boss never mentioned her weight, Casey's self-confidence and enthusiasm plummeted around the same time she gained weight.

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Plus, Casey herself brought her weight to my mind by mentioning that her boss was "supermodel thin" and basically the exact opposite of her in every way. It wasn't until later in the book that further context was given. Casey became depressed after her boyfriend moved out, moved away, and dumped her in a note he left behind. She no longer enjoyed running, and she stopped doing all the healthy living stuff her boyfriend had convinced her to start doing.

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I initially expected the romance to develop either after Casey lost weight and started eating healthy again, or while she was in the process of doing those things, so it was a surprise when David showed clear signs of interest only a quarter of the way into the book.

Had she not doubted her own attractiveness because Unhappy Fat Person , the two of them might have gotten together much sooner. Casey never did go back to the lifestyle she had while dating her old boyfriend, but she did get back into running. It was framed as her getting back into doing something she enjoyed rather than as an activity she was doing in order to lose weight, which was nice. The book could have benefited from chapters or sections from David's perspective, or more scenes involving David and his mother, anything to make him seem more like a complete human being.

Because that, combined with some of what Casey and her friends said in the italicized bits at the beginning of each chapter, made it seem like David's biggest draw for Casey was that he half-Korean and good-looking. On-page interaction with David was generally pretty superficial.