St. Jerome

After a time in Gaul, he returned to Aquileia in While there, Jerome and his friend Bonosus had a falling out and decided to part ways. Bonosus departed for an island in the Adriatic where he would live as a hermit for a time. In , Jerome finally reached Antioch, after making several lengthy stops along the way. While in that city, Jerome began writing his first work, "Concerning the Seven Beatings. During that same year, disease made Jerome ill while taking the lives of some of his companions.

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It is unclear what disease was responsible, or if different illnesses had taken his friends. During his illness, Jerome had visions which made him even more religious. Jerome went into the desert to live for four years, living as a hermit southwest of Antioch. He was frequently ill during this time.

St. Jerome

After he emerged from his hermitage, Jerome was quickly embroiled in conflicts within the Church at Antioch. This was not something Jerome wanted to be associated with. Jerome made clear that he did not want to become a priest, preferring instead to be a monk or a hermit. But Church officials in Antioch as well as Pope Damasus wanted him to be ordained. Jerome relented on the condition he would not be expected to serve in any ministry and would still be allowed to pursue his monastic life.

He was subsequently ordained. Making the most of his freedom as a priest, Jerome traveled to Constantinople where he studied under St. Gregory of Nazianzus, who was renown as a great theologian. Following the council, Pope Damsus kept Jerome in Rome and made him his secretary.

While serving as secretary to the pope, Jerome also promoted the ideal of aestheticism to everyone around him. Included in this group were women of the city of Rome who wanted to live saintly lives. Pope Damasus died in , and this exposed Jerome to criticism and controversy. Jerome was a sarcastic man of great wit. He became unpopular because of his attitude and made a number of enemies.

While Pope Damasus was alive, he could shield Jerome from criticism, but now Jerome faced the vengeance of the enemies he made. Both prominent pagans who resented his promotion of the faith and fellow Christians who lacked his wit attacked him with vicious rumors. Among the rumors were accusations that he was behaving inappropriately with the woman we now know as Paula. At that time, she was one of his students in aestheticism.

Paula was a widow with four children who deeply mourned the loss of her husband.

Major literary works

At the same time or a little later he composed his Liber Contra Luciferianos , in which he cleverly uses the dialogue form to combat the tenets of that faction, particularly their rejection of baptism by heretics. He began in by correcting the existing Latin language version of the New Testament, commonly referred to as the Vetus Latina. Still, his writings were highly regarded by women who were attempting to maintain a vow of becoming a consecrated virgin. Besides his contributions as a Church Father and patronage of subsequent Catholic scholarship, Jerome is also regarded as a patron of people with difficult personalities—owing to the sometimes extreme approach which he took in articulating his scholarly opinions and the teaching of the Church. Recognizing his importance—since Jerome was by now known as a scholar and a monastic figure of significance—Paulinus decided to ordain him. The crisis arrived when Chalcis became involved with ecclesiastical and theological controversies centring on episcopal succession and Trinitarian on the nature of the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and Christological on the nature of Christ disputes. This is what the title "Archangel" means, that he is above all the others in rank.

Jerome provided counseling and instruction to her and she became a lifelong friend and follower of Jerome, assisting him in his work. Eventually, Jerome decided to return to the Holy Land to escape the calumny in Rome. He headed east and arrived in Antioch in Shortly after, Jerome was met by Paula, her daughter, and several other followers. The group went first to Jerusalem, then on to Alexandria, Egypt. They settled in Bethlehem and had a monastery built there which included dormitories for women.

Jerome was a hard worker and he wrote extensively defending the virginity of Mary, which some clerics dared to question.

  • Saint Jerome in His Study (Ghirlandaio) - Wikipedia.
  • St. Jerome | Christian scholar |!
  • Saint Jerome.

He also engaged in several debates against various other heresies including a lengthy battle with his old friend Rufinus. Jerome was easily upset, and even the venerable St.

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Augustine exchanged words with him. Eventually, Jerome and Augustine repaired their relationship and were able to correspond as friends and colleagues. Of all the things that made Jerome famous, nothing was so legendary as his translation of the Bible. Jerome began work while he was still in Rome under Pope Damasus. He spent his entire life translating the scriptures from Hebrew and Old Latin.

In the year Paula died, later to become a saint of the Church. Rome was sacked by Alarc the Barbarian in These events distressed Jerome greatly. Violence eventually found its way to Bethlehem disrupting Jerome's work in his final years. Jerome died on September 30, His death was peaceful and he was laid to rest under the Church of the Nativity. His remains were later transferred to Rome. Saint Jerome is the patron saint of archaeologists, Biblical scholars, librarians, students and translators.

Ignatius of Antioch during the reign of Emperor Trajan. They were condemned to death for their Learn about the lives of the saints and other saint resources, including a calendar, over 5, saint biographies, our most popular saints, and a list of patron saints.

Saint of the Day for September 30

Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a legendary example of God's mercy and grace. The precise dates of her birth and death are unknown, but we do know she was present with Christ during his public ministry, death and resurrection. Saint Michael the Archangel isn't a saint, but rather he is an angel, and the leader of all angels and of the army of God.

This is what the title "Archangel" means, that he is above all the others in rank. Michael has four main responsibilities or offices, as we Gabriel is an angel who serves as a messenger for God to certain people. He is one of the three archangels.

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Saint Jerome was a Christian priest, confessor, theologian, and historian. He was born at Jerome is recognised as a saint and Doctor of the Church by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Lutheran Church, and the. St. Jerome, Latin in full Eusebius Hieronymus, pseudonym Sophronius, (born c. , Stridon, Dalmatia—died /, Bethlehem, Palestine; feast day.

Gabriel is mentioned in both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. First, in the Old Testament, Gabriel appears to the prophet Daniel to explain his Bishop of Ruspe, Tunisia, and a friend of St. His mother, widowed, opposed Fulgentius' religious career, but he became a monk. He became abbot with Felix but had to His cause for canonization for sainthood was officially opened in San Alfredo fue rey de Wessex, uno de los siete reinos principales que precedieron al reino de Inglaterra.

Se hizo celebre por defender su territorio contra los vikingos normandos , por lo que fue llamado "El Grande" por su pueblo. Reading 1, Jeremiah Rufus and Zosimus were citizens of Antioch or The California Network Inspiring streaming service. His response to temptation was incessant prayer and fasting. He learned Hebrew from a Jewish convert, studied Greek, had manuscripts copied for his library and his friends, and carried on a brisk correspondence.

The crisis arrived when Chalcis became involved with ecclesiastical and theological controversies centring on episcopal succession and Trinitarian on the nature of the relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and Christological on the nature of Christ disputes.

Suspected of harbouring heretical views i. Pope Damasus I did not respond, and Jerome quit the desert for Antioch. Basil , the great orthodox bishop of Caesarea and one of the three Cappadocian Fathers—the others being St. Gregory of Nazianzus and St. Recognizing his importance—since Jerome was by now known as a scholar and a monastic figure of significance—Paulinus decided to ordain him.

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Jerome accepted on two conditions: He attended the exegetical lectures of Apollinaris of Laodicea and visited the Nazarenes Jewish Christians of Beroea to examine their copy of a Hebrew gospel purporting to be the original Gospel of Matthew. Jerome spent almost three years — continuing his pursuit of scriptural studies. An enthusiastic disciple of St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Jerome also came to know St. There he pursued his scholarly work on the Bible and propagated the ascetic life. More importantly, he revised the Old Latin version of the Gospels on the basis of the best Greek manuscripts at his command and made his first, somewhat unsuccessful, revision of the Old Latin Psalter based on a few Septuagint Greek translation of the Old Testament manuscripts.

St. Jerome in the Desert - by Leonardo da Vinci

He held classes for a monastic-minded circle of noble Roman widows and virgins e. He taught them the Hebrew text of the Psalms , orally and in letters, he answered their biblical problems, and he was their master in spirituality as well. In company with virgins led by Paula, Jerome made a religious and archaeological pilgrimage through all of Palestine and to the monastic centres of Egypt; he spent almost a month with the famed exegete Didymus the Blind in Alexandria.

The summer of found him settled in Bethlehem. Here Jerome lived, except for brief journeys, until his death. The controversies were varied. An anti-Origen movement in the east, fanned by the antiheretical bishop Epiphanius , turned Jerome not only against the views of Origen—whose 39 sermons on Luke he had translated c. His petulance in early correspondence with St. Against the monk Jovinian, who asserted the equality of virginity and marriage, he wrote a polemical diatribe Adversus Jovinianum that was frequently brilliant but needlessly crude, excessively influenced by the 2nd- and 3rd-century theologian Tertullian , whose writings were at times unnecessarily harsh toward marriage.

Against the priest Vigilantius, Jerome dictated in one night a defense of monasticism, clerical celibacy, and certain practices connected with the cult of martyrs Contra Vigilantium, Between and he produced a Latin translation of the Old Testament on the basis of the original text, a remarkable effort considering the slender instruments at his disposal and the opposition his project provoked. He wrote short glosses interpretations on the Psalter and more scientific explanations of Psalms 10— His commentary on Ecclesiastes c.

Many of his letters are tracts on exegetical problems, and he wrote homilies to monks under his direction on texts of Scripture. Jerome is remembered for his extensive erudition, especially his understanding of the classics, the Bible, and Christian tradition. In the art of the Renaissance he was frequently and anachronistically depicted dressed in the robes of a cardinal , a reflection of his stature as a model humanist.

He was a learned scholar rather than a deep thinker, a sound traditionalist and not a speculative theologian , more competent as editor than as exegete. His career was a turbulent combination of scholarship and asceticism , and his correspondence is an exciting source for the historian, Scripture student, and theologian. His influence has been far-reaching and profound, on the early Middle Ages in particular: We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.

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