O Soares, que podia adverti-la com um sinal, estava inibido de o fazer. Estudavam sua fisionomia, aprendiam seus menores gestos, decoravam suas palavras ainda banais. Quem o escutava recebia ao mesmo tempo pelos olhos e pelo ouvido o seu pensamento, sempre elevado. Como podia fazer dessa ave corpulenta uma abelha que borboleteasse entre as florinhas de um jardim? A sociedade habitual do comendador assistia a esse jogo matrimonial com o interesse e curiosidade, com que os romanos apreciavam uma luta de gladiadores, e os ingleses acompanhavam um steeple-chase.

O comendador era pois um pai constitucional representativo. Embora o ferro a corte, rebenta de novo. Contudo o tato de sua alma de mulher lhe indicava, embora vagamente, a natureza daquele motivo. Jantar perto da inglesa significava o mesmo que ficar-lhe hipotecado pelo resto da tarde e por toda a noite. Depois lhe darei uma flor para servir de modelo.

E assim quanto ao mais. Guida dizia a verdade. Foi hoje a primeira vez? E o tolo prestou-se! Joaquina, a quem Gertrudes a mandava de presente. Isolado no meio de tantos convidados, desconhecido naquela sociedade habitual, perguntariam: Trowshy, pelo resto do dia. Guida, pois, tinha errado. E sem o comendador! Guida pronunciou estas palavras com a maior calma. Desta cidade de Friburgo assim vieram os primeiros colonos que fundaram a nossa cidade do mesmo nome. E o senhor chama a isto vencer? A coisa se passara deste modo. Deus criou tais primores para serem admirados. Adorna-se como o cristal que imita o diamante, ou como a centelha que se afigura uma estrela na treva da noite.

Entretanto nada disso havia em casa do comendador Soares. Era o jantar habitual dos domingos, talvez menos concorrido do que em semanas anteriores. Viu com efeito; achou-a muito linda; desde esse dia ficaram amigas. Sempre que vinha desses lados quebrava alguns ramos, que levava consigo. A suspeita ou pressentimento de que o desenho representava seu vulto a cavalo, excitou-lhe vivamente a curiosidade. Mais tarde, quem sabe? Guida conseguira portanto realizar seu pensamento. As fitas que ela trazia no cinto e no cabelo eram da cor do traje com que andava ordinariamente o jovem advogado.

O parceiro da esquerda fazia com o precedente o maior contraste. Tudo o mais era miniatura. Quando o deram por pronto na escrita e tabuada, arranjou ele uma espelunca, chamada casa de penhor, onde emprestava dinheiro especialmente aos pretos quitandeiros. Diziam uns que fora comprado, outros que lho tinham dado. O velhaco do Camacho empalmou o aljube, que lhe tinham dado de penhor, e fez-se visconde. Com todo o direito! E quem as conhece melhor do que o bicho?

Nunca sabia quando tinha fome, e seria escusado perguntarem-lhe; era D. Viera ao Rio de Janeiro pela primeira vez aos onze anos de idade, tocando uma porcada, que trazia ao mercado seu tio, velho roceiro de Lorena. Naquele tempo as porcadas percorriam as ruas, como ainda hoje os bandos de perus. Ao estalo do foguete, espirrou o bacorinho, e ei-lo a correr espavorido. Sendo de todos o mais rico, era para notar-se que fosse o menos graduado.

Comendador, tenho o prazer de apresentar-lhe os meus amigos, os Srs. Chame-se Soares, sem mais. Paulina, que ria-se dos seus gracejos. Ricardo encolheu os ombros. Tenho grandes salas, ricos tapetes, cadeiras de estofo, soberbos jantares; mas preciso de gente de casaca, para encher estas salas, pisar esses tapetes, sentar-se nessas cadeiras, e comer estes jantares. Um criado acabava de trazer o prato de peixe, que lhe servira a Guida fazendo como de costume as honras da casa.

No correr do jantar conversando com D. Para o alfaiate, charutos, carro e o diabo, ponhamos 8: Mas pode render uns duzentos contecos Nogueira observava o enlevo de D. Era figura proeminente nele Mrs.

Os quatro iam montados em mulas baias, que no mais cadente chouto os chocalhava dentro das roupas e da pele, como sacos metidos em bruacas. Ouvindo afrautar-se a voz de Mrs. Daniel, subitamente arrancado ao seu enlevo, compreendeu o susto da mestra. Bem quis o Daniel parar a mula e apear-se para acudir a tempo; mas ainda uma vez convenceu-se que nem sempre governa o de cima. Deixam cair a mestra de D.

Trowshy e os seus companheiros de tiro tornassem a si da esfrega e pudessem de novo soldar-se na sela. No segundo plano notava-se D. Madrugando nesse dia, contra o costume, o sobrinho de D. Guilhermina chamou um escravo:. Nisso mostrava Ricardo o seu atraso nas regras da boa sociedade. O senhor deve estar cansado! Guilhermina, e vendo Ricardo render-se no primeiro assomo, sorriu. Tenho eu culpa das estrepolias de seu cavalo?

Havia nesse lugar uma longa mesa, feita de paus toscos e ensombrada por espesso bambuzal. Por uma pessoa indiferente! Por exigir o que lhe pertence? Estava em seu direito. Tenho aqui meu estojo! Eu tenho aqui arnica! Abalar-se a gente para ver morros trepados por cima doutros!

Isto arde, mas abre o apetite! Escreveram uns o nome e a data; outros a simples inicial; D. Durante esse tempo o Sr. Creio que se engana. Surdindo de um desabe do talude onde se metera com o machinho para abrigar-se da soalheira, o Sr. Para estes amigos do peito era o Sr. Por isso lhe pagava o estado um conto e seiscentos como amanuense. Nogueira, o que valeu-lhe bem! Aceite, tome o meu conselho! Para subtrair-se a esse foco de aborrecimento, apressou o animal:. Vou lhe confessar uma fraqueza minha. Mas o senhor admirava e fazia outra coisa.

Ia perguntar-lhe o que representa o desenho A rir afastou-se Guida com Mrs. Desde o primeiro dia Ricardo notara o Dr. Esse empertigamento moral revelava a afinidade que havia entre a alma do candidato e a vaidade feminina. Foi pois com prazer que Ricardo aceitou o charuto e a palestra, que lhe oferecera o Dr.

Gosto de fumar neste canto o meu charuto depois de jantar. Ensinam as Santas Escrituras que o Criador formou o homem do lodo, amassando o barro e inspirando-lhe a centelha divina. Cada um segura-se ao anel de cima, e por sua vez suspende o anel de baixo; e assim trabalha a corrente do guindaste. Quando recebe na alcova Escolhido o alvo, assesta o sujeito contra ele toda sua metralha: Assim falavam eles; eu diria: Guilhermina, antes do jantar, falei a respeito dessa novidade que os senhores trouxeram.

A Guida nem pensa nisso. E eu sem ver! Deixe, eu mesmo o sento! Pra que ter este trabalho! Guida, percebeu que ela tinha sua quedinha pelo tal Ricardo. O amanuense tinha especial birra ao corretor. O empenho do Bastos em incumbir-se das encomendas de D. Ditas estas palavras em tom que flutuava entre o motejo e a contrariedade, a filha do banqueiro ergueu-se para dirigir-se ao piano, onde a chamara D.

Seriam dez horas passadas. O livro que Ricardo traduzia era de Balzac: Veja o que lhe digo. Sujeito que tem de ser apatacado, eu o descubro logo pela pinta.

A MAGIA DO MOMENTO (HUGO A ESTRELA-DO-MAR FELIZ Livro 3) ( Portuguese Edition) - Kindle edition by Suzy Liebermann. Download it once and read it. See more. O MIstério do Cinco Estrelas, Marcos Rey | 40 livros que vão fazer você morrer . Crônicas de gelo e fogo - livro 3 - o volume "vermelho". Na.

Mas vamos ao que serve. Dois velhacos de marca. Domingo na Tijuca, todos conheceram como ela se derretia Olhe; um namoro com uma rapariga como a Guida, custa caro! Mete-me nessa tarrafa policial! Anda; um estelionato, de cumplicidade com o visconde! Far-me-ias lembrar o Rossi, se eu o tivesse ouvido. Era dia de anos. Guida entrava nos dezenove; o que anunciava para breve um grande acontecimento. Chegado o dia, Guida sofismou a promessa, declarando que se deviam entender os anos completos: Guilhermina, como de costume.

Aposto que nem imaginas quanto custou no Farani? Eu tenho vergonha de confessar! No fim havia uma escada, que chegada ao tope no primeiro andar, voltava para cima. Passado um instante ergueu-se; olhou indeciso para Ricardo que lhe dava as costas escrevendo; passeou a esmo pelo estreito aposento, e aproximou-se da mesa:.

Assim me servisse ele! A Guida gosta de ti, acabei de convencer-me hoje. Eis como eu penso. Tu tens a fidelidade do frade, eu a do soldado; tu foges, eu combato. Melhor farias se me respondesses seriamente a uma pergunta. Prometo abandonar semelhante vida Irei ao baile desta noite porque estou obrigado. Do outro, minutas de contratos e escrituras. Se tem muito dinheiro, guarde-o, que passa-se muito bem sem ele. Paulina com sua habitual singeleza. Quero ver o seu gosto. Qual acha mais bonito, o azul ou o verde?

Eram o visconde da Aljuba e o Dr. Havia na sala a atmosfera moral que se forma pela expectativa e curiosidade do desconhecido. Vieste agarrar o teu velho camarada! Tu sabes, praga de urubu Pois isto se faz? Tu serias o primeiro banqueiro do Rio de Janeiro. Arranjei uma partida em nossa casa, mas com o maior segredo.

Ao mesmo tempo D. Querem ver o desaforo? Algumas vozes proferiram o nome do Dr. Nogueira, como o homem do momento. Que vigor de colorido!

Bastava uma palavra tua. Ontem me avisaram de um infame ajuste feito entre ele e o Nogueira, sob a garantia de teu dote. Se fosses pobre, a tua virtude bastava para defender-te; mas rica! Algumas vezes parava para observar a fisionomia de D. Ricardo de Melo Nunes, advogado. Assegurou Ricardo que as ordens de D. Leonarda seriam cumpridas; e ali estava exato no dia e hora que lhe fora designado. Que lhe queria a senhora? Teria ele de penetrar nos segredos de sua vida? Pretendia a velha incumbi-lo de redigir seu testamento?

Feitos os cumprimentos, Mrs. Delicadamente Ricardo fingia observar Mrs. O pai exige o cumprimento da promessa. Era um homem probo e delicado. Podia confiar-lhe o seu destino.

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Eis o que ela disse, concluiu Guida. The Kylin jumps out of the picture and makes lots of trouble. The old painter is so angry and takes a scroll of Chinese painted which has a famous Chinese deity — Zhong Kui. Then he paints the eyes on Zhong Kui, too. A battle in the picture soon begins.

A forgotten diary animates itself and uncovers with tenderness and wit one of the simple pleasures the existence of an ordinary city-dweller holds. Estudou no Taiwan National University of the Arts. Yi-Hsun Chiu was born in Taiwan in He studied at the Taiwan National University of the Arts. He is now studying Animation at the Institute of Sound and Image. After motion graphic design studies in the Art School of Poitiers, Olivier worked as assistant director in cinema and television. Este domingo vai ser diferente. Can you keep a secret?. This Sunday will be different.

We will not get into the car. Mom and Dad will not argue and we will play on a garden of gigantic cabbages. Pensamos que somos meros passageiros e que nada deixa marcas. Born in in Madrid. The cartoon is based on the story by J. During the narration, we see the relations of a child and a doll. Designer, especialista em efeitos especiais e realizador.

Andrey Zhidkov was born on July 27, and lives in St. Designer, VFX-artist and director. Since he was a child that Andrey was interested in arts. In he began working in the film industry. Na Idade do Ouro, quando deuses e deusas amavam, o desejo surgia de um olhar, e o prazer de um desejo. Uma luta contra A Noite para estarem juntos. Selene e Louis devem enfrentar o poder das leis e dos medos para se libertarem todo o custo. In the golden age, when gods and goddesses loved, desire followed upon a look, and enjoyment upon desire.

A fight against The Night to be together, Selene and Louis should face the power of rules and fears to be free at any cost. De momento, reside na Dinamarca. Inma Carpe was born on July 24th, in Spain. Currently, she lives in Denmark. A weird beast wanders alone in the universe. It will undergo an odd metamorphosis and will cause the creation of a strange planet.

An unfinished version of a fable is given an ending by a random gust of wind. Realizador, designer e animador de recortes. Jimmy Audoin was born in Poitiers in Director, compositing designer and paper cut animator. Nasceu em em Israel. Delphine Cauvet was born in La Rochelle, She spent her childhood between Algeria and Morocco. This is her first animated film. Born in Deggendorf, Germany. After his A-level he began studying digital media at the Academy of Arts in Bremen.

After this he worked as a freelance graphic-designer and 3D-artist for Premiere, M. Born in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. Ele cria um alterego para tentar seduzi-la, mas perde o controlo. Young Gary is in love with an older girl. He creates an alter-ego to try to seduce her, but this one goes out of control. Ou como um skater influencia aquele micro-universo. Or how a skateboarder influences the micro-universe. The ant takes revenge. Chimpanzee is captured and put in the space program.

After intense training, he finds himself in the jungle again battling his true nature. Christian Munk Sorensen was born in Denmark in He works in art conception, character design and background painting. He graduated with a bachelor degree in character animation. He loves to do experiments with styles and techniques. By creating his own brushes, textures and mixing Medias he tries to gain speed, simplify his work process. All of this is accompanied by a strong knowledge of animation principles.

Born in Iceland in With an incurable interest in animation but with no suitable schools at his country of birth, Matthias headed for Denmark. Prior to working as an animator he did graphic design and web programming. Nicolai was born in Fredericia , Denmark, in In he started studying computer graphics at several different schools in Denmark. Once the star of Milovan Circus and now a mere mime, Iakov puts on his stage make up while recalling his glorious past.

Marvin pilots his cargo freighter through space. His only entertainment is a TV with the worst picture reception in recorded human history. He indulges himself consuming vast quantities of pizza and coffee to barely stay awake for the journey with random power outages interrupting the ride. Margot also won the jury junior prize at Annecy Henrik tem estado profissionalmente envolvido no campo do grafismo em 3D desde Presentemente, trabalha como realizador e compositor em regime freelance.

Henrik has been professionally involved in the fields of 3D graphics and compositing since In a very industrialized world, where humans only eat transgenic food, some plates make for surprising dishes. Mais tarde foi para Vancouver onde fundou a produtora Global Mechanic. Born in Newfoundland, Bruce Alcock studied the tuba and comparative literature before moving to Barcelona, where he began learning about animation with animator Dirk van de Vondel.

He then moved to Chicago, where he continued directing commercials with his next production company, Tricky Pictures. Later he settled in Vancouver, where he founded the production company Global Mechanic. Licenciou-se ainda na Supinfocom Valenciennes, France. Neste momento, trabalha e vive em Paris. He also graduated at Supinfocom Valenciennes, France. He worked as a drawer before becoming an animation film director.

At the present time he lives and works in Paris. Magus Maximus plays in an ancient amphitheatre where an old, fat magician is trying to perform a levitation trick with his female assistant. But he has long lost his magic power and fails constantly. After graduating from school in Emanuel Strixner born in Starnberg, Germany completed several internships in the area of cartoon, stop-motion and 3D animation.

Um casal estava sozinho e velho. De repente, um dos potes torna-se real. Contente, a velhinha deixa o menino de barro jantar com eles e coloca-o num pedestal. An old man and his old wife were alone. The old man made tableware from clay: And suddenly one of those pots became alive. Happy, the old woman lets the clayboy have dinner with them and put it at the table on the pedestal. Clayboy turned round, grabbed the old woman with the one hand and the old man with the other and then put them into his mouth. So he did with the cat and the dog.

Alekhin, AL Mishchenko, A. Grandma tells her grandson a bedtime story and loses control. But, some books are forbidden due to their emotional content and the physical transformations they may cause. Tim-Urs Vogel nasceu em em Hoyo, Alemanha. Rike Rothe nasceu em em Erlangen, Alemanha. He directed two films: He also won the Grand Prize of Annecy in After her studies of Art and Media at the University in Hildesheim she works as an illustrator and teacher. Tim-Urs Vogel was born in in Hoya, Germany.

After his studies of Communication Design in Hamburg, he works as a filmmaker and illustrator. Vanessa Eder, born in in Paris, France, studied scenography and works for theatres and film in Hamburg, Berlin and Vienna. Rike Rothe was born in in Erlangen, Germany. From the house where the old coal miner is dying of silicosis, the child begins an audiovisual journey going back in time.

This initiatory experience will bring to the little boy the consciousness of History and the desire of maintaining Memory alive. This is a tale about the boy, Maima. He conquered the gift of flying to fight the alien who had stolen the people. Terminou o curso de teatro na Escola de Arte V. Born on the 14th of October in Krasnoyarsk. She finished the theatrical branch of the Art School V. Worked at the theatre as art director.

Born on August 11, Born on the 6th of June This is what can happen to a man who fails to be what he actually is. Realiza filmes recorrendo ao computador desde os anos Chris Landreth born is an American animator working in Canada, best known for his work on the film, Ryan. Joseph is a shy, introverted little boy who collects snails. Sophie Roze was born in Pete Candeland was born in and grew up in Australia. He was hired by Disney in Sydney straight from high school in after they saw his drawing skills. With the help of a masked rebel driving a blue R8 Gordini, Mister R and his wife plot a radical clothing revolution and the assault of monochromic orange totalitarianism.

Jean Christophe Lie was born in in Tarbes, France. The misadventure of an old woman obsessed with birds and her son, who thinks that he can fly. Filipe Abranches was born in Lisbon, in In an attempt to start the screening again they tumble through their chambers behind the screen. Moyo, a little oy, decides to take things in hand after the kidnapping of his little sister. Born on the 24th of July , he began making films at the age of twelve. During his studies of Graphic Design at the Arts Academy, Erik began working for the Dutch television, creating a series of animation films, live action drama and documentaries, always using a variety of styles and techniques.

The film opens on a large cardboard box in the middle of an empty room. An animated character, which is drawn onto the surface of the box, is engaged in the painstaking construction of a mysterious object. At the end this is revealed to be a perfect crafted cardboard Audi Q5 car.

Riho Unt was born on the 15th of May Aaron graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in and has since created several commercials, music videos and short films. Russell Brooke studied animation at the West Surrey College of Art and Design, and shortly upon graduation he started working as a freelance animator for a variety of animation studios around the world. The godfather of a New York mafia family goes to the opera to please his wife.

Three hired killers from a rival family come up with a scheme to gun him down from the stage. Unfortunately, their plan does not go as they had anticipated. A magical tale of loneliness and friendship based on the award-winning book by Oliver Jeffers. One day, a boy finds a penguin on his doorstep and decides to take it home. Diversas partes desta imagem, baseadas em formas similares, permitem-nos descobrir movimentos secretos. In the film, one picture is taken apart in order to create an animated film from its fragments.

Different parts of this one picture, based on similar forms, allow us to discover secret movements. Uma noite, chega um desconhecido. A young girl, Claude, is spending her holidays with her mother and her brother in their beach house. One evening, an unknown man arrives. Along with his animator activities, he draws and illustrates for publishing and the press.

He also paints and exhibits his work at the Biennale de Paris, at the museum of modern art and in various art galleries. These episodes were told by symbolic and metaphoric pictures and transformations. A sausage hereby is a kind of time line, a connecting element between the scenes and also an ironic national symbol. Spectacular car chases, an intense hostage crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city, and even more in Logorama!. Born in in Radenberg, near Dresden. From to he has promotion classes and evening classes at the University of Fine Arts Dresden.

In he begins working at the Barrandov Studios, Prague. In these films, illusions and expectations are challenged. To save time he decides to order more coffee. Joost em Breda, Holanda. Evelien Lohbeck was born on the 20th of March In she started her studies in animation at the Art academy St. She chose animation for its numerous possibilities to visualise. She has learned a lot of different animation techniques rothoscope, 3D computer animation, stop-motion etc. Born on the 12th of February in Kansk, Krasnoyarsk region.

She finished her studies at the Ukrainian Polygraphic institute of I. Fedorova - speciality of book drawing. She has already received various awards in international competitions. Member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine. Frankfurt on Main, Nasceu em em Lesaka. Musician, producer and reporter. His work is based on research among different people, sounds and formats, such as acoustic, individual and group installations and collective improvisation. Black tea or how a simple cup of tea can provoke a horrible fit of anguish.

The laws of gravity and the lack of safety at work put him in a dangerous situation. This is the story of a man who suffers a spectacular accident. He has several studies in the audiovisual area. He finished his studies to become a drawing teacher at the University of Bordeaux. So there he is, wandering a whole year in Toulouse, then in Lille teaching drawing to teenagers; which makes him very tired and prevents his creative ego to truly express itself. He came to Paris, because it was the only place where he could earn his living with this technique newly promoted by the politicians of that time.

Miriam takes the blame on herself instead of her little brother. But he cannot bear it and admits his guilt. But finally the hen has to confess that she was behind it all. Como corrigir um erro criado por cegonhas desmioladas? How to fix a mistake made by some scatterbrained storks? Born on the 8th of August, , in Prague. After finishing the secondary studies, she went to FAMU, animation department. Licenciou-se pela Tallinn Pedagogical University, como professor de artes. Estreou-se em como realizador. Priit Tender was born in in Tallinn, Estonia.

He graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical University as an art teacher. His debut as director was in A cold-blooded and ruthless hit man. Always on the run, Boogie follows his own rules. A violent, chauvinist and sadistic character. Women, alcohol, bullets, this film has it all. Boogie is a film that provides a lethal dose of irony and such extreme violence that becomes impossible not to laugh. His work shows his skill in visual effects and animation, where he has been an innovator in the use of several resources in his country.

Being one of the best qualified directors in terms of post-production, he always makes use of new technologies to benefit the story. Screen version of a fairy tale of Leonid Filatov, written in Characters mix archaic Russian language, typical for folklore, with neologisms of modern Russian, providing additional comic effect. Presentemente, trabalha no Melnitsa Animation Studio.

Ludmila Steblyanko was born on the 5th of May Today she works at Melnitsa Animation Studio. Jemmy apaixona-se por Katy — uma jovem de Praga. This story tells of the friendship between a young villager Jemmy who arrives in medieval Prague, and his goat. Jemmy falls in love with Katy — a street-wise girl from Prague. Goat is jealous, and starts to hate Katy. He is interested in making short 3D animated movies and combined movies with real actors. Since that time he has produced five short feature films and three 3D animated short films.

His movies were presented and have received many awards at many Czech and foreign festivals. He makes his films almost all on his own — including the form script, direction, animation and post-production. Peace reigns over the kingdom of abandoned toys until Buttercup, a beautiful doll, becomes the object of desire of cruel ruler of the Land of Evil.

In the pitched battle to save her, the strength of friendship and the desire to perpetuate the good old world comes to light. Em foi nomeado professor. Jiri Barta born , director of animated films, artist, and animator, is one of the great inspiring personalities of both Czech and world animated film. In he was appointed a professor. Animated plastic toys like Cowboy, Indian and Horse have problems, too. Surreal adventures take over as the trio travel to the centre of the Earth, trek across frozen tundra and discover a parallel underwater universe.

Two years of work led to the feature film with the same name. A poor family living in Abrantes: A series of problems, like the house, unemployment and alcoholism force the older brothers to leave home to sell matches, hoping to get some money. In a robots factory, things start to complicate when one of them, integrated in the final editing, begins to make mistakes.

Children are the sole responsible for the direction of the animated films based on stories made-up by them or adapted. Desenvolveram este projecto ao longo de todo o ano lectivo. This is their first experience in animation. They developed this project the whole year. Esperemos que tenham apetite! Para hoje, como menu, teremos um caldinho verde com couve fresquinha da nossa horta; a seguir, sardinha vivinha com batatinha cozida; e, para finalizar, rabanadas douradas — uma receita ultrasecreta de comer e chorar por mais! We hope you are hungry!

Short film directed by 14 students from the 7th grade during an animation workshop, which took place at the school EB 2,3 A Ribeirinha, within the project Animar 4, under the orientation of the director Nuno Beato. The story of a very special boy. Foi um festim no barco dos piratas, depois de terem encontrado um valioso tesouro! But there was people watching the celebration, and the danger is always sneaking. Short film directed by 12 students from a primary school during an animation workshop using the technique of cut-outs, which took place at the school EB 1 Sede no.

This films was made in a workshop organised by the Estoril Film Festival and which took place in two days with 4 groups of children from different areas of Cascais. In the high sea, during his hard work, a dreaming fisherman sees a beautiful mermaid. The story of his enchantment in a movie directed with the animation technique cut-outs,. This is a space where we try to develop projects of educational investigation using the animation cinema to involve all the population and institutions in this area of artistic creativity.

This film is the result of a creative written work, that gave origin to a script around this fantastic universe where very special little boys and girls live. Having for basis the experiences that have been acquired with the participation in the activities developed in this workshop and the way they have experienced them. During the animation workshop, the group had the opportunity to learn and participate in the making of an animated film, where the image of each scene told a bit of their own lives. This is the story of two seagulls that have decided to have their family in a rock in the middle of the ocean.

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Their daughters are always asking for food. Sea, the mother, takes them a huge fish hoping that it will solve their famish. However, the fish is not dead and he wants to eat. As they share a very particular and distant vision of the creative world that surrounds them, this group has been considered, quite a few times, as a group of insane people.

The group is constituted only by four men aged between 20 and 30 and sincerely in love for what they do. In an office like so many others, there is a boss who loves to control all the movements of his employees, making sure that they are working, however, there is one who, in order to have fun, tries everything to deceive him.

Story of a woman responsible for confirming the records of the Guinness Book. This is the story of little Claudia that, the day before her birthday, makes a wish; she wants to be a fly so that she can hear her family conversations and know what presents they are going to give her. Born in April, With a background in architecture, he worked as an art director in FCB and Advertising Agencies, moving afterwards to RTP, Portuguese Public Television, where he began working as a graphic designer, then as director and after head of the graphic department.

He wrote and directed several short animation films, documentaries and cultural series.

Director of several animation studios, trainer, he is currently directing several projects for animation series. A thin man, an ordinary man, wakes up and thinks: It turns out that this skinny man has something very important to do, although a few tasks and a few domestic hazards will stop him from accomplishing his objective, throughout a day that lasts a lifetime. A woman discovers her sexuality and an artist discovers his vocation. Vive e trabalha em Lisboa. Lives and works in Lisbon.

Teacher of Illustration and Comics at Ar. He has been working as illustrator since , and he has collaborated with the following newspapers and magazines: Colabora com diversos jornais e revistas nacionais. He collaborates with numerous newspapers and magazines. He participated in several individual and collective exhibitions in Portugal and abroad. Com ele, viaja o filho, Pedrito, que sonha, um dia, ser como o pai. A very well known Portuguese bullfighter arrives in Spain.

His son, Pedrito, accompanied him in this trip. He dreams of becoming just like his father, one day. However, just before the bullfight starts, between the backstage hustle and bustle Pedrito meets the bull that will be fought by his father. This moment will forever change the fate of all three characters. Nuno Beato was born in His career in the Animation Cinema has been in continuous growth. He likes to experiment new techniques and explore different materials. He and she start with a sensual and erotic game.

There is somebody, who needs their attention. It seems like this at first, but it is not the final truth. There is no Gabriella Ferri, but there is almost a happy end. Mas, de repente, o vento fica forte. It snows outside and Spot and Splodge runs about building a snowman, having a snowball fight and making angels.

All of a sudden the wind is strong. In a world between life and death a little girl embarks on a fateful journey to find her mother. The elderly but young at heart Wilson Brown becomes stuck in his Chinese finger trap toy whilst preparing an anniversary surprise for his wife. His increasingly desperate attempts to free himself result in him swinging from the light fitting, providing his wife with an altogether different surprise. Bumble decidiu comer uma panqueca, algo muito estranho aconteceu: Bumble a virou, a panqueca voou pela janela para muito longe.

Not along ago, when Mr. Bumble decided he wanted to eat a pancake, something very strange indeed happened: Bumble flipped it over, the pancake flew out of the open window and went far away. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. A passionate amateur auditions for the leading part in a costume drama. A former pilot looks back over his life — The Earth, the Sky, the Woman — everything that took place on the journey from an air strip to an abandoned boat house. This short film seeks for an unlike style of storytelling, that differs from the traditional way, which follows a straight forward narrative and culminates with a high level.

In the children living in the valley tell us the myths and legends about the tragic destiny of these statues that were destroyed by Talibans in In this episode, the king of Sugarland that is in love with bluffing and lying sets a competition: She comes for you. Having missed his train, Nathan decides to pass the next two hours with a cup of coffee and a crossword. If only he had decided not to sit by the window. In the open sea, during his hard daily work, a dreamer fisherman sees a beautiful mermaid. The story of his enchantment made using cut-outs of photos of lace.

The news of a bizarre calamity — a devastating flood in the Rajasthan desert of Western India — received extensive media coverage during the monsoons of Four months later, the local inhabitants begin to slowly come to grips with their tragedy. Fascinada, Alma decide entrar. Alma, a little girl, skips through the snow covered streets of a small town. Her attention is caught by a strange doll in an antique toy shop window. Fascinated, Alma decides to enter. A lyrical animated story about the transformation of a little girl into a young woman. Tipperary miners from Slieveardagh coal fields describe their life and work underground.

They speak of accidents, water, hard work and death. The crossroad of Azure dreams, the meeting place of the pure and limpid souls. In the blue kingdom everything is blue. The story of this blue princess is set against a South American tempo, and even if she has everything to smile about, she has the blues. Take a pill and follow Gazy on his crazy quest for love.

This film tells the story of Grandma Elisa whose son and his eight wives died, leaving 14 children with her. A magical journey at the sound of OliveTreeDance to revive the street as a free stage of all artists who embellish our daily life. Some stories that take place by the Douro River were the basis to this film. During the process of making the film children, youngsters and elderly people gathered together in the fantastic world of animation.

Advertisement of a book from the author Mia Couto. Adaptation of a classic music, which is the pretext for the games of four musical instruments. A music video for children. Disaster Brothers found a solution for another problem.

A little girl, a woman, and an old lady are all in constant movement. They live their own simple journeys culminating together in one unique and revealing story ending. No interior de uma casa, um homem prepara-se para sair a meio de uma noite. In the middle of the night, a man prepares to leave the house. In a dark street he carries a black box in the hand and walks to a small square with houses on the side and illuminated by a lamp. From the black box he takes a cello and everything transforms itself while he plays a musical aria.

Two poor nations go into war to dispute the frontier. Men come from all the villages and among them Januario, a humble peasant, the main character. A man is confronted with the change of his day-to-day existence following the landing of a sheep on the roof of the house opposite. Um conto primitivo sobre a luz da vida.

A primitive tale about the spark of life. A short animated film about two very different cubicle neighbours and the tense situation that builds up as the tidy Rooster gets increasingly frustrated from being exposed to the irritating everyday habits of his clumsy Elephant colleague. Having been struck by a ton meteorite, Henry has to adapt to living precisely 91cms from himself.

Both were the first films in spoken in Catalan and also the last two to use the traditional technique of hand-drawn animation without using the computer. The country has reached a high level of progress, poverty has disappeared and peace rules all over. But he also lives in another dimension, the Country of Chance, inhabited by the Audacious who are commanded by the Grand Ton. They are nurtured with the laughter that the human errors cause them. Despite the golden era of Walt Disney, Romanian animation begins to flourish after a period of silence; in , at the Studios Buflea, was created a section for animation films.

To favour the development of a school and of a Romanian style, Studio Animafilm gathered together the very first directors such as: Numerous directors of Animafilm received prizes and were mentioned in the List of Awards of International Festivals held all over Europe. Unfortunately, the events and the severe financial problems have weakened the Romanian production. Many of these films have received prizes: We are all expecting the Rebirth of the Romanian animation to continue its beautiful tradition.

Gopo invented a new kind of narrative in film animation. In ten minutes, the film accumulates poetic ideas in a humorous story, full of rhythm and imagination. The film constitutes an appeal meant to prevent any manifestation of violence, a phenomenon ever more present in our time. It is pervaded by the image of a consciousness deeply worried by these phenomena and suggests a firm and serious attitude in the spirit of a generous humanism. A shirt is hanging on a thread; it balloons, flies. A young girl, watching, also has the wish to fly. A valuable totem is stolen from the Indians and by the help of its miraculous powers, the thieves manage to open the cave with a fabulous treasure.

Dixy and Doby — will cross the prairie in search of the evildoers.

Catálogo Cinanima 2009

At the end of a fight, the two friends return the totem to its owners and by way of a reward they are given all the honours by the grateful Indian tribes. Amid a wheat field there appeared overnight a terrifying monster who by his ugliness drove away all the birds and the other creatures. Nem uma tentativa de fuga lhe pode devolver a calma com que sonha. The character of this film is an ordinary guy who goes out on a weekend to rest in the midst of nature. But his tragedy starts right there. Besides being disturbed in his quietness, he is beaten and his life is in danger.

Not even an attempt to escape will bring back the calmness he dreams of. This film is dedicated to the children of Timisoara after the Revolution in The eyes that do not want to see what is around them, the crime, the war, the cruelty. Because eyes cannot stand the sun, the light, the truth and, therefore, put on sunglasses; and they colour the lenses in pink; but pain and death are not pink. Eyes can no longer see and pink becomes black. The film is a metaphor inspired from the dramatic events happened in Romania in December Cedidopor Sender: Mas, o que acontece quando morremos?

But what happens after we go? An animation exercise using objects nails and chains that give the impression of rain. A sad and touching story of a stork offspring when discovering the world. A marmot unexpectedly finds himself in the middle of the ocean. Henceforth he strives to find his way home, in the forest.