A Seniors Guide to Fall Prevention and Healthy Living

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Seniors Guide To Falls Prevention Around The Home

Skip to main content. Have you fallen in the past or know someone who has?

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Do you have aging parents, or are you concerned about falling yourself? If the answer is yes, then this fall-prevention handbook is for you.


A Seniors Guide To Fall Prevention And Healthy Living [Roxanne Reynolds] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Have you fallen in the past. Have you fallen in the past or know someone who has? Do you have aging parents, or are you concerned about falling yourself? If the answer is yes, then this.

Roxanne Reynolds has spent the past ten years working with seniors and those with movement disorders. The key message is that there are many things we can do to prevent a fall and universal risk factors alone or in combination make everyone at risk for a fall.

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The tool and poster can be adapted by other health regions to be used in community settings including health fairs, immunization clinics, educational and staff training events. Fall Prevention Consultation Summary Report: Approximately 40 invited participants brainstormed new ideas to reduce fall related injury by attempting to explore increased accessibility and affordability of balance and strength exercise options for older adults.

A comprehensive consultation summary report titled: It is important that health professionals be aware of fall statistics and have access to educational programming to learn how to prevent falls.

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Canadians are enjoying longer life spans and better health than ever before. Connecting members to the broader community of falls prevention resources both nationally and internationally. Or they may fall after getting dizzy from taking medicines. The tool and poster can be adapted by other health regions to be used in community settings including health fairs, immunization clinics, educational and staff training events. Falls are not an inevitable part of aging. You can take steps to stay healthy, independent and on your feet.

Below are some examples of falls prevention education initiatives. Finding Balance Ontario — Professionals. Staying healthy is important, both for seniors and for society.

Seniors' Fall Prevention

Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, through its Division of Aging and Seniors , work to ensure knowledge and expertise are shared to help seniors stay healthy. Read the following resources to learn more:.

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Read the following resources to learn more: