Doomsday Preppers List - Edible and Medicinal Plants

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Splinting material — portable splint devices used in the field and for medical emergency teams can be very useful. Have some moleskin in your kit for those unwanted blisters. N95 masks — if there is ever a pandemic, having a mask can be invaluable. Flu, sars, ebola, etc… when the crises hits these be will go fast, so stock up on some before they are needed.

It is suggested to get the N95 quality valved respirators , although there is some debate on their effectiveness.

How to easily build a 2 week emergency food supply

A full face respirator will settle the question! Nitrile gloves — when dealing with blood, infections, etc… high quality disposable exam gloves can be very useful. Quick alcohol pads — another first-aid antiseptic. Clean minor cuts, disinfect medical gear, or prep sin prior to injections. Although stingy, these are very compact and useful when cleansing wounds. Thermometer mercury free — measuring your temperature should always be available. Make sure to get a mercury-free thermometer and an accurate one at that!

Snake bit kit — depending on where you live, not a necessity. But if your out about in the country especially in the southern half of the US, having a snake bit kit is wise. Here is a list of venomous snakes by state. These kits usually ome with a powerful suction extractor that can double for any poisonous bite or sting. Here is a decent snake kit. Benadryl — very useful for allergies or allergic reactions as well as a general anti-histamine.

Vaseline — this topical ointment is primarily used for skin protection, windburn, rashes, etc … There are also lots more uses of vaseline. Pedialyte — not just for kids! Pedialyte can be very useful for dehydration or diarrhea issues. Forget gatorade use pedialyte. Aloe-vera — this little plant is also useful for sun protection, rashes, and burns. Apparently is easy to grow as well! Steristrips are the recommeded substitute. Syringes — disposable syringes are recommended if there is ever a need for a quick injection. Especially if there are special needs.

Quik Clot blood stop — very handy and used by the military to stop bleeding fast! Have 1 or 2 of these quik clots handy …. They can also double for gun cleaners, tinder, and preventing blisters. Essential oils — Having a good stock of essential oils will be very useful if the system goes down and its hard to find quality medicine. Essential oils are inexpensive and needs no prescription to buy them and can be used for antiseptics, relieve headaches, promote sleep, reduce anxiety, treat wounds, etc … Here is an article on the 25 uses of lavender which is considered the jack of all oils!

You will want to have in stock a starter kit of essential oils! Specific supplements that you may need based on your health and current needs should also be well stocked. If your on any prescription meds, research how you can store up a several month supply if possible or alternatives that maybe sufficient.

Chapstick — as you spend more time outside, chapstick will be equally important. Smelling salts — inhalants that are used when light-headed or just dizzy. If you need a jolt to wake up , use smelling salts! Charcoal tablets — charcoal tablets are used for many types of digestive and stomach issues. They contain lots of small cavities able to absorb unwanted materials and gases sitting in the gut causing bloating, pain or gas. Antibiotics — the scary thing about an economic collapse will be the scarcity of antibiotics and prescription medicine. One such product is Amoxfin fish antibiotic.

An antibiotic for fish, just read some of the descriptions, they are quite hilarious! You could also go herbal using well known Dr. This is a type of salt that cab be used to combat radiation poisoning.

20 Wild Plants That Can Save Your Life

Potassium Iodide will block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland. KI potassium iodide is a salt of stable not radioactive iodine that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus protecting this gland from radiation injury. The thyroid gland is the part of the body that is most sensitive to radioactive iodine. Isopropyl alcohol — this is another useful topical agent for disinfecting items, cleansing wounds, and general antimicrobial liquid.

You can find these in your local walmart or grocery store. Sun Block — More time outside, more sun on the skin, get some sun block. Creating a saferoom requires 6 mil plastic , some duct tape and proper ventilation.

#27 Angelica

This type of plastic sheeting has lts of other uses as well such as rain collection, or for sheltering or a tarp. First Aid Manuals — a solid first aid book that covers the basic should be on your shelf. We rely so much on the internet, that if the grid went down, the only information you would have are the books on your shelf. Three recommended books are:. Next on the list comes safety and security measures. Think weapons and ammo and a home fortress.

The first thing we will look at on the list are guns. Handgun — While there is some argument on the perfect caliber, 9mm,. This can be your go-to gun by your bedside to things that go bump in the night. If you want a simple point-shoot go for the revolver. Shotgun — Many will argue if you could only have 1 weapon for home defense , the shotgun would it. The ammunition is inexpensive, is a long gun so there are less background checks when purchasing one, and can always double as a hunting gun.

Also, if someone is in your home, and they hear the pump of a shotgun , it will scary any would-be intruder and for close range encounters.

Suggested calibers are the. Knife — You should always have a knife in your bug-out bag or as an everyday carry.

Top 27 Medicinal Plants to Learn For Survival

The uses of a knife are limitless. Whether you want a fixed vs. Short range rifle — The. The ammo is plentiful and extremely cheap and could always double as a barter item, so stock up! This rifle can be used for small game and can quite possibly be used for large game if no other rifle is available. Ammo — whatever your choice of weapons are both handguns and rifles, be sure to stock up on as much ammo as possible.

Prices will skyrocket and ammo will be non-existent if there ever is a collapse scenario that unfolds. Neighborhood defense — Get to know your neighbors now! The more neighbors who are prepared the better. If you can develop a plan even better. Here is a video to secure your neighborhood in a SHTF scenario.

But what breeds are the best to own? German shepherds or Rottweilers are standard guard dogs you cant go wrong with.

Healing Wild Plants

Also consider hunting dog breeds if you live off the land and hunt often. Pre-cut plywood — This can be a wise strategy if you leave in a high risk area. You can use pre-cut plywood to board up your windows to harden your home and make it more difficult to enter. Read this on the importance of cash. Precious metals — you could write a whole article on preparing yourself financially for an economic doomsday scenario. Investing in precious metals is one of them.

Be sure to read our guide on How to Buy Silver. Lighting for home — A well lit home is less likely to be targeted at night. Security lighting around the perimeter of your house my encourage the riffraff to look elsewhere. Go for the solar-powered option here. When the grid goes down or power from the state is no longer reliable how will you power your home or keep warm during the winter. What alternatives from electric power do you have? The following is a short list of options. Blankets — Somewhat of a no brainer especially in the northern parts of the US.

Thick and heavy blankets, enough for several unwanted guests that may pop in as well. Sleeping bags — Along with blankets, having a solid sleeping bag for each member in your family is also recommended. Be sure to check for temperature rating and type of insulation. Batteries — An ample supply of batteries should always be in your prepping supplies. One tip is to use battery operated devices that use the same type of battery preferably AA, which is the most popular out there.

Then you only have to stock up on kinds of batteries as opposed to every size of battery. Rechargeable batteries — Some tools eat batteries like candy! You will want some rechargeables to go the extra mile. Here is a great post on how to store fuel long-term. Gas cans — Gas cans are needed to store spare fuel. Jerry cans seem to be the go-to gas can that preppers choose. You will want to buy some gas stabilizers additives for storing gas extended periods of time. Here is a detailed article on discussing the importance of power inverters to the prepper.

Solar power watt kitt — A solar power watt kitt allows you to power your RV, home, cabin, boat, etc… all from the power of the sun. Solar power especially in the south can be very attractive as an alternative power source. Flashlights — Remember to try and stick with the AA flashlights to standardize your battery selection. Read this guide on how to pick the best flashlight for survival. Candles — Emergency lighting at its best!

Candles are great for short-term light needs around the home, which also provide a small source of heat as well. Oil lamps — Another short-term light source that are somewhat better than candles and can be used in power outages, outdoors, or just for camping fun. IT is stated 1 gallon of oil lamp can last about hours! Which is roughly 50 days if you burn it 5 hours a day. Head lamps — Head lamps are extremely useful when working, exploring, camping or whatever and you need your hands free with a bright light.

Kids love these as well! My brand of choice of Petzl.

Propane — Heat for cooking will always be a priority, and nothing works as good as old-fashioned propane. Although not super cheap instant fire for cooking and heating is a worthy trade-off if there is no power or gas coming in. Here is an excellent primer on propane for preppers. They are amazing and you really can cook with the sun, though it does take some patience, think of them as a slow cooker.

A proper solar cooker can easily reach degrees of F so cooking should be no problem! And what more abundant energy source do you need as the sun. Here is a solar cooker ready to go. Or you can build your own. Here is a DIY solar cooker from an old satellite dish: Fire extinguisher — Prepping is about preparing for the unknown. If the Fire Department no longer exists, catching a small flame before it gets out of hand could potentially save you your home!

Be prepared and get a small extinguisher.

#26 Aloe Vera

Now, according to my wife, it works best if you can get a true desert type Aloe Vera plant with the broad leaves, not the ones you get in many nurseries with thin narrow leaves. Augason Farms makes a nice cheese blend in the famous 10 cans. These are handy to have around the home. If you can get fresh buds they are better than the powder. Freah photos in varying life stages are valuable to those seeking info, thus your tiny tickler post is worthy of retention. Water Bricks — Patented design for a water and food container, Waterbrick is a stackable and portable water container for easy water storage and great for preppers. Inform yourself on aquaponics in the video below:

Generator — Generators are great in emergency situations, especially if power is crucial for medical reasons. Long-term however there is debate at how viable generators can benefit as you will need a constant supply of fuel as well as fuel storage. Not to mention if the power has been down for months and would-be scavengers are rummaging the neighborhood when they hear the sound of a generator running?? If you do plan on getting one, look for tri-fuel generators.

Biodiesel fuel — while not a particular item to stock, the skills and know-how to make biodiesel could be a life-saver if fuel is critically needed. Biodiesel is just a renewable fuel to replace diesel fuel, and can be homemade with the proper equipment. Check this out for more info on biodiesel. Iron stove — A wood burning iron stove maybe a smart choice for a solid heat source as well as double as cooking outlet. Northern winters are brutal, and a wood burning stove will do wonders to heat your house and offer a place for cooking.

Some popular brands are Ashley, Heartland, and Franklin. Wood is free and abundant if you live off the grid and with a little labor can be used to heat any home with no power. Also never hurts to stock up on strike-anywhere matches. Adequate tools and equipment will be crucial for survival in a complete shutdown of the system and economy. Begin to stock up on useful tools, equipment, and items now before they are needed.

Axe — A solid axe will be useful mainly for cutting wood. Now that you have your wood-burning iron stove, you will need to procure firewood to heat your home. Buckets — Buckets are very versatile and can have tremendous use for lifehacking and different situations. Grab some 5 gallon buckets , not just useful for long-term food storage, but here is a list of uses of buckets! Wire — Wire or bailing wire can be a life saver for makeshift repairs. Shovels — Practical, shovels are useful for camping, hunters, hikers, preppers, etc… outdoor use is endless.

Have quality shovels in your garage or shed. Wheelbarrow — Like a shovel, a sturdy and durable wheelbarrow will be highly useful as we move more to a agrarian society again. Jumper cables — This would fall into your car emergency kit , but always have a pair of jumper cables. Bleach — Good ole fashioned bleach has many uses in a survival situation. Here are 9 uses of bleach.

Be sure to rotate your bleach supplies as they have a 6 month shelf-life. Duct tape — Here are 50 uses of Duct tape. The go to item for makeshift repairs and jerry-rigging. My favorite brand is Gorilla Tape. You can pick up some epsom salt at your local grocery store of pharmacy.

Siphon tubes — Moving fluids from buckets and gas is easy with a proper siphon tube. These are handy to have around the home. Current designs allow siphoning with just a few shakes! Zip ties — Zip ties are another universal item for makeshift repairs and keeping things locked together. Somewhat like duct tape, their uses of infinite. Just be sure to grab a variety of sizes.

Flying this flag sends a message to like-minded patriots and other preppers to let them know where you stand. Several extra scrubber pads and steel pot scrubbers can help ease the pain of doing the dishes. Here are 37 in fact! Gathering trash or other items, trash bags cannot be beat. Make sure you get the heavy duty kind! Apart from plumbing, check out the video below for over 17 uses! Glass Jars — Very useful to store foods and liquids. Here are 11 uses of glass jars.

Here are some recipes for homemade toothpaste. Store up on diapers and other essential baby products. Ziploc bags — Ziploc bags are versatile and useful for storing small loose items and keeping them dry. RAD detector — With the recent disaster at! The US has approximately nuclear reactors across the country. Here is a map of the nuclear power plants in the US.

Backpack bug-out bag — It is very useful to have a bug-out bag packed with essentials for about days. If something threatens your neighborhood or home and you have to leave, a bug-out bag could sustain you the first hours of the emergency. Land maps — We rely on the internet and free digital access for everything! What if the net goes down? Make sure these are water and tear proof. Tent — Another useful item to have along with sleeping bags. Gives you mobility and shelter out in the land.

Bicycle — Bicycles could become very popular again if gas prices skyrocket or energy shortages appear. Have a good quality mountain bike with spare tires and tools to make repairs to keep it running. Tarps — Tarps can collect rain water, provide cover from the elements as emergency shelter, hide tools and equipment, and the list goes on! Bungee Cords — Another all-around multi-purpose tool. Very strong in securing and tying down items.

Welding Kit — Welding will be a useful skill down the road, and having the tools before they are needed is prudent. Here is a great article on how to get started in welding. Sewing Kit — Fixing ripped clothes, tents, tarps, sleeping bags, etc … you will need a proper sewing kit and gear. DIY, makeshift equipment, and machinery will be more and more common and having the proper tools will go a long way in keeping things running.

Multitool — Carrying a good multitool is essential for the outdoorsman or the prepper. A multitool is about efficiency and usability in a small compact tool. Leatherman is my tool of choice and they come in a variety of sizes and features. Here is a good entry level one. Get some quality paracord , and be sure to learn how to tie some good solid knots. Compass — A sighting compass is a smart and useful tool out and about. Again think of no electricity or if the power goes down, this can be convenient for navigation. Hand saw — Handy for most woodwork, tools dealing with wood will become very valuable if a collapse occurs.

Flint starter — A fire starter if your matches ever run out. For heat, warmth, and cooking, fire will always be important. One favorite brand of fire starters is Swiss made Firesteel. Hatchet — A solid hatchet is ideal for chopping kindling and small firewood. Not as long as a full length chopping axe, very effective tool to have in the bush. Fiskars has always had high marks!

Edible Wild Plants

If there ever is a major catastrophe, EMP attack, or the grid goes down, the ability to obtain information as well as communicate with others will be a critical resource. Below are several items to help you in getting started in communications prepping. HAM radio — The gold standard in communications, HAM radio or amateur radio, has always stood the test of time when all other communication fails.

FCC certified if you want to go HAM without a huge setup this 2 pack handheld is the right way to start. Before you buy a radio and start broadcasting you need to get familiar with the laws and the FCC and consider getting a Technicians license to be able to broadcast legally. Most of these handcranks such as the Esky Solar Powered Hand Crank , comes with a built in flashlight and solar cells to charge the radio. Here is a list of radio frequencies for preppers and survivalists.

Faraday cage — A faraday cage will protect your electronics in the event of an EMP, which disables any object with a circuit. Below is a video in how to make your very own faraday cage to protect your electronics and communication equipment. Homemade antenna making — For HAM radio your antenna system is a vital piece of equipment. Get the facts on antenna setup. Modify these to suit your taste. Also, many of these items can will be very useful in bartering and high demand.

Chocolate — Everyone loves chocolate. Although some types of plants for these reasons exist only within a very limited range endemism , others can live in diverse areas or by adaptation to different environments. But all the bellow mentioned plants can be found on US territory. Maybe some of you have already used one or two. Edible wild plants have much more nutrients than their domestic counterparts — if there is one. Wild plants have survived on their own without the help of modern agricultural practices. Only the strongest wild plants survived, leaving the best, and most nutritious of the line to continue the species.

The problem is how to distinguish a wild plant that can save your life from another that is poisonous. Unfortunately, this list also eliminates many very beneficial edible wild plants, but it will help you to avoid some very dangerous poisonous ones as well. Also these 10 edible wild plants can save your life during a food crisis. There is evidence that during the Holodomor Ukrainian Famine many people survived the food crisis by moving to the woods or the wild parts of the country. There are many wild berries not safe for human consumption. Found all over America.

Further, blackberries have red branches with long thorns with wide, jagged green leaves. They have white, 5-petaled flowers. Daylilies have a 6-petal orange flower. Flower lasts a single day. It has a leafless flower stalk. Ensure there are no leaves. Many poisonous species have leaves on the stalk. It has light green leaves which are long and has pointed tips.

The root has small tubers. The whole plant can be eaten raw or cooked. Can also cook the tubers. Plantain can be found in almost any state. Essentially a weed, but can be eaten. Broadleaf plantain has green oval leaves. The leaves have thick stems. Long pointed green flowers grow from the stem. The leaves grow in a rosette and can be from inches in length. Pick the green leaves and cook them or eat them raw. Wild bergamot can be found all over America. It occurs commonly in large clumps. The plants are typically up to 3 feet tall with a few erect branches.

The leaves are typically 3 inches long, toothed and pointed. The flowers cluster at the end of the branch. The flowers are typically lavender or even pink in color. This is often mistaken for chamomile. Chamomile does not emit a pineapple smell when crushed. Found in sandy locations in the wilderness; the hairless leaves look like feathers and are about 1 inch long. It is a low growing wild plant. The yellow-greenish flowers are cone shaped. Leaves and flowers can be eaten. Leaves can also be used for making tea. These wild plants that can save your life grow in the wilderness and are delicious.

They get 35 — 59 inches tall. They have alternate leaves and very small dense flowers on top. The seeds are brown or black. All parts of the plant are eatable. However, look out for sharp spines on the leaves. You may boil the leaves before eating, but you can eat them raw too. The seeds can turned into flour. It has a brown cigar shaped head that stands on top of a very long stem.

Cattails can grow up 6 feet. The leaves are linear and flat. They are around 3mm wide. They are usually found close to wetlands. The underground rootstock can be boiled or eaten raw. The stem can also be eaten raw or cooked with especially the white part at the bottom being tasty. You can boil the leaves as spinach. The flowers can be roasted and eaten.

These wild plants can be found all over America. Its main characteristic is the leaves that curl around the edges and has a lance shape. It has a long, red stalk that reach up to 3 feet. The flower is located right on top of the stem. Peel the stems and eat them raw. The leaves must be boiled a few times to get rid of the bitter taste. The root can be used to make a bitter tea. The seeds can be used as a caffeine substitute and thus boiled and used as coffee. These wild plants are found all over America.

The leaves nearly look like a shamrock. The seed pods bends quickly upwards as well as the stalks from the main stalk. The leaves are compound and three heart shaped leaflets on each. The plant grows inches high. This plant is a thirst quencher and all parts are edible. The leaves, flowers and seed pots has a sour taste, but really refreshing. Dandelion is extremely common in the wilderness. These wild plants have a rosette base with lots of flower stems and leaves. The toothy leaves are usually between inches long. The flower is easily distinguished with its yellow color and rosette look head.

All the parts of this plant are eatable. The mature leaves may taste bitter though, so boil them first. The root should also be boiled first before eaten. Before medical breakthroughs of the 20 th century, mankind had a long history of using indigenous, or native, plants for a wide variety of medicinal purposes. Some of these methods are being used even today to treat patients. Medicinal plants and their applications are as diverse as the people who use them. In the wilderness or in a major SHTF situation getting a disease of any type can be crippling or deadly.

Infections can strike your immune system and leave you out to dry. If you have no medication you can always turn to wild plants that can save your life. But would you know what plants and natural herbs can cure you?