Dragon Spirits (Moon Dragon Book 1)


Jack de Sena is really good, but I knew he would be. This show also knows when and how to use spectacle to wow the audience. While some find this style of animation distracting, I love how it makes everything look dimensional. The music is also very pretty and atmospheric. Composer Frederik Wiedmann is also known for scoring many of the DC animated movies.

The Dragon Prince also has a well-rounded, likable cast of primary and secondary characters. However, Callum is less of a jokester himself and becomes a novice mage with a lot of potential. While all three leads are sympathetic, Callum feels like the one the audience is supposed to relate to.

The Dragon Prince - Book One: Moon

This is, at least so far, the most complex character in the series. I also like Rayla a lot, and Ezran to a lesser extent. Ezran is likable enough and sometimes funny, but he gets less focus and development. This is the first animated series I can think of that has a deaf character using sign language. One of the many things that made Avatar: The prologue in episode one is amazing and sucks you in from the start. But The Dragon Prince had my full attention and curiosity from the first frame, and never once did I become bored or annoyed with it.

I was encouraged by the names attached to the project and the fantasy setting , but The Dragon Prince manages to stand on its own legs while still offering little references and jokes to Avatar: The Last Airbender fans. Ehasz and Volpe are definitely up to their usual standards here, and they seem to have an excellent crew and cast backing them up.

Moondragon - Wikipedia

On the way, they find the emperor, Liu Che, wounded with a shard of Kai's dragon stone in his hand. He repents his crimes and decides to abandon his quest for immortality.

At the morning, Ping refuses his offer of love and continues on her journey. As they near the Great Wall of China, they are held hostage by imperial soldiers, who ignore her claim of being the Dragonkeeper. Kai and her are then rescued by barbarians, who also give them a horse.

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On the way, she meets Jun, and together they find an old man, "Lao Long Zi", one of Danzi's former dragon keepers, at Tinkling Village. He brings them most of the way to Long Gao Yuan before dying. After getting there, however, Ping discovers only a heap of dragon bones from a massacre by dragon hunters.

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However, Sam's client doesn't want the guy's body - he wants his soul. Ping leaves the palace with Kai to search for the Dragon Haven to further insure his safety. Moondragon Heather Douglas is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Unknown to Moondragon, in doing so, she is infected with the mutated spores.

Ping and Kai are discouraged, and Kai refuses to leave. One day, a yellow dragon swoops down from the sky and carries Kai away. Ping stumbles towards the mountain in a half-dead state, until she too is picked up by the dragon not too gently , who also spits in her face, in order to hide the location of the Dragon Haven from her, and brought to the real, current dragon haven. There, she learns that many years ago, Hei Lei's dragon keeper had abandoned him for a woman, and that his girlfriend, in her old age, had then betrayed the location of the dragon haven to a band of dragon hunters for three pieces of gold.

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They had killed many of the dragons in hibernation. Only Hei Lei, the black dragon, was awake, and attacked the hunters just in time. Still, they managed to get away with many dead dragons in their greedy hands, with only a handful escaping.

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Ping is distraught as she watches Kai pick up many of the wild dragons' habits and feels him slowly drawing away from her. During a moon gathering, Kai and Hei Lei end up in a fight, and Kai, who wins, is revealed to be a "dragon of five colors" green, yellow, black, white, and red. A "dragon of five colors" will automatically assume the position of leader and no one can challenge him, as the dragons formerly had none.

Ping eventually wins the trust and friendship of all the dragons, but realizes that she does not belong with the other dragons, and decided to leave, despite Kai's wish for her to stay till spring. She is taken away from the Haven, and dropped in an empty grassland, where she is rescued by Hei Lei, who she manages to convince to go back to the Dragon Haven.

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Dragon Moon (Dragon Keeper) [Carole Wilkinson] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on stars 23 customer reviews. Book 4 of 4 in the Dragon Keeper Series. Booktopia has Dragon Moon, Dragonkeeper Series: Book 3 by Carole Wilkinson . Buy a discounted Paperback of Dragon Moon online from Australia's leading.

The book ends with Ping beginning a new life with Jun, as she saw in one of her visions of her future. Carole Wilkinson wrote a short prequel called Dragon Dawn. Based on Danzi's past, it does not mention Ping or any recent characters in it except for a few minors. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.