Luminosity: Book Two (The White Road Chronicles 2)

Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Luminosity by Jackie Castle. Alburnium is at war. Eighteen-year-old Alyra's joy of being reunited with her family fades when Prince Issah sends her beloved friends away on various quests across the kingdom. Allies must be gathered to stand against the dark ruler, Lord Darnel.

Ognian Georgiev's official web page. Author, journalist and TV commentator

The reclusive dragons happen to be necessary allies. Alyra's friendship with the young drake, Crystal, offers a slim hope of be Alburnium is at war. Alyra's friendship with the young drake, Crystal, offers a slim hope of being heard by them instead of being burned.

Alyra must travel to Drakensburg with her resentful brother, Ethan, a Messenger, who doesn't trust her, a prankster Okbold intent on honoring his debt to her, and a unseen Guardian Instructor, who must teach her how to use the Illuminate's gift before they reach the dragons' hold. Ethan has the words to persuade the dragons. Alyra carries the red fruit of the white tree to present as a peace offering. Until she finds Tarek, beaten and near death. She must choose between using the fruit to save the man she loves, or the kingdom she serves.

Paperback , pages. White Road Chronicles 2.

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To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Luminosity , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Jackie Castle really hooked me with the first book in the series and I was ready to go on more adventures with these characters. Alyra is such a cool main character- I love her! I love strong female characters, but Alyra has had her share of hardships too.

I feel like she has really grown as a character as the journey has progressed. To me, this series is a creative mix of all the things I love about Narnia, Oz, and other beloved magical worlds of fiction. Definitely one of my fave series!! This book had much better pacing than the first book. The story picks up where the first ended with the main characters sent off in different directions on various quests. The characters were more likable in this story. I wish there was a little more world building in the series, as I still don't feel that connected to the world.

The grammar was much better in this book compared to the first. The story ends on a bit of a cliffhanger so I'll have to get the next book when it's published. I love this series and the way this author writes. This book does not disappoint and keeps you turning the pages wanting more! Feb 18, Jodi Woody rated it it was amazing Shelves: Book two in this series, "Luminosity" continues Aly's story. Jackie Castle is our next guest.

Her last book Caprtures was just published so we will take a closer look on it. Something more, Jackie is the perfect person to ask about the kids and their love of reading, because she works with them daily. Unfortunately, Tarek is in danger of losing more than just his heart. He might lose everything if their secret is found out. I wanted to try my hand at writing a short piece. I decided to write this particular story to go along with my novel series, A White Road Chronicles which now has three books published.

There should be a total of five or six. Along with that, editing is a big pain. I get so fussy with this part, it seems to drag on forever before I feel ready to hit the publish button. Then after, I still find mistakes. Is it close to someone from your real life? So he gets to stay. I like to eat and see the sunshine. And shower, and stuff.


Haley Madison packed her big dreams and drove to the Arctic. But for a Texas gal this frozen land ought to come with a sled and huskies. For Your Holiday Reading Pleasure Warm Mulled Kisses — A Christmas novella collection 11 Authors and 10 stories of holiday romance for your enjoyment. Grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage, snuggle under a fuzzy blanket beside the fire and let us sweep you away into worlds of Christmas cheer and sweet kisses. Here's the line-up of authors and their stories: Book one in the collection: The Sentinel Archives now on Amazon. I'm so excited about this new series and think you'll enjoy it as well, no matter what age you are.

I've decided to extend my.

If you haven't had a chance to check out the free previews I've posted in my newsletter and had up on Wattpad,, you can still read Through the Portal for free if you ar. Through the Portal goes live October 1st! I'm so excited about this new adventure series. The story is indeed aimed for younger readers, but I think adults will enjoy reading it with their youngsters. The chapters aren't real long, so they'll make for great bedtime stories. As an added bonus, I've decided to keep the pre-order price of. I hope you enjoy this new series.

Two years ago on September 23, I published my second book Luminosity. When I first started this series, Illuminated was going to be it. First off, Christian fantasy is simply a hard sale in traditional publishing. But when the Lord called me back to start writing again, that was the story he gave me. When I decided I was going to take the Indie publishing road, I spent almost a year getting Illuminated ready.

I had sketched out some possibilities about furthering the series, b. Sentinel Archives Book One: Thirteen-year-old Malakai Ian LeCrue wants to one day perform with his bike at Xtreme sports events around the world. He dreams of cheering fans, trophies lining his room and being someone special. What he doesn't want are the talking rabbits, snakes threatening to kill him, and the little winged beings that visit his room in the night. But ever since his dad disappeared and then his family moved in with Crazy Pops, his life has taken an alarming turn into Weirdsville. From the Office of the Archivist Dear Archivist,As the old moon, my time here wanes.

I yearn for the day when I can step down and allow the next in line to stand guard. Today, I write you with great trepidation.

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The next Sentinel in line has vanished with no trace of his whereabouts. Meet Author Jackie Castle. Meet Author Jackie Castle: Wow, how thrilling to be part of the YA blog tour this year. Ready for Another Adventure?

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I lost my wallet during my vacation and the person who found it was willing to mail it to my home, and actually did. Ohhh, this is tragic. Until then, here's a sneak peek. An Inspirational Word about Blood and Water. There's also some tough topics in this story that many married couples have faced. Or build shelter in the side of the cliffs?

The Truth Comes Out Choices Must Be Made He must stop this spark before it turns into a raging fire. Alyra's memories have returned. The staggering truth about her past and her former master is more than she can bear. While Lotari and Stitch try to fina.

Radiance Release Date Set. I'm excited to announce The fourth book in the White Road Chronicle series is set for release on May 28th, Yes, that's this month! And I can't wait for you to read the next adventure and hope you'll let me know what you think by leaving comments here or by reviewing Radiance after you've read it.

This one took me awhile. And I hope to get the next ones out in a quicker fashion. Life can throw you a few curves at times. But I think the wait will be worth it. Radiance Book 4 Page is Up. But did you catch the chapter one sneak peak over at Jackie Castle's Storyworld?

  • Would You Die for Love?!
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  • Land Of Books.

If not, I wanted to let everyone know that the Radiance Page is live now. You can find the chapter one sample there, and also listen to the playlist for this book. Wilderland SanctuaryI'll keep you posted soon as I have a more firm release date. Be sure to sign up for Jackie's Story World Newsletter to keep up with the latest news and releases. Radiance Chapter One Reveal! Enjoy this little sample, and a picture I put together of pool they go to in Wilderland. Putting it together was fun, and you can find the credits by following the link below the picture. Alyra The Illuminated Birthplace: Belluvita the beautiful place Family: Her mother, Mary was also an Illuminated, but was killed during what seemed to be an accident, but later, questions arise as to what really happened.

Her father, Stephen is a Messenger, as is her brother, Ethan. These things tend to run down the family line. Alyra only has one family member left: Her brother, Ethan who at first, isn't too happy with her return home. Captured is now free I've been blessed with a fabulous editor who has been helping me really improve not just Captured, but the whole novella series. Captured is so much better, stronger. If you've already bought it, I suggest you go and update your version.

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Not a lot has changed plot-wise. The story is still the same, but she helped me develop my characters and King Darnel will send shivers down your spine wh. I'm so excited to see Radiance: Book four of the White Road Chronicles finally coming together. The past couple of months have been one happenstance after another, but I'm pleased to say the book is completed, I now have a cover, and soon as my editor has had her hand at the story, I'll be fixing her suggestions, then passing the story on to you, dear readers.

So, here's the blurb that's on the back cover: Finding a New Passion is Simply I've found a new hobby And now, I've found a new love. Photo-manipulation and painting on my computer. As if I'm not at this blasted thing enough. If I didn't need sleep, I fear I'd be permanently glued to it. Oh, but the stuff I can do There's so much to do Here's a few pictures I've done over the past few we. A Bit About Curians. But don't let her outside appearance fool you.