The Origins of Israel, 1882–1948: A Documentary History (Sources in Modern Jewish History)

David Engel, author of Zionism: A Short History of a Big Idea" An invaluable resource to anyone interested in the history of Zionism, the development of the Zionist enterprise in Palestine, and the transformation of what was initially a small and marginal Jewish community into the State of Israel. Arieh Saposnik, author of "Becoming Hebrew: The Creation of a Hebrew National Culture in Ottoman Palestine"" There is no comparable volume available today that allows English readers direct access to such an array of primary sources.

David Engel, author of "Zionism: A Short History of a Big Idea"" "An invaluable resource to anyone interested in the history of Zionism, the development of the Zionist enterprise in Palestine, and the transformation of what was initially a small and marginal Jewish community into the State of Israel. The Creation of a Hebrew National Culture in Ottoman Palestine" "There is no comparable volume available today that allows English readers direct access to such an array of primary sources.

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The origins of Israel, 1882-1948 : a documentary history

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Israel History and the Jewish People

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State or province government publication: English View all editions and formats Summary: The Origins of Israel, A Documentary History chronicles the making of modern Israel before statehood, providing in English the texts of original sources many translated from Hebrew and other languages accompanied by extensive introductions and commentaries from the volume editors.

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The Origins of Israel, – A Documentary History Edited by Eran Kaplan and Derek J. Penslar. Sources in Modern Jewish History David Sorkin, Series. The Origins of Israel, A Documentary History (Sources in Modern Jewish History) [Eran Kaplan, Derek J. Penslar] on *FREE* shipping.

This sourcebook assembles a diverse array of 62 documents, many of them unabridged, to convey the ferment, dissent, energy, and anxiety that permeated the Zionist project from its inception to the creation of the modern nation of Israel. Focusing primarily on social, economic, and cultural history rather than Zionist thought and diplomacy, the texts are organized in themed chapters.

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They present the views of Zionists from many political and religious camps, factory workers, farm women, militants, intellectuals promoting the Hebrew language and arts--as well as views of ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionists. The volume includes important unabridged documents from the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict that are often cited but are rarely read in full. The editors, Eran Kaplan and Derek J. Penslar, provide both primary texts and informative notes and commentary, giving readers the opportunity to encounter voices from history and make judgments for themselves about matters of world-historical significance.

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Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Deconstructing old stereotypes, Jews and the Military radically transforms our understanding of Jews' historic relationship to war and military power.

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  6. Derek Penslar | Department of History.

User Account Log in Register Help. My Content 1 Recently viewed 1 Jews and the Military. Jews and the Military A History. October Copyright year: Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include postage and handling if applicable. Free shipping for non-business customers when ordering books at De Gruyter Online. Please find details to our shipping fees here. Print Flyer Recommend to Librarian. More options … Overview Content Contact Persons.

Overview Aims and Scope Jews and the Military is the first comprehensive and comparative look at Jews' involvement in the military and their attitudes toward war from the s until the creation of the state of Israel in His many books include Shylock's Children: Penslar shows very effectively that there was a lot of middle ground between Jews of the Mosaic persuasion who disavowed any special connection with their foreign coreligionists and ardent Zionists who denied that the Jews could ever really belong to a nation other than their own.

Many [Jewish Historians] will no doubt be tantalized into pursuing the innumerable fascinating leads that Penslar provides. It also weaves Jewish history, which is so often disconnected from scholarship on the predominantly Gentile countries in which the vast majority of the world's Jews lived for centuries, into larger historiographies in a way that makes the text stimulating reading for specialists in a variety of fields.

It has been a common belief, especially in Israel, that diaspora Jews before the advent of political Zionism lacked the will to fight. Penslar shows us, in his astute and meticulous way, that Jews not only fought, but also had the courage to do so while struggling with hybrid, sometimes clashing identities.

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Jewish historians, historians of modern Europe, and many others will want to read this book. Your request to send this item has been completed. Moss, Johns Hopkins University [A] groundbreaking book. A Short History of a Big Idea" An invaluable resource to anyone interested in the history of Zionism, the development of the Zionist enterprise in Palestine, and the transformation of what was initially a small and marginal Jewish community into the State of Israel. This important book is balanced in its judgments and full of useful information. The origins of Israel,

Penslar's work clearly demonstrates that the story of Jews in the military is not a case of all or nothing; the truth is somewhere in between. Chatterley, American Historical Review Professor Penslar's book treats Jews and the military, perhaps for the first time, as a coherent subject of study rather than a series of individual conflicts. To write a book on a single subject is challenge enough. To range across such a vast canvas of history and geography, through the prism of a coherent unity, is a remarkable achievement.