Die Bildungstheorie Wilhelm von Humboldts und ihre Aktualität (German Edition)

Deep involvement in activities and the seriousness found in play are essential in " Bildung. Scientific utilization of children's organs from the "Kinderfachabteilungen" Children's Special Departments at Bavarian State Hospitals. During National Socialism, the politically motivated interest in psychiatric genetic research lead to the founding of research departments specialized in pathological-anatomical brain research, the two Kaiser Wilhelm-Institutes KWI in Berlin and Munich. The latter was indirectly provided with brain material by Bavarian State Hospitals, to three of which "Kinderfachabteilungen" Special Pediatric Units were affiliated.

As children became victims of the systematically conducted child "euthanasia" in these Special Pediatric Units, this paper will address the question whether and to which extent the organs from victims of child "euthanasia" were used for neuro- pathological research at the KWI in Munich. By means of case studies and medical histories with focus on the situation in Kaufbeuren-Irsee , I will argue that pediatric departments on a regular base delivered slide preparations, that the child "euthanasia" conduced in these departments systematically contributed to neuropathological research and that slide preparations from victims of child "euthanasia" were used in scientific publications after Rebalancing the Military Profession.

Democratic Germany and the Changing Bundeswehr. European Conference on Visual Perception 6th. Istituto di Fisiologia clinica del C. This article gives an overview of the findings presented at the workshop; complete abstracts are included in this supplement to the Journal of the International AIDS Society. Allgemeine Sprachfaehigkeit und Fremdsprachenerwerb. Diskussions beitraege aus dem Institute fuer Bildungsforschung, No. This study investigates the theoretical plausibility and empirical validity of the assumption that all performance in a foreign language can be traced back to a single factor, the general language ability factor.

The theoretical background of this hypothesis is reviewed in detail. The concept of a unitary linguistic competence, interpreted as an…. The main focus was to stabilize outlier detection and to update the Web presentation of the combined products. The application background, objectives and proposed solution is presented.

Working Time and the Volume of Work in Germany: The Institut fuer Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung IAB or Institute for Employment Research has developed a detailed working time and volume of work measurement concept in order to more comprehensively assess the demand for labor.

The individual components of working time in Germany are obtained from various data sources and combined to form…. Lange Zeit war er gemeinsam mit Bertrand Russell als Autor der Principia Mathematica unter Mathematikern und mathematischen Logikern deutlich besser bekannt als unter Philosophen. Freud's Jewish identity and psychoanalysis as a science. Ludwik Fleck, the Polish philosopher of science, maintained that scientific discovery is influenced by social, political, historical, psychological, and personal factors.

The determinants of Freud's Jewish identity are examined from this Fleckian perspective, as is the impact of that complex identity on his creation of psychoanalysis as a science. Three strands contributing to his Jewish identity are identified and explored: For Freud, psychoanalysis was a kind of liberation philosophy, an attempt to break free of his ethnic and religious inheritance. Yet it represented at the same time his ineradicable relationship with that inheritance. It encapsulated both the ambivalence of his Jewish identity and the creativity of his efforts to resolve it.

Low-cost enclosure for the sub-millimeter telescope. The University of Arizona and the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie are collaborating to construct a submillimeter-wavelength radio telescope facility at the summit of Mt. Lemmon m above sea level near Tucson, Arizona. A corotating building has been designed to protect the 10 m-diameter Submillimeter Telescope against storm damage, to provide large instrumentation rooms at the Nasmyth foci, and to minimize degradation of the reflector profile accuracy and pointing errors caused by wind forces and solar radiation.

The Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Nervenheilkunde German Journal for Neurology was founded as a specifically neurological journal at the end of the nineteenth century and soon became a European platform for scientific discussion of neurological topics. The difficulties of the diagnosis and definition of clinical entities are illustrated in cases of botulism, myotonic dystrophy and myasthenia gravis. Research reports Annual reports.

This compilation of research reports is the third one to be published once a year in the frame of a comprehensive reporting on current investigations with regard to reactor safety. There are three types of reports: The single reports are attached to the main parts and focal points of the Research Program Reactor Safety. Bio-based production of organic acids with Corynebacterium glutamicum.

The shortage of oil resources, the steadily rising oil prices and the impact of its use on the environment evokes an increasing political, industrial and technical interest for development of safe and efficient processes for the production of chemicals from renewable biomass. Thus, microbial fermentation of renewable feedstocks found its way in white biotechnology, complementing more and more traditional crude oil-based chemical processes.

Rational strain design of appropriate microorganisms has become possible due to steadily increasing knowledge on metabolism and pathway regulation of industrially relevant organisms and, aside from process engineering and optimization, has an outstanding impact on improving the performance of such hosts. Corynebacterium glutamicum is well known as workhorse for the industrial production of numerous amino acids.

However, recent studies also explored the usefulness of this organism for the production of several organic acids and great efforts have been made for improvement of the performance. This review summarizes the current knowledge and recent achievements on metabolic engineering approaches to tailor C. We focus here on the fermentative production of pyruvate, l-and d-lactate, 2-ketoisovalerate, 2-ketoglutarate, and succinate.

These organic acids represent a class of compounds with manifold application ranges, e. Towards Eco-reflexive Science Education. The modern world can be described as a globalized risk society. It is characterized by increasing complexity, unpredictable consequences of techno-scientific innovations and production, and its environmental consequences.

Therefore, chemistry, just like many other knowledge areas, is in an ongoing process of environmentalization. For example, green chemistry has emerged as a new chemical metadiscipline and movement. The philosophy of green chemistry was originally based on a suggestion of twelve principles for environment-friendly chemistry research and production. The present article problematizes limitations in green chemistry when it comes to education.

It argues that the philosophy of green chemistry in the context of education needs to be extended with socio-critical perspectives to form educated professionals and citizens who are able to understand the complexity of the world, to make value-based decisions, and to become able to engage more thoroughly in democratic decision-making on sustainability issues. The term eco- reflexive is used for a problematizing stance towards the modern risk society, an understanding of the complexity of life and society and their interactions, and a responsibility for individual and collective actions towards socio-ecojustice and global sustainability.

The philosophical foundation and characteristics of eco-reflexive science education are sketched on in the article. Recent events in the field of biology have further unfixed the definition of life. Bildung , a term that translates as education but encompasses exploration and growth, is based on the holistic unity of science and art and is used here to show that neither science nor art sacrifices legitimacy or distinction within bioart. Art can suggest design and be useful; science can point to abstraction and be poetic. Bioart inspires a chain of curiosity about the form, materials, media that artists use to probe, shape, direct, and display scientific processes and concepts.

Zeit im Wandel der Zeit. Ewigkeit und Zeit Plotin. Was ist die Zeit? Von der Zeit Immanuel Kant. Dauer und Intuition Henri Bergson. Die Geschichte des Unendlichkeitsproblems Bertrand Russell. Raum und Zeit Hermann Minkowski. Newtonscher und Bergsonscher Zeitbegriff Norbert Wiener.

Adrian G. Brook,W.A.E. (Peter) McBryde's Historical Distillates: Chemistry at the University of PDF

Zeit als physikalischer Begriff Friedrich Hund. Zeitmessung und Zeitbegriff in der Astronomie Otto Heckmann. Superconducting melt-textured bulk RE BCO large grain materials are one of the most promising materials for power applications of high temperature superconductivity at the liquid nitrogen temperature range. Industrial applications are expected in high-speed low-loss magnetic bearings for flywheel energy storage devices, high-dynamic high-torque electric reluctance motors, and MAGLEV transportation systems.

The material has high magnetic field trapping capability and therefore a new class of high-field superconducting permanent magnets will soon appear. However, there is still the need to improve the magnetic and mechanical material properties, as well as to increase the single domain size.

Sixty two contributions were presented at the workshop, 38 oral presentations and 24 poster presentations. This special issue contains 42 papers. The editors are grateful for the support of many colleagues who reviewed the manuscripts to guarantee their high technical quality. The editors also wish to thank Doris Litzkendorf and Tobias Habisreuther from Institut fuer Physikalische Hochtechnologie, Jena, for their assistance with the organization and handling of the manuscripts. Many thanks to the workshop co-chairman Gernot Krabbes from Leibniz-Institut fuer Festkoerper und Werkstoffforschung, Dresden, for hosting the workshop participants in Dresden.

Bundesamt fuer Zivilschutz, , page Prototype readout electronics and silicon strip detector study for the silicon tracking system at compressed baryonic matter experiment. The emphasis has been put on the strip detector readout chip and its interconnectivity with detector. Paper discusses the impact of the silicon strip detector and interconnection cable construction on the overall noise of the system and architecture of the TOT02 readout ASIC. The idea and problems of the double-sided silicon detector usage are also presented.

Several multi-model ensemble methods are investigated for predicting wake vortex transport and decay. This study is a joint effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt to develop a multi-model ensemble capability using their wake models. An overview of different multi-model ensemble methods and their feasibility for wake applications is presented.

The methodologies are evaluated using data from wake vortex field experiments. The yearly incidence of cancer in children and adolescents within Germany is about The regular medical care for these children is effected within prospective multicenter trials of the DAL and GPO respectively. These trials achieved excellent results and gained high international reputation. Guarantee of progress in clinical research and of improvement in patient care as well is closely related to establishing pediatric cancer centers. Accruing about 80 new patients per year such centers have an optimum size justifying establishing stabile substructures.

Integrated basic research and organization of special clinical domaines need a differentiated structure of management and a sufficient number of qualified personnel in time nonlimited positions. The recommendation of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Tumorzentren from for personnel equipment is largely insufficient with respect to the inpatients nursing staff for pediatric oncology units.

A basic equipment of 1. The ADT recommendations are also insufficient with respect to secretaries and documentation assistants. Concerning the physicians staff the ADT recommendations just need an adaption to the changes in working time in accordance with the tariffe. These recommendations, however, urgently need to be realized. The necessary staff for psycho-social work has been incorporated into our recommendations for the first time. The ratio of patient rooms to function rooms excluding laboratories in pediatric oncology centers diposing of an outpatient area and a day clinic should be about 1: Gravity-induced cellular and molecular processes in plants studied under altered gravity conditions.

However, experiments in microgravity and inhibitor experiments have demonstrated that the actomyosin system optimizes the statolith-receptor interactions by keeping the sedimented statoliths in motion causing a consistent activation of different gravireceptor molecules. Thereby, a triggered gravitropic signal is created which is the basis for a highly sensitive control and readjustment mechanism.

In addition, the results of recent parabolic flight studies on the effects of altered gravity conditions on the gene expres-sion pattern of Arabidopsis seedlings support these findings and provide new insight into the molecular basis of the plants response to different acceleration conditions. Quantum phase-slip dynamics in Josephson junction chains could provide the basis for the realization of a new type of topologically protected qubit or for the implementation of a new current standard.

I will present measurements of the effect of quantum phase-slips on the ground state of a Josephson junction chain. We can tune in situ the strength of the phase-slips. These phase-slips are the result of fluctuations induced by the finite charging energy of each junction in the chain. Our measurements demonstrate that a Josephson junction chain under phase bias constraint behaves in a collective way. I will also show evidence of coherent phase-slip interference, the so called Aharonov-Casher effect. This phenomenon is the dual of the well known Aharonov-Bohm interference.

In collaboration with I. Pop, Institut Neel, C. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kosygin str. Buisson, Institut Neel, C.

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One of the main problems associated with the structural design of a hypersonic aircraft is the conception of the cryogenic tank. In this paper we will demonstrate how powerful " Bildung " is as a tool in modern university teaching. The image covers about 9 kilometers by 13 kilometers 5. Comments to Friedrich Schiller's Thoughts on Education. It argues that the philosophy of green chemistry in the context of education needs to be extended with socio-critical perspectives to form educated professionals and citizens who are able to understand the complexity of the world, to make value-based decisions, and to become able to engage more thoroughly in democratic decision-making on sustainability issues. Recommendation of a working group of the Gesellschaft fuer Umwelt-Mutationsforschung GUM for a simple and straightforward approach to genotoxicity testing. Future activities of microgravity environment characterization were discussed by several agencies who plan to operate on the ISS.

In den letzten sechs Jahren wurden verschiedene innovative systemische Therapien zur Behandlung des metastasierten malignen Melanoms MM entwickelt. German cardiological research is confronted with increasing difficulties. Clinical research is restricted by regulations, such as the working hours protecting law, the revised version of the legal articles against corruption and acceptance of advantage as well as by many parts of law for the general frame of the university structures. In addition more and more administrative duties are tranferred to doctors engaged in research.

Furthermore cardiology is at a disadvantage as only part of the net profits for cardiological services are tranferred to the responsible clinic. Likewise the facilities for cooperation are increasingly restricted, as basic science institutions originally allocated to cardiological research, are now devoted to other subjects and as many pharmaceutical firms have left the country. Cardiology in our country is practically not supported by private research organizations.

The financial resources for research in our country are declining and much smaller compared, e. As a consequence of the shortage of resources not only are the weak projects turned down; it is feared that also the very innovative projects are likewise excluded for entering unknown territory. In periods of financial restrictions the central office and the experts evaluating the projects have a special responsibility, which cannot be met by technical objections, such as e. In order to improve the conditions for cardiological research the net profits for cardiological services should be transferred unrestricted to the responsible clinic.

The acceptance rate of cardiologcal projects may be increased by more intensive cooperation. At the end, the principle of help by self-help also applies to cardiological research; the British Heart Foundation has developed into an. The fibre distribution is random planar parallel to the flat faces of the dc four-point resistivity specimens machined from the solution treated castings. Some practical recommendations concerning the use of alumina short fibre reinforced AZ91 alloy are made on the basis of the results obtained.

Aspects of care culture in municipal care for elderly people: Care culture is an important contextual factor in care practice. Care culture refers to a process of creating meaning out of tradition, horizon and bildung. The care culture is often taken into consideration in situations that go beyond the everyday routine, such as cases of abuse.

In Sweden, health care professionals are obliged to document and report any suspected bad conditions. Although the reports have the potential to communicate underlying values and assumptions about the care culture, such studies have not been performed. The aim of this study was to understand how elderly care abuse in institutions could be understood from a care culture perspective. A hermeneutic documentary analysis was conducted on incident reports concerning suspected mistreatment of the elderly in three municipalities in Sweden. The hermeneutic analysis followed a four-stage process: The care of the elderly in the municipality was based on a social culture that placed residents' needs at the centre.

Following routines were considered important in preventing mistreatment and were intended to ensure that all patients were treated fairly and equally. Care was described as task oriented and often lacking in interpersonal relations. From a phenomenological lifeworld perspective, it was interpreted that in the municipalities' care of the elderly, there was a focus on elderly people's freedom at the expense of the vulnerability aspects of well-being. Raising awareness of the care culture underlying abuse could help to improve understanding of care practice.

Change may be only possible when reflected on the existing perspectives underpinning the care culture, and integrate them into a broader framework for caring. The improvements continue today with upgrading the plane and improving the telescope. The Telescope Status Display TSD will provide any information from the on board network to monitors that will display the requested information.

In order to assess risks to the program, one must work through the various threats associate with that risk. Once all the risks are closed the program can work towards improving the observatory. An intelligent ground operator support system. The TIKON objective was the demonstration of feasibility and profit of the application of artificial intelligence in the space business.

For that purpose a prototype system has been developed and implemented for the operation support of the Roentgen Satellite ROSAT , a scientific spacecraft designed to perform the first all-sky survey with a high-resolution X-ray telescope and to investigate the emission of specific celestial sources. The prototype integrates a scheduler and a diagnosis tool both based on artificial intelligence techniques.

The user interface is menu driven and provides synoptic displays for the visualization of the system status. The prototype has been used and tested in parallel to an already existing operational system. Mechanism of 'GSI oscillations' in electron capture by highly charged hydrogen-like atomic ions. The Zeeman splitting is produced by a constant magnetic field in the ESR. Transitions between these states are produced by the second, sufficiently strong alternating magnetic field that approximates realistic fields in the GSI ESR.

This allows explaining the observed quantum beats with the period 7 s. The observatory, which features a German-built inch 2. Once operational, SOFIA will be the world's primary infrared observatory during a mission lasting up to 20 years, as well as an outstanding laboratory for developing and testing instrumentation and detector technology.

There were 15 invited talks spanning the field of fusion theory on topics such as stellerator theory, intrinsic rotation in tokamaks, transport in the plasma edge, and plasma-wall interactions. Author-provided summaries of several of the invited talks are included on pages 5 to 10 of this document.

The Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie BKG will provide a major contribution to the improvement and maintenance of the global reference frames: The transportability of the observatory enables to fill up gaps in the International Space Geodetic Network and to optimize the contribution to the global reference frames.

TIGO should operate for a period of 2 to 3 years at minimum at one location. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Full details of the experimental apparatus can be found in Bizzocchi et al. The instrument employs the frequency modulation technique in the mm and submm range and is equipped with a glow discharge cell for production of unstable species.

Measurements were carried out at room temperature to avoid condensation of the precursors. The total pressure in the cell was mTorr ubar. It supersedes the version Cat. The current release of the catalog is comprised of results from sequences sky coverage of The complete version contains entries for 95, detections whereas the short version has 43, detections. The RRA contains extracted source and associated products with an indication of reliability for the primary parameters. Analysis of steam generator tube rupture transients with single failure.

The Gesellschaft fuer Reaktorsicherheit is engaged in the collection and evaluation of light water reactor operating experience as well as analyses for the risk study of the pressurized water reactor PWR. Within these activities, thermohydraulic calculations have been performed to show the influence of different boundary conditions and disturbances on the steam generator tube rupture SGTR transients. The analyses of these calculations have focused on the measures and systems needed to cope with an SGTR. The code consists of detailed models of the thermal hydraulics of the reactor coolant system.

This thermo-fluid dynamics module is coupled with modules describing the early phase of the core degradation, like cladding deformation, oxidation and melt relocation, and the release and transport of fission products. The assessment of the code is being done by the analysis of separate effect tests, integral tests, and plant events. The test consisted of two phases, a heatup phase and a quench phase. At the beginning of the quench phase, a sharp peak in the hydrogen generation rate was observed.

Special efforts have been made to simulate the heat losses and the flow distribution in the test facility and the thermal hydraulics during the quench phase. In addition to previous calculations, the material relocation and the quench phase have been modeled. The temperature increase during the heatup phase, the starting time of the temperature escalation, and the maximum temperatures have been calculated correctly. At the beginning of the quench phase, an increased hydrogen generation rate has been calculated as measured in the experiment.

Space Radar Image of Kilauea, Hawaii. Data acquired on April 13, and on October 4, from the X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar on board the space shuttle Endeavour were used to generate interferometric fringes, which were overlaid on the X-SAR image of Kilauea. The volcano is centered in this image at The image covers about 9 kilometers by 13 kilometers 5. The X-band fringes correspond clearly to the expected topographic image. The yellow line indicates the area below which was used for the three-dimensional image using altitude lines.

The yellow rectangular frame fences the area for the final topographic image. The radars illuminate Earth with microwaves, allowing detailed observations at any time, regardless of weather or sunlight conditions. L-band 24 cm , C-band 6 cm and X-band 3 cm. The multi-frequency data will be used by the international scientific community to better understand the global environment and how it is changing. This three-dimensional image of the volcano Kilauea was generated based on interferometric fringes derived from two X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data takes on April 13, and October 4, The altitude lines are based on quantitative interpolation of the topographic fringes.

The level difference between neighboring altitude lines is 20 meters 66 feet. The ground area covers 12 kilometers by 4 kilometers 7. The altitude difference in the image is about meters 1, feet. The volcano is located around International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space. It is our pleasure to thank the members of this committee for their excellent support in setting up a high-quality, well-balanced program. Our special thanks go to the authors and reviewers of the papers in these proceedings. Together we were able to realize up-to-date, peer reviewed conference proceedings, containing new and original data.

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Thanks to their efforts and that of the IOP Publishing staff, we succeeded in publishing the proceedings within six months of the conference. We are confident that this collection of papers will provide a useful reference for all workers in the field.

Humboldts Begriff des Geistes

Fracture properties from tight reservoir outcrop analogues with application to geothermal exploration. GeoEnergy GmbH, Karlsruhe, is thanked for explorational data. On the way to a philosophy of science education. This Thesis argues the case that a philosophy of science education is required for improving science education as a research field as well as curriculum and teacher pedagogy. It seeks to re-think science education as an educational endeavor by examining why past reform efforts have been only partially successful, including why the fundamental goal of achieving scientific literacy after several "reform waves" has proven to be so elusive.

The identity of such a philosophy is first defined in relation to the fields of philosophy, philosophy of science, and philosophy of education. Considering science education as a research discipline it is emphasized a new field should be broached with the express purpose of developing a discipline-specific "philosophy of science education" largely neglected since Dewey. A conceptual shift towards the philosophy of education. Two educational metatheories are contrasted, those of Kieran Egan and the Northern European Bildung tradition, to illustrate the task of such a philosophy.

Egan's cultural-linguistic metatheory is presented for two primary purposes: Considering curriculum and instruction, a philosophy of science education is conceptualized as a "second order" reflective capacity of the teacher. This notion is aligned with Shulman's idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

It is argued that for educators the nature of science learning. Space Radar Image of Manaus, Brazil. Space Radar Image of Kilauea, Hawaii - interferometry 1. The area shown is about 9 kilometers by 13 kilometers 5. This image and a similar image taken during the first flight of the radar instrument on April 13, were combined to produce the topographic information by means of an interferometric process. This is a process by which radar data acquired on different passes of the space shuttle is overlaid to obtain elevation information.

Three additional images are provided showing an overlay of radar data with interferometric fringes; a three-dimensional image based on altitude lines; and, finally, a topographic view of the region. The Instituto Ricerca Elettromagnetismo. Comparison of different liquid hydrogen tank integration concepts for the ELAC-1 research configuration. One of the main problems associated with the structural design of a hypersonic aircraft is the conception of the cryogenic tank. Therefore two essential questions, in consideration of structural weight, volumetric efficiency and the aspects as well of inspection, maintenance and repair, as of exchangeability in case of leakage leak before burst and safety in operation, have to be answered.

These questions concern the choice of the tank integration concept and the tank cross section. To get an idea how much the take-off weight depends on the tank integration concept, at the Institut fuer Leichtbau of the RWTH Aachen a program for weight estimation of hypersonic aircraft has been developed. Herewith the goal was to define well suited substitute models which allow the performance of parametric studies within a wide range of parameters in a tolerable amount of time. In the following the mass model and calculation methods used will be shortly introduced and finally the results achieved will be presented and discussed.

On this occasion also comments on structural efficiency of different tank cross sections will be given. The Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung GSI , Darmstadt, is planning an extension of the existing heavy ion accelerator. The new facilities will contain two synchrotrons, four storage rings and approximately 1. As the magnets for the synchrotrons have to be fast-ramped magnets, the cryogenic system heat loads will be dominated by the AC-losses of the magnets.

Our approach is to adopt and modify existing magnet designs to achieve a short development time for the facility. The cryogenic system has to provide 7. The storage ring magnets will be placed in bath cryostats and require a refrigeration capacity of 5 kW at 4. As the project will be commissioned in several steps, an economic plan for the cryogenic infrastructure is needed, which will be sufficient for every phase of the build-up and allow experiments in some parts of the facilities as well as the testing of the components for the later parts of the facility.

Estimation of Sources and Sinks of Sulfuric Acid. In that way a data set was obtained which allows investigating major sources and sinks of sulfuric acid under relative clean conditions. H2SO4 and espe- cially OH concentrations are relatively well correlated to solar flux. The average SO2 concentrations were below 20 ppt. The aerosol size distribu- tion was obtained in 39 size ranges from 10 to nm.

Typical aerosol concentrations are in the range of to cm-3 during the discussed period of time. An estima- tion of the production rate of H2SO4 was inferred building on the reaction of SO2 and OH, while the loss rate was calculated by considering the condensation of H2SO4 on aerosol particles Fuchs and Sutugin approach. Results of the measurements and calculations will be discussed. Experimenting with concentrated sunlight using the DLR solar furnace.

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The high flux solar furnace that is operated by the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR at Cologne was inaugurated in June and we are now able to look back onto one year of successful operation. Sixteen different experiment campaigns were carried out during this first year of operation. The main research fields for these experiments were material science, component development and solar chemistry. The furnace also has its own research program leading to develop sophisticated measurement techniques like remote infrared temperature sensing and flux mapping.

Another future goal to be realized within the next five years is the improvement of the performance of the furnace itself. Designed to observe at wavelengths from 0. SOFIA has seven science instruments under development, including an occultation photometer, near-, mid-, and far-infrared cameras, infrared spectrometers, and heterodyne receivers. During this early science period three instruments have flown: This Letter provides an overview of the observatory and its early performance.

An interferometer is composed of several radio telescopes dishes separated by a defined distance and used in synchrony. This kind of array produces a superior angular resolution, better than the resolution achieved by a single dish of the same combined area. It consists of an educational interferometer with initially four dishes. This array harvests Mexico's geography by locating each dish at the periphery of the country; creating new scientific links of provincial populations with the capital. Also, it can be used for bachelor theses.

The initial and central dish-node is planed to be in Mexico City. After its construction, the efforts will focus to build subsequent nodes, on the Northwest region, Northeast, or Southeast. This project has been conceived by young professional astronomers and Mexican experts that will operate each node. Frequency comparison involving the Romanian primary length standard RO. The frequency differences obtained when the RO. Frequency differences were computed by using the matrix determinations for the group d, e, f, g.

Considering the frequency differences measured for a group of three lasers compared to each other, we call the closing frequency the difference between measured and expected frequency difference resulting from the previous two measurements. The relative Allan standard deviation was used to express the frequency stability and resulted 3. The averaged offset frequency relative to the BIPM4 stationary laser was 5. A versatile time-of-flight reflectometer for soft matter applications at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. After two years of design and construction phase the instrument has recently undergone commissioning and is now available for specular and off-specular neutron reflectivity measurements.

BioRef is especially dedicated to the investigation of soft matter systems and studies at the solid-liquid interface. The instrumental settings can be tailored to the specific requirements of a wide range of applications. The performance is demonstrated by several reference measurements, and the unique option of in situ on-board infrared spectroscopy is illustrated by the example of a phase transition study in a lipid multilayer film.

This meeting focused on the transition of microgravity science research from the Shuttle, Mir, and free flyers to the International Space Station. The MGMG meetings provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas about the microgravity environment and microgravity acceleration research in the Microgravity Research Program. The meeting had participation from investigators in all areas of microgravity research. The attendees included representatives from: Several agencies presented summaries of the measurement, analysis, and characterization of the microgravity environment of the Shuttle, Mir, and sounding rockets over the past fifteen years.

This extensive effort has laid a foundation for pursuing a similar course during future microgravity science experiment operations on the ISS.

Future activities of microgravity environment characterization were discussed by several agencies who plan to operate on the ISS. The static and dynamic behavior of measuring systems determine the value indicated by the measuring systems in relation to the true operating conditions. This program started in largely as the result of an initiative begun by K. Hoecker, then director of IKE. Since , Alfred Voss has been director and the program has continued without interruption.

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The students get credit for their research from the University of Stuttgart. The topics have a broad range and include software development, artificial intelligence, radiation transport, and energy management studies. Round-robin pretest analyses of a 1: Analyses of a 1: Each organization worked independently using their own analytical methods.

This report includes descriptions of the various analytical approaches and pretest predictions submitted by each organization. Significant milestones that occur with increasing pressure, such as damage to the concrete cracking and crushing and yielding of the steel components, and the failure pressure capacity and failure mechanism are described. Analytical predictions for pressure histories of strain in the liner and rebar and displacements are compared at locations where experimental results will be available after the test.

Thus, these predictions can be compared to one another and to experimental results after the test. The Wonders of Physics Outreach Program. One important step toward public education about fusion energy is to first elevate the public's appreciation of science in general. Toward this end, the Wonders of Physics program was started at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in as a public lecture and demonstration series in an attempt to stem a growing tide of science illiteracy and to bolster the public's perception of the scientific enterprise.

Since that time, it has grown into a public outreach endeavor which consists of a traveling demonstration show, educational pamphlets, videos, software, a website http: The presentation has been made about times to a total audience in excess of 50, Sample educational materials and Lecture Kits will be available at the poster session. Currently at Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Currently at Max Planck Institut fuer Plasmaphysik. Numerical study of droplet impact and rebound on superhydrophobic surface. Droplet impact and rebound on superhydrophobic surface is an important process in many applications; among them are developing self-cleaning or anti-icing materials and limiting liquid film formation of Diesel Exhaust Fluid DEF in exhaust gas pipe.

In the latter field, rebound of DEF droplet from wall is desired as an effective mean for avoiding or reducing unwanted solid deposition. Our goal is to numerically study influence of surface wettability on DEF droplet impact and rebound behavior. A phase-field method is chosen, which was implemented in OpenFOAM by us and validated for wetting-related interfacial flow problems. In the present contribution we first numerically reproduce relevant experimental studies in literature, to validate the code for droplet impact and rebound problem.

Our numerical results show good agreement with experimental data. Next we investigate for DEF droplets the effects of diameter, impact velocity and surface wettability on rebound behavior and jumping height. Based on Weber number and equilibrium contact angle, two regimes are identified. We show that surface wettability is a deciding factor for achieving rebound event.

Seismic sounding of convection in the Sun. Thermal convection is the dominant mechanism of energy transport in the outer envelope of the Sun one-third by radius. It drives global fluid circulations and magnetic fields observed on the solar surface. Convection excites a broadband spectrum of acoustic waves that propagate within the interior and set up modal resonances. These acoustic waves, also called seismic waves, are observed at the surface of the Sun by space- and ground-based telescopes. Seismic sounding, the study of these seismic waves to infer the internal properties of the Sun, constitutes helioseismology.

Here we review our knowledge of solar convection, especially that obtained through seismic inference. Several characteristics of solar convection, such as differential rotation, anisotropic Reynolds stresses, the influence of rotation on convection and supergranulation, are considered. On larger scales, several inferences suggest that convective velocities are substantially smaller than those predicted by theory and simulations.

This discrepancy challenges the models of internal differential rotation that rely on convective stresses as a driving mechanism and provide an important benchmark for numerical simulations. Accurate solar AO simulations require computationally intensive operations, which have until recently presented a prohibitive computational cost. We report on the latest results produced by the solar AO simulation tool. Microscopy of semiconducting materials. The traveler also visited three other institutions with kV STEMs that either have or intend to purchase the necessary modifications to provide Z-contrast capability similar to that of the existing ORNL machine.

In addition, discussions were held with C. Humphreys on the possibility of obtaining joint funding for collaborative research involving electron beam writing and Z-contrast imaging in the Cambridge and Oak Ridge STEMs, respectively. SOFIA is a 2. It will accommodate installation of different focal plane instruments with in-flight accessibility provided by investigators selected from the international science community. The Facility operational lifetime is planned to be greater than 20 years. This presentation will present the results of developmental testing of SOFIA, including analysis, envelope expansion and the first operational mission.

It will focus on how the test team achieved key milestones by systematically and efficiently reducing the number of test points to only those absolutely necessary to achieve mission requirements, thereby meeting all requirements and saving the potential loss of program funding. Finally, it will showcase examples of the observatory in action and the first operational mission of the observatory, illustrating the usefulness of the system to the international scientific community. Lessons learned on how to whittle a mountain of test points into a manageable sum will be presented at the conclusion.

Space Radar Image of Oetzal, Austria. Corner reflectors are set up for calibration. Five corner reflectors can be seen on the Gepatschferner and two can be seen on the Vernagtferner. Space Radar Image of Chernobyl. Space Radar Image of Manaus region of Brazil. Space Radar Image of Raco, Michigan, ecological test site. Baseline studies of vegetation are essential in monitoring these expected changes.

Space Radar Image of Bebedauro, Brazil, seasonal. Space Radar Image of Colombian Volcano. The faint lines above the bamboo forest are the result of agricultural terracing by the people who live in the region.

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This seasonal composite demonstrates the sensitivity of radar to changes in agricultural surface conditions such as soil moisture, tillage, cropping and harvesting. Ashfall and subsequent rains caused the collapse of most buildings in the town of Rabaul. Mudflows and flooding continue to pose serious threats to the town and surrounding villages. Volcanologists and local authorities expect to use data such as this radar image to assist them in identifying the mechanisms of the eruption and future hazardous conditions that may be associated with the vigorously active volcano.

Space Radar Image of Kliuchevskoi, Russia. The forest industry is managing these forests and practicing selective cutting to allow younger trees time to grow and reseed. X-SAR images will aid in mapping these deforested areas and in encouraging further recultivation efforts. Paths of these flows can be seen as thin lines in various shades of blue and green on the north flank in the center of the image.

Space Radar Image of Moscow, Russia. Space Radar Image of Mississippi Delta. Space Radar Image of Mammoth, California. The radars illuminate Earth with microwaves allowing detailed observations at any time, regardless of weather or sunlight conditions. Space Radar Image of Houston, Texas. Space Radar Image of Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.

Space Radar Image of Flevoland, Netherlands. Biomes computed from simulated climatologies. The biome model of Prentice et al. This study undertaken in order to show the advantage of this biome model in diagnosing the performance of a climate model and assessing effects of past and future climate changes predicted by a climate model. Good overall agreement is found between global patterns of biomes computed from observed and simulated data of present climate. These discrepancies can be traced back to in simulated rainfall as well as summer or winter temperatures.

Global patterns of biomes computed from an ice age simulation reveal that North America, Europe, and Siberia should have been covered largely by tundra and taiga, whereas only small differences are for the tropical rain forests.

Peter Gordon,John White's Philosophers as Educational Reformers (International Library PDF

Little change is seen in the tropical rain forest and the Sahara. Since the biome model used is not capable of predicting chances in vegetation patterns due to a rapid climate change, the latter simulation to be taken as a prediction of chances in conditions favourable for the existence of certain biomes, not as a reduction of a future distribution of biomes.

Future spaceborne lidar measurements of key anthropogenic greenhouse gases are expected to close current observational gaps particularly over remote, polar, and aerosol-contaminated regions, where actual in situ and passive remote sensing observation techniques have difficulties. Simulations assess the performance of this mission with the help of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations of the earth's surface albedo and atmospheric optical depth. These are key environmental parameters for integrated path differential absorption lidar which uses the surface backscatter to measure the total atmospheric methane column.

Results showthat a lidar with an average optical power of 0. Globally, the mean precision for the simulated year is 1. At high latitudes, a lower reflectance due to snow and ice is compensated by denser measurements, owing to the orbital pattern. Dedication to Professor Hannspeter Winter It was with great sadness that we learnt of the death of colleague and friend Professor Hannspeter Winter in Vienna on the 8 November In memory of him and the contribution he made both to our conference and to the field of the physics of highly charged ions we dedicate these proceedings.

His invited paper on the subject is included in these proceedings. Hannspeter will be particularly remembered for his pioneering work on ion-surface interactions that, together with his colleagues at the Vienna University of Technology TUW , has stimulated a worldwide experimental and theoretical interest in this field. He was appointed Director of the Institut fuer Allgemeine Physik at TUW in and using both his scientific and management skills has made it one of the leading university physics laboratories in the world. His research publications, of which there are , have inspired many others to work in the field of atomic and plasma physics.

Hannspeter was also an interesting and friendly social companion with interests in current affairs, music and fine wines and will be greatly missed both on a scientific and social level. Our condolences go to his wife Renate, son Dorian and his relatives. Natural and False Color Views of Europa. The left image shows the approximate natural color appearance of Europa.

The image on the right is a false-color composite version combining violet, green and infrared images to enhance color differences in the predominantly water-ice crust of Europa. Dark brown areas represent rocky material derived from the interior, implanted by impact, or from a combination of interior and exterior sources. Bright plains in the polar areas top and bottom are shown in tones of blue to distinguish possibly coarse-grained ice dark blue from fine-grained ice light blue.

Long, dark lines are fractures in the crust, some of which are more than 3, kilometers 1, miles long. The bright feature containing a central dark spot in the lower third of the image is a young impact crater some 50 kilometers 31 miles in diameter. This crater has been provisionally named "Pwyll" for the Celtic god of the underworld. Europa is about 3, kilometers 1, miles in diameter, or about the size of Earth's moon.

This image was taken on September 7, , at a range of , kilometers , miles by the solid state imaging television camera onboard the Galileo spacecraft during its second orbit around Jupiter. The image was processed by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luftund Raumfahrt e. A 6 pc-long velocity-coherent, sonic filament. Filaments play a central role in the molecular clouds' evolution, but their internal dynamical properties remain poorly characterized.

To further explore the physical state of these structures, we have investigated the kinematic properties of the Musca cloud. With an internal gas kinematics dominated by thermal motions I. The transonic properties of Musca present a clear departure from the predicted supersonic velocity dispersions expected in the Larson's velocity dispersion-size relationship, and constitute the first observational evidence of a filament fully decoupled from the turbulent regime over multi-parsec scales.

The aim of the code development is to cover the whole spectrum of design basis and beyond design basis accidents without core degradation for PWRs and BWRs with only one code. The main code features are: The General Control Simulation Module of ATHLET is a flexible tool for the simulation of the balance-of-plant and control systems including the various operator actions in the course of accident sequences with AM measures.

The code development is accompained by a systematic and comprehensive validation program. A large number of integral experiments and separate effect tests, including the major International Standard Problems, have been calculated by GRS and by independent organizations. The highly miniaturized thruster heads are very compact and have a volume of less than 3 cm3 and a weight of less than 6 g each.

This makes it possible to implement an electric propulsion system consisting of four thruster heads, two neutralizers and the necessary electronics on a 1U CubeSat with its strong limitation in space, weight and available power. Even formation flying of 1U CubeSats using an electric propulsion system is possible with this system, which is shown by the example of a currently planned cooperation project between Wuerzburg University, Zentrum fuer Telematik and TU Dresden. We present the latest performance characteristics of the NanoFEEP thrusters and the highly miniaturized electronics. Additionally, the concept and the current status of a novel cold neutralizer chip using Carbon Nano Tubes CNTs is presented.

Wilhelm Richter - - Colloquium-Verlag. Yong-gun Chong - - Munumsa. Wilhelm von Humboldt Nella Cultura Contemporanea. Luigi Heilmann - - Il Mulino. Antonio Carrano - Sepp Domandl - Max Schasler - - Verlag der T. Trautwein'schen Buch- Und Musikalienhandlung. Wilhelm von Humboldt Und der Historismus. Fulvio Tessitore - Monthly downloads Sorry, there are not enough data points to plot this chart. Sign in to use this feature.

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