The Eye

Anatomy of the Eye
Eyes: The Horror Game - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Mansion: Krasue (iOS, Android)

The light sensing nerve cells rods and cones located in the retina. The adjustable opening at the center of the iris through which light enters the eye. Photoreceptor nerve cells in the eyes that are sensitive to low light levels and are present in the retina, but outside the macula. Spongy tissue located near the cornea through which aqueous humor flows out of the eye. Clear jelly-like substance that fills the eye from the lens to the back of the eye.

This content was last updated on: As many as 11 million people in the United States have some form of age-related macular degeneration. This number is expected to double to nearly 22 million by We're the leading nonprofit funder of research for the advanced form of macular degeneration. BrightFocus makes innovative science possible around the world— 1, research projects involving more than 4, scientists in 22 countries.

Human Eye Anatomy (seen from above)

The Eye is a American supernatural horror film directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud, scripted by Sebastian Gutierrez, and starring Jessica Alba. The Eye, also known as Seeing Ghosts, is a horror film directed by the Pang brothers. The film spawned two sequels by the Pang brothers, The Eye 2 and.

The first few weeks after a diagnosis can be overwhelming, and leave you with many questions and concerns. If you are managing a new diagnosis, we have a Getting Started Guide that will help you understand and manage your disease. Are you a generous person? Acquired diseases such as iron deficiency anemia also can be associated with blue sclera.

This is inflammation of the episclera that lies atop the sclera and under the conjunctiva. Episcleritis is relatively common and tends to be benign and self-limiting. It has two forms: The cause of most cases of episcleritis is unknown, but a significant minority up to 36 percent of people who get the eye condition have an associated systemic disorder — such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, rosacea, gout and others.

Certain eye infections also may be associated with episcleritis. Most episodes of episcleritis will resolve on their own within two to three weeks. Oral pain medication and refrigerated artificial tears may be recommended if discomfort is a problem.

How The Eye Works

This is inflammation of both the episclera and the underlying sclera itself. Scleritis is a more serious and typically more painful red eye than episcleritis.

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Up to 50 percent of cases of scleritis involve an underlying systemic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Generally, the onset of scleritis is gradual, and most patients develop severe, piercing eye pain over several days. This pain tends to worsen with eye movements. In most cases, the inflammation begins in one area and spreads until the entire sclera is involved.

The main parts of the eye and their function

The sclera is the tough outer coating of the eyeball that's commonly called the "white part of the eye. Adhu Naina The Eye Scleritis can cause permanent damage to the eye and vision loss. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. This is inflammation of both the episclera and the underlying sclera itself. As the lens is elastic, it can change shape, getting fatter to focus close objects and thinner for distant objects. Congenital and hereditary diseases associated with blue sclera include osteogenesis imperfecta brittle bone disease and Marfan's syndrome a connective tissue disorder.

Scleritis can cause permanent damage to the eye and vision loss. Frequent complications include inflammation of the cornea keratitis , uveitis , cataract and glaucoma.

Sclera: The White Of The Eye

Scleritis typically is treated with oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs and corticosteroids. In some cases, immunomodulatory therapy may also be prescribed. Scleritis may remain active for several months or even years before going into long-term remission. A scleral buckle is not a condition of the sclera — it's the name of a surgical procedure used to repair or prevent a detached retina.

Eye Anatomy: Parts Of The Eye

A Tale of Two Sisters A family is haunted by the tragedies of deaths within the family. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Yee Mun's Sister Edmund Chen Lo Yin Ping Ko Mun's grandmother Florence Wu Dark Figure Yuet Siu Wong Ghost in the Hospital Wing-Wai Chin Hospital Caretaker Tao Leung Ghost on the Highway Mylio Lau Mun as a Little Girl Dampongongtrakul Sawadee Edit Storyline A blind girl gets a cornea transplant so that she would be able to see again.

Edit Details Official Sites: Palm Pictures [United States].

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Edit Did You Know? Trivia When Dr Wah and Mun are on the train together, a ghostly woman's face appears in the train window behind them as they travel through a tunnel. Goofs While playing the violin solo, Mun's fingers on her left hand never move.

Quotes [ repeated line ] Boy with Cap: Have you seen my report card? Crazy Credits The credits at the beginning of the film first appear as braile. Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why did the boy next door jump out of the window? How does the movie end? Is 'The Eye' based on a novel? User Reviews a wonderful film with flaws 4 December by teth — See all my reviews. Was this review helpful to you?