A Deadly Business: a Jack Susko mystery

A Deadly Business

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Jul 15, Marisa Parker rated it liked it. Something to pass the time. Fabio Brecciaroli rated it liked it Oct 29, Ian Gray added it May 24, Alan Menachemson marked it as to-read Apr 22, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

A Deadly Business: a Jack Susko mystery

The Porter Sisters 3. Well of the Winds. Nothing Short of Dying. A Jack Reacher Novella. Two Kinds of Truth. Not a Drill A Jack Reacher short story. Under the Cold Bright Lights. In a House of Lies. Come scrivere un'ottima recensione.

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La recensione deve essere di almeno 50 caratteri. Il titolo dovrebbe essere di almeno 4 caratteri. Il nome visualizzato deve essere lungo almeno 2 caratteri. Noi di Kobo ci assicuriamo che le recensioni pubblicate non contengano un linguaggio scurrile e sgradevole, spoiler o dati personali dei nostri recensori. Hai inviato la seguente valutazione e recensione. Appena le avremo esaminate le pubblicheremo sul nostro sito. Altri titoli da considerare. Susko is asked to track down all the books by an obscure poet.

Susko is a Sam Spade like character with a maybe shady background, a thing for the women and a habit of getting into sticky situations. He runs a used book store. Fast reading, likable main character decent mystery. If you like Dashall Hammett you'll like this. Jun 13, Amy Paget rated it it was ok. There is a second novel in the works, of course! Jun 27, Linda rated it liked it Shelves: This mystery book takes place in Australia. It's an ok mystery-one that left me wondering who was behind the killings up to the very end of the book.

The main character, Jack Susko, is a rare book dealer, who has a very colorful sense of humor. This is the first book in a supposidly series seeing this book is a one wonders when book 2 will come out. Jun 26, Trina Jones rated it liked it. Used book store dealer Jack Susko is very reminiscent of the Cliff Janeway character created by John Dunn except that he lives in Australia and is not an hardboiled ex-cop. Nevertheless, he does deal in rare books which somehow lands him in some very harrowing situations amongst unscruppulous characters and femme fatales. I'm looking forward to finding out how this plays out.

Jun 06, Sharon Mensing rated it liked it. This was an amusing sort of noir, sort of cozy, mystery involving an Australian bookseller. The bookseller was pretty macho, throwing punches more than seemed necessary.

But still I enjoyed it and I will look for more in the series. Mar 29, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: Australian poet Bartulin's first mystery: That always means trouble. A good first outing. Nov 08, Leslea rated it liked it. Set in a 2nd hand book store what's not to like there??

Good story and I generally liked the characters. Possibly the 1st in a series and would probably read the next one. Not too exciting but still a good read. Jul 06, Anne Dart rated it liked it. Basically the book proves the old adage: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The bookstore dealer had no idea what he was getting involved in when he agreed to find some old books for a wealthy client. It was an OK mystery but not great by any means. Dec 17, Opera4fun rated it really liked it.

  1. A Deadly Business: a Jack Susko mystery - Lenny Bartulin - Google Books!
  2. See a Problem?;
  3. A Deadly Business (Jack Susko Mystery, book 1) by Lenny Bartulin.
  4. kindorujisyoworiyousitaankityourekisijyounojinbutunihonsigo (Japanese Edition).
  5. A Deadly Business (Jack Susko Mystery, book 1) by Lenny Bartulin.

I enjoed this read. It's the first Jack Susko book. He's a used book store owner who gets involved with some pretty shady elements trying to help a damsel in distress. Well written and I wanted to read more. I'm having trouble finding the other Susko e-books. Aug 18, Wrdwrrior rated it did not like it.

Didn't know you could build an entire book on metaphors! Boy was I tire of mediocre writing and usually trivial metaphors. Don't waste your time. Jun 17, Melissa Wehunt added it. I'm looking forward to the next book. Dec 13, Lian Tanner rated it really liked it. I enjoyed the dry humour a lot and will look out for Bartulin's next book. Jan 22, Leslie Angel rated it it was ok.

Paperback Editions

Asked to find works of an obsure poet. Sounded great, but wasn't really about books, mostly sex and violence. May 18, Richard rated it it was ok Shelves: Main character tires the reader as a smart-ass and plot is so-so, TV stuff, dumb.