Easy Knitting for Baby: More Favorites from Grammy

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We appreciate your feedback. Janice Wilson rated it really liked it Dec 26, Would you like us to take another look at this review? Look for these patterns in the sidebar to see which ones have been added. When you want to knit something special for a sweet little someone, popular author Doreen L.

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Your rating has been recorded. Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. Easy knitting for baby: Doreen L Marquart Publisher: English View all editions and formats Rating: Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private.

It was very quickly brought to my attention that there was an error on Row 12 of the Snow Buddy cloth and Row 16 of the Snow Buddy bib. I was about to send my testers to bed without any supper, however, I realized that we all had discovered that error before I posted the pattern. For some reason, when I uploaded it to the program I use, it took the "test" version and not the corrected one. This has happened to me before and I confess that I have no idea how it happened. I have it corrected now, so you can download it again. This is a perfect example of why I should just stick to knitting and not try to do technical stuff, like a blog!

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  4. Grammy's Favorite Knits for Baby;
  5. Chrysanthemums and How to Grow Them!
  6. By Doreen L. Marquart.
  7. Easy Knitting for Baby: More Favorites from Grammy - Doreen L. Marquart - Google Книги.

I also want to remind you that the original Snowbaby bib and cloth have been completely rewritten. This pattern has been a thorn in my side ever since I created it.

Grammy's Favorite Knits for Baby

It was riddled with mistakes and so I just rewrote it. My friend, Tim, once told me that he didn't like to start a row with a purl stitch and since then, I've tried to accommodate him with every new design I create! The corrected Snow Baby pattern now starts with a knit stitch! Posted by Elaine at 8: Tuesday, October 16, I'm Snow Buddy! Wow, I can't believe that it's time for my annual birthday post! It's been quite a year dealing with my father's declining health and his subsequent death a few months ago. He passed away just a week after his 92nd birthday. He always told everyone that he was "strong as an ox", despite his multiple medical issues.

Doreen L. Marquart (Author of Grammy's Favorite Knits for Baby)

Every time we thought he might not make it through a medical crisis, he'd pull through and surprise us all. I think he finally reached the point where he just wanted eternal rest. He led a very full life that was filled with good deeds for so many people, especially children. He would take old bikes and fix them up and give them to kids who couldn't afford one.

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He'd stand out in the blazing sun and in the freezing cold, day after day, selling candy to raise money for many organizations. He was most proud of his work with finding funding for under privileged children who needed dental work.

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He helped countless children to get the dental work that they desperately needed. For all his work, he was recognized nationally as a "Doctor of Smiles". Always a proud member of the Masons, he was thrilled to be asked to become the first Caucasian male ever to be inducted into the Black Lodge of Massachusetts. It was an honor that he cherished. We were, and still are, so proud of him and miss him terribly. He left a pretty big hole in our family. Marquart When you want to knit something special for a sweet little someone, popular author Doreen L.

Easy Knitting for Baby Doreen L. Marquart Prolific designer Doreen L. Marquart presents an outstanding new collection of knitted baby patterns. With Doreen's stylish designs, knitting for Baby just got a lot more fun!

Stitch everything from a boy's hat and bomber-style jacket to an heirloom christening gown, blankets, booties, mittens, pullovers, cardigans, and Baby's first Christmas stockingChoose from more than 14 adorable designs in sizes from newborn to 24 monthsCreate small, quick-to-knit projects that are terrific for a baby shower or last-minute gift.