Flat Belly Diet Solution & the 5 Minute Guide to Incidental Activity

Patricia Steele

Choose those with no bones and skin to make sure there is no consumption of bad fats. Pair the grilled chicken with steamed broccoli. From what I have researched and learned from CrossFitters I spoke with at my gym, keeping things as simple and natural as possible is preferred, but supplements are a part of the CrossFit lifestyle. In short, you should be consuming them both before, during and in some form after. Anaplerotic drink mix helps maintain and stabilize ATP levels in muscles-ATP is the ultimate energy currency in every cell in your body, especially muscle cells. Contains essential electrolytes that help reduce muscle fatigue.

Sugar free and great for recovery after a prolonged and exhausting workout.

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Since hearing about and even experiencing CrossFit, I would have to say the intensity, environment, and overall experience a person gets from it is addicting. A lot of things have come and gone in the fitness world, but it seems CrossFit is here to stay, atleast for a while. And now Reebok and Crossfit have formed a relationship where you can now buy your favorite CrossFit gear! Everything from shirts, pants, shorts, and even the now popular, striped, knee-high socks.

That is my thing. But the fact that CrossFit has gotten a lot of people off their butts and into a gym says a lot to anyone who loves health and fitness. Written By Josh Englehart, www. Cut, shredded, lean, ripped, whatever you want to call it most people if not all want to get leaner to some degree.

Some basic ground rules before you think this is the solution to all your problems. The effectiveness of any nutritional plan is more often than not dictated by the person undertaking it and both their perseverance and willingness to change. To cut subcutaneous body fat effectively with minimal muscle loss we must: The key to effective fat loss is to manage the two hormonal states effectively whilst changing fuel usage and maintaining or creating a deficit.

Can fat loss be achieved whilst maintaining or even gaining mass? In my opinion yes and I have seen it happen on many occasion. It requires educated and strategic management of nutrition and fuel usage. My approach for myself and my clients is different to that of most and I guess the reason for me writing this is to express that approach. Little bit of plagiarising of my own articles here, as some of this info is relevant and in my opinion good.

Insulin manages our hormonal state and part of our natural fluctuation between a state of regeneration and degeneration. Our hormonal and genetic makeup define for us how well insulin is managed at a base level and dietary habits influence it from then on in. Managing insulin is all about stabilising blood sugar and maintaining it through selective ingestion of predominantly carbohydrates. Following the consumption of carbohydrates of any type there is a concurrent and specific rise in our blood sugar or blood glucose levels.

In response to this rise, insulin is secreted into the body. The excessive or insufficient ingestion of carbohydrates that is common in todays society cause lows and highs in blood sugar levels. Not only does this have a major impact on the regulation of sex hormones but in the pursuit of 'getting cut' there is a common and drastic trend to exclude or minimise carbohydrates from the diet below the bodies normal requirements.

Patricia Steele (Author of 5 Minute Guide to Incidental Activity)

We start messing with sex hormones and we fall deeply into a catabolic degenerative. The three bodytypes endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs are what we will be starting with at our hormonal and genetic makeup level. What we have done with it from then on in is always tricky to define. To summarise with this: The suggested base dietary ratios carbohydrates: In the case of cutting assuming coming from a bulking cycle you will know what those ratios and levels are.

If not I would take your current diet, log it accurately and see what level you are at right now. You will see why shortly. Whatever happens you need to honestly know where you start at otherwise you cannot adapt anything. Create a deficit of total calories through either a reduction in dietary calories or an increase in fuel calorie usage.

This is the point at which people will dispute the information I am about to give you now for various reasons. Answer me this, are you looking at maximal fat loss whilst preserving muscle tissue? If the answer is yes read on. If you don't care about losing some muscle just keep doing what you're doing.

Let me remind you of the two basic hormonal states. This diagram shows it in relation to blood sugar and its physiological response should it drop below a given level. If we want to manage composition we cannot drop below the black line and into the red. John is an ectomorph who has been consuming a strategic eating plan to build bulk. He is now ready to cut the fat and maintain mass, being an ectomorph if he gets this wrong he will lose what took him a long time to gain.

As a reference for those of you that ask the question, John uses no performance enhancing drugs, the relevance of this will become clear later. Remember he cannot drop in the red. The second he does all of his goals become compromised. The essential nutrients our body can't create but we have constant jobs for them proteins and fats can be utilised as carbohydrates should our body need them.

This is a pathway that your body needs to adapt to in order to become efficient at it. If we don't have enough protein our body steals from itself lean tissue , if we don't have enough dietary fats our body shuts certain systems down. If we plan to protect muscle tissue whilst giving the option for the body to use another form of fuel stored fat we must maintain an anabolic state and consume above maintenance levels of protein. We can stick with our total caloric requirement whilst adapting fuel sources and protecting tissue.

How do we burn fat, we burn fat because we not only tell the body to stop storing it, we create a metabolic impact through our training. At this point I must also tell you that when it comes to training more isn't always better. I will explain more later. This article is about the dietary aspect of cutting, why? This is straight away under the assumption that you will eat only clean foods during this time and stick to the plan.

The best way I have found to do this is by switching fuel sources over a given period. An undulating drop in carbohydrate switching calories to proteins and fats. Here is an example taking my case study down from grams of carbs to over a course of 15 weeks. He is an ectomorph and has a high carbohydrate tolerance so going much lower wouldn't probably be required. A large amount of this grams will be ingested post workout, the rest of it evenly distributed throughout the day.

So this is the point where it becomes the argument of calories in vs calories out. Take calories out of your diet you run the risk of the red zone. Burn more you don't provided you utilise a post workout drink. Basal metabolic rate is basically what our body needs just to survive. By creating this optimal hormonal state anabolic we can prime the body to burn fuel that isn't required body fat. We preserve the metabolically active tissue muscle whilst providing an alternative and protective fuel source protein and fats. This minimises the risk of a surplus of carbohydrates our raw fuel and it's conversion to stored energy.

As we still ingest the same amount of calories our ability to sustain metabolically demanding workouts still remains possible. We create a calorie deficit with minimal risk and by only increasing output not reducing food intake. Overweight people diet and eat diet and low calorie foods Let me show you an example of when more is not always better and a reason I only add cardio into a fat loss program as a last resort and way to burn energy literally moving, not running, nothing overly strenuous high intensity cardio is low intensity weights before anyone starts.

By week 15 he will be doing 3 hours and 45 minutes of cardio per day!!!! Up until week 7 his body is primed for fat loss, at week 8 it fails and will start to catabolise valuable and metabolically active tissue. This would look something like this:. Also when nutrition has been consistently manipulated for weeks and your metabolism is topping out what have you got left? Save the cardio and thermogenics for when you're looking for the details.

I have a very successful fat loss client who has lost over 45kg of weight and an amazing amount of bodyfat whilst also adding a decent amount of lean tissue. Weight loss if done successfully as in fat will always wave up and down much like the carb cycling I showed above. Infact here is his weight loss chart I don't log clients weights, he did this using his iphone:. The peaks you see weren't because he went off plan they're because of what I like to call metabolic shifts, his body is adapting to new tissue and making adjustments to compositional changes and his ability to use fuel more effectively.

At one point his weight stalled for about 5 days so the question posed to me was: He had stalled because he had waved into the red so I pulled him out of it.

  1. On the Run in Nazi Berlin!
  2. Cardio | www.farmersmarketmusic.com.
  3. Episode 48: The unconventional 26-step guide to go from exercise hater to exercise addict!;
  4. Why Do People Eat?.
  5. HIIT: 8 Week Cardio Interval?

My point here is that metabolism and fuel usage in immeasurable to a large extend so at times it needs a push in the right direction. I wrote about this a while ago when discussing cheat meals. Let me draw your attention to this and will simply cut and paste some of my previous piece as it now ties in nicely. Leptin is a hormone that basically signifies if we are starving or satiated. In the grey or in the red. Its a bit more complex than this but a whole other article but fundamentally. Someone creating a deficit or on a restrictive diet will lower leptin levels, which therefore sends the signal we are starving red zone.

At this point cortisol goes through the roof, thyroid hormones plummet and a bunch of appetite stimulating hormones fire up to tell you to get your arse back in the grey. To raise this back to its normal level will generally take us less than 24 hrs. The higher someones bodyfat is the higher their leptin levels are, the lower someones bodyfat therefore is the lower someones leptin levels will be. Leptin management is only really of major concern to those that are lean but if utilised correctly can push the boundaries of leanness and ramp metabolic rate significantly. As diet improves and insulin efficiency improves leptin receptors will in hand be re-sensitised and it now becomes a useful tool in the quest for fat loss and getting cut.

The thyroid hormones are responsible again in this conversation for basal metabolic rate. It will increase this basal metabolic rate and also impact the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fat. This becomes a burnout issue in most cases. Our body has a certain amount of fuel it can process and utilise in one go.

If we take a typical western diet that has 3 meals in it with traditionally the biggest meal being in the evening it would mean at some point this person will overeat in order to meet caloric requirements. So everytime someone overeats thyroid hormones elevate metabolic rate and this leads to heat generation. In someone who regulates metabolic rate successfully overeating will lead to a notable increase in body temp. Continuous bouts of overeating or binging will lead to the burnout of the thyroid hormones and once again an indication of underactivity within them.

There is no exact science here but I would quite simply start with some markers. A cheat meal simply has to be an excess of calories and a substantial elevation in carbohydrates if we want to spark up and make use of the above three systems. This does not have to be junk.

It can simply be a re-feed. I occasionally just eat my normal structure and throw a 1kg bag of sweet potatoes on every meal in that day. What I can say for sure is that 1 - 2 days post re-feed my metabolic rate is still racing and I am visually leaner. The way this works is that the elevation in calories ramps everything up and for a period of 24 - 48 hours later your body is working harder than ever.

Therefore you burn fuel fast! Cheat meals need to have a high percentage of carbohydrates in them to be effective and also a hefty hit of calories, double normal intake is a good bet. This ramps metabolic rate, which remember you have primed and will carry over momentum for 48 or so hours later.

There is no definitive way to cut or get lean!! There are stupid approaches and intelligent approaches. I am throwing down my gauntlet as to how I approach people and myself when trying to get lean. I keep calories high and burn fuel. I know in the course of a year I can burn 30 - 40kg of bodyfat easily with someone, I can't develop that amount of metabolically active muscle tissue in anyone.

I choose to protect muscle tissue and use it to my own and others advantage. Have you ever met someone who exercises on a regular basis approx. Did you ever take note of the type of cardiovascular training that person was doing? More than likely it was some form of low-intensity cardio, i. The problem with this type of cardio is that it doesn't take long for your body and metabolism to get accustomed to the low-intensity training. Your metabolism will adjust and soon enough it will only burn calories for the duration of your workout.

Another issue with low-intensity cardio is that over time it will take you a longer duration to burn the same amount of calories. For example, what took you 30 minutes to burn calories might take you 40 minutes to burn calories over time. I'm sure you can agree with me on this one but I prefer to the burn the most amounts of calories in the shortest period of time and continue to burn calories long after I have completed a cardio session. Low-intensity cardio will only burn calories during the duration of your training.

On top of that it will take up much of your precious time only to receive minimal results, which is not the goal for anyone. High-intensity cardio is effective cardiovascular training that is going to shoot your fatloss and muscle gains through the roof. Studies have shown that subjects on a high protein and moderate carbohydrate diet who completed high-intensity cardio were able to gain extra lean muscle mass and lose more body fat compared to those subjects completing low-intensity cardio.

What is so unique about high-intensity cardio is that it increases your muscle oxidative capacity your muscles ability to produce mitochondria , which in turn will allow your muscles to increase in size. Mitochondria are the energy producing units in your muscles; this is where ATP adenosine triphosphate is made and fats are burned.

The more mitochondria you can produce the more fat you burn and increase lean muscle mass. What separates those who get maximum results and those who don't High-intensity cardio increases the amount of mitochondria in the muscle and will continue to increase the more intense you push yourself during each cardio session. When doing high-intensity cardio it is an all-out-effort that should be challenging for you from start to finish. You will need to prepare your self mentally and physically before every session because it is intended to push you over the edge.

This is a big reason why people choose not to do it or come up with an excuse as to why they shouldn't do it. I prefer to use the stair stepping machine mainly because it takes a lot of pressure off my knees. High-intensity cardio is meant to be conducted in short duration, I would say anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes would be a sufficient amount of time to get you started. This may not seem fancy on paper but believe me, more time doing cardio does not necessarily mean it is better for you.

If you can do more than 20 minutes then I guarantee you are not pushing yourself hard enough during the 20 minutes. As I said earlier, high-intensity cardio is an all-out-effort from start to finish and it should never be easy. You should be huffing and puffing the entire time and basically living from second to second, minute to minute, until you finish your session. This is going to require that you use every last bit of mental and physical toughness to get you through. You must also not forget to keep asking more from yourself.

Once you have reached your goal then set a higher goal and go for that, once that goal is reached and you are comfortable, set another one. This is a never-ending process and you have to keep progressing or you will keep getting the same results. Do not increase the time without raising the resistance level first.

Your body has three different pathways it uses for energy. The first pathway is the ATP-PCr pathway which is used for short burst of energy, usually under 10 seconds. An example of the ATP-PCr pathway would be when you first take off running in a dead sprint or lifting your maximum weight on a deadlift.

The second pathway is what keeps you going beyond 10 seconds, which would be the glycolytic pathway. This is when your ATP-PCr stores are completely depleted and this is why you begin to slow down while in a sprint. The last energy pathway, which kicks in after 80 seconds of exercise is the oxidative phosphorylative pathway. This is how long distance runners are able to maintain energy; through the oxidative phosphorylative pathway. Creatine increases muscular performance and is the ultimate secret weapon when used in conjunction with high-intensity cardio.

As I stated above when you're doing high-intensity cardio such as sprints, your body will use the ATP-PCr pathway to give you the energy for an all-out-effort. After about 10 seconds of an all-out-sprint you naturally begin to slow down because you are depleting your PCr phosphocreatine stores. You may know exactly what I'm talking about because this is when you feel the "burn" in your legs. This burning is caused from your body finding other energy stores to keep you going. Taking a creatine supplement will increase your PCr stores to allow for better performance during high-intensity activity and short-burst muscle contractions.

Look how they train and look at their body types. Marathon runners train at a steady pace for long amounts of time while sprinters train by going as hard as they can for a short amount of time followed by a recovery period to get the heart rate back down and then they go hard again. Marathon runners generally have less muscle and more body fat while sprinters have low body fat and hold an impressive amount of muscle mass. Fat burning is a strategy of hours not minutes and interval training will keep your metabolism burning fat for hours after your done while endurance training allows you to come back to normal minutes after being finished.

I have two favorite routines I use for my HIIT training when I need to get my abs ripped for a photo shoot or a competition. This can really be done on any cardio machine or even on foot outside. My choice is usually the stairmill or stair climber. Then at the 30 second mark, ramp up the speed to as fast as you can handle for 30 seconds. It should be at speed that makes you struggle to get 30 seconds.

After 30 seconds bring the speed back down to super slow and focus on catching your breath, calming your heart rate, and getting your legs back under you during this short 30 second rest. When the treadmill hits the 1 minute mark, carefully step on to the front middle of the belt holding yourself with your hands until you get your stride, then pump your arms and sprint for 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds lift yourself up and straddle the belt. For the next 50 seconds, just standing there catch your breath, calm your heart rate, and get your legs back. At the 2 minute mark, get back on for another interval. You get all of your daily calories from either fats, proteins, or carbs. In the ideal diet, you can incorporate all 3 three of the macros while shredding fat and hanging onto muscle mass.

I even put on 4 lbs of muscle in the last month while dieting down to a shredded 3. These principles will also allow you to have more energy and not go brain dead while dieting. When I write a diet for myself or a client I get much more specific about percentages of carbs at certain times but for the general population these rules of thumb will work. Protein should be the constant. Get about 40 grams 25 for women every 2- 3 hours that your awake. For fats and carbs, don't mix them in the same meal.

You need both but when having them together you increase the chance of storing bodyfat. Eat all carbs in 3 meals, breakfast, pre workout, and post workout. Guys take about 50 grams in each meal and ladies get In all other meals add good fats. I use flax seed oil. Take spoonful of flax down with the 40 grams of protein your eating. Whatever you do, if you screw up and have an unplanned cheat meal or miss meal, get right back on track with the next meal.

Too often I see people throw their whole day away because they messed up one on meal. Heavy training will also do a number on your EPOC excess post-exercise oxygen consumption which keeps the resting metabolism elevated, allowing you to burn fat for hours after a workout. Drink water throughout the entire day! Keeping hydration levels up has a number of benefits. If dieting water is going to help keep your appetite in control and also have a positive effect on resting metabolism as your body works to process all that water.

I add a BCAA supplement to my water a couple of times a day. Not only does this add a little flavor to that bland water, it also helps support lean muscle mass while cutting. You can find that at rocksolidsupps. Drink gallons of water a day depending on your size. Over the years I have received numerous questions from men and women who have tried to lose weight by drastic measures in order to try and achieve the body shape they desire; including those who have essentially starved themselves for months, if not years.

If you continue in this way your body will start using your muscle stores, and we know that the less muscle we have the fewer calories we require, all contributing to slowing your metabolism down! So, without spending too much time on the science, I will give you a few suggestions on how you can start firing up a slow metabolism! Muscle also burns more calories than fat! So, a good first step would be to start a weight-training program.

An intense weight training session can burn far more calories, and obviously engage many more muscles than what you would train if you were opting for a cardio workout only. Try planning meals per day, little and often. When I commence a competition diet the first changes I make to my regular diet are to begin splitting my meals up more throughout the day. Often during my diets I can eat up to 7- 8 times per day You should never let yourself feel hungry, and eating every few hours will prevent this. Be mindful that if you do start eating like this you must exercise portion control with your food.

But keep in mind that portions should be small! This is a sure fire way to kick-start your metabolism! I take on the majority of my carbohydrates during this meal, and add some protein. If you start eating protein with every meal you will definitely feel fuller for longer. Additionally it actually helps the body release the stored fat so that the body can use it as energy!

Be mindful of what you drink Remember juices from concentrate, alcohol etc are all packed with calories. However a coffee in the morning can help increase your metabolism. Try and take some time out to relax Stress can also cause cravings, and you might find yourself wanting to eat fatty and sugary foods. If you were looking to speed up your fat loss my best tip would be to exercise on an empty stomach before breakfast.

There is a huge body of research to support this tip but in short, upon waking from sleep your body is depleted of glycogen energy stores , so in theory if you do some form of exercise before breakfast you can utilise your fat stores. Skip to main content. Posted 22 May by Nick Nilsson. Here's a summary of the types of interval training we'll be using… 1.

Aerobic Interval Training Aerobic Interval Training is very beneficial for rapidly improving your aerobic conditioning as well as burning fat. Here are some examples of a number of different intervals you can use in your training: Work Res t 2 min. Work Rest 30 sec. Here's a sample of how to do it: Interval 1 - 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest. Interval 2 - 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest. Interval 3 - 25 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest. Interval 4 - 25 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest.

Interval 5 - 20 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest. Interval 6 - 20 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest. Interval 7 - 15 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest.

It’s healthy

Sub-Maximal High Intensity Intervals Sub-Maximal intervals are excellent for burning fat and for building up your cardiovascular conditioning. Here are some sample intervals you can use in your training: Near-Maximal Aerobic Intervals This is a unique form of interval training that I've been working with that basically combines Aerobic Interval Training with Maximal Interval Training to allow you to work at near-peak levels for long periods of time.

Here's how it works: Here are some sample intervals you can use with this training style: Work Rest 20 sec. So it's not a total beginner program but it gives you a good place to start if you've not done intervals before. The three training days per week can be done at any day of the week, e. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I like to include at least one day off in between cardio days.

Cardio can also be done on the same days as weight training. I would recommend doing cardio AFTER doing weights as doing cardio before will affect your strength levels when doing weights. With this program, we'll gradually be increasing the workload, the intensity and decreasing rest periods. This is what triggers are used for. When just starting, your plan does not have to be great.

Just come up with something according to the guidelines above. You can tweak later to better fit your needs. Remember that your current goal is to come up with a plan that is fun and easy to do! It does not have to be hard. Believe me you already more than you should when it comes to exercising. You just need to do more of it! Warming up is not an extra activity that eats up your time. Start by walking fast for 1 or 2 min. This video and this one are good stretching resources to start working on your joints.

However, if adding stretching makes exercise complicated for you, then just skip it! You can always add it later on, when your exercise habit will be more established! Do you ever think about whether you should check for passing cars before crossing a street? Once your fitness momentum gets high enough, you will do the same with exercise. You will no longer need to think about it.

It will be replaced by you…just doing it.

Hang in there, it will pass soon. Now set your big goals e. Instead, focus on the benefits you will get from exercise are feeling good both physically and mentally after each session. So just get up and do the first minute of your exercise. You will probably end up continuing your session to the end. Deep inside you know you are lying; You know you will never make up for that missed workout; You know these are all empty promises ; Then why do you fall for it?

Just do the first minute. Exercise gear does not have to be limited to dumbbells. Exercise can be creative…. What if you used a backpack instead of dumbbells? Keep coming up with new equipment, and who knows, you may not even have to leave the couch to exercise…What if you could work out from your sofa? Tabata is a very effective way of internal training. Do 8 rounds of each exercise, doing as many repetitions as you can.

Each round consists of 20 sec of exercise and 10 sec of rest. That should take you exactly 16 min. See some 3-min tabata examples here and here. There will be times when you cannot do your planned workout. You have put in so much effort to increase your momentum, you cannot just let it decrease for no reason. Even having just 1 exercise in your back-up plan will help you sustain your exercise habit and keep your momentum.

Ha, j ust one exercise can get you faaaar! What happens to your workouts when you travel? Try working out in your hotel room , or just avoid stiffness by stretching at the airport. Traveling is not an excuse to not get the additional energy that comes from a work out!

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What if you never stop exercising again , and just keep building on the great foundation you are forming right now? How awesome will you become? You are well on your way! Sounds like a good time to update your family and friends on your progress? Wow, by now you are an exerciser! Plus, incidental exercise can be fun: Playing with your kids more often is a great way to burn calories and fill up with joy! Review them carefully using this checklist to see if they are valid or not. Healthy fears serve to protect you, while unhealthy ones will only serve to hold you back! Here is when minimalism gets handy.

Is your exercise process simple enough? Are there too many hidden cost activities? Working out to fight boredom is one of my favorite ways to exercise. Recently, I had to wait for 2 hours for my skydiving session and I used exercise as a way to have fun and constructively use my time.

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Flat Belly Diet Solution & the 5 Minute Guide to Incidental Activity - Kindle edition by Patricia Steele. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC. Flat belly diet solution the 5 minute guide to incidental activity kindle edition by patricia steele download it once and read it on your kindle device pc phones.

Other people like Erica exercise at the airport when waiting to board at the gate. When addressing results in any of our websites, videos, newsletters, programs or other content, we've taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to change your body and improve your life. However, the Company does not guarantee that you will get any results using any of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations, and nothing on our Sites is a promise or guarantee to you.

Results may vary on an individual basis. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life which are dependent on personal factors including, but not necessarily limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, consistency, personal ethic, to name just a few.

State law allows any person to provide nutritional advice or give advice concerning proper nutrition--which is the giving of advice as to the role of food and food ingredients, including dietary supplements. This state law does NOT confer authority to practice medicine or to undertake the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or cure of any disease, pain, deformity, injury, or physical or mental condition and specifically does not authorize any person other than one who is a licensed health practitioner to state that any product might cure any disease, disorder, or condition.

Get Started Blog Login. Instead of worrying about how you should start, spend time focusing on what actually matters. So, here are the 26 steps that will actually help you exercise and love it! You can use the links below to jump to a relevant section. Time to start fresh! Do you feel guilty for not exercising? Get over that guilt right now. Why do you think most people quit exercise in the first 6 months?

Because starting a new habit is hard. Because people have unrealistic expectations. They rely on willpower, when willpower is the first castle to fall once you actually start working out. Think about your motivation. Why do you want to exercise? Review your exercise motivation. You have to yes, have to to transform those goals from negative to positive. Time to do some rewriting…Example: Formulate your goals as long jumps rather than high jumps. Add a time limit. Here is a high jump goal: In the context of looking better, I will lose 20 pounds in 3 months.

Here is a long jump goal: In the context of looking better, I will be thinner in 3 months. Here is a modified long jump goal: In the context of looking better, I will be at least 5 pounds thinner in 3 months. The best workouts are the ones we find fun and convenient. You are not going to make it more than a couple of times to a workout that is fun but not convenient. You are also not going to make it more than a couple of times to a workout that is convenient, but boring. Criteria for convenience are: Amount of hidden cost activities.

Can I do it whenever I want to? I can work out at home whenever I want to. Work out at home, jog in my neighborhood. Set-up a fail-proof system! Relying on willpower won't get you far Relying on a system though will! How much time are you willing to devote to exercise every week? How long am I willing to devote to exercise every day? Yes, you heard right, every day. Your answer can be 1 hour, or 5 minutes. It does not matter. Make a weekly plan that is a mix and match of the two to four activities that you chose in step 5.

Announce your exercise goals to your family and social circle! Ways to make the announcement: New status on facebook. Announce it verbally to your family. Set up a Google Doc to track your fitness progress and share it with your friends. Write your plans on the kitchen board. Set up triggers to remember your workouts. You have roughly two options simplified for the purpose of this guide: Make sure you work all big muscle groups back-chest-core-legs each week.