Interview with God

An Interview with God

Our mission to fund and produce films that entertain and spark conversation around faith.

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This script did that! I kept turning the page, wondering what would happen, while looking inside at my own faith and asking myself, "What questions would I ask God? If you had the opportunity for an interview with God, what are three things you'd ask? I think it reminds the audience that at one point or another, many of us will have an inner struggle with God. I hope this will encourage empathy for each other.

An Interview with God

Paul was a Christian but didn't know how to talk to God. What was the message behind exploring that in the movie? Many Christians, including myself, are very busy and forget that the two ingredients needed for a conversation are talking and listening.

With all of the distractions around us and at our fingertips, it is difficult to remember to listen. Walsch claims that God says that we have a common interest in keeping the game going, for there is nothing else to do except to experience our existence and then experience more of it, to uncover deeper layers of truth and understanding.

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There are no external rules, because all experience is subjective, and is chosen. But within this, there are ways that it is stated and implied people will gradually come to see their thoughts, words, actions are either working or they are not working. A thing is either functional or dysfunctional , not right or wrong. These rememberings take place over "time" and can take hundreds and thousands of lifetimes.

Book 1 page 4 argues that words are not the ultimate truth, rather words are symbols, and are open to interpretations.

Thus the readers are advised to consult their own inner knowing or intuition to determine their own truth while reading the book, or any other book. Though the books bear the title Conversations with God and the author states in book 1 that he is "taking dictation" from God, the 'dialogue' is said to be between God and all people at all times.

The question, according to Neale, is not to whom does God talk, but who listens. This is clarified by the statement that God can communicate with people in many ways the next song you hear, the next sunset you experience, the next time you hear laughter, the next movie that really moves you , and not necessarily through words 'spoken' by God to a person.

All these avenues are open to me. I will speak to you if you invite me. Jesus is said to have sought to lead by example, which is why he said, "I am the way and the life, follow me". Jesus is supposed to have said, "I and the Father God are one and you are my brethren".

This means that living things are all one particles of the collective God Book 3, Chapter20, pgs. Jesus is said to have said, "without the father God , I am nothing". The father of all is pure thought which is the energy of life Book 3, Chapter11, pg.

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In Book 3 of Conversations with God , by Neale Donald Walsch , it is mentioned that Mahavatar Babaji may at one time have resurrected himself from the dead, just like Lazarus , Jesus and other humans. Neale then asks why some religions do not know the truth about something so basic. In response, God says that we must understand that humans have many fear based religions whose teachings surround the doctrine of a God who is to be worshipped and feared. It was through fear that the entire Earth society reformed itself from a matriarchy into a patriarchy.

It was through fear that the holy priests got people to mend their wicked ways and heed the word of the Lord. It was through fear that the churches gained and controlled their membership. Churches even insisted that God will punish you if you did not go to church every Sunday, not going to church was declared a sin - and not just any church. One had to attend one particular church - if you went to a church of a different denomination that too was a sin. That was an attempt at control, pure and simple, using fear.

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The amazing thing is it worked. People will always believe in hell and in a God who would send them there as long as we believe that God is like man — ruthless, self-serving, unforgiving and vengeful. In the past, most people could not imagine a God who might rise above all of that so they accepted the teachings of many churches to fear the terrible vengeance of the Lord.

It was as if people could not trust themselves to be good and act appropriately, on their own by their own built in reasons. So they had to create a religion that taught the doctrine of an angry, retributive God in order to keep themselves in line. The idea of reincarnation threw a monkey wrench into all of that. The church was proclaiming that you better be nice or else—and along came the reincarnationists saying you have another chance after this and another chance after that and still more chances, so don't worry.

An Interview with God

Do the best you can. Don't become so paralysed with fear that you can't budge. Promise yourself to do better and get on with it.

Naturally, the early Church couldn't hear of such a thing that did two things. First, it denounced the doctrine of reincarnation as heretical, then it created the sacrament of confession. Confession could do for the Church goer what reincarnation promised.

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That is, give him another chance. There was a catch however - this absolution could not come directly from God, it had to flow through the church whose priests pronounced penances which had to be performed. Movie Info Covering the war in Afghanistan provided journalist Paul Asher with some of the best stories of his young career. But that endeavor ends up costing him more than he ever could have calculated. Upon returning home, Paul struggles to deal with the after-effects of his experiences, a failing marriage, and his dying faith.

Not knowing where to turn, Paul dives deeply into the story of a lifetime-an interview with a mysterious man claiming to be God.

Interview With God -

What does an inquisitive reporter ask God? What would you ask? Brenton Thwaites as Paul Asher. Yael Grobglas as Sarah Asher. David Strathairn as The Man. Charlbi Dean Kriek as Grace. Hill Harper as Gary. Bobby Di Cicco as Bobby.