Medieval People

The children of very rich men and women sometimes had tutors at home. Teenagers, around the age of twelve or thirteen, often went out to work for somebody else. Many teenagers lived with the people they worked for. Slavery was gradually dying out during this period. Most peasants rented land from a richer man or woman who owned a big estate. They owed their landlord or landlady rent, and also a lot of other obligations.

Medieval People – Royalty

And they had to work a certain number of days every year for their landlady. Each of these powerful people, in turn, owed obligations to a more powerful person. Each count or countess, for instance, owed obligations to a duke or duchess or an earl. If there was a war, the count had to go to the war with his peasants, to fight for the duke. And the count had to send valuable presents to the duke as well, every year.

In exchange, again, the duke was supposed to protect the count. Even the dukes and earls were supposed to fight for the king or queen and send him or her presents. But a lot depended on the king being strong enough to make them!

Part 13: Food: What Did Peasants Eat in Medieval Times?

Sometimes if the duke was strong enough, he just refused to come. The Church owned about a third of the land in Europe during the Middle Ages. The "French" grew tired of this and made a deal with these invaders. They gave then land in return for the Normans not to attack anymore and to protect the region from new invaders. After many years thru trade and just by nearness to the French, the Normans adopted the French Language.

William did not bring English to England, he brought over French! For the next three hundred years anyone who was important in England spoke French. Eleanor of Aquitane She was the mother of Richard the Lionheart and King John. She was also a wealthy and powerful figure in the european High Middle ages.

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She was an important figure in the culture of the High Middle Ages and she was instrumental in the defining and changing of values such as chivalry and romance. She also spent 16 years imprisoned for her alleged part in an attempt by her son to overthrow her husband Henry II. She led a remarkable yet tumultous life which included participation in the second crusades.

Richard the Lionheart He was the favored son of Eleanor of Aquitane and a central figure in the thrid crusades. He was the Duke and Lord of many various lands such as Normandy and eventually became King of England. The military battles of the third crusades are his largest claim to fame yet he never achieved his goal of recapturing Jerusalem. He is also well known for some other things including the fact that he became to be known as the first King who was also a knight.

And he spent much time and resources building fortresses and castles throughout his lands.

Peasants, Serfs and Farmers

William Wallace Died He is the figure now made very famous by the movie Braveheart. He was a Scottish knight and landowner who was a leading figure in the Scottish Wars for Independence.

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There are three notable occurrences in his life which are remembered. The first of which is that he was eventually captured and executed in a very brutal manner. He is also remembered for his famous victory in the battle of Stirling Bridge at which his forces were vastly outnumbered.

And he is also remembered for his loss a year later at the Battle of Falkirk.

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The Roman Empire was in decline and being invaded by many tribes in the third, fourth and fifth centuries. Notify me when new comments are posted. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Frederick Barbarossa, King of Germany and Crusader Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous for Fighting in the Third Crusade - The ages of Adam and his descendants in the Book of Genesis appear incredulous when compared to the average lifespan of Man throughout history. Furnishing castles and estates was not only done for decorative purposes, but also to demonstrate prestige and status to visitors. Famous People of the Middle Ages - Roger Bacon, Scientist, inventor and philosopher Facts and a short biography with key dates about the life story of this important Medieval figure who was famous as a scientist, inventor, philosopher and advocate of the modern scientific method. Goths, whom were called barbarians by the Romans, invaded Italy and Gaul.

He was a poet, writer and philospher of England. Who has not read "The Canterbury Tales" in high school? He is often considered to be the father of English literature and he brought a legitimacy to the English language when literature was considered to be either only in French or Latin. He invented the printing press and the concept of movable type which revolutionized the book making process. Up until his time books were copied by hand. His invention is considered to be among the most important of the modern period.

Books became much easier to make and much more affordable.

New Study Answers the Question - Did Medieval People Reach Old Age? | Ancient Origins

And most importantly this changed the availability and flow of information throughout the world. His inventions quickly spread across the whole known world.

A Note from Will: There is an official Gutenberg Museum in Mainz Germany. I have visited it.

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It is small but interesting. If I remember correctly they didn't have his original movable type printing press but they did have the second version he made.

Medieval People

Wow, now I really wish I took pictures. William Tell Early 14th century? He is a figure of swiss legend and a folk hero. According to legend he was famous for several different acts the top of which was his ability with the crossbow. He is told to have assassinated a tyrannical Austrian reeve Gessler with a difficult crossbow shot through a narrow pass. And of course he is most famous for having being forced to shoot an apple off his own son's head.

He was forced to do this at threat of death to both he and his son.

Medieval People – Castle Staff

Joan of Arc She was captured and executed by burning at the stake at the age of She is also a national heroine in France and has been canonized a saint. She asserted that she had visions from God directing her to free her homeland from the English. And she started out as a missionary but quickly became a military leader who lead French troops in decisive and aggressive military battles the first of which was the lifting of the siege of Orleans in only 9 days.

Vlad the Impaler He was born in Sighi?