Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursis Risale-I Nur

Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-I by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'

This volume presents a picture of its spiritual dimensions by focusing on the ideas of its founder, Turkish theologian Bediuzzaman Said Nursi — Nursi argued that Islam must be organically linked to empire in order to preserve its identity in the modern era, fostering a spiritual tradition that has steadfastly survived the secular project of Kemalism.

Risale-i Nur & Said Nursi

It is on a par with, if not better than, many other previously published collections of essays on Nursi and the cross-cultural and inter-religious appeal of the Nursian legacy. The range of topics included here is impressive, and I especially liked the linking of work on Nursi to aspects of religious thought outside Islam.

I suspect the book will be used in courses on Islamic studies as essential reading. You Have 0 Item s In Cart. Click on image to enlarge. Abu-Rabi' - Edited and with an introduction by. The Bedouins and the Desert. Ritual, Politics, and the City in Fatimid Cairo. The End of the Jihad State. Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State. The messenger of Allah used to ponder the meanings of the Books of Allah and recite it when he stood in prayer at night and recited one single ayah verse from the book of Allah. Whilst he was praying, without going any further than that one ayah until morning.

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for mean of understanding. Reading or listening careful the life stories of the prophets and nations including the issues that are related to promises of reward, threats of punishment rules and regulations, reports, stories and good morals and its effects on the heart are various. Simply because the heart is the controller of the faculties which are like soldiers and followers, if it is sound, they will be sound, and if it is corrupt they will be corrupt.

A seerah, and other kinds of knowledge etc. Regular attendance at gatherings of dhikr remembrance of Allah.

This leads to an increase in faith. Faith affects social progress. In this respect, encouraging doing good and forbidding evil are the most important characteristic of a believer. The duty of a pious person is to express this with their actions as well as their speech and to advise good and prevent evil in a gentle manner.

Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-I-Nur

“ this collection of essays is a most useful introduction to various aspects of Nursian spirituality and of the message of his Risale-i Nur. It is on a par with, if not . Editorial Reviews. Review. “ this collection of essays is a most useful introduction to various aspects of Nursian spirituality and of the message of his Risale-i.

However, the only way to protect society against Divine punishment is to encourage people to do good and to forbid them from evil this is the task of every believer with Taqwa and sincerity. We have to be aware of our duties on the path of Allah without this sense of duty and affection a person can not be successful in advising other of what is good and what is evil. In addition to this, it should be taken into consideration element of wisdom when serving the society. Without doubt those who work in the service of Islam and society spread great energy around them that every thing finds life through them, by enlightening their environment, they increase their own illumination[63].

According to Osman Nuri[64] sincere service is the result of a sound heart. Success in servitude requires knowledge, wisdom, efficiency, equanimity and a responsible character and personality. The way to achieve is by being guided to the path of a true believer by the principles and guidance of the Quran. This following prayer of the prophet S. A should be in the hearts and prayers of those who continuously perform their duties as human beings.


The prayer above of the prophet Mohammad S. A emphasizes the need for sensitivity and thoughtfulness, as well as action and progress in society[68] Osman Nuri points out that sometimes helping one person of good character can be equal to helping thousands of people if you supply the means to an intelligent person it will never be wasted[69] All these, cannot be effective without sound faith and sincerity that light for human progress.

And this is so that elevated, pure spirits may be distinguished from lowly ones. And this is so that eminent dispositions may be differentiated through their progress from wicked ones. And this his so that sound natures may be picked out through their development[70] striving and exertion from among corrupted rotten ones. And this requires is being tested and tried. And this demands his accountability due to the obligations laid on him al-taklif to perfect him and his happiness[71] but the question that should be asked here, what his the relationship between faith and accountability according to Bediuzzaman Said Nursi perspective?

The issues of accountability is an important subject in Muslim philosophy through which Bediuzzaman Said Nursi tried to analyse this subject in his book Risale-i Nur collection[72] For him, accountability is not an independent affair which has nothing to do with a responsibility in human life. Accountability and responsibility are just like two faces for one coin.

Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-i-Nur

For Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, a man whose life is so brief can not experience the true essence of justice in this transient world, it for this reason that matter are postponed for a supreme tribunal. For true justice requires that man, this apparently creature should be rewarded and punished not in accordance with his pettiness, but in accordance with his crime. Above mentioned shows that I Man or faith gives to men sense of responsibility and accountability in his life.

God only provides guidance for us to know what is good and what is bad. Surely we guide him to the right way. If it were not for that obligation those seeds would not sprout. Besides, if you study the history ah-wal of mankind deeply, you will see that all advances of the human spirit, and divine perfecting of the conscience, and progress of the intellect, and productive advances in thought which are so great as to be astounding, have occurred only due to mans accountability and though faculties being awakened by the sending of prophets and the fecundation of religious laws, and the inspiration of the religions.

Had it not been for them, human beings would have remained as animals and those perfections of the conscience and moral virtues would have been non existent[74]. Consult your mind and your heart Confer with them so that you might know this fact! Why do you not take warnings? Many verses according to him contain sentences that have the meaning of why do men not know, why do they fall into compounded ignorance? Why do they not look? Have they become blind so that they can not see the truth?

Why do men not call to mind and ponder over their own lives and the events in the world so that they might find the straight path? Why do they not think, deliberate and reason with the mind, and so fall into misguidance? Take a warning from past ages and try to be saved from the moral and spiritual calamities of the future! Why it may even be said that like spiritual and moral attainments, Material attainments and wonders were first given to mankind as a gift by the hand of miracles.

Thus, what first gave man, the gift of the ship, which was a miracle of Noah Peace be upon him , and the clock, a miracle of Joseph Peace be upon him , was the hand of miracles. It is a subtle indication to this truth that most craftsmen have a prophet as the patron of their craft.

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We do not abandon proof in favour of blind obedience and imitation of the clergy like some adherents of other religions. Reading deeply Islamic studies a person can understand that Islam is a religion that holds that science alone is not enough to bring real progress. In secular countries that are technologically advanced, we notice that technology itself may create serious problems to those countries, and other countries.

For example, science has led to the invention of atomic bombs that are capable of destroying a whole city with its millions of civilians in a minute. Killing one million civilians or more in a minute is a terrible act of brutality. This act is the product of science with the absence of true religion. According to Islam, civilians should not be harmed during war.

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Further, science has led to the invention of bombs that destroy plant life. Again, this is an act of extreme materialism devoid of spiritualism. According to Islam, civilians, animals and plants should not be harmed during war. This shows that while science gives us the instruments of destruction, the misuse of these instruments does not take place through science. This means that we have to go back to the politicians psychology to determine what kind of behaviour is expected. Science and technology alone are not enough to achieve progress in society, on their own they may, in fact, create real problems for everybody.

It is vital to point out that peace including human socio economic development give hope in the environment in which moral values is appreciated.

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It is an appeal to our essential humanity to deal with some of the most pressing concerns of peoples the world over. Globalisation for the Common Good means the promotion of ethical, moral and spiritual values - which are shared by all religions - in the areas of economics, commerce, trade and international relations. Questions such as these have attracted attention since the dawn of the human race. The Nur community is one of the most significant religious and social movements in contemporary Turkey, with millions of adherents and a strong institutional and educational system throughout the country. For him human progress will never be effective without consultation. Indonesia's Islamic companies maintain the country's thriving civil society, democracy, and attractiveness for tolerance amid range.

Besides, economic injustices theories of conflict between religions and civilization and global terror constitute serious threat today for human progress, seeking solutions for these enormous problems Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has much to say to mankind in his famous quotation and our enemies are ignorance poverty and internal conflict. Abu-rabiu, State university of New York press, U.

Mohyiden, printed by Merci production, Kaduna. A [1] Beginning of kinship: All that is prohibited by Islamic law; polytheism, disbelief, etc. All kinds of oppression against life or law. The importance of Risale-i Nur in Africa: Dr Vaffi foday sheriff. The importance of Risale-Inur in Africa: The paper concludes by advancing the way forward in understanding the linkage between faith and progress Introduction Bediuzzaman said Nursi was born in eastern part of Turkey in In attempt to answer these questions, the concept of faith and progress should be first defined.

Conceptual clarification of Faith and progress Two main phrases which repeated at various areas in the paper will now be explained. Islam commands Muslims to follows: Significance of Faith for Human Progress Faith is very significant for human progress.