The Will To Love (A Scarlet Fever Novel #2) (Scarlet Fever Series)

Scarlet Fever: Hill Country Heart

The characters are real, with real issues and they are so well written. I highly recommend this book along with all the others.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. "I can't say it enough. If you love a good romance, sexy characters, Book 2 of 2 in Scarlet Fever Series (2 Book Series). Scarlet Fever Series (2 Book Series) by Selene Chardou The following is what happens when you think you can take a short cut but in life, as in love, easy.

Can't I was so excited to see this book released today! Can't wait to read the next in this series. Aug 14, Annmarie rated it liked it.

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I liked it but the fact that they both sleep with other people is a turnoff. It seems like stupidity and simple nonsense that could be talked through gets blown up and causes them to break up all the time. Faith is a gross whore who is ruining everyone. The end was good, I feel that they have both matured and are in a good place.

Talia and Jared on the other hand Can't wait for that story. Nov 18, Dmp88 rated it it was ok. Jan 15, Lisa Barker rated it really liked it. What a freakin story. Dec 24, Jae Lu rated it really liked it.

ReReading The Fever Series (Spoiler Free) - The Book Life

That was a really long journey for Kaz and Syd, thank goodness they survived the tour. Dec 07, Shawn Baker rated it really liked it. I loved this book and it was a good end to the story. Maybe i'll come back to this one. Not really feeling it at the moment.. Hopefully i come back to it: Barbara rated it it was amazing Aug 09, Michelle Seaman rated it it was amazing Mar 22, Layla Bellotte rated it really liked it Jan 27, Lisa Borrelli rated it it was amazing Jan 29, Kerrie Mackenzie rated it really liked it Sep 23, Meltanirie rated it liked it Dec 28, Lori Thompson rated it it was amazing Jul 17, Nikkaa rated it it was amazing Jan 17, Karina rated it it was ok Aug 30, Solange Napolitano rated it liked it Jul 15, Michelle Follis rated it it was amazing May 30, Antoinette Eutsay rated it really liked it Jan 03, Mielfhg rated it did not like it Nov 23, Michelle rated it liked it Sep 03, Mindy rated it it was amazing Jul 27, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Selene Chardou is a world traveler and the alter-ego of Elle Chardou. There will also be a spin-off series titled simply the Scarlet Fever Series which will chronicle the relationships of all four band members Selene Chardou is a world traveler and the alter-ego of Elle Chardou. There will also be a spin-off series titled simply the Scarlet Fever Series which will chronicle the relationships of all four band members in separate novels.

She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. At first, I didn't mind her because unimpressive girls are not that big of a deal Eric is a douche who really just wanted to fool around with her I hate him, too but she seemed to be alright with that because she has no spine. Even after they broke up That's in the first book so it's not a spoiler. If you haven't read that yet, then what are you doing reading this review to begin with? In fact, that's why I hate her in this book a whole lot more than the first and that's saying something considering what she did to her brother!!!

Checking her phone and seeing that stupid video over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over She saw that damn video so many times throughout this book that I swear, if it were possible, I would have jumped into the book and slam her head against that blasted computer screen of hers! The other parts of the book, she spent it hating Chelsea for no apparent reason and pretending to "hate" Max the reader is totally aware of her attraction to him.

From what I read, the girl did nothing to Scarlett. She merely hated her because she was trying to please her mother. Mind you, I don't think what Chelsea did was right but it's not her fault. Her mother is one of those parents that want their child to do the career of their choosing But Scarlett was just being a bloody bitch. When she was arguing with Max, I was actually happy because someone was getting on her nerves. It was so blissful!

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I have only read a handful I haven't liked. I am truly great full I was given this opportunity to participate in one of my obsessions, Sydney and Kaz aka Kasper Gillian!!! Of course, that being said, Scarlett is unfortunately the weakest character in her own book, which is possibly because she's got a lot of living to do in book 3, which is fine except sad, because what's the point of a series if not every book can be strong, right? Once they got past their initial meeting he was so good to her. There is only so much pull a string can take before it snaps! She now lives and writes in New York City.

The signs are there. Don't get me wrong. I love how much of a jerk he was. He wasn't just someone who gave into people. But he was the typical "bad boy" that most YA nowadays have. He was just a character that brought a lot of fun I approve of this relationship more than the Scarlett and Eric one. Which brings me to said bastard. I bloody hate Eric. He tries to play up the fact that he's from the South so he has manners and cares about girls and bullshit like that. I'm not buying it! He's a prick that just wanted to have a good time and wanted to use Scarlett but seeing as how she's a dumbass, I guess I can't really expect much.

The way he went on and on about being "Southern" got really old really fast. I could just shoot him. I literally yelled at the book for him to shut up! What even makes me more upset was him trying to get back into Scarlett's life I'm going to get an ulcer at this rate. Or minimal problem with? Let's start with Lola. I can sympathize with Lola. She has no goals set out for herself, life is crumbling down, and she has little going for her. I understand how that feels.

Some people just don't have the many options others have. Some of us are trapped doing things we just don't want to do and believe me, it sucks big time. However, I don't understand how someone could just go and throw their life away because they don't have enough money. I felt that Lola, because she saw herself in a desperate situation, did something completely stupid. I can't understand that. She should have taken the time out and actually thought things through but I don't hate her but I feel that she's making a huge mistake.

Marlene was a little bit better in this book. She still has a LOT of growing to do but at least she wasn't as annoying as in the first book. My only complaint about her is that Someone needs to teach her the concept of keeping a secret. Amberson wasn't in this book as much as she was in the last but when she was, she made it so much more enjoyable. I love her antics and her ability to lie leaves me in awe! God, he's so hilarious!

So much fun and very caring! I love how he's just soooooo amazing! Even if he's upset with his sisters, he still manages to look out for them and care for them. He does something so epic for Lola that I felt like running up to him and giving him a huge hug!!! Things don't go too well for him in this book.

I found his story much more appealing than what was going on with Scarlett. He has real issues and a real engaging plot. I was so taken in by it. He goes through a lot of misfortune He's so gentle and honest Although, I will say this, I love his relationship with Scarlett. They are hilarious together. I even love it when he interacts with Lola. They are always fighting! XD But you can tell they love each other completely. I may not like all of his sisters, but he's definitely a great brother! What am I trying to say? I'm trying to say the book was Definitely not the worst book ever written but not the best either.

I was disappointed to see that it took the route it did but I did enjoy the book for the parts stated above and that's really what made me decide that it deserves a three. Spencer saved the book, really. However, Scarlett was just too pathetic for my liking. There were a lot of questions left unanswered which pissed me off.

That is to say I like the series and I will probably pick up the next book when it comes out. However, I think it's one of those books you should check out of the library if you are curious enough about it. Scarlett is not a very likable character.

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You might like her. I encourage you to read it, if only for Spencer. You might actually like it. If anything, it is a good read. That makes it count for something, right? View all 3 comments.

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  • The Will to Love (Scarlet Fever, #2) by Selene Chardou!
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Sep 16, Maureen E rated it really liked it Shelves: I love Scarlett and her kooky family remember my thing about families? I adore Spencer especially the scene at the party where he attempts to eat an entire bottle of maraschino cherries. I'm not sure I can make it. Like Leila, I'm totally Team Max , which surprised me quite a bit. Usually I stick like crazy to the original guy, the one that has misunderstandings but gets the girl in the end. Not in this case.

Max all the way!

Scarlett Fever

Because, let's face it, Max was a jerk, but Eric was more of a jerk and for less even semi-commendable reasons. Because we share a first name, and because you're a Nerdfighter Secret Sister and for these two reasons you are awesome, please. Apr 06, Meg rated it liked it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. This is a three and a half. I want to round up but you'll see why I can't.

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Liz's review it has spoilers, careful of the first book in this series made a really good point, which is, Maureen Johnson's New York City is the best of Maureen Johnson's anythings. I would also say that her theater is very strong, and she writes about it in a way that you know she knows about it but she's not showing off or anything, and at this point it seems like Scarlett is on the path to become a director, right?

At least that is what I'm hoping, I think that's what's being seeded here and I'm good with that. Of course, that being said, Scarlett is unfortunately the weakest character in her own book, which is possibly because she's got a lot of living to do in book 3, which is fine except sad, because what's the point of a series if not every book can be strong, right?

Also the other characters who had really strong arcs -- Spencer, Lola!!!! Like Chelsea, really, that was all she got to do? And Marlene, are we waiting for book 3 on her, too? And I don't even want to talk about this Eric vs. Max situation, because I'm just. You guys, I'm just. Can we stop having heroines that need to make choices between two polar dudes?

PS these books would be a great TV show. I didn't like the first book. She's the funniest, most honest teen voice in years, but something about the first book rang hollow for me. In hindsight, I blamed the concept of life in a hotel, but looking back my original review of the book claimed the characters were the problem. This book just hit the spot. I found it to be a much tighter story than the first part. I liked reading about ch Disclaimer: I liked reading about characters who didn't have money at a time when I myself don't have money. I liked reading Scarlett's little tics while exhibiting little tics myself.

I went on and on and on and on about the ending, and the illusion of there being more pages, but really they were blank pages the ultimate tomfoolery that weren't really story at all! Finally, my boyfriend threw his hands in the air and said, "I didn't write it! Stop yelling at me! What a Maureen Johnson moment. Jun 22, Amy rated it it was amazing Shelves: I can't say anything since it doesn't come out until February , but if you liked Suite Scarlett you will love Scarlett Fever!

The characters are as lovable or some as annoying The new characters are just as appealing and by the end of the book you are torn between loving it all and hating that you still have to wait for another book to finish the story!! Mar 27, Aina Winky rated it it was ok. I almost put down the book even before reach half of it but continued finished it however. The story was rather plain and monotonous in my opinion. Of course I am not really expecting any thriller or suspense when I first read the plot but I just give it a try out of curiosity and unfortunately it just not my cup of tea I guess.

But to whoever love the story of a girl with job and family issue and sort of ex-boyfriend issue, you would probably enjoy this book. I was perfectly happy leaving the series in the first book. I mean, it was pretty good, but nothing making me want to rush out and get the next book. Why am I such a sucker for these second love interests??? And he was so much more interesting than Eric. I did spend a lot of the book wanting to shake sense into Scarlett.

Rock My Heart

Her friend is a saint. Gahhhh spare me the love triangles, Johnson! Amazon Australia Services, Inc. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. This is in my opinion 0 star. I really liked them because it was about Sydney and Kaspet falling in love. If you're not a fan of cheating, do not read this book. I wish I knew there was cheating in this book there's no excuse for cheating, and in this book it was more disgusting than in other books I read there was cheating in them. I wish some of the reviewrs should have said something.

I stopped reading after that and lost interest in the story. I was so excited to see this book released today! Such a great ending to Kaz and Syd's story but boy, with all the in between ups, downs, surprises and turns I literally couldn't put it down. This was so much more fun! Selene Chardou doesn't disappoint, yet again.