Zur Anwendung des § 14 Abs. 2 Satz 2 TzBfG (Stand 2005) (German Edition)

Each panel proposal should include a title for the session, the names and affiliations of all speakers, and a word abstract for each paper and for the panel as a whole. The deadline for proposals is 1st July One named person should be the proposer and should provide a contact e-mail.

It is not necessary that she or he be the chair of the panel, but if not then the name of the chair should be indicated in the proposal.

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I decided to write this piece because this is the time of year when those who wish to become professional students of Greek and Latin are deciding where they should apply for graduate schools. Accordingly, images as polyvalent semantic systems and complex signs may offer several possible interpretations to the viewer. The growing popularity of the conference over the last years has highlighted the importance of an academic event specifically designed for highly qualified young researchers. Subjects of discussion could be spatial differences, mobility patterns, admission regulation to resources or gender typical landscape management. Application Deadline for talk and poster registration is 30 September, please use the attached form.

If the proposal is for a very different format to a multi-speaker panel, the proposer is strongly encouraged to contact the Programme Committee as far in advance as possible. The Programme Committee expects to make its selections over the course of the summer and by the end of September at the latest. Its decisions will be final. The Programme Committee also invites proposals for posters. Posters may present individual or collaborative projects, and scholars of all career stages are encourage to apply. Proposals for posters should include a word description of the subject and the name and contact details of the poster presenter.

Further details of the conference will appear in due course on a dedicated website linked from both the FIEC and Classical Association websites. Details of any student bursaries will also be published in due course, along with suggestions for accommodation. Plutarch , der Geschichtsschreibung z. Seneca , dem Roman z. Apuleius, Synesios von Kyrene , der Epigramm- z.

Philodem oder Hymnosdichtung z. Wir bitten um die Zusendung kurzer Abstracts max. The aim of this conference is to present and discuss recent research that focuses on the various ways in which architecture exerted influence on human beings and vice versa in antiquity. The language of communication for the conference is English. Papers should be approximately 45 minutes with 15 minutes for discussion.

Participants will receive a notification concerning the acceptance of their application by the end of April. Monday 8 th — Tuesday 9 th October This section considers the possibility of differentiating landscapes into physical. We consider communications of 15 minutes with a subsequent five minutes discussion. The official language of the conference is English. Ein Blick auf die Tagungen und Kongresse der vergangenen Jahre macht den Bedarf sowie das Interesse an einem solchen Doktorandenkolloquium deutlich.

Die Konferenzsprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch. Ein Bewerbungsformular steht unter www. The growing popularity of the conference over the last years has highlighted the importance of an academic event specifically designed for highly qualified young researchers. Participants will find ample room for the exchange of knowledge within their own peer group and beyond.

Qualified PhD students and Post-docs in the elds of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology are invited to present their latest research results. Presentations will embrace research on the languages and literature, history, civilization, art, and archaeology of the ancient world, placing strong emphasis on aspects such as archaeological eldwork, philology, theory and material approaches. The conference languages are German and English. An application form is available at www. Um vorherige Anmeldung bei den Organisatoren wird gebeten.

Ein emotionsgeladenes Narrativ Ciceros? Dabei legen wir besonderen Wert auf eine ausgewogene Mischung von Theorie und Praxis. In der zweiten Woche werden bestimmte Aspekte und Fragestellungen der Numismatik in Theorie und Praxis behandelt und vertieft. Sollten Sie Interesse an einer Teilnahme haben, so bitten wir Sie um eine verbindliche Bewerbung mit Motivationsschreiben max. Das Anmeldeformular finden Sie auf unserer Homepage:. Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die daran interessiert sind, einen aktiven Beitrag zu leisten, bewerben sich bitte bis zum Februar mit einer kurzen Skizze ihres Vorhabens per E-Mail.

Dear friends and alumni of the TLL,. We are organizing our first Latin Lexicography Workshop this summer and would be grateful if you can pass on this announcement to your department, colleagues, graduate students, and to any other interested parties. We encourage anyone to participate, including senior scholars. It is an opportunity to share the resources here with a wider public, disseminate practical knowledge about using the TLL, and invite collaboration and discussion from different disciplinary perspectives. More information on our website and in the announcement below.

Latin Lexicography Summer Workshop: Thesaurus linguae Latinae Institute. Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich. We invite participation by researchers at any stage in their career whose work involves the rigorous evaluation of Latin words in any aspect, ranging from their use in specific texts or their changing significance across the entire corpus of ancient Latin. In addition to philology, relevant disciplines include conceptual and intellectual history, epigraphy, linguistics, literary and textual criticism, medieval and Renaissance studies, philosophy, and theology.

Each day will be divided between two types of activity. First, seminars and related exercises will address Latin lexicography, the methods and format of the TLL , and particularly challenging corpora e. The ultimate goal is to provide a supportive environment for participants to develop their own, independent research, while drawing on sophisticated lexicographic techniques and the unique resources of the Thesaurus library and Archive. Many of these texts have been annotated by former owners and specialists e. These texts also have systematic cross-references to recent discussions of individual words in scholarly journals and other publications.

In addition, the Archive contains all the unpublished material for the TLL Onomasticon, consisting of all proper names and their derivatives e. The workshop begins at 9: Daily activities will typically run from 9: Participants are responsible for their own housing; occasional refreshments will be provided. The language of group instruction is English, but one-on-one support is available in several languages Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish.

A Certificate of Participation is available upon submission of a short report on your research findings, which will be stored in the Archive for future researchers to consult. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a one- to two-page Statement of Benefit. The Statement should briefly describe one or more words that you plan to investigate whether or not they have been published in the TLL , why they are important for your research, and what questions you hope to address during your stay. Demonstrating familiarity with existing lexicographic resources is recommended.

The number of participants is limited, and successful applicants will be notified by June Eine Beteiligung an der akademischen Selbstverwaltung wird vorausgesetzt. Alexander Bergs, unter folgender E-Mail-Adresse: Pipes being handed down from one shepherd to another in the tradition of music making can easily be imagined as a scenario in real life, whether in ancient times or today. And indeed, some pipes from antiquity are still in use years later, at least metaphorically speaking. Easy to track are the ones Theocritus used in creating the genre of pastoral poetry with idyllic landscapes and characters that seem to be transported from their real life duties and dialogues into the realm of verses.

This tradition was renewed, when the Greek text of Theocritus was rediscovered and printed for the first time during the Renaissance. Finally, the Leipzig schoolmaster Johann Gottfried Herrichen even staged his Greek idylls so that they came back to life using perhaps also real pipes. Hence a tradition and continuity in the bucolic genre and beyond can be traced back to the inventor, still hundreds of years later. As others have recently concentrated on the reception of Theocritus in comparative studies beginning in antiquity moving to modern times and modern languages e. Within the early modern period, we would like to concentrate on imitations in Greek but of course not exclusively.

A view into Byzantine literature is also welcome. Beyond the passing of pipes the main focus of the meeting is exemplified by the following questions that can be asked or can be answered afresh:. We cordially invite papers of approx. The languages of the meeting are German and English. Please submit titles and abstracts as pdf-attachments of approx. The publication of a conference volume is planned. Travel and lodging expenses will be covered for selected speakers.

So verfasste etwa Joachim Camerarius griechische und lateinische Verse, die sowohl von Vergil als auch von Theokrit inspiriert waren. Ausblicke in die hochsprachliche Literatur der Byzantiner sind ebenfalls willkommen. In this workshop, we aim to lay the groundwork for an interdisciplinary research project, which will focus on comparing the different translations of the Quran made within Christian cultural backgrounds. The project will study the Quran and its reception from the Christian perspective by analyzing all Greek, Syriac, and Latin translations of the Quran from the 7 th century CE until the Early Modern period.

The workshop aims to map out the different scholars and research traditions dealing with varied translations of the Quran. In addition, it seeks to connect these experts and to facilitate the scientific exchange between the multitude of studies previously conducted in this field. Finally, the workshop will examine the possibilities of using methods in the Digital Humanities for building an open-access database for systematically collecting and presenting the material for further research.

The structure of the planned project will correspond with the languages that will be analyzed. More languages may later be added.

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The different texts that preserve translations of the Quran will be collected and analyzed individually. Then, they will be compared and commented on under the determined aspects. Therefore, all translations shall be digitalized and linked to each other and to the Arabic Quran texts in order to enable researchers to systematically examine the non-Muslim reception and transmission of the Quran.

In this way, the Corpus Coranicum Christianum synopsis will be made accessible in an open-access database, thus ensuring the availability of the results to the scientific and broader public. The workshop is focused on interdisciplinary research, which will, the organizers hope, encourage fruitful discussions about the state-of-the-art of the field and highlight potential areas for future research cooperation. As we wish to encourage different approaches in research methodology, your presentation should comprise an introductory presentation no longer than 15 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of work on pre-prepared source material including discussion time.

For this purpose, we welcome abstracts of up to words, to be submitted in English by May 31 st , to: Abstracts should include your name, affiliation, position, the title of the proposed paper, your specific source s you want to work on, and a brief curriculum vitae. Please also indicate the preferred section see above: Notifications will be sent out in June Full papers should be submitted by 15 th November, English, German, Spanish, and French.

Papers will be published as edited volume. For more information about this project initiative, please visit our website. So erscheint bei Thukydides Thuk. Selbst jene, die von keinen Feinden bedroht wurden, seien nun ihren eigenen Freunden zum Opfer gefallen Tac. Die Untersuchungen der letzten Jahrzehnte haben gezeigt, dass Akkulturationsprozesse nur dann erfolgreich sind, wenn sich die kolonisierten Gemeinschaften aktiv daran beteiligen.

Interessentinnen und Interessenten werden gebeten, sich mit einem Titel und einem Abstract von max. Research on the experience of religious conversion or spiritual transformation is necessarily interdisciplinary and interest in this field grows progressively.

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Presentations will undertake both historical and philological reconstructions relying on source material and utilising interdisciplinary approaches. Similarly, discussions take up the literary use of the motif of conversion, the topic of philosophical conversion as well as ritual, social and embodied aspects of spiritual transformation. The abstracts will be reviewed by 15th of February.

The works in which Cicero recounts the events of the Ides of March of 44 BC and their aftermath have fascinated readers from Antiquity up to the present. We hope that this format will allow us to go beyond the individual case studies in the discussion: We are hoping to have minute papers with 15 minutes for discussion.

Please note that the Celtic Conference is self-funding: Speakers who would like to be eligible for these are requested to mention this when they send in their abstract and to provide an estimate of their total travel costs. Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf, Zeugniskopien, einem Aufsatz oder einem Kapitel als Leseprobe sind bis zum Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung vorrangig eingestellt.

Dazu werden vier Forschungsschwerpunkte betrachtet:. Es ist empfehlenswert, auf eine eventuelle Behinderung bereits in der Bewerbung hinzuweisen. Bewerbungen sind bis Juni in Mainz statt. Four main focal subject areas have been defined:. For detailed information regarding our program for research and training and the academic staff involved, please refer to our homepage http: We expect your regular presence at the location of the GRK in Mainz and your participation in the program e.

CV focusing on your previous academic career, including a list of publications and academic certificates transcripts of records incl. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is keen on increasing the number of women among its scholars and therefore encourages women to apply.

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The university supports its members in balancing professional and family lives and offers family-friendly study and working conditions. Persons with disabilities will be given preference if equally qualified. It is recommended to refer to a possible handicap in the application. Further details regarding the application process and the selection of candidates are given on the homepage of the GRK.

For questions concerning your specific area of research, you may also directly contact the relevant scholars listed on our homepage. For organizational questions, you may contact the coordination office. Please submit your complete application in electronic form pdf only no later than May 21st, to the GRK spokesperson Univ. Interviews will be held in Mainz between June 18th — 22nd, Dazu werden vier Forschungsschwerpunkte betrachtet: C Konzepte von Flora, Fauna und Naturraum,.

Ihre zwei wichtigsten Publikationen und Ihre Dissertation. Four main focal subject areas have been defined: We kindly ask you to submit your application electronically including the following documents: B two letters of recommendation: Please submit your complete application in electronic form pdf only no later than February 14th, to the GRK spokesperson Univ. Interviews will be held in Mainz on February 27, Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung auf unserer Homepage. Informieren Sie sich auf: Find us on Facebook: Die Stelle ist auf drei Jahre befristet.

Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung und ihnen Gleichgestellten sind herzlich willkommen. Die Bewerbung ist bis zum Juni zu richten an: This methodologically focussed workshop will explore the blurring, crossing and elision of boundaries between different media in ancient literature and culture through the theoretical framework of intermediality. A fuller call for papers can be found under the following link https: Erotic Engravings and the Satyra Sotadica.

In the February 21, entry of the diary he kept during his first visit to the United States, Heinrich Schliemann, famous for discovering Troy, proudly notes that he paid a visit to President Millard Fillmore. He also records that he attended a grand, official reception in the White House on the same day. However, unfortunately for him, 20th century scholars have revealed that he had not met the president at all, nor had there been any reception that day. Schliemann invented these events, just as he claimed to have become a US citizen in For the ancients, biography and historiography had a different relationship to truth cf.

Therefore, ancient biographers are allowed to or even have to idealize, hide or alter facts, and invent events which could have happened. In addition, modern studies have relativized biographical truth cf. Wagner ; Sonnabend and highlight the narrative and fictional nature of auto biographical texts cf. Wagner-Egelhaaf ; Nadel As Christian literature and hagiography began to flourish, fundamental conflicts arose.

This workshop aims to explore credibility and authenticity in biographical, autobiographical, and hagiographical literature in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages c. It has a decidedly interdisciplinary character. We welcome historians of these periods as well as scholars of other disciplines philologists, theologians, etc. We welcome abstracts of up to words for 20 minute papers. Each paper will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

We will email applicants to confirm acceptance no later than April Please send us a brief CV, including your current affiliation and position.

Universität Heidelberg

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The conference will be held in English. You may also visit us on: Throughout history, slavery the purchase and sale of human beings as chattel , enslavement through conquest, and exploitation of indebtedness, among other vulnerabilities , and similar extreme forms of exploitation and control have been an intrinsic part of human societies. Controversial estimates indicate that up to 35 million people worldwide are enslaved today.

This modern re-emergence of slavery, following legal abolition over two hundred years ago, is said to be linked to the deepening interconnectedness of countries in the global economy, overpopulation, and the economic and other vulnerabilities of the individual victims and communities. This conference will explore slavery in all its dimensions and, in particular, the ways in which individual humans and societies understand and attempt to respond to it.

The varieties of contemporary forms of exploitation appear to be endless. Does the persistence and mutations of different forms of extreme human-of-human exploitation mean that the world may not have changed as much as contemporary societies would like to believe since worldwide abolition and the recognition of universal individual and collective human rights? Submissions to this conference are sought from people from all genders and walks of life, including academics from multiple disciplines, such as art, anthropology, sociology, history, ethnic studies, politics, social work, economics and non-academics; social workers, activists, and health care professionals; government representatives and policy makers; former slaves and indentured laborers; members of at-risk populations such as migrant and guest workers, non—regularized immigrants, and refugees.

Bravo Indiana University Robert H. Bravo, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Indianapolis: If a positive decision is made, you will be asked to promptly register online. You will be asked to submit a draft paper of no more than words by Friday, 01 June Please note that we are not in a position to provide funding to facilitate your participation.

Die Erkenntnis dieses Zusammenhangs und der damit verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen wirkt gemeinschafts- und ordnungsbildend. Jan Plamper, London, halten. November an Dr. Tagungssprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch. Spittler, Animals in the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. Borgards, Tiere in der Literatur - Eine methodische Standortbestimmung, in: Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch, Stuttgart , , hier April in Rostock, Wiesbaden Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch, Stuttgart , , hier 2. Borgards herausgegebenen Handbuch siehe Anm.

Gilhus, Animals, Gods and Humans. When Micyllus the cobbler is addressed by his cock one morning, he is terrified by this seemingly sinister omen. Yet, the animal convicts him of his lack of education: Animal figures in fables, choreutae and protagonists in some of the comedies of Aristophanes, the mice and frogs in the late Hellenistic Batrachomyomachia , the mosquito in the pseudo-Virgilian Culex or the oxen speaking in the context of omens in the works of Livy, Tacitus and Pliny the Elder.

The conference aims at a synoptical and systematic access to the scattered material in order to examine it for the completely different quantitative and qualitative character of animal speech, for contexts relating to literary, cultural and intellectual history and for the concepts of animality and humanity behind it. The scope ranges from the mere mentioning of the fact of animal speech to rhetorically elaborated monologic or dialogic animal speech.

Animals with permanent or just temporarily conferred faculty of speech take on different narratological functions as minor characters with short parts or as protagonists and central actors; they speak for themselves or serve as a mouthpiece for supernatural powers or the implicit author. Accordingly, they are used in multiple ways for moral instruction and as ironically unmasking mirrors of human behaviour, for theological and philosophical reflection and paraenesis, for prophecy or even for parody and comic effects, whereby the reasons for the added value of the animal speakers are just as multiple.

For the definition of the latter, the relationship between the narrated world and the time and culture, in which the narration takes place, is relevant, which means for instance that animal speakers in the Bible are not fantastic, but theologically explainable phenomena. Of particular interest are cases which elude unambiguous interpretations and those in which the fictionality or plausibility of animal speech is reflected upon in the text or paratextually. Crossing the borders between animals and humans [3] , speaking animals blur the anthropological difference, albeit in the medium of literature, and thus challenge the traditional dichotomies between subject and object, between culture and nature, between free action and instinct-bound behaviour [4].

In this respect interesting connections can be established to the current Animal Studies [5] by exploring how the animals in question can be located between anthropomorphisation and animality, between individuality and stereotype, between their own value and their use as rhetorical and allegorical instruments by humans. The conference will deal with animal speech in Greek and Latin texts from the very beginnings to late antiquity, also taking into account other ancient literatures which show motivic parallels to these texts or continue to have an effect upon them.

Here speaking animals in the Old Testament, but also in Mesopotamian and ancient Egyptian animal tales can be considered in particular. The cultural- historical contextualisation of the phenomenon is just as relevant as graphical and sculptural representations in ancient art which are related to a specific text or to an oral or written textual tradition. For instance, an Attic red-figure calyx-krater is painted with actors in bird costumes obviously performing a scene from a comedy, while a kylix from the same period probably shows Aesop conversing with a fox.

The iconographic analysis of such objects can provide insight into artistic strategies of visualization of animal speech, into the medial interaction between image and text or independent traditions of the visual medium and into the visual staging of the border crossing between animality and humanity. Thus, the conference topic encourages an intense interdisciplinary exchange of research findings in the fields of Classical Philology, Theology, Jewish and Religious Studies, Ancient Oriental Studies and Egyptology as well as Ancient History and Archaeology. The following key questions may provide guidance for the thematic orientation of the conference papers:.

You will be notified of the acceptance of your proposal by 31 December The time allocated for a paper presentation is 30 minutes, with a further 15 minutes allowed for discussion; the subsequent publication of the papers in an edited volume is envisaged. The languages of the conference are German and English. Otterstedt eds , Das Tier an sich. Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch , Stuttgart, J. Metzler, here April in Rostock , Wiesbaden, Reichert. Borgards ed , Tiere: Kulturwissenschaft-liches Handbuch , Stuttgart, J. Metzler, here 2. The language of the conference is English.

The time allocated for a paper is minutes, with a further minutes allowed for questions or discussion. Proposals should include a name, e-mail address, title, full affiliation and an abstract of no more than words. Abstracts will be reviewed and notifications will be communicated by no later than 15 January Please note that we are not able to cover travel and accommodation expenses.

All practical information provisional conference programme, travel and accommodation details, registration procedure, etc. All submitted papers will be subjected to a suitable peer-review process. An edited volume of selected papers arising from the conference is envisaged as a proceedings volume or as a special issue of a journal.

Vom Epigramm zum Epos: Etablierung und Ausdifferenzierung griechischen Dichtens im Laufe des Eine semantische Datenbank zu den gedruckten Werken von Joachim Camerarius d. Please find the invitation below. Registration is open until the end of 16 February. You are cordially invited to our Annual Meeting on Friday February 23 rd.

In this year's meeting, we aim to explore the concepts motivation and causality from abstract, philosophical and literary angles, as well as from more concrete archaeological and historical perspectives. The program, we hope, offers a broad spectrum of contributions spanning various disciplines of the rich field of Antiquity studies. Why do people do what they do? The answer to this question is even more difficult to give for the past: Why did rich citizens repeatedly perform acts that seem to go against their economic self-interest, by exposing themselves to public claims on their surplus?

This phenomenon, termed "euergertism" in modern scholarship, received a classic treatment by P. Veyne's answer is that it matters less to explain the phenomenon's causes than describe it in its singularity. How well has this strategy aged? A host of interpretive changes, at the micro- and the macro- level, might force us to rethink euergetism: And the answer elaborated for the testcase of euergetism might further help us understand such items of behaviour in ancient Greek history as inter-polis conflict, or the emergence of state institutions in the archaic polis.

Full program and abstracts can be found on our website and attached to this e-mail. Students can earn 1 ECTS. Please state in your registration e-mail whether you would like to participate in this way. The venue is easily reached on foot ca. State your name, affiliation, and also let us know if you are a PhD- student to qualify for a student discount. The conference fee can be paid in cash preferably exact upon arrival on the conference day.

The attendance fee includes coffee, tea and refreshments throughout the day, as well as lunch and the wine reception. If you wish to attend the conference buffet dinner afterwards, we ask an extra contribution. Attending only the keynote lecture from PM is free of charge and registration is not required. Attendance regular, including lunch. Attendance students, including lunch. Take the elevator or the stairs to the 2nd. Exit the elevator on the left and enter the 13 building there is a sign above the.

All are welcome, but registration is required. Any questions can be sent to the same address. Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sollen auf zentralen Gebieten der Lateinischen Philologie der Antike ausgewiesen sein. Erfahrungen in der akademischen Lehre sowie in der Einwerbung von Drittmitteln werden ebenfalls vorausgesetzt. The Fragrant and the Foul: Quels types de dispositifs imagine-t-on? Les mauvaises odeurs et les corps malades: The classical tradition has long confined Antiquity to an immaculate, sanitized whiteness: Olfaction, in particular, has often been overlooked in classical reception studies due to its evanescent nature which makes this sense difficult to apprehend.

And yet, the smells associated with a given figure, or social group convey a rich imagery which conotes specific values: The aim of this conference will be to analyse the underexplored role of smell — both fair or foul — in relation to the other senses, in the modern rejection, reappraisal or idealisation of Antiquity. We will pay particular attention to the visual and performative arts especially when they engage a sensorial response from the reader or the viewer. We therefore invite contributions focusing not only on painting, literature, drama, and cinema but also on advertising, video games, television series, comic books and graphic novels, as well as on historical re-enactments which have recently helped reshape the perception and experience of the antique for a broader audience.

Conference papers in English or French will be twenty minutes in length. Topics may include, but are not limited to:. The materiality of smell: To what extent may we confront current archeological data concerning the fragrant objects used in Antiquity with representations of smell in modern works? We also invite papers that address the role flowers play in the modern construction of the antique smellscape and how this connects with the other senses. The sensoriality of antique rituals: How do fragrances incense, burnt offerings, perfumed oils shape modern representations of antique ritualistic and magical practices?

To what extent does the staging of ritualistic gestures and objects associated with smell and notably the burning of incense create a form of estrangement between past and present, and deepen the rift between polytheistic and monotheistic faiths? The erotics of smell and scent: How was the antique body both male and female made desirable thanks to the use of perfume and cosmetics? How was this in turn exploited in painting, films, advertisement etc. What role does smell play in gendered constructions of the antique body? What relation can we establish between the fragrant and the homo erotic?

Foul smells and diseased bodies: Corbin influence the perception of the antique smellscape? Since Antiquity, whose bodies have been most recurrently perceived as pestilent: The contributions must be original works not previously published. The abstract should clearly state the argument of the paper, in keeping with the topic of the conference. Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies" eingerichtet. Mit jeder dieser Stellen verbindet sich die Koordination einer Nachwuchsforscher-gruppe.

Die Nachwuchsforschergruppen orientieren sich an je einem der folgenden sieben Fokus-Bereiche:. Voraussetzung ist eine sehr gute Promotion in einer altertumswissenschaftlichen Disziplin. A grant awarded by the Dutch government to OIKOS , the national research school for Classical studies in the Netherlands, for the research programme Anchoring Innovation allows us to advertise, in a first round of hiring, for 4 PhD and 5 postdoc positions at five participating universities in the Netherlands:.

The PhD positions start as of 1 April , those of the postdocs as of 1 March The deadline for application is 1 November for all the jobs advertised. All vacancies can be found on the Anchoring website: Mark Bradley University of Nottingham. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Narrative Modelling in Latin Epistolography. Roy Gibson University of Manchester. In the morning, we are woken up by a voice from the radio reading the news, getting to work by train we read the latest novel by Paul Auster, afterwards we report in a business meeting how statistics of the last quarters developed, back at home in the evening our children tell us the events of their day.

Every day, we are narrating stories on countless occasions and in most different contexts. They not only give us access to reality, they even model it due to their performative force. Storytelling is an anthropological constant and a basic element of human communication cf. Accordingly, it is obvious to assume that stories also appear in the most common and standard pre-modern communication medium par excellence, in letters.

Actually, letters are full of accounts, reports, and explanations, in a word, full of stories. Thus, it is all the more astonishing that narratology has avoided and neglected letters almost completely so far, not at least ancient Latin epistolography, even though more recent studies have transcended genre boundaries cf.

White , lyric poetry cf. The conference wants to face this research desideratum. It seeks to examine Latin epistolography reaching from Cicero to Late Antiquity from a narratological approach. Therefore, papers concerning the following questions, topics, and problems are in particular, but not exclusively, welcome: In which respect s are letters narrative? What is told in these narratives? Which realities are evoked or modelled? Which literary and narrative techniques and strategies can be identified? Which inner- and extratextual functions do these narratives have? Are there any differences, parallels, links, etc.

May intertextual analyses open ways of a better understanding of the points mentioned? How may this kind of engagement with letters provide possible new perspectives and approaches to further studies on narratology and epistolography? We welcome abstracts of up to words for minute papers.

Notification about participation will be emailed by October 15 th. Abstracts should include name, title of proposed paper, affiliation, position, and a brief curriculum vitae. English serves as conference language. John Ma Columbia University. Discourses of motivation and causality are so basic to the study of the ancient world Graeco-Roman, Mediterranean, Near Eastern that they are hardly if ever addressed explicitly. Yet if we start thinking about motivation and causality in relation to the ancient world and attempt to determine what the meaning and impact of these concepts are it is difficult to formulate a clear answer.

The study of motivation and causality in the ancient world is pursued in many forms, from the study of individuals and their motivations to large-scale social, economic, political, and institutional processes.

Précis de soins relationnels en ligne lire

Why did ancient individuals and groups of people do what they did? How did they motivate important decisions, and how did they explain the causality behind such decisions? What were the driving forces e. Was agency located at the individual or at the communal and institutional level?

Where and when can we find important shifts in how ancient people approached decision-making in terms of expediency, egoism, practicality, profit, tradition, culture, or honor? A fundamental question is how scholarly models of explanation relate to the explanatory models that were used in antiquity. Which shifts can we detect in the study of the ancient worlds in the past few decades?

How can we explain these shifts, and how does this influence our research results? What role, if any, should categories and discourses as found in ancient literary, epigraphic, and material sources play in our analysis, over against our own questions, categories, and models? Should scholars studying the ancient world worry about anachronism?

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:. Questions about individuality and the location of agency. To what extent could people think of themselves as individuals or groups? How and why did individuals or groups assert themselves in public discourse?

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Explanation and justification of events ex post facto , e. Bodies of evidence literary, epigraphic, archaeological. Factors causing scholars to ask questions about antiquity. The rationale behind meta-trends in contemporary scholarship. The question of anachronism and contemporary models of explanation for studying antiquity. CRASIS is the interdisciplinary research institute for the study of culture, religion and society in the ancient world at the University of Groningen.

CRASIS is set up as a meeting place for students at PhD or Research Master level, post-docs, and established scholars to promote discussion and exchange of ideas beyond disciplinary boundaries. His expertise spans a broad range of topics relating to the handling of epigraphic and archaeological evidence, and the study of the legal, social and economic history of the ancient Greek world including the Near East. One of his most influential publications is his monograph Statues and Cities: PhD and Research Master Students are invited to submit a title and abstract words for the Master Class February 22 nd , which explains how their own research relates to the theme.

We invite post-docs and established scholars to submit a title and short abstract words for a lecture of 35 minutes on the conference day February 23 rd Please note that at this point, CRASIS unfortunately is unable to offer compensation for travel and accommodation costs of the presenters. Research Master Students are expected to submit a paper of words and PhD students a paper of words. These papers will circulate among the participants of the Master Class and are to be submitted before 1 February During the Master Class participants will briefly present their paper, followed by a response and discussion under the expert guidance of Professor John Ma.

Zur Anwendung Des 14 ABS. 2 Satz 2 Tzbfg (Stand 2005) (German, Paperback)

Student participation will be graded, and is eligible for the award of 2 ECTS from your institution or research school. Interdisciplinary investigations about the processes of transformation in a crucial period of human history, The long-term perspective from late Pleistocene hunter-gatherers to early state societies allows the project team to confront transformational processes in a wide array of societal formations and environmental settings. Here, transformations will be defined primarily as processes leading to a substantial and enduring re-organisation of socio-environmental interaction patterns.

Inside the network of components determining the social behaviour, gender adopts a dominant role in many societies. Therefore, a strong interaction between gender identities, social diversity and transformation processes can also be expected for prehistoric and archaic societies.

With the workshop we want to provide a platform to stimulate discussions on a gender transformations in the past and b the effects of gender inequality on scientific discourses in our research community. We kindly invite papers for the following topics:. Focus of this session is the influence of transformation processes on gender relations and roles and also the active and passive impact of social groups on transformation processes. Topics might be case studies about Neolithic transition, technological transfers and metallurgy, urbanisation, migration and mobility, economic change or social inequalities.

We invite contributions that address questions such as: In how far is it possible to trace gender aspects in the archaeological records? Which effect might gender roles and identities have had on crucial developments of humankind, or vice versa? What are the tools and methods to trace gender aspects in the field of archaeological studies? How could social categories in prehistoric and archaic societies like gender and age be uncovered for example in chronological studies, space or agent-based modelling, past economic activities or bioarchaeological analysis?

Based on the assumption that different social groups interact with the environment in dissimilar ways, we will ask for the gender relevance of environmental behaviour in prehistoric and archaic societies. Subjects of discussion could be spatial differences, mobility patterns, admission regulation to resources or gender typical landscape management. It could be asked which effects gender roles and identities might have in shaping the environment, or vice versa.

Research about the past is always influenced by the societal frame in which it is carried out. Thus, the focus of this block is on the gendered situation at fieldworks. Questions for discussions are gender sensitive field methods, differences in the approach and field equipment by female, male and queer researchers, structural in equality at fieldwork or child care problems.

We especially ask for contributions from archaeology and geosciences. We welcome podium and poster presentations. The organisers reserve the right to suggest a change from announced talks to posters if there are too many proposals for a session. Workshop language is English. Deadline for talk and poster registration is 30 September, please use the attached form. Abstract submission deadline is 31 October, The invitation including programme and registration form will be available from November , registration will be open until 10 February, Conference fees include book of abstracts, a conference bag and refreshments during the breaks.

To applying for a travel grant please see the attached form. Childcare can be provided for free with advance notice please use the attached form. The workshop will take place at Kiel University. Publication of the conference proceedings is envisaged. In den griechischen Polisgesellschaften formierte sich die Familie aus der zusammenlebenden Haushaltsgemeinschaft, dem oikos. Ghent is the fourth event in what by now is an established series. From a crossroads you can look forwards, backwards but also sideways. Likewise, when standing at a crossroads, you are visible from all sides.

Crossroads, therefore, open many perspectives. This central metaphor is chosen in the first place as an invitation to further explore these perspectives along the horizontal and vertical axes of the literary tradition and late antique society. Simultaneously it is also an invitation to reflect on the ways we as modern scholars give shape to the field we are studying. Nonnus is considered a pivotal author, between tradition and innovation, between classical paideia and Christian poetics.

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