Beobachtung in der Schule – Beobachten lernen (German Edition)

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Subsequently, the first year of cooperation was analyzed based on information collected during eight problem-focused, guided interviews Witzel, with 11 teachers three group-interviews with two teachers each , four sociopedagogical professionals from independent youth welfare agencies and the senior management school management or team leaders. The focus was on cooperative relationships and professional self-perceptions, in order to reconstruct the all-day concept analytically Mayring, The findings were discussed as development impulses with the groups of professionals and gave the trainees involved an insight into the current challenges for the development of the school organization.

The analysis of the starting point for cooperation clearly shows that the people involved perceive the situation to be problematic. They hardly focus on strengths and opportunities; they are primarily concerned with the difficulties and risks of organizational cooperation. School regulations run counter to municipal directives and result in different understandings of the cooperative relationship. Conceptual requirements and gaps in the concept, which only become visible during implementation, show interactions between professional self-perception and high expectations the momentum for which is maintained by the individuals themselves regarding the educational opportunities of cooperation posited by the administration.

The realization of the cooperative partnership is impeded by competing pedagogical maxims deriving from the traditions of the respective spheres. The development of a shared organizational culture with some room for maneuver, therefore, requires an examination of the different administrative and professional interpretations, since it cannot be assumed that all the people involved share the same assumptions. Youth services are currently being confronted with this change: This process is accompanied by irritations regarding the professional self-image and the perceived undervaluing of professional sociopedagogical skills.

This results in passive acquiescence of after-school education professionals, who now have to make their professional pedagogic contribution to the interorganizational cooperation in a school environment. On the other hand, the cooperation increases the scope of action for school-pedagogical professionals, who can decide whether and to what extent they want to use the maxims of youth welfare to reflect upon their own professional attitudes. If this benefit is construed as a rapprochement and expansion of professional skills, it appears that the gains from interorganizational cooperation are unilateral, since a general acknowledgment of socio-pedagogical professionalism is lacking.

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The relationship of interaction is contingent on preserving the symbolic order and the social structures of demarcation. Approaches to creating connections between the content of after-school activities and lessons at school lead to changes in the evaluation of creative and cognitive content in those lessons. Teachers delegate the encouragement of creative interests to the sociopedagogical professionals and increase the share of activities that promote cognitive development, thereby limiting their own task profile.

Understanding the relationship to be hierarchical, they expect assistance in the fulfillment of school expectations. Instead, these were performed on a voluntary basis. In reality, a symbolic, hierarchical professional self-perception underlies cooperative relationships. This indicates that delegation and differentiation are necessary intermediate stages on the way to establishing relationships with colleagues in which differences are recognized and appreciated Idel, Finally, the third case study concerns new forms of cooperation universities, schools, and extracurricular domains, which were recently introduced at the University of Education Upper Austria, Linz Austria.

This refers to work placements that take place in non-traditional teaching settings e. In this way, trainees come to understand that the school is an integral part of society, i. Working with children and adolescents outside school or outside their regular teaching duties enables the teachers to gain a deeper understanding of the different concepts of life, living conditions, and life histories.

The fundamental idea behind the project is that these work placements offer trainees the opportunity to gather other teaching experiences in addition to traditional teaching experience in the classroom Prammer-Semmler, This implies that there needs to be a review of professional self-image as part of the training and that it is connected to new interorganizational learning challenges for the organizations involved, which so far tend to have acted independently. In the following section, we discuss the places of learning and learning content which may form part of the extended field of practice in order to clarify the conceptual and organizational changes in conventional practice in schools.

Trainees work at schools or extracurricular institutions and take on educational activities, such as supporting fulltime pedagogues or designing and implementing recreational projects.

This also applies to extracurricular institutions. For them, mentoring a future teacher is a new experience, which was previously neither addressed by individual nor organizational professional self-image. It now included trainees who were studying to be teachers at primary schools Volksschule, VL , special needs schools Sonderschule, SL , and new secondary schools Neue Mittelschule, NMS as well as 52 extracurricular institutions and schools that primarily focus on other activities.

In the summer semester, trainees and institutions took part in the study. An element of academic monitoring, based on formative and summative evaluations, was added to the project in order to ensure quality. Due to the nature of the pilot phase, an exploratory and multiperspective approach was chosen. The methodology included both the analysis of existing documentation as well as the collection of ethnographical data based on transcripts of group discussions as well as photos and testimonies. The rationale behind connecting the various steps of enquiry was to document and reflect upon the learning experiences of and challenges faced by the various actors involved in the introduction of the extended field of practice trainees, mentors, and organizations that offer work placements Fahrenwald, Selected evaluation results are presented below.

Participants in the study reported initial difficulties with both the organization and content: Depending on the training program, there were also prejudices against the different types of schools. Trainees valued the fact that they were given the opportunity to choose where they did their placement and that there was a good degree of flexibility when it came to organize their time and the associated responsibilities. For many trainees, these experiences also seem to have been beneficial for classroom teaching as well as in building relationships of trust with the children. At the after-school centers, trainees were positive about observing everyday life, daily routines, homework, and after-school care.

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Do they remember what they were taught yesterday? This assessment coincides with the negative feedback from many trainees who completed work placements at centers, who complained about the lack of challenges. The following statement given by a trainee is a classic example of this criticism: However, trainees pointed out that the extended field of practice, despite it delivering exciting new experiences, would lead to a reduction of the amount of time they spent teaching.

Subsequently, they thought that this had a negative impact on their professional development. Many trainees wanted to spend more time at school and complete the extended field of practice element as an additional assignment. It seems that the universities still have a lot of work to do when it comes to clarifying and convincing those involved of the purpose of the extended field of practice. The article shows in three case studies that an up-to-date teacher education needs a close cooperation of different organizations—universities, teacher education colleges, youth welfare organizations, and extracurricular institutions, but that these necessary cooperation and networking processes are difficult because of the different cultures and concepts of these organizations which often do not fit together, so that a lot of communication is needed to initiate helpful adaptation processes and mutual understanding with lasting differences.

Regional educational landscapes are changing the focus of school development and school networks. As the three examples of new forms of cooperation and networking show, in the context of practical teacher training, this development is associated with a series of interorganizational learning challenges that should be reorganized and re-evaluated.

The case studies show that models of interorganizational cooperation initiate complex interaction processes, the implicit expectations of which need to be analyzed.

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Such processes also require an overall strategy, both from a professional and organizational standpoint. The position of mutual recognition developed by Idel offers an unquestionably demanding but also sustainable approach to expected differences in assumptions, ideas, and values.

If the common goal is to develop new organizational-cultural practices and artifacts, ministerial and administrative measures must be questioned—as should the self-image of the professionals involved. However, the learning challenges and organizational change processes associated with interorganizational cooperation also give rise to basic requirements for teacher education beyond the respective settings.

Fachbezug: Geografie und Wirtschaftskunde

Beobachtung in der Schule - Beobachten lernen (German Edition) [Heike de Boer, Sabine Reh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Editorial Reviews. Review. Aus den Rezensionen: “ Die leitende Thematik wird theoretisch fundiert aufgearbeitet, liefert methodische Hinweise zum konkreten.

The case studies show that, in a cooperative partnership, different organizational cultures as well as different professional self-perceptions converge, which can by no means be based on tacit agreements and shared assumptions. Just as the fulfillment of ministerial requirements and the freedom of university teaching require a vulnerable process of understanding, cooperative concepts also need to be questioned, provided they reproduce understandings of cooperation that partially challenge the pedagogical competence of a cooperation partner.

The latter in a completely different cooperation setting reproduce the attitudes of teachers at supplementary all-day primary schools, who demand that their interpretations take precedence Reh and Breuer, and tend to ignore the maxims of after-school education. According to various empirical studies, the devaluation of other professions cooperating with schools seems to occur quite regularly e.

Meaning of "Beobachtungsbogen" in the German dictionary

The practical experience of teaching and observing, intensive insights into pedagogic activities beyond their institutional affiliation with the school, and the theoretical and empirical analysis of the changing job profiles and organizational development processes provide trainees with their first practical experiences at a school. The contribution of these experiences to the development of professionalism in teacher education and the professional processing of social change has been empirically proven Cramer, , We are a team of three researchers from Austria and Germany presenting three different case studies from our universities: All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

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In unserem Alltag ist die Mindeheitensprache stets anwesend. Entsprechend der entstandenen sprachlichen Situationen behandeln wir den Tages-und Wochenplan unserer Gruppen flexibel. Das Formen einer gesunden Lebensweise Die Pflegeaufgaben vermitteln wir ebenfalls in deutscher Sprache. Die Kinder sollen die einfacheren Anweisungen und Bitten verstehen, annehmen und versuchen anzuwenden. Emotionale Erziehung Sie sollten emotional mit der Sprache verbunden sein, das sich in Form von Interesse und Neugier widerspiegelt.

In dem Kind soll eine positive Beziehung zur deutschen Sprache und Kultur entstehen. Ihr Interesse und ihre Neugier soll ein wichtiges und bedeutsames Element in ihrem Alltag sein. Die sprachlichen Erlebnisse ollen unvergesslich und bleibend sein. Es ist wichtig, dass wir schon bei Eintritt des Kindes in den Kindergarten die sprachlichen Besonderheitenheiten und Eigenheiten vermitteln. Beim Spielen von einfacheren Rollenspielen vergeben wir die Antwort gebende Rolle auch in deutscher Sprache.

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