In fuga dal Senato (Italian Edition)

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But going into reverse would be much worse, after so many sacrifices.

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Like Beppe Grillo, Al is a comedian turned politician. Ceruti squares with Tocci , and trusts that a "new" Reform could emerge from the parliament in a short time, even starting from scratch, as the opposition recommends. The expected EU deadline: A panel of international experts will discuss the legacy of the Italian artist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. I would not want this economic giant to become a political dwarf in an area of the world where the influence of Russia, Turkey, and the Gulf countries is growing.

We must instead embark on a new series of reforms. Would you still call yourself a Renzi-ite?

But I think that Matteo has done an extraordinary job in changing the outlook of the PD, and achieved a great amount when he was prime minister. Do you ever wonder why you are so popular in the polls? What are you proudest of? In February last year, 9, immigrants arrived. In February this year, there were 1, I am also proud of having started to show how we can achieve controlled, secure and perhaps even beneficial immigration.

In addition, my government has helped lay and build upon the foundations for economic recovery, although most of the merit for this goes to families and businesses. The first summit dedicated to it, thanks to pressure from Renzi, was not held until the spring of , in the emotional aftermath of the serious shipwreck off the Libyan coast.

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You enjoy a certain respect in Europe. So why does Italy always come off worse? On the third floor of Palazzo Chigi there is a gallery with the photos of the 27 prime ministers Italy has had since the war.

Franca Rame (Author of 'Woman Alone' & Other Plays)

In the case of the EMA, for example, we came equal first in a competition among 21 countries. If the national team lost the final of the World Cup on the toss of a coin, would anyone blame the coach? Would you be willing to surrender further national sovereignty to Europe? I would be willing to have more European sovereignty.

I would not want this economic giant to become a political dwarf in an area of the world where the influence of Russia, Turkey, and the Gulf countries is growing. I am in favour of more common defence and greater fiscal harmonization regarding American web platforms.

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But if more European sovereignty means the appointment of a finance minister with the task not of promoting growth and investment, but of controlling the budgets of misbehaving countries, then they can forget it. Giorgia Meloni says that Italy should turn its back on France and Germany and make an alliance with Hungary and the Visegrad group countries.

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What really worries Europe is not the state of our public finances, but the risk of a bond between the extreme right and the moderate right. Recent elections in France and Germany averted the populist threat, but the fear is that it may be rekindled in Italy. First of all because they will gain fewer votes than our coalition.

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In fact, in the English tradition it is those who end up in the opposition that present a shadow cabinet. Those who win form an actual government. Moreover, the electoral law has changed, and we are no longer in the times of Prodi vs. So I find this pretence whereby we are all prime ministerial candidates, the leader of CasaPound included, somewhat ridiculous. Would you be prepared to preside over a caretaker government including Forza Italia and Free and Equal? A government of the type mentioned by Grasso, with the sole aim of electoral reform?

The first is my respect for the prerogatives of the Head of State. He was seldom still, but pacing around telling stories, reciting rhythmically and at times becoming a one-man-band just with his voice.

Franca Rame

He and Franca Rame had been together since she was 19 and he In his case he fell in love with her beauty, but never dared to approach her, believing himself to be ugly and uninteresting. But she loved him anyway, and the pair of them embarked on a series of tours which were to continue all their lives, talking about what they felt to be important, condemning devious politicians, and satirising excesses of bureaucracy.

In fact, she was still part of this performance, through her book which is about becoming a senator, being disillusioned by the politics of power, and eventually resigning. The actors spoke clearly, but Fo seemed to pepper his language with roars and cries which conveyed feeling rather than meaning. When the lights finally dimmed, Dario Fo received a standing ovation.

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He then let it be known that he would sign any and every book brought to him, and the crowd surged forward. Skip to main content. An Evening with Dario Fo. Myra Robinson Monday, July 28, - Lead picture by Luca Vittorio Toffolon Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner, author, playwright, actor, painter and anarchic politician is, at the age of 88, an Italian miracle of a man.

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