So into You

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Drew can't do anything but. He's not built for casual sex. But he knows the score. He knows it's got a timer on it. And he can enjoy it for what it is. But Noah can pretend all he likes. He doesn't ACT like a casual fuck buddy. No wonder poor Drew gets confused at times. Lots of supporting characters in this one, mostly parents and siblings besides Mac and Jordan from book 1. And this was the half star deduction for me: I get that not everyone thinks like I do. Well, fuck it, I don't care. If your sperm or egg donor is a piece of shit user, walk the fuck away.

Blood doesn't mean anything special in those cases. If it did, they would've shown some special right backatcha!! Unfortunately, we've got Drew's daddy dearest in this one, and everyone is pushing Drew to let him in, let him closer, to just forgive and forget.

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Yeah, snort , fuck that noise! It's so much worse than I've described, but I'm leaving the spoilers out. The beauty of this book is the ticking clock and what happens during and after. There is heartbreak and jealousy and life lessons and friendships. Harmon can write and has officially solidified an autobuy reader out of me! View all 18 comments.

  1. So into You (Tamia song).
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After the first book in the series came so highly recommended I read it, loved it, and quickly got started on book 2. This book was full of fun, snarky humor, and emotion and lived up to the high expectations set up by book one. It was so much fun reading the mighty fall. I had a perma-grin almost the entire time I was reading this book. They added to the story and helped us understand what molded each man. It was a big moment for them, and I felt a bit cheated out of such a pivotal point in their relationship. Technically yes, but I think for full enjoyment of the characters and their story- book one should be read.

All in all, this was a win. Dec 12, Ele rated it liked it.

I absolutely loved Stay With Me , but this didn't do it for me. It was very long , unnecessarily so. Random thoughts or conversations went on and on. This took me out of the story, which, in any case, is too loosely plotted. The secondary characters were ok, but they took too much space. I liked Drew but I don't get what he saw in Noah.

I never felt any connection between the MCs.

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I liked the snarky banter and there are some hilarious quotes here. But after a while it got repetitive and just Even during the sex scenes: This is probably a case of "it's not you, it's me". I'm the minority, most readers liked it. You should check out more reviews. View all 52 comments. Dec 22, Kade Boehme rated it liked it. I loved the first book, tho even it had one thing that made me bang my head on my kindle.

Thankfully that loose end was all but answered here so this book gets props for clearing up that and making me happier w the HEA for Stay With Me. And it was great seeing Mac and Jordan and Drew again. I felt, though, he deserved more grateful people in his life but regardless that's not where the low rating comes from. First, I didn't ha Oh dear. First, I didn't hate this book. Drew really shined and was just great. Gooood this book was unnecessarily long, and I felt like some snarky scenes were repeats of ones we just read.

Biggest problem for this book tho Not good since he was the other MC. I'll read Harmon's next book, but this one was Jun 13, Jewel rated it really liked it Shelves: I don't know if I will get around to writing a review, or not, but I enjoyed this one almost as much as I enjoyed book 1.

Drew is my kind of grumpy. Second chances can be such a good idea Turns out she maybe a biotch but sometimes she has good ideas. Psst, don't Second chances can be such a good idea Psst, don't tell her she's egotistical enough as it is, ok? So after giving in to my Book OCD I clicked on 'So Into You' and pressed the play button and yeah, I really got into this one. I mean really liked both Drew and Noah. I liked their banter and their snark and I loved that both of these men were relationship phobic and yet, both of them fell into one like kids in a candy store.

They just couldn't get enough and when it came to willpower 'they had none'. Michael Stellman was the narrator for this book and while he was definitely the shining star for 'Stay With Me' if it's possible I think I liked him even better this time around. Between Drew's ex-con father, his recalcitrant brother and a mother with less than stellar taste in men and a PI partner who possibly needs his own keeper Watching these two men maneuver themselves into a relationship was more than a little entertaining to say the least.

While 'Stay With Me' overall just didn't work for me Harmon stories in my future. View all 10 comments. This was a great read. Not as good as P. I Spook You but a bit more cohesive than the first book in the series, although I liked Mac from the first book more than I liked these two. It does have some lack of communication in it, which I abhor, but it wasn't enough for me to lower my rating. I loved the banter and all the snark. This author does humor and dialogue like a boss. It made me want to go back and reread the first book in the series and I hope the author has plans to continue on.

Mayb This was a great read. Maybe we'll get Zach's story next? One can only hope. Harmon is now an auto buy for me. Nov 11, Laxmama added it Shelves: I just lost interest DNF: Jan 10, JenMcJ rated it it was amazing Shelves: I don't say this often but this is a book I would re-read. I loved the characters. And, no over the top shenanigans, like murders, stalkers or psychopaths but still interesting and able to keep my attention completely. I wish I knew these people in real life. I'm looking forward to the sequels and with any luck fur I don't say this often but this is a book I would re-read.

I'm looking forward to the sequels and with any luck further snippets into the life of Drew and Noah and from the previous book, Mac and Jordan. See, it kept pulling me out of the moment to process the continual mental images the descriptions and comparisons. Also, I think the whole "ride-along" aspect of the plot fell flat.

Have I mentioned how this author might be a little bit magic? I think I might have loved this one even more than the first one, maybe. Well, no, Mac still is my favorite but these two boys are hot on his and Jordan's tail. Same formula that kills me a little inside but makes me smile like a lunatic.

It is just wrong and unfair to make me feel like that simultaneously. It just makes me crave it. Anyway, again, whatever it is the author is doing she sh Have I mentioned how this author might be a little bit magic? Anyway, again, whatever it is the author is doing she should keep doing because it totally works for me. Is this out in audio? Dec 28, Duck rated it really liked it Shelves: I understand the problems some readers had with this one. There is no doubt that it's less engaging than Stay With Me.

I still enjoyed reading it. There was no instalove. Drew and Noah actually spent time together and got to know each other. Sure Noah was a dick almost as often as he wasn't but somehow it worked for me. The story foundation is solid but I think the book is in major need of a good editor. Not the proofreading kind, but the type of editor that helps 3.

Not the proofreading kind, but the type of editor that helps with story pace and flow. If the book was pared down a bit I think it would be a much stronger story. It was great to see Mac and Jordan happy. I'm glad I gave this one a chance. This was a bit of a slow start for me, but I ended up really enjoying it.

The banter was fun, even if the guys all sounded a bit similar in their inner sarcastic musings. I'm hoping we get a book about Grayson next! Dec 25, Vallie rated it really liked it Shelves: I had really liked the first book in the series, and of course, the unforgettable Mac, but I am happy to report that this book was equally a big win for me. He came off as a bit gruff, a bit anal about things, super organised, but also very Looooooooved this!

I really liked Drew. He was the quintessential muscled hottie but with a good sense of humour, especially the dry, sarcastic kind, that he pulled off tremendously well.

Noah was completely different. Their relationship was defined initially by simple tolerance, it developed into a tentative friendship, it kept evolving into lust and strong sexual attraction, and eventually morphed into an actual, honest-to god relationship. But Noah freaked out. Of course he would. I laughed out loud several times and I generally found the dialogue very clever. And I mean reaaaaaaly slow burn. The characters got to know each other and went through many stages in their developing relationship before anything sexual happened.

Did I wish for things to hurry along? Many times, in fact. I remember this from book 1 as well. But, I still appreciated that the characters took their time and that I felt like I knew them really well by the time they got together. Yeah baby, just as hot as in the first book. We saw their first make-out session but their first proper time together was off page. His presence is something that cannot be denied. I knew this character would stay with me after reading his story and I was right. Love love love Mac!

I loved those parts and I appreciated that there was a realistic conclusion to this aspect of the book. This review has been cross posted at Gay Book Reviews Apr 08, Nile Princess rated it did not like it Shelves: This one just didn't deliver for me. First of all, the beginning was so slow and boring.

Just a lot of rambling about things I cared zero about. While Book 1 was hilariously witty, the humor in this book was ex 1. While Book 1 was hilariously witty, the humor in this book was exhausting. It just felt way too slapstick, and was trying too hard. Plus, it was every single page - the comebacks, the zingers. Please make it stop; I was getting a headache. About the only character that remotely interested me was J. D Drew's father who has been in and out of prison, and is out again. Once he started dating the mother again, even he lost me.

Lady, salvage your dignity and move on! It would have been much more interesting to read about him making a completely fresh start. The 'chemistry' between the MCs was non existent to me; I didn't care. Their first kiss came out of nowhere and I skipped every sex scene after that.

Their conversations were cute, but I really didn't get a love vibe with them. Such a disappointment after Book 1. I think things were being set up for a book for Drew's ex-friends-with-benefits. I don't know if I dare try again. Right now, about the only book I'm interested in reading is J. Anyhoo, maybe he gets released, looks J.

D up, and new life experiences set my kindle on fire. I don't care that it didn't really happen. That's what imagination is for. Aug 08, haletostilinski rated it liked it Shelves: So, the title of this book is kind of ironic. Not only because for some reason these guys didn't feel "so into" each other, at least on Noah's side for the longest time, and also I wasn't so into this. Made me wonder if she had someone ghostwrite this, someone who isn't as good a writer as she is and tried to match her usual style but failed. Because otherwise I have to wonder went on when she was writing this one.

I loved the first in this series and So, the title of this book is kind of ironic. I loved the first in this series and P.

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I Spook You and I will continue to read her future works, but this was a complete miss for me. I guess every author has at least one, sometimes. And it wasn't that I didn't like this. I did, which is why I'm not giving it less than 3 stars.

Childish Gambino covers Tamia 'So Into You' for Like A Version

For the most part I enjoyed the characters separately, as well the secondary characters, and there were quite a few hilarious moments that had me laughing out loud. This isn't a bad book at all, it's still, in a technical way, well written. Not a typo I could remember seeing. Still interesting enough to keep pulling me back in and have stretches of the book where I didn't want to put it down.

But seriously, these two together They were cute at the end when they get back together, yes, but this book faded to black on so much with them that it just We only get three completely written out sex scenes in this entire book. One of them jerking off together, one with Drew as the bottom and then Noah as the bottom. The rest was fade to black and I have no idea why. I don't remember this author doing that with the other two books I've read.

And the detailed sex scenes we DID have? I barely felt anything with them because I felt like these guys weren't feeling enough with each other. Mostly with Noah because none of them were from his perspective and we barely got any descriptions of his pleasure, just Drew's - which didn't feel like enough either - and we even got Noah going "I enjoy giving him pleasure so much I sometimes forget about mine" which, great, but that makes it feel like you're not that into all this, at least that's what it seemed like because we got NOTHING from Noah in the sex scenes. We were getting the "friends with benefits" without the benefits, which???

Where's my sexy times??? I thought in romances the other was supposed to bring out the part of you you hide from everyone else. I liked it, but when the main couple of a romance novel - where they're supposed to be the main focus and the most exciting part of the book - ends up feeling somewhat second fiddle to everything else, you're not doing romance right. We spent too much time in Drew's head, learning random facts that would have been nice to learn if we had also gotten an awesome, amazing romance to go along with it.

Romance books have to have romance or else they Still a nice read, not bad or rage inducing, just disappointing and annoying. It really annoyed me how little sex there was in this. Because that just added to the constant disconnect we get with these two. Where were our sweet, romantic moments during sex? Instead of just being told about it once or twice about how "amazing and life altering it was being inside him" yeah then why weren't we SHOWN that?

Two detailed bouts of sex did not give me the romance I was craving throughout this book. At one point they're about to have sex and they have some cute banter - they did have some cute banter moments, I'll give them that - and then it just goes to the next chapter before they have sex and it was so disappointing, so annoying. That was a perfect opportunity to show sex! Emotional sex at that! Giving them emotions during the act!

So Into You

Also, outside of sex would have worked too. Their "break up" as it were was so Drew was kind of just like "this is the way I want it, and if you ever feel the same, call me" and Noah being like "I can't give you that, you knew that, sorry" and there was hardly any It was all so perfunctory in the end. I'm not saying they had to be on the floor sobbing, unable to function, but they were able to function a little too well, I think. Yeah they thought about each other all the time, but where was the pain, where was the heartache? Where was the absolute longing? I didn't even really feel all that much during their "break up" because neither of them seemed too.

Or at least we didn't see it. Where was Noah crying or barely able to hold back tears when Drew left? Where was Drew leaning against the wall outside Noah's apartment because it was hard to breathe? Where was the evidence that these two were the loves of each other's lives? Also, random side note, I could have done without the constant imaginings of killing and teasing threats of killing - even though it wasn't serious - whenever Drew's brother or Mac or whoever said something cheeky or spot on or what have you.

Even Noah did that too - the "I'm imagining where to hide the body argh" thing that Drew kept doing throughout this. I think it was meant to be humorous, and it was the first one or two times, but then I was like "omg stoppp" So Harmon, who's previous two works I read were wonderful and I loved them. This, I could take it or leave it. It was all right, but severely lacking what usually makes this author so great for me. Jan 05, Gigi marked it as dnr-dnf-notme. After reading the first book in the series Stay with Me and not particularly enjoying it, I've decided to skip this one. All the reviews I've read say this one is very similar to the first.

It's just not for me. View all 4 comments. A video for the single was made from May , The video starts with Tamia lying on a couch. Then, people are seen walking down a hallway later revealed to be her friends , and enter Tamia's room. Then, it reveals that she and her friends were having a party.

Several scenes later change to Tamia in several different rooms, singing the song. The video ends with Tamia's friends leaving, Tamia lying down on her bed, and then her standing in the center of a room. Nicole Richie plays one of Tamia's friends in this music video. The concept of the video was based on Tamia and Grant Hill her future husband having to be in a sort of long distance relationship at the beginning due to his travel. Credits adapted from the liner notes of Tamia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 9, Retrieved April 4, Retrieved March 7, Qwest , Warner Bros.