How I Stole Johnny Depps Alien Girlfriend

How I Stole Johnny Depp's Alien Girlfriend

He might not be a typical hero, but David's going to get the girl even if it takes him to the ends of the earth—or beyond.

Q&A with Gary Ghislain: ‘How I Stole Johnny Depp’s Alien Girlfriend’

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You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. And if those characters are teenagers, bingo! I got the idea in a train while crossing Sweden. I was thinking about the Norse mythology, the Valkyries, the Vikings, etc. Zelda and the main plot line for my novel were born.

A few days after that train trip, I was taking a break from writing and walking through a wood nearby Gothenburg City. By that time, I was very excited by that project and had most of my story sorted.

The writing was great. David, a young and shy earthling, was my witty narrator. Zelda would destroy his comfortable life and crush his heart. Her crazy quest for the perfect earthling would create all sort of havoc in Paris.

But I needed something more. Something very comical that would drive the story forward. Zelda want the greatest human being alive on the planet.

See a Problem?

And, when you do, I want to come to the premier with you. Mary Colgan, my editor at the time, pushed the manuscript in all the right directions. I hope, hope, hope he is planning to write more. Usually we read stories about girls infatuated with bad boys. We have fourteen year old French David who is schooled in the ways of love and mental illness staying with his dad at his house in the countryside when Zelda shows up. Kudos to Gary Ghislain, on his debut YA novel. School Library Journal Review Gr 9 Up-With a decidedly European sensibility, this French import takes readers on a madcap, quirky adventure with nerdy year-old David Gershwin, who quickly falls for Zelda, a hard-case patient in his father's therapy practice.

Zelda wants what every other girl wants. I started to laugh out loud and nearly ran back to my flat to write that story.

How long did you work on it? It took me about 4 months to complete the first draft and another 3 month to have the final draft ready.


Where did the different characters come from? Are they based on anyone you know? David, the main character and narrator, is very similar to the teenager I used to be. We share the same sense of humor, shyness, and a passion for Marvel comic books. I took parts from different characters and stitched them together. A bit of lightning, and… voila!