Dendritic Cells: Biology and Clinical Applications

Dendritic Cells - Biology and Clinical Applications (Hardcover)

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Clinical Applications of Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccines

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Dendritic Cells and Cellular Immunity to Tumors

Don't have an account? Responses Submit a response No responses published. Nishioka, Genetic Engineering of Dendritic Cells. The Importance of Being Professional. WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. Vaccination of melanoma patients with peptide- or tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cells.

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Clinical Applications of Dendritic Cell Cancer Vaccines

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Dendritic Cells is the first definitive book on this subject, and brings together the most current information in the field for scientists and clinicians. It outlines. Transfus Med. Jun;8(2) The biology and clinical applications of dendritic cells. Reid CD(1). Author information: (1)Department of Haematology.

Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Patients received a series of three or four infusions of antigen-pulsed DCs followed by s. Antitumor cellular immune responses were detected in all four patients, and three of the four patients had either partial or total regression of detectable disease. Keyhole limpet hemocyanin was added as a CD4 helper antigen and immunological tracer molecule. DC vaccination induced a positive peptide-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity DTH response in 11 patients.

Five of 16 patients demonstrated objective responses to the DC vaccine two complete responses, three partial responses with regression of metastases in various organs skin, soft tissue, lung, and pancreas. In a report from Chakraborty et al.

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One patient had a partial regression of an s. Nine patients had a DTH response at the vaccine site. In a report by Mukherji et al. Vaccination induced autologous melanoma-reactive and peptide-specific CTL responses. In particular, the frequency of circulating autologous melanoma-reactive CTL precursors was increased. In a follow-up study, Hu et al. The authors performed a phase 1 clinical trial assessing the administration of autologous DCs pulsed with an HLA-Aspecific prostate-specific membrane antigen PSMA for the treatment of 51 men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

An average decrease in PSA was observed only in group 5. Seven men had partial responses. DCs were pulsed with autologous Id protein and administered to a patient with advanced-stage refractory MM. Id-specific immune responses were detected, as characterized by T-cell-proliferative responses and the production of anti-Id antibodies. A T-cell line generated after vaccination lysed autologous Id-pulsed targets and recognized fresh autologous MM cells. All of these studies have demonstrated that the administration of the various DC vaccines is safe with little or no toxicity.

DC-based cancer vaccines offer the potential for an effective, non-toxic, and outpatient-based approach to cancer therapy. As depicted in Figure 1 , future-generation clinical trials will undoubtedly incorporate DCs pulsed with tumor epitopes derived from newly identified tumor-associated peptides, RNA, lysates, or apoptotic bodies. While the majority of DC-based clinical trials is being undertaken in patients with melanoma, such trials will eventually serve as a basis for future DC vaccine trials incorporating patients with more common malignancies such as breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.

As a result of the major advances in cancer immunobiology, we now find ourselves at the threshold of a novel, exciting, and hopefully rewarding approach to the treatment of cancer. Coley would be amazed and gratified by the progress achieved in the immunotherapy of cancer. Future directions for dendritic cell-based vaccines for cancer. User Name Password Sign In.

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In this window In a new window. The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by bacterial toxins the mixed toxins of the Streptococcus erysipelas and the Bacillus prodigius. Peptide-priming of cytolytic T cell immunity in vivo using microglobulin as an adjuvant. J Immunol ; Isolation and analysis of naturally processed viral peptides as recognized by cytotoxic T cells. Nature ; CrossRef Medline Google Scholar.

Allele specific motifs revealed by sequencing of self peptides eluted from MHC molecules. J Exp Med ; Recent advances in the study of dendritic cells and follicular dendritic cells. Immunol Today ; Blood ; Proliferating dendritic cell progenitors in human blood. Identification of proliferating dendritic cell precursor in mouse blood. J Exp Med b ; Exp Hematol ; Dramatic increase in the numbers of functionally mature dendritic cells in flt3 ligand-treated mice: Influence of dendritic cells on tumor growth.

Young JW, Inaba K.

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Dendritic cells as adjuvants for class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted antitumor immunity. Murine dendritic cells loaded in vitro with soluble protein prime cytotoxic T lymphocytes against tumor antigen in vivo.

Tumor-immunotherapy with the use of tumor-antigen-pulsed antigen-presenting cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother ; Bone marrow derived dendritic cells pulsed with synthetic tumor peptides elicit protective and therapeutic anti-tumor immunity. Nat Med ; 1: Peptide-pulsed dendritic cells induce antigen-specific, CTL-mediated protective tumor immunity. Murine dendritic cells pulsed in vitro with tumor antigen induce tumor resistance in vivo.

Eur J Immunol ; Therapy of murine tumors with tumor peptide-pulsed dendritic cells: IL engineered dendritic cells serve as effective tumor vaccine adjuvants in vivo. Ann New York Acad Sci ; T cell recognition of transforming protein encoded by mutated ras proto-oncogenes. Immunity ; 2: