La CIA en Chile (1970-1973) (Spanish Edition)

When the military attacked the presidential palace, Salvador Allende gave a final speech broadcasted over the radio just before his death. In this speech Allende addresses the people of Chile, expressing his gratitude for the loyalty of the people and his dismay at the betrayal by the military of Chileans everywhere.

An audio recording of the speech with translated subtitles can be found below. Debray, a journalist and academic who fought alongside Che Guevara in Bolivia before his death, writes a glowing assessment of the Allende regime in Chile in a long introduction to two interviews with Allende on the first year of his presidency. In the interview, Allende criticizes international communism. Accessed November 20, In this speech before the UN, Allende explains the democratic revolution taking place in his country and the economic pressures from abroad that are causing it harm.

This blockade consists of a international lowering of copper prices to retaliate against Chile for nationalizing its copper industry, a credit blockade, inability to purchase needed U. Allende also discusses the nationalization of foreign owned corporations, characterizing this as the right of Chile to its own resources, an historic wrong being righted with respect for international law.

CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency

The Fall of Salvador Allende. Little, Brown and Company, Kissinger further suggests that Salvador Allende was his own undoing in that he created political instability through radical socialism that he himself could not control. Cornell University Press, Nathaniel Davis, author of this historical memoir and U. Zemelman, Patricio Leon, H. This work is a collection of essays by Chilean academics commentating on the Allende government during his presidency. The contributing authors represent both supporters and opponents of Allende and Unidad Popular. Accessed November 14, This source provides a helpful timeline of the events of the revolution and counterrevolution in Chile from It is a useful historical resource giving several important dates in the revolutionary period.

The Battle of Chile: The Insurrection of the Bourgeoisie Part One. Accessed November 19, In this book, historian Mark Falcoff analyzes the story of the Chilean revolution in the grander context of modern Chilean history. Falcoff furthermore suggests that a military coup was not what the United States wanted. In his interpretation of the Church Report a Congressional investigation of U.

The Work Of A Nation. The Center of Intelligence.

The example of U. The University of North Carolina Press, The author of this book suggests that Chile was but one important episode in a larger Cold War between the U. The struggle of Chile for democratic socialist revolution under the shadow of U. Harmer suggests that the opposition of Allende and his supporters to U.

His analysis of internal factors causing the violent end of the revolution suggests that responsibility falls more to the political moderates in the country who were unsuccessful in asserting a middle ground among the political clamor. He furthermore claims that the influence of international powers, particularly in this case, the U. Thus in this book, the author seeks to bring focus to both the internal and external factors at play, rather than emphasize one more than the other as different observers have done.

La Vía Chilena: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Chile, 1970-1973

The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile, The University of Pittsburgh Press, In this book, political scholar Paul E. Sigmund analyzes Allende, his predecessor, and his successor.

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La CIA en Chile () (Spanish Edition) - Kindle edition by Carlos Basso Prieto. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or. Chile Top Secret: El submundo clandestino de la CIA, la KGB, la DINA y los nazis (Spanish Edition). Carlos Basso Prieto. Kindle Edition. CDN$

University of Chile Institute of International Studies, The contributors include historians, academics, political commentators, and government officials. Accessed December 2, According to the authors, hypermobilization occurs when a social group is mobilized by political forces and it seeks to fulfill all of its needs as quickly as possible, but cannot because of the lack of resources, causing conflict.

These conflicts occurred between Allende and the working class of Chile, who saw the democratic processes as not working fast enough to suit their needs.

La CIA en Chile, 1970-1973

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In this speech before the UN, Allende explains the democratic revolution taking place in his country and the economic pressures from abroad that are causing it harm. As occurred several months earlier, however, the Station provided this businessman advice on how to funnel ITT funds securely to Alessandri. Revolution and Counterrevolution in Chile, Left: CIA reporting confirmed that the military was deliberately not disclosing accurate figures and detailed the differing opinions within the military Junta regarding whether to summarily execute extremists and subversives or allow them trials and sentencing. However, with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write to us.

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1973 Chilean Coup - 3 Minute History

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