The Journey into Wholeness for Single Mothers

With the elongation in lifespan, and choice about family size, a fourth aspect of the lifecycle has become identifiable: The childhood and adolescent years involve development of the right brain in girls, in a manner distinct from boys, that predisposes them to relationality and interdependent thinking. Menarche is a milestone in the development of wisdom that allows women to experience a cyclic increase in right brain dominance and intuition monthly.

PMS is a positive expression of this bio-psychological wisdom. Young adulthood is the most stressful time for women as they begin to make their way in the world. A little wisdom goes a long way in avoiding stress, developing the capacity to have healthy relationships, and to mother either children or careers. The wild and wonderful biology of attraction, sexuality, and reproduction are most potent in these years and need to be understood.

Why are we attracted to a guy who our higher cortex recognizes as a low-down dirty dog? Fortunately, Mother Nature has some neurobiological tricks, which ensure that unless there was psychological damage early in life we will also fall in love with our newborns. Working mothers might have a harder time. Research from Yale indicates that most women contrary to their mothering desires put work first, kids second, spouse if there is one third.

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God's Law of Attraction. The ability to center and find inner peace Emotional Intelligence: Checkout Your Cart Price. However, they are crucial factors to the successful survival and well being of single moms and their children. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Follow her roadmap of nurturing and survival to reach a destination of near-normalcy and happiness, and then chart your own path following this book's guidance.

Female friends, who are the best buffer we have against stress, come limping in at a tired and distant fourth. The cycle ushers in a period of healing in preparation for the hormonal changes that are already beginning to turn us into wise women.

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Three types of healing take place during this time. They are healing from ….

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The Journey into Wholeness for Single Mothers [Bev Frank] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. You are not alone. If you have taken The. You are not alone. If you have taken The Transforming Journey of Truth, Hope, and Love for Single Mothers, those four words you are not alone resonate in your .

Spinning straw into gold is the process of turning old wounds into wisdom. The 40s transition is an opportunity more than a crisis. What do women do?

Single Motherhood: A Journey to Wholeness of Self

Some changes that occur include:. The elder wisdom years beyond, are hardly a time for fading into the woodwork. These are the years when a woman who has done her healing comes into an authentic sense of self. It is a path of renewal and growth that continually shapes her most authentic self. Unshakable Faith in Almighty God. The Redeeming Power of Presence. Reclaiming a Key Facet of Prayer.

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Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. You see the tough times as growth periods and this belief system empowers rather than debilitates you. You are not hard on yourself when life gets hard. What characteristics of a strong single mother would you add to this list?

Thanks heaps for this post Bette! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A Journey to Wholeness of Self. Trust in your Self worth.

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