The Rainbow Keeper

Tuesday Dungeon/Sample Teams/Keeper of the Rainbow-Master

Based on your padherder I'm not entirely sure why you need to take this down right now. I wouldn't bother with the drawn joker lead, cause you will not manage the first 3 floors IMO. Sooo based on that I'd go with Gigas lead, Megoladran and Drawn joker as heart makers, naga to stall, and whatever you have that deals as much damage as possible, with a GOdin friend.

Normally a GOdin friend is to survive the damage. Here the main reason you have the GOdin is not to survive the damage, its to actually kill the rainbow keeper as you will do virtually 0 damage to him. With this line-up, if the monsters are not synched and you have some heal orbs you might get through rounds , and as of there you'll easily manage. You can create heal orbs if needed, or stall with naga. Kill with GOdin's Gungnir. Odin lets you take down KoR with ease, so long as you can heal hp in 6 turns an awoken Odin will do most of it on his own. Personally I'd go with an offensive lead, Leilan and Odin can activate her skill between them, just slap some stat sticks in the remaining slots.

Bring that auto-heal Carbuncle if you don't want to have to worry about matching hearts on KoR. If you're not comfortable with a tricolor lead, you could just go with Asuka, Carbunce, some attackers, Odin. It's slow going though, and will fail in technical descends when there are either extremely large attacks or multihits. You can't make an omelette without crushing dozens of eggs beneath your steel boot and then publicly disemboweling the chickens that laid them as a warning. Hey so I decided to pass until I was a bit more prepared.

So I didn't do it last week. Now I was wondering; What's the use of this guy? Is he great to have in a team? FoxinStars 4 years ago 6. Lots of HP, decent attack, and the Defensive Stance skill can be a lifesaver. Personally I'm not impressed by his leader skill, tho. WildLilac 3 years ago 7. When I was a low rank, I used this as a really good dark type sub. Thank god grOdin has a light gungnir, and Lucifer is amazing! By nix 4 years ago 7.

By Trolololol 3 years ago 7. That Keeper of Rainbow sure will become a Keeper of Painbow with its new active skill. By Stan 4 years ago 7. By JJ3 4 years ago 6. Is it abnormal that I beat this thing at Rank 46? GenMaximus 4 years ago 6. All you need is a friend with a fully awoken awoken odin, its not that hard. Dragonfang in reply to VegaPrime 3 years ago 8. I can get it easily and im rank All u need to do is have a resolve team and at least 1 gravity monster. A healer every turn eg.

Hannah FU 4 years ago 6. JJ3 in reply to Hannah FU 4 years ago 6. ImDumb 3 years ago 7. You're the best PAD player ever! Beating it at rank 43! OMG how is that even possible! I can't wait to see your challenge 10 video! SpaceDandy 4 years ago 6. VegaPrime in reply to GenMaximus 4 years ago 6.

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Deal Dark damage to all Light enemies. Affected by enemy element and defense. This card can be obtained by: Evo Material Party 2. Secrets to Evolution 2 - Master. September Quest Dungeon-Novice to Int. Challenge Lv7 - All Att Needed. Gods of Starry Wisdom. Gods of Starry Wisdom - Mythical.

Lv5 - Skills Invalid. Paradise of the Holy Beasts. After u get keeper of rainbow, you can also use it. Speed through first 3 floors. Fell free to use CDD nuke on Fl 4. Stall until all both Heras and Seraphs are up. Use both Heras on RK then both Luci, finish. Just stall on 4th floor and use 3 morning stars on 5th then attack once. Just fall comfortably below 80 percent. I often dont even need flamie to one shot Keeper of rainbow.

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This dungeon is no match. Works with Pre-EVO haku. Any water sub work.

Keeper Of The Rainbow - PAD

I used a Dub-sapphilit because of low team cost. Any dark sub if you don't have Eco Strategy: Pull a Haku combo for stages You should be able to 1 hit all of them. Stall on round 4. You stall for Haku and Echidna, rest are optional Last: Use all 3 gravity's, then use Echidna's Menace. Match orbs to get x This team is great against the Keepers, but the knights in the first 3 floors can be trouble. Don't bother charging skills, just pommel them.

Skills will charge plenty against the keepers. Although if you are hit by two monsters at once and one brings you to 1 hp, the other will kill you. Need to stall 6 extra turns to charge Echidna meaning don't 1 shot everything. No need for evolved or high level though they help with hp and rcv for stalling.

Save echidna and 2 Leilan's for KoR you have plenty of time to do x Simple and safe multi color zombie team. Ogre to keep you alive, dragons nuke every 15 turns, and a strong healer. Monsters' average in the 30's. If I had more light nukers, I'd use them. One of the keepers will stall you enough for the initial nukes on the boss. Key is Ogre and Healer. Keep your HP full in the 4th and 5th level before the keepers attack and you cannot die.

Snow globe dragon helps for regeneration, naga is there just for emergencies I did not need her. Odin's skill helps a lot damage and phoenix knights refresh the orb flux. Blast through the first rounds - KOR will take long enough to charge skills anyway. Earth guardian is just there to offer another element option for matching 3 to trigger the 3x from Isis, and can be anything else. Echidna skill gives you longer to recharge, and Gigas resolve survives each hit from KOR. Rk only needs 3 turns to be dead. Really easy farming build. SODL can be subbed for a strong light monster, but if you ever take long enough to have his skill up, KoR should be dead after you use it.

Very easy to heal up after he hits you because he takes 5 turns to attack. Build skills on floors If you can get a couple 5x atks in, you'll have him down within turns. I didn't see a Zeus build here so I am recommending it. Obviously an advanced build, not reccomended for begginners. Clear first floors quickly if you want. Zeus gravities not necessary, but definitely better for safe players. Double ChuChu gives x9 to all monsters but Echinda. Stall for 15 rounds before the boss super easy then for boss, use Echinda and King Woodsie.

This should easily kill the boss in 2 - 4 turns. Clear mobs and save all skills during round 4. You'll need them for rainbow keeper. Delay him when possible with orochis skill. And when he hits you use vritras skill. Other than that try to have multiple rippers and use them every chance you get. Leader should always heal you enough but use her skill when needed. VERY safe build, if a bit monotonous. Can be any Resolve leader and auto-healer. Siren for reliable hearts Max skill pref. Go for attack power. A monster that can hit multiple enemies. Max Skill Siren makes it much easier.

Make sure to heal manually. It can be done shorter and with no stones but I was not watching the RK's turns. If you are good at matching orbs to activate 5x Kirin, you can fly through RK. Watch out for floor 3 but one 5x Kirin will clear floors Safe and very low required team. The time it takes to clear depends on the Party 3, 4, 5 monsters you put on, but generally they can be anything.

It will be better if you have a full skill naga, but her skill only is used for safety on the 2nd and 3rd battles. To Lightning Holy Dragons can be substituted for anything, however it is preferable to have all monsters except for leaders to be lightning holy, chaos devil, ice aurora, etc. On boss, just keep attacking and using your abilities, archangel will auto heal. I clear this dungeon with my Lakshmi and a Water Dominion Gabriel helper. For weaker players and lower ranks, takes a while but other monsters besides leader and helper can be anything that have around attack.

First, have at least 13k hp, blast through to stage 4 and charge up your skills and attack at the same time. When on stage 5 use "Arch Hades" skill first than use Lucifer, done all in one round. Use FL Lucifer and attack. Should be able to kill before he attack. For a safer play, stall on first 3 floors to get Echidna skill ready. Just match Wood and Light Orbs as you go.

Stall on Wave 4, to charge King Shynee. Pretty new at this game but this build has been working for me.

Only important monsters are alraune so that she can heal u every orb match, and ur friends leader must be Odin so that it greatly reduces damage when facing any of the keepers. I use the guardians for the half damage skill in emergencies. Party 4 should be a high hp. Charge up skills early.

Use Angelion's skill only if necessary. Only use Genie's skill in the Boss Battle Stage.

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Must be rough making so much money from a little game like this and just plowing your fanbase in return The rippers is just to kill the rainbow keeper faster but if you dont have any rippers any monsters with big damage are enough. We assume no responsibility for, and offer no warranties or representations regarding, the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any of the content. Echidna and dark Golem can be any of its evolutions. Which made me realize I had been getting them on 2X in the past. For me it is always with dragon plants and regular spirit ball Friday dungeon.

Keeper of Light is for HP a little and you can use his skill if needed. If you pay close attention to turn counters and take your time, you shouldn't really have many problems. This setup worked well for me I was actually able to safely farm my keepers with it so I thought I would share, verche was just an orb changer to help speed up the keeper fight.

Isis provides high Damage output to kill KOR quickly and odin protects againt high damage you wanna u lightning holly and odin's abilities to quicken up the process and Apollo's ability is also to speed it up. Echidna and ceres are for emergencies and Ceres can be replaced with a highish Lvl Alraune. Easy build for non-IAP players. Build here should have you approaching or breaking 40k in HP, at which point basically nothing can do enough damage fast enough to kill you.

For the keepers just build up all skills and use them like so: Echidna as backup in case you can't heal to max and an ultimate Ogre as a safety net if you have to take a hit. Rainbow has 5 turn wait so you can heal between if RCV is high. Any good healer that nets you 1k per auto will do you well. Ama works well as she's white attack but really doesn't matter so long as they heal 1k per turn or more. Build up on the last keeper. Depending on your levels you get real close to a preemptive kill. My current levels knock him down to his sword tip.

Charge up the skills of Seraphim Lucifer. If HP is 1 then the skill wont work. Easiest and fastest of all. I don't think people with 2 lucifers need the suggestion to be honest xD. Verche was Max lvl. Having Baal it only takes about hits on the first 3 battles. As long as you always have full live, KoR deals damage on you.

I didnt even use KoF's abilities. Actually, you only need parvaty and other monster that have good RCV, with Odin friend, it is easy to beat Keeper of Rainbow safely! Any subs for RK in the team? Chaos Devil Dragon can be subbed with any dark damage halver or Ult. D'spinas or Another Seraphim of Dawn Lucifer. Yomi is really useful when you run out of heal orbs. You don't necessarily have to charge King Shynee, just make sure your orb changers are up by the time you get to RK and you should be able to take him down before he has a chance to hit with your orb changers and decent combos.

Last boss won't even attack at all. Gravity then two morning stars should kill it. Keepers can be replaced with anything since they won't do anything. Meteor Volcano And Crystal Aurora can be replaced by any dragons with at least 1k hp. The multipliers give you around hp. The shields keep regenerating so the damage you take is limited. Amaterasu can be switched with any monster with a similar leader skill.

Sub Dungeon

Awoken odin is a must. Be sure you have full hp every time KOR attacks. If not echidnas skill can be used. You don't necessarily need machine golem just monsters with high hp. Have a monster that has decent rcv besides amaterasu. Everything is very high in level. Charge up skills on Round 4. Pop everything but Lucifier on Round 5, hit him as hard as you can, and then pop Lucifier next turn.

Keeper of Rainbow

Last slot should be a way to further increase burst damage, like Cerberus, Yomi, or another orb changer. Your typical mono-color, all members can be replaced with different color equivalent. Nothing needs to be evolved, Naga and toy were panic buttons that were never used. You can use all Dubs, or an extra orb changer. Fire Lucifer against Dark or Light Keeper in stage 4 if you like.

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Easy to return to full HP in the 5 turns allowed. Fire Lucifer at RK right after he triggers damage on you. If you have an RK and team cost, slot it right in to your team. Ancient light dragon's 9-turn nuke refresh helps when stuck on synced knights. Light keeper can take a while. Could sub out the demon for any nuker and the rainbow keeper for anything with decent HP e. Holy Light Dragon is a good choice for 4th slot for damage, as is Ohkami, but any healer would do. Charge up lucifer twice. Stall as long as possible.

Only need to charge Echidna's skill before stage 5. Max skill CDK and Duke is helpful so you can use skills twice before he hits. If you are running a very low level team and can't kill him in turns, charge Ultra Gravities and Wrath of God before stage 5. Then choose Greek 1. Do not need to charge any skill except Echidna's one. Very Easy for the first 4 levels. Need 18x 3 or 4 times to beat Keeper of Rainbow in 8 rounds. Really easy to craft resolve team. Fully evolved rippers face roll first three levels. Vritra can hit Rainbow Keeper for k every three attack cycles, just make sure to use the ability right after he drops you to 1hp.

I have 2 questions This build requires your skill more than your pets. It is more of a minimum requirement than a fail-safe approach. Your hardest encounter will be stage 3. Use skills if you have to. Use Echidna if boss will attack before you are ready. Siren is also a good choice. This is kind of an unorthodox zombie team. Practically, anything could work as a sub, but I found that it was easiest for me to use this build when I was still starting out. Just need enough hp to take knight hits while charging skills.

Keeper of the Rainbow - Master

Rainbow will die before he can attack if you use all your orb changes and gravity on him. You might as well submit this team to almost every other dungeon in the database. That and anyone who has managed to put it together knows what it is capable of. The monsters can easily be found in normal dungeon.

Final AMA or Siren. Vampire good against Keeper of the Light and also good for assisting Verche against Keeper of the Dark and the Rainbo. Super easy and safe build. Can use Either loki or persephone for friends but loki clears faster. It will be much faster if you have Neptune, team member are up to player decide, my team cost was too slow so I just push some Dub into it. For those starters that has the rippers evolved at least you just need a healer with rondo of healing leader skill or an eveolved amaterasu and with a odin helper and you are fine. The rippers is just to kill the rainbow keeper faster but if you dont have any rippers any monsters with big damage are enough.

The keepers in your team are to boost HP and increase defend if neccesary. May add a Armor Breaker to destroy the keeper more easily.