ADHS-Therapie mit Ritalin als moderne Schwarze Pädagogik? (German Edition)

Im Test untersuchten sie den Hausstaub von 60 Haushalten mit asthmatischen Kindern zwischen 9 und 24 Monaten. In diesen Haushalten mit Allergiekindern fanden die Wissenschaftler deutlich weniger Staub, als in Haushalten, in denen Kinder allergiefrei waren. Der Tipp von nano: Der Tipp von Rolf Keppler: Mit der Zeit wird das Angebot ausgeweitet.

Juli wird um Vom Prinzip her erscheint dies wie ein Perpetuum mobile. Der Befund ist eine Sensation. In einer Hefe im Bienendarm konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Hefe ein Rapsgen in ihr eigenes Genom aufgenommen hat. Der Saatguthersteller verweigert jede Auskunft. Nun will man dem Professor die Forschungsgelder sperren. Er fand heraus, das ca. Strauss meint, dass mehr Fans mehr klatschen und mehr rhythmischen Krach machen. Erst jetzt, zum Juni , wandelt sich die Richtlinie auch hierzulande in geltendes Recht.

Den konkreten Entwurf finden Sie im Web unter www. Das Fernabsatzgesetz unterscheidet nicht zwischen harter und weicher Ware. Aufpassen ist dennoch angesagt, und im Falle eines Falles vielleicht auch Mut zum Prozess, denn wenn sich ein Shop trotz Fernabsatzgesetz beim Umtausch stur stellt, bleibt nur noch der leidige Weg zum Kadi.

Bei ihm kann ich mir noch eine Scheibe abschneiden. Diese Schlussfolgerung ist daher auf jeden Fall zu weit gegriffen. Dies ist nur durch Vireninfektionen o. Somit werden Gene von Pflanzen, die auf E. LA Gym Gerald traumtaenzer. Sonntag aktuell vom Die durch den Aufprall frei geschlagenen Neutronen aus den Bleiatomkernen werden von den Abfallstoffen aufgenommen. Bei der Umwandlung in der Fachsprache Transmutation entstehen keine unkontrolliert ablaufenden Kettenreaktionen. Der Rubbiatron als eierlegende Wollmilchsau unter den Reaktoren?

Eine solche Anlage muss aber erst noch entwickelt werden. Bis der Rubbiatron in Serie gehen kann, vergehen mindestens 20 Jahre. Dabei soll es bleiben. Zitat aus PC Professionell: Hier sollte mindestens ein Wert von 60 eingetragen sein. Suchen Sie jetzt in der Datei autoexec. Es gibt auch schon Nachahmerrestaurants. Ich zitiere aus der Bildzeitung vom Doch so ein Super-Magnet steht jetzt an der Uni Konstanz. Und so kann jedes Material angezogen werden, nicht nur Metall.

Machbar wurde das durch den Spezial-Draht der Magnet-Spule. Ein Sprecher der Uni: Cannstatter Zeitung vom 3. Allerdings erreichte er nur das Nordpol-Plateau und nicht den eigentlichen Pol. Erst kurz vorher wachte er auf. Irgendwann werden die Kurse schon wieder steigen". Dabei unterliegen die Spekulanten einem Irrtum. In Selbsthilfegruppen und ambulanten Einrichtungen sind es laut Meyer derzeit knapp zwei Prozent der Betroffenen. Die Teilnahme eines Fachreferenten wurde jedoch kurz darauf wieder abgesagt. Herr Peter Schwarz schreibt mir: Mit Interesse habe ich die Berichte http: Lieder ist mir der Namen des Ortes entfallen.

Please download them first before playback. Click the right mouse button onto the link and then click "Save as" to your local harddisk The movies are here: This will speed up the MPEG-4 decoding. The Methernitha Testatika machines are still really genius and Methernitha still keeps its function secret. But I guess Graham Gundersom has found a basic principle how it could work. Oktober findet um Obergeschoss ein Nacharbeitstreffen zum Wasserauto statt.

Sicherlich gibt es bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt wesentlich Neues zu besprechen. Ein Physiker schreibt mir: Mc Nair und seine Arbeit an der Tamarackmine. Ohne Outlook bleibt nur ein manueller Eingriff in die Registry: Suchen Sie mit Regedit nach 'Journaling'. Er hat Frauen sich um die eigene Achse drehen lassen und diese Bewegungen aufgezeichnet und analysiert. An einer charakteristischen Kurve lassen sich die fruchtbaren Tage einer Frau feststellen. Leider werden kaum positive Anwendungen genannt.

Spanische Physiker konnten diese Lichtblitze jetzt erstmals fotografieren. Nur bis zu 0. Was erwartet uns in der Zukunft? Was sagen die Hersteller und die Wissenschaftler? Warum erkranken manche Menschen an Krebs und warum manche nicht? Danach ist ein Nickerchen angebracht. Ralf Johann schreibt mir: Zumindest was die An und Nachfrage betraf!!!!!

Zeit in unserer "Freizeit" war kaum noch!!!! Dem ist aber nicht so, Ihr Lieben!!!! Wisst Ihr, was Startfix mit Eurem Motor macht? Mutter Erde dankt es uns!!!! Der Verbrauch senkt sich auch, da man ja die Leistung eher erreicht, als mit Diesel, welcher eine geringere Kompression hat!!! Der einzige Nachteil, den wir bisher immer hatten, ist der hohe Verbrauch an Plastikflaschen.

Doch Land ist auch hier in Sicht: Jetzt noch zum sagenhaften Preis: Aus Liebe zu Mutter Natur!!! Anfragen und Bestellungen sind zu richten an: Dort ist auch die Korruption geringer wie bei uns. Ob mir die Behandlung etwas gebracht hat, kann ich nicht sagen. Zumindest war sie ein Steinchen auf meinem Weg.

A very good afternoon! Es ist der Ort, an dem ihr in Wirklichkeit seid. Es ist nicht so! Ihr habt die Kunst des Lebens verlernt. Was ihr tut nenne ich existieren, vegetieren, ihr lebt nicht! Ihr habt die Kunst des Lebens verlernt! Was ist damit gemeint? Ich spreche von der Liebe, deren Tiefe unermesslich ist. Was es auch gekostet haben mag: Was es in Bewegung setzt, ist der Fahrer, - und das ist Eure Seele. Der eine kann ohne den anderen nicht weit kommen. Ich sage heute zu Euch: Solange ihr hier sitzt: ER wird Euch antworten.

ER antwortet mir jeden Tag. Und ich meine damit: Nicht mit Worten, aber mit der Anwesenheit seines Lichts. Und das Licht ist erschienen! Am Nachmittag gab er mir das Licht. Und die Leute konnten diese Erscheinung fotografieren. Wir haben noch eine Menge solcher Photos und auch Videoaufnahmen, wo wir Gott darum gebeten haben, uns ein Zeichen zu geben. Und wenn Menschen dieses Bilder sehen, erwachen Sie meist auf dramatische Weise! Was ich Euch damit sagen will ist folgendes: Gott kann alles tun, wenn er dies will.

Reinhold Kiebart schreibt in seiner Homepage: Dies entspricht einem 3 Literauto. Wie hoch ist der Verbrauch? Wie lange muss ich im Winter mit Diesel fahren, bis ich umschalten kann? In der Regel 3 bis 4 Kilometer. Reinhard Marre hat festgestellt, dass es auch schon bei gesunden Menschen resistente Erreger gibt. Auch in der Natur wurden resistente Erreger gefunden. Auch Franziska von Almsick schwimmt im Haifischschwimmanzug von Arena. Der Anzug wird auch an den Beinen und Armen getragen.

Zuvor muss sich das Pfund etwa Mark teure Urinal jedoch einem Funktionstest unterziehen: Die Verwaltungsangestellten sollen testen, ob die neue Technik benutzerinnerfreundlich ist. Das Umwelt -und Freizeitkomitee empfiehlt eine Informationskampagne. Vorspeisen umgerechnet ab etwa 8,50 Mark, Hauptgerichte ab 22 Mark.

Dienstag bis Samstag Ein Rundbriefleser schreibt mir: Sie findet auf wundersame Weise immer das, was ich suche und was ich bei anderen nicht finde. Suchergebnis synline bei Altavista: Suchergebnis bei Copernic Leichter und kleiner kann keine mobile Texterfassung mehr sein. Die Tastatur kostet ca. Eine Definition der Grenzwerte anhand thermischer Effekte sei daher ebenfalls falsch. Unser Nervensystem bekommt gleich einem Metronom einen Takt aufgezwungen, den es gar nicht haben will.

Nebenbei wurde auf dieser Veranstaltung bekannt, dass ein Krankenhaus, dessen Mit? Ich glaube aber auch, dass jeder einzelne die Kraft oder das Erlebnis mit dem Blut oder Leib Jesu Christi ohne Mithilfe eines Priesters haben kann, wenn es an der Zeit ist. Auf der Expo gibt es ein Spiel mit dem Namen Brainball. Zwei Spieler tragen ein Stirnband mit Elektroden.

Die Entspannung wird gemessen. Diese gemessene Spannung steuert einen Ball auf dem Spielfeld, der auf diese Weise ins Tor gebracht werden muss. Anscheinend stirbt der Wald doch nicht so schnell. Die Wahl des Browsers Ist so wichtig wie die Konfiguration. Dabei kann die maximale Farbtiefe von 24 oder 32 Bit verwendet werden, dies hat keine negativen Auswirkungen.

Unbedingt sollte das Cachen auf Platte verboten werden: Explorer dankt es mit fast 20 Prozent mehr Leistung. Die beste Overall-Performance bietet noch immer Netscape, jedoch nur, wenn die PCpro-Tuningtipps beachtet werden und der Plattencache deaktiviert wird - sonst hat der Internet Explorer die Nase vorn. Die Cache-Strategie sollte auf Einmal pro Sitzung eingestellt werden. So hat man immer die aktuelle Version der Webseiten, und minimiert gleichzeitig das langsame Nachladen vom Internet auf das notwendige Minimum. Es ist allerdings noch doppelt so teuer wie Diesel.

Herr Tolzin schreibt mir: Britische Forscher untersuchten die Reaktionen auf eine Verliebte oder auf einen Verliebten. Bei dieser Art von Beziehung reagierten 4 Gehirnareale. Beim Anblick von Freunden nur 2 Areale. Pflanzen produzieren Aspirin als Abwehrstoff gegen Pilze und Bakterien. Danach produzierte die Tabakpflanze mal mehr Aspirin.

Das Pflanzenwachstum wurde nicht beeinflusst.

ADHS-Therapie mit Ritalin als moderne Schwarze Pädagogik? (German Edition) [Michael Palm] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - die Therapie des ADHS mit dem Medikament»Ritalin®«als moderne Schwarze Pädagogik.

Vielleicht hat dann aber die Pflanzenschutzmittelindustrie wieder mal was dagegen. Herr Friebe schreibt mir: Mai mit der Anlage: So schnell arbeitet IHR Informationssystem!!! Es besteht aus einem Wirkstoff mit einem Namen, den ich nicht genau verstanden habe: Es kann sowohl bei Erkrankung als auch als Prophylaxe eingesetzt werden.

Ich erhielt vom WDR folgende Nachricht: Ich zitiere aus Focus Ein Venenspezialist erkennt mit einer Doppier- und Duplex-Sonografie sofort, ob auch tiefer liegende Venen betroffen sind. Aus der Zeitschrift Chancen oder Das ist das erste Foto der neuen japanischen Ultraschall-Waschmaschine, die keine Waschmittel mehr braucht. Vor den Augen von Chancen-Korrespondent G. BMW stellt sein erstes Wasserstoffauto vor. Sie gelangen aber nicht bis zur durchtrennten Stelle. Der Erfolg beim Menschen kann sich erst in 6 bis 12 Monaten zeigen. Dieses Quecksilber kann in der Industrie wiederverwendet werden.

Hallo Rolf, ich habe mir den sehr interessanten Versuch von Herrn Meyl sehr genau angeschaut. Die Apparatur habe ich auf Seite http: Meyls Seiten sind sehr interessant. Tippen Sie die beiden folgenden Datei-Namen ein: Windows entfernt daraufhin WSH. Denn nur etwa ein Drittel der Befragten zeigten sich als gut informiert. Auch scheinen das Bewusstsein oder die Bereitschaft der Arzte, dieses Thema anzusprechen, bisher eher 'gering zu sein. Es gilt als Wachstums- oder Powerhormon, weil es Energie- und Grundbaustoffe bereitstellt, Muskel, Bindegewebe und Knochen aufbaut und das Arteriosklerose-Risiko abbaut.

Auch die Beziehung zum Partner hat sich allgemein sehr verbessert. Herr Tschopp schreibt mir: Der hat ein interessantes Buch geschrieben etwas polemisch, aber manchmal mit Witz: Juni eine Rede, in welcher in Bezug auf die moderne Physik er folgendes zu sagen hat: Der wahre Schuldige war Einstein. Die Maxwellschen Gleichungen gelten in allen Inertialsystemen in gleicher Weise. Dies ist mit der Galilei-Transformation s. Von Georges Bourbaki gibt es lt. Sonst hilft nur das Abschalten. Da wird einem das Pay-TV gerade sympathisch: Verweigerer sind in der Regel Leute, die einer gesellschaftlichen Pflicht nicht nachkommen oder sich einer sozialen Konvention wie eben dem Medienkonsum widersetzen.

Er erlebte das als echten Befreiungsschlag vom Leben aus 2. Hand; seither klappt's wieder besser mit dem Berufs- und Sozialleben. Sie betrachten es als kulturelle Landplage. Was stellen Sie mit Ihrer Zeit an? Man spart Zeit und Platz: Und auch das kann sich genauso als Zeitverschwendung herausstellen wie das Kleben an der Mattscheibe. Typischerweise sind die Sachen auf dieser Seite veraltet. Es lohnt nicht diese Seite anzuschauen. Die Saison hat wieder begonnen. Zwar sind bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt von den internationalen Fotoagenturen noch keine Abbildungen von Kornkreiszeichen geliefert worden.

Aber bis jetzt hat sich das Warten noch jedes Jahr gelohnt. Was man auch immer von den Kornkreiszeichnungen halten mag: An der Tatsache, dass sie existieren, kommt man nicht herum. Ohne Zweifel steht aber auch fest, dass in den letzten zwanzig Jahren, seit die Kornkreise erstmals auftauchten und schon bald in den Medien zum Thema wurden, manche eindeutig von Menschen geformt wurden.

Danke Mama - Ritalin und Co., vom Kind zum Erwachsenen - ADS-International

Wen sie als Urheber vermuten, wird auch klar: Berichten sie doch von eigenen Erfahrungen mit seltsamen Lichterscheinungen oder starken Kraftfeldern in den Kornkreisen. Die Geometrie ist die Symbolsprache schlechthin. Nichts im Universum ist schneller als Licht: Dank einer speziellen Versuchsanordnung siehe Grafik erzeugte er Laserpulse, die sich gleich mit facher Lichtgeschwindigkeit ausbreiteten.

Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit wird mal wieder anders gemessen, die Einsteinsche Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit darf aber wieder mal nicht angezweifelt werden. Hi All, I also have added many pictures from the Berlin free energy congress to the directory: Meyl was very interesting about his scalar wave theory and practical solution, which he is selling now as a kit, so I decided to put 55 pictures up of his presentation, where you also can see the hardware he sells.

I will add some more during the next few days, cause I am pretty busy. I just have begun to digitize a few new movies from the Berlin congress of free energy at the 8th of July This experiment violates the 2nd "law" of thermodynamics, cause air must have a "negative viscosity" to explain this experiment. The bubbler still was missing at this day, but I have seen it running on the 20th of July.

You really need Mediaplayer 6. Sometimes there are errors when downloading with Netscape, so use IE 5. Dann kann niemand anderes die Adresse einsehen und keinen Missbrauch damit treiben. Seite 69 Nun herrscht heute noch der Zustand, dass wir fast alle Bargeld und Kreditkarte in beliebiger Gewichtung verwenden. Vielleicht wussten Sie noch nicht, dass weltweit ein bargeldloser Verkehr vorangetrieben wird, in dem man nur noch Kreditkarten braucht, und zwar nicht mehrere, sondern nur eine - die eine Karte, die sozusagen alles kann!

Wir machen alles nur noch mit der Karte. Auch der Abstand zwischen den Strichen spielt eine Rolle. Wenn Sie sich jetzt einen typischen Barcode, z. Und was stellt dieser Doppelstrich dar? Die Kritiker des Biochips, die vielfach aus christlichen Gemeinschaften kommen, warnen noch aus einem weiteren Grund vor dem Implantat. Das ist in diesem Falle leider falsch. Innerhalb weniger Jahre wurde vielen Millionen Tieren dieser Chip eingesetzt. Der Chip wird bereits Menschen eingesetzt! Cannstatter Zeitung vom Der Test im Internet unter privacy.

Er simuliert einen Scanner und zeigt an, welche Computerports offen und welche geschlossen sind. Das von Zonewall www. Die Installation von Trojanischen Pferden kann Zonewall allerdings nicht verhindern. Echten Schutz bieten nur so genannte Firewall-Systeme. Wer glaubt, bereits ein Trojanisches Pferd zu beherbergen oder einfach nur sicher gehen will, kommt um die Anschaffung eines Virenscanners nicht herum. Deshalb appelliert Greenpeace an Regierungen und Energiekonzerne, nicht den Weiterbetrieb der maroden russischen Atomkraftwerke, sondern die Reparatur und Instandsetzung der Pipelines zu finanzieren.

August gibt es unter folgender Url: Oktober wird um Dieses Treffen ist ein Nacharbeitstreffen zum Wasserauto. Diese Sortware gibt's nur in Eng lisch. AVP Antiviral Toolkit www. Wer sich allerdings auf Hacker-Websites herumtreibt muss darauf gefasst sein, dass ihm etwas untergejubelt wird. Webmasterplan hilft bei der kostenlosen Anmeldung der eigenen Homepage bei rund 30 Suchmaschinen: Wohnung gefunden, kaufen, verkaufen, mieten oder vermieten - egal.

Private Inserate sind kostenlos. Es geht um den Geist "altmodisch" kann man vielleicht sagen: Weiterhin schreibt mir Herr Rudolph: Versuche ein einfaches Radioniksystem zu bauen, indem man auf ein Blatt Papier ein Modell eines Radioniksystems zeichnet mit zwei Kreisen, die zum einen eine Sender-bzw. In den Sendekreis gibt man die Probe das zu sendende Objekt, z. Versuchen Sie es einmal selbst, Sie werden erstaunt sein, es funktioniert! Und nun frage ich, was hat da gewirkt, wo keine Materie vorhanden ist, war das nicht der Geist? Voraussetzung allerdings ist, dass ich diesem Wirksystem mein Vertrauen schenke und ihm glaube.

Denn wie wir wissen, der Glaube kann wirklich Berge versetzen. Wenn ich von vornherein sage, das wird nicht helfen, das ist zu einfach, dann hilft es auch nicht. Ist das nicht in allen Dingen des Lebens so? Wie die Firma Gunze mitteilt, wurde das Schutzhemd zwei Jahre lang zusammen mit Medizinern entwickelt. Das dehnbare Hemd ist allerdings ziemlich teuer: Es kostet umgerechnet fast Mark und ist ab dem Hier ist mein Rezept des Apfelmuskuchens: Zum eindicken des Muses etwas Mondamin ca. Man kann ja die Decke als Luxusversion evtl. Backen mit Gas Stufe ca.

Eigentlich stehe ich nicht auf Computerspiele. Ich selber spiele keine. Bei einem Bekannten habe ich ein Spiel gesehen, bei dem man auf sinnvolle Weise eine Stadt erbauen kann. Die homepage-Adresse des Landesfrauenrates lautet http: Die Ziegen lasse man in einer Entfernung von bis m zum Sendemast weiden. Faxe werden in gif oder tiff Bilder umgewandelt und als eMail zugesandt. Heilungen, dauernde Bekehrungen, Zeichen am Himmel.

Die Erscheinungen ereignen sich immer am An diesen Tagen ist auch viel Jugend in Manduria anzutreffen. Es wird der Rosenkranz gebetet. Die Ereignisse wurden vor kurzem auch in einem italienische TV-Sender positiv kommentiert. Einmal habe ich Partition Magic angewendet, was nicht funktioniert hat.

Die Daten sollen dann in den Unterlagen in der Verpackung der Handys zu finden sein. Bennett and David S. The main thrust of this book is to question the entire validity of the official record of mankind's exploration of the Moon especially the Apollo lunar landings themselves. We are not however claiming that astronauts from Earth have never walked on the Moon. Our personal interpretation of the evidence is that surrogate astronauts were employed. It is our further view that the famous named astronauts for example Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Ed Mitchell in all probability never left Earth orbit, remaining in the safe zones below the radiation belts and so avoiding the exposure to hazardous radiation which in our present state of technology awaits all those who venture into deep space.

The psychological behaviours of the named astronauts in the intervening years since Apollo—which in our opinion are those of men guilty of silence concerning the full truth—plus their rude physical health would be evidence enough for our claims. But the numerous inconsistencies clearly visible in the Apollo photographic record is quite irrefutable.


Some of the many errors we evidence were due to haste and poor thinking. Others were deliberately planted by individuals we have dubbed 'Whistle-Blowers', who were determined to leave evidence of the faking in which they were unwillingly involved. Probably the most emphatic of these whistles was a bottle that rolled across the 'moon' landscape on the TV screens in Western Australia during a 'live' transmission from the 'moon'. Yes, our claims in this book do border on the incredible.

One can imagine the first reaction of even reasonable people to our evidence: If it is of any consolation to the reader, we too at first could not believe what we were uncovering as our investigation proceeded. Yet as each new stone was turned over it revealed a conspiracy of labyrinthine proportions. Naturally, as in a court of law, we examined, reexamined and cross-examined all our evidence carefully before reaching our verdict. And in the book we present our evidence in this step-by-step way so that the reader can reach her or his own decision upon it.

These matters are contained in "Foreground Action" and "Middle Distance". These sections and their evidence stand alone in their own right. Then in the third section "Background Exploration" we come to other related subjects which some will find, yes, even harder to accept! These concern evidence of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs—evidence, moreover, of which certain individuals, governments and military authorities—including what was to become NASA—were fully aware and were in part reacting to.

The element of urgency in the space exploration program was certainly a key response to the perceived 'threat' of ET intervention. What then is our evidence for ET involvement? One crucial item is the so-called Roswell Incident which occurred in , when carefully placed wreckage of a non terrestrial craft was found at a particular site in America. Now, let us say at once that this incident has been quite deliberately surrounded, on the part of the authorities, with a mass of misinformation and disinformation—so much so and this, as we will show, was the precise point of the exercise that any reasonable person examining the data and the circumstances will simply throw up their hands and say: So what then are our own reasons for accepting the Roswell Incident as genuine and meaningful?

At this juncture the reasonable reader might again throw up their hands and mutter: These poor people really are mad". Yet we are quite sure that when we demonstrate the significant role played by the mathematical value Perhaps we should also emphasize at this point that we not alone in making some of the claims we have outlined so far. Other researchers have also produced hard evidence concerning massive fraud in the space program and especially in the cover-up by the authorities of information concerning extraterrestrials, not just on this planet, but on the Moon and Mars.

We have, further, made several direct approaches with our findings and questions to NASA and other institutions involved in these various matters, and have received widely differing responses from officials. The first was outrage at our suggestion that the record of these missions had been hoaxed. Yet when it came to answering our direct and often scientifically based questions relating to Apollo, these same people responded with some very illogical and circuitous answers.

The second reaction from the sharp end—those who actually worked on various aspects of information processing—was rather different. Confident in their ability to handle anything that was thrown at them, some of these individuals nevertheless ran for cover when they could not or would not answer our questions. Others were clearly ill at ease, and provided answers that were logical enough when received as the sole, stand alone answer—but were in direct contradiction to the 'official script' and when cross-referenced with other responses from colleagues in the same industry.

It could be argued that capitalizing on a position of total power is virtually inevitable unless a mechanism is in place to regulate accountability. Any group with the ability to yield real power can potentially take advantage of such power whenever the opportunity presents itself. Indeed any organization or government agency could be formed with the express intention of exploring an arena e. Such a course of action is only acceptable if it does not affect the neighbours—NASA's policies affect us all, as you will see.

NASA itself has elected not to answer any of our questions unless we can answer one of its questions first! During an interview with Sky TV who were making a news special featuring our findings Brian Welch, the Acting Director of Media Services at NASA's Washington Headquarters, first protested that he did not have time to look into matters that were nearly thirty years old, and followed that up by throwing down the gauntlet! Here is the challenge he issued to us—in his own words: I would throw an optical question back at these folks [the authors]. It's one piece of tangible evidence that we actually did go to the Moon and it is very simple.

They planted retro reflectors on the Moon for laser beams to be bounced off from Earth. And indeed, at least one observatory in the United States the McDonald Observatory down in Texas has been routinely bouncing laser beams off of those retro reflectors to be able to get a very accurate distance measurement of the Earth to the Moon. How is that possible if we never went to the Moon? Once they have got the answer to that, I will be happy to talk to them. By the time we had the answer to Brian Welch's question we were to discover much more than he had bargained for, and Brian Welch might regret having issued such a challenge, given that the organization he represents has shown every sign of wishing to be neither accountable nor responsible for its actions of thirty years ago.

The US space agency are by no means the first institution to foster the suppression of information and the denial of knowledge. There is absolutely nothing new in the organized withholding of newly found discoveries. More than two thousand years before space travel was a reality, in the 6th Century BC, Pythagoras and his group of mathematical philosophers who lived in Greece found themselves in just such a situation.

Carl Sagan reminded us in his work Cosmos that the Pythagoreans considered the four regular basic solids made up terrestrial matter: It was not a whole number and these people regarded whole numbers as fundamental, as all other things could be calculated from them. For the Pythagoreans, this knowledge was difficult to assimilate into their previous 'database', as we would describe it today.

This knowledge presented a serious threat. So instead of sharing in their recently acquired and perhaps not completely understood discoveries, the Pythagoreans suppressed knowledge of both the dodecahedron and the square root of two on the grounds that it was too dangerous for the public and 'ordinary people'. The outside world was not to know! Did history repeat itself as it has done so many times before when, instead of using the experiences acquired during the preparations for manned space travel to advance our understanding of the Universe beyond this planet, it was determined to deny access to the findings concerning space and physics that have been made?

Diagnosis, therapy and follow-up results; Chronische Pankreatitis. Diagnostik , Therapie und Langzeitergebnisse. The incidence of chronic pancreatitis is increasing in industrialized countries due to the steady increase of alcohol abuse. The pathogenesis of this disease is still incompletely understood. A cure is not possible.

The knowledge of the patients history and a thorough clinical investigation together with the availability of a wide array of laboratory tests and imaging procedures enable the physician to characterize the stage of the disease. Exact knowledge of the present pancreatic morphology, potential complications of the disease, and knowledge about the present exocrine and endocrine function capacity are prerequisites for adequate therapeutic decision making.

The therapeutic possibilities include termination of alcohol abuse, various options of treatment of pain according to the various pathogenetic possibilities leading to pain, pancreatic digestive enzyme supplementation, treatment of diabetes, and either endoscopic or surgical treatments of complications of the disease.

Die Diagnose der chronischen Pankreatitis wird oft spaet gestellt. Eine Heilung ist noch nicht moeglich. Eine detailierte Anamnese, Beurteilung der Klinik, Laborparameter, Pankreasfunktionsanalysen und eine ganze Palette unterschiedlicher bildgebender Verfahren ermoeglichen eine Charakterisierung des jeweiligen Krankheitszustandes. Wie bei jedem nicht heilbaren chronischen Krankheitsbild ist eine stadiengerechte Therapie erforderlich. TB paru BTA negatif didiagnosis berdasarkan gambaran klinis dan rontgen torak yang sesuai TB serta pertimbangan dokter sehingga hal ini dapat menimbulkan under atau over diagnosis TB.

Desain penelitian uji diagnostik ini adalah cross sectional study. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sputum dengan GeneXpert dan dibandingkan dengan kultur Loweinstein Jensen. Disimpulkan GeneXpert memiliki sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai prediksi positif, nilai prediksi negatif dan akurasi yang tinggi pada TB paru BTA negatif. TB is still a global health problem. Approximately one third of the world population is infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the source of infection came from smear positive and negative patient.

Smear negative pulmonary TB can be considered based on clinical symptom and chest x-ray as well as. Diagnostic radiology on multiple injured patients: Muenchen Germany ; Kanz, K. The presence of a radiologist within the admitting area of an emergency department and his capability as a member of the trauma team have a major impact on the role of diagnostic radiology in trauma care.

The knowledge of clinical decision criteria, algorithms, and standards of patient care are essential for the acceptance within a trauma team. We present an interdisciplinary management concept of diagnostic radiology for trauma patients, which comprises basic diagnosis, organ diagnosis, radiological ABC, and algorithms of early clinical care. It is the result of a prospective study comprising over documented multiple injured patients. The radiologist on a trauma team should support trauma surgery and anesthesia in diagnostic and clinical work-up.

The radiological ABC provides a structured approach for diagnostic imaging in all steps of the early clinical care of the multiple injured patient. Radiological ABC requires a reevaluation in cases of equivocal findings or difficulties in the clinical course. Direct communication of radiological findings with the trauma team enables quick clinical decisions. In addition, the radiologist can priority-oriented influence the therapy by using interventional procedures.

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The clinical radiologist is an active member of the interdisciplinary trauma team, not only providing diagnostic imaging but also participating in clinical decisions. Voraussetzung zur Mitarbeit im interdisziplinaeren Traumateam ist die detaillierte Kenntnis der wesentlichen Entscheidungskriterien, Algorithmen und Behandlungsablaeufe.

Das hier vorgestellte interdisziplinaere Managementkonzept der radiologischen Diagnostik beim Polytrauma mit Basisdiagnostik, Organdiagnostik, radiologischer ABC-Regel und Algorithmen zur fruehklinischen Behandlung beruht auf einer prospektiven Polytraumastudie mit. Full Text Available AbstrakKanker payudara menempati urutan pertama tumor ganas pada wanita di Sumatera Barat dan merupakan penyebab kematian sebanyak 1.

Pemeriksaan potong beku menjadi salah satu pilihan dalam menegakkan diagnosis tumor payudara karena cepat dan akurasi yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akurasi sediaan potong beku pada tumor payudara yang didiagnosis di Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi di Padang, dengan konfirmasi histopatologi blok parafin.

Data berupa hasil pemeriksaan potong beku dan histopatologi blok parafin dicatat, diolah dan dilakukan uji diagnostik dengan tabel kontingensi 2x2, kemudian dilakukan penghitungan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai prediksi positif, nilai prediksi negatif, dan akurasi. Pemeriksaan potong beku sangat sensitif dan spesifik yang sangat bermanfaat untuk diagnosis tumor payudara yang cepat dan akurat. AbstractBreast cancer is the most common cancer among female in West Sumatera and cause of 1.

Frozen section examination of breast has been used as a diagnostic procedure because this method need less time and have high level of accuracy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of frozen section examination with histopathologic confirmation. The study has been done retrospectively in 72 samples of breast tumor at the Anatomic Pathology of Dr. The result of frozen section and histopathology examination was collected and analyzed for.

Efficiency of cineradiography in the diagnosis of dysphagia; Effizienz der Hochfrequenzkinematographie in der Diagnostik der Dysphagie. Muenster Germany ; Mai, R. Muenster Germany ; Mueller-Miny, H. Bonn Germany ; Peters, P. Dysphagia is a common symptom in clinical practice. Due to the broad spectrum of underlying diseases many disciplines are involved in the therapy and diagnosis of dysphagia, where radiology plays a central role.

The radiologist is confronted with different diagnostic problems and has to choose the most appropriate type of investigation. In many cases no organic disorder can be demonstrated by clinical examination, endoscopy or conventional radiological techniques. In this setting cineradiography is an outstanding tool for finding functional or structural changes in the swallowing chain.

This study underlines the efficiency of cineradiography in the diagnosis of dysphagia. Aufgrund des weiten Spektrums zugrundeliegender Erkrankungen sind zahlreiche Fachdisziplinen mit der Diagnostik und Therapie der Dysphagie befasst, wobei der Roentgendiagnostik eine zentrale Rolle zukommt. Der Radiologe wird mit unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen konfrontiert und muss die geeignete Untersuchungsstrategie festlegen. Haeufig ist durch klinische Untersuchung, Endoskopie und konventionelle Roentgenuntersuchung keine organische Erkrankung nachweisbar.

Mit der Hochfrequenzkinematographie steht dann ein Verfahren zur Verfuegung, welches in hervorragender Weise funktionelle und strukturelle Veraenderungen der am Schluckakt beteiligten Organe aufzeigen kann. Die hohe Effizienz der Methode wird in dieser Studie belegt. Diagnostics and therapy of spinal disc herniation; Diagnostik und Therapie des Bandscheibenvorfalls.

Degenerative processes in a movement segment of the vertebral column, which can potentially give rise to herniation of elements of the nucleus pulposus, are complex and of variable clinical and radiological dimensions; however the mere assumption that degenerative changes precede disc herniation remains a matter of debate.

By definition, spinal disc herniation SDH refers to components of the gelatinous nucleus pulposus protruding beyond the dorsal level of the vertebral body margin through tears in the annulus fibrosus. Clinical presentation may include pain, paresis and sensory disturbances. In the majority of patients a conservative approach with physical therapy exercises and adequate analgesic and antiphlogistic medical treatment results in a substantial improvement of symptoms.

Selbst die Annahme, dass Bandscheibenvorfaellen eine Degeneration vorangeht, ist keineswegs unumstritten. Definitionsgemaess spricht man von einem Bandscheibenvorfall BSV , wenn das Gewebe des gelatinoesen Nucleus pulposus durch eine Dehiszenz im Anulus fibrosus ueber das Niveau der normalen dorsalen Begrenzung des Bandscheibenfachs hinaus prolabiert.

Klinisch kann dies mit Schmerzen, Paresen und Sensibilitaetsstoerungen einhergehen. In der Mehrzahl der Faelle fuehrt ein konservatives Vorgehen zu einer deutlichen Besserung der Symptomatik im Verlauf. Pediatric radiological diagnostics in suspected child abuse; Kinderradiologische Diagnostik bei Verdacht auf Kindesmisshandlung. Advanced and specialized radiological diagnostics are essential in the case of clinical suspicion of pediatric injuries to the head, thorax, abdomen, and extremities when there is no case history or when ''battered child syndrome'' is assumed on the basis of inadequate trauma.

In particular, the aim of this sophisticated diagnostic procedure is the detection of lesions of the central nervous system CNS in order to initiate prompt medical treatment. If diagnostic imaging shows typical findings of child abuse, accurate documented evidence of the diagnostic results is required to prevent further endangerment of the child's welfare. Diese soll insbesondere im Bereich des ZNS Verletzungsfolgen erfassen, um therapeutische Massnahmen einleiten zu koennen. Bei typischen, auf eine Misshandlung hinweisenden radiologischen Befunden ist eine praezise beweissichere Befunddokumentation erforderlich, um eine weitere Kindeswohlgefaehrdung zu vermeiden.

Diagnostics of vascular diseases as a cause for acute abdomen; Diagnostik vaskulaerer Erkrankungen als Ursache fuer das akute Abdomen. Vascular pathologies are rare causes of an acute abdomen. If the cause is a vascular disease a rapid diagnosis is desired as vascular pathologies are associated with high mortality.

A differentiation must be made between arterial and venous diseases. An occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery is the most common reason for acute mesenteric ischemia but intra-abdominal arterial bleeding is also of great importance. Venous pathologies include thrombotic occlusion of the portal vein, the mesenteric vein and the vena cava. Multi-detector computed tomography MDCT is predestined for the diagnostics of vascular diseases of the abdomen. Using multiphasic contrast protocols enables reliable imaging of the arterial and venous vessel tree and detection of disorders with high sensitivity and specificity.

Although conventional angiography has been almost completely replaced by MDCT as a diagnostic tool, it is still of high importance for minimally invasive interventions, for example in the management of gastrointestinal bleeding. Liegt eine vaskulaere Erkrankung vor, ist jedoch aufgrund der hohen Mortalitaet eine zuegige Diagnostik von grosser Wichtigkeit.

Bei den Erkrankungen der abdominellen Gefaesse sind arterielle von venoesen Ursachen zu unterscheiden. Ein Verschluss der A. Venoese Pathologien betreffen thrombotische Verschluesse der Pfortader, der V. Mit mehrphasigen Untersuchungsprotokollen gelingt es, den arteriellen und venoesen Gefaessbaum zuverlaessig darzustellen und Erkrankungen mit hoher Sensitivitaet und Spezifitaet zu. This contribution outlines possibilities and limitations of whole-body MRI for investigating musculoskeletal diseases.

Benefits and drawbacks of the novel whole-body MRI technology are discussed and a possible whole-body MRI sequence protocol for musculoskeletal examinations is proposed. Muscle, joint and bone diseases are discussed in which the application of whole-body MRI may be of advantage.

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Particularly, polymyositis, muscledystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis ancylosans, multiple trauma, skeletal metastases, multiple myeloma and malignant lymphoma are mentioned. Whole-body MRI opens new advantages for the examination of multifocal musculoskeletal diseases. The clinical benefit of this method for particular diseases has to be evaluated in further studies, however.

Renate Ratlos

Auf Muskel-, Gelenk- und Knochenerkrankungen, bei denen der Einsatz der Ganzkoerper-MRT indiziert erscheint, dabei insbesondere Polymyositis, Muskeldystrophie, rheumatoide Arthritis, Spondylitis ankylosans, Polytrauma, Skelettmetastasen, Plasmozytom und das maligne Lymphom wird eingegangen. Die Ganzkoerper-MRT bietet neue Moeglichkeiten, insbesondere zur Ausbreitungsdiagnostik und Verlaufskontrolle multifokaler muskuloskelettaler Erkrankungen.

Der klinische Nutzen dieser Methode fuer die einzelnen Erkrankungsentitaeten muss in weiteren Studien evaluiert werden. Full Text Available Keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa tergolong rendah diindikasikan dari kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi bagaimana pola hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis serta keefektifan pembelajaran PMRI materi Kubus dan Balok.

Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengambilan data dengan melakukan tes diagnostik kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis pada tiap sampel. Untuk memperdalam hasil penelitian dilakukan wawancara pada tiap tingkat kecerdasan emosional. Kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa berbanding lurus dengan kecerdasan emosionalnya. Terdapat pola hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis yaitu memiliki kekurangan aspek tertentu dalam setiap tingkatan kecerdasan emosional.

The low state of creative thinking skills of students is indicated on students' ability to think critically low. This study aimed to obtain a description of how the pattern of the relationship between emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills as well as the effectiveness of cubes and beams subjects in mathematical in PMRI Learning. The method in this study is a Mix Method of. Proceedings on the seminar on small hydroelectric installations: Practice report and current development; Beitraege zum Seminar Kleinwasserkraft: Praxis und aktuelle Entwicklung.

This seminar on small hydroelectric installations informs on aspects of construction and administrative aspects. But above all, questions of machinery are dealt with. The book gives an overview of turbine types, topical recent developments in the sector of small hydroelectric power stations, and modern opportunities for fast and inexpensive design of power station components.

Beyond the discussion of technical issues, the seminar wants to further contacts between science, turbine manufacturers, consultants and plant operators. Vorallem behandelt es aber maschinenbauliche Problemstellungen. Es zeigt einen Ueberblick ueber Turbinentypen, aktuelle Neuentwicklungen im Kleinwassersektor, sowie moderne Moeglichkeiten zum schnellen und preiswerten Design von Kraftwerkskomponenten. Neben dem technischen Teil dient das Seminar auch der Foerderung des Kontakts zwischen Wissenschaft, Turbinenherstellern, Consultants und Anlagenbetreibern. The aim of this overview is presentation of MRI and PET as synergistic modalities for combined analysis of morphology and function.

For operative planning in epilepsy surgery, definition of the epileptogenic focus based on functional PET diagnostics and morphological MRI is decisive. For staging and follow-up examinations in oncology, MRI should be complemented by PET for the assessment of tumor vitality. In the brain, full spectrum of digital image registration and three-dimensional reconstruction should be used.

In extracranial cases, image fusion is disturbing due to a partial loss of image information of single modalities by the fusion process. Bei zerebralen Fragestellungen sollte das gesamte Spektrum der digitalen Bildfusion mit direkter Ueberlagerung mehrerer Modalitaeten und anschliessender dreidimensionaler Rekonstruktion ausgeschoepft werden. Bei extrakraniellen Fragestellungen ist die direkte Bildueberlagerung eher hinderlich, da die Bildinformation der Einzelmodalitaeten durch die Fusion teilweise verloren geht. Nuclear medicine for treatment of thyroid diseases.

Diagnostic evaluation and imaging of the intrathyroid metabolism; Einsatz der Nuklearmedizin bei Schilddruesenerkrankungen. Diagnostik und bildliche Darstellung des intrathyreoidalen Stoffwechsels. The diagnostic interest of nuclear medicine is focussed on the imaging and quantification of intrathyroidal iodine metabolism. Most frequently the various forms of autonomy will be investigated by functional scintigraphy. Cold nodules and the differential diagnosis of Graves disease are further indications. In the case of a sufficient iodine uptake hyperthyroidism can be treated by Severe hyperthyroidism requires a medical pretreatment before radioiodine therapy.

A rigid age limit for radioiodine therapy is not necessary. Pregnancy and the suspicion of malignancy are contraindications of a radioiodine therapy. The after-treatment depends on the nature of the treated hyperthyroidism and the posttreatment result. If a focal autonomy could be eliminated a sufficient amount of iodine should be supplied.

To prevent the development of hypothyroidism clinical and thyroid hormon controls, and if necessary a substitution with thyroxin is necessary. Am haeufigsten wird die Schilddruesenfunktionsszintigraphie bei den verschiedenen Formen der autonomen Schilddruesenerkrankungen eingesetzt.

Sie dient aber auch der Diagnostik kalter Knoten und der Differenzierung von Autoimmunthyreopathien. Diagnostics for diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract from the viewpoint of the internist and surgeon. Demands made on radiological diagnostics; Diagnostik von Erkrankungen der Gallenblase und - Wege aus Sicht des Internisten und Chirurgen. Anforderungen an die radiologische Diagnostik. Abteilung fuer Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Unfallchirurgie. Jaundice and colic pain of the right upper quadrant are the main symptoms of biliary diseases. Gallstone-related diseases often lead to hospital admission.

The evaluation of a patient with biliary symptoms requires a combination of history taking, physical examination, laboratory analysis, and imaging modalities. A high-quality magnetic resonance imaging MRI or computed tomography CT scan is usually sufficient to evaluate a patient with painless jaundice. Ultrasonography is helpful as an initial screening test to guide the diagnostic work-up.

Die durch Gallensteine verursachten Beschwerden und Erkrankungen zaehlen zu den haeufigsten gastroenterologischen Krankheitsbildern, die eine Klinikaufnahme erfordern. Die Abklaerung eines Patienten mit biliaeren Symptomen erfolgt durch eine Kombination von Anamnese, Medikamentenanamnese, koerperlicher Untersuchung, Laboranalysen und bildgebenden Verfahren. Der Ultraschall ist fuer die Planung der weiteren Diagnostik oft entscheidend.

Der Stellenwert invasiver Methoden, wie z. Current Takes on a Long-Standing Debate. Is it at all possible to avoid gender as a category? The significance of diagnostic MRI for visualisation of trauma-induced cervical nerve root avulsion. The article is intended to show the value of MRI for diagnostic visualisation and evaluation of posttraumatic nerve root avulsion as a brachial plexus injury. Monstrous venous haemangioma tumor of the retroperitonial space - Diagnosis and diagnostic problems; Monstroeses venoeses Haemangiom des Retroperitoneums - Probleme der Diagnostik.

Chirurgische Klinik 1; Lotz, I. The preoperative diagnosis and its inherent problems are illustrated using a coincidentally diagnosed monstrous haemangioma tumor of the retroperitonial space in a twenty year old patient. With respect to our patient, X-ray, computer tomography and angiography all failed as diagnostic tools. Only the use of Doppler sonographic flow signals suggested the presence of a haemangioma. The morphology, prognosis and clinical significance of blood vessel tumors are multifaceted.

The most important differential diagnoses to the venous haemangioma are the cavernous and the cappilliary haemangioma. The venous haemangioma distinguishes itself through the presence of blood vessel walls. Haemangiomas are common benign tumors. In the presence of highly developed muscular components, there exists a transition to angiomyomas and to leiomyomas.

Venal haemangiomas are extremely rare in the demonstrated localisation of the retroperitoneal space. Here they can grow to monstrous preportions whilst remaining undetected. Thus the patient is under the potential danger of bleeding to death through trivial injuries. The therapy of choice reamins total surgical excision. So konnte in unserem Fall durch Roentgenuebersicht, Computertomographie und Angiographie die Diagnose nicht gestellt werden, ausschliesslich das dopplersonographische Flusssignal gab einen Hinweis auf das Vorliegen eines Haemangioms. Morphologie, Prognose und klinische Bedeutung der Gefaesstumoren sind sehr vielfaeltig.

Die wichtigsten Differentialdiagnosen des venoesen Haemangioms sind das kavernoese und das kapillaere Haemangiom. Das venoese Haemangiom unterscheidet sich von diesen beiden Formen insbesondere durch das Auftreten von Gefaesswaenden. Haemangiome gelten als haeufige gutartige Tumoren. However, several pitfalls have to be observed regarding choice of technical parameters coils, sequences, imaging planes , tissue differentiation, and tumor staging.

When staging malignant tumors, critical aspects which have to be observed are tumor extension, integrity of the cortical bone, soft tissue components, infiltration of a joint or neurovascular bundle. The use of contrast agents provides important additional information but can also give rise to misinterpretations. Thus, all features of a tumor have to be observed in order to establish a final diagnosis.

Particular difficulties can occur with the interpretation of MR images of osteomyelitis, osteoid osteoma, stress and insufficiency fractures, bone infarcts, myositis ossificans, hemangiomas, and aneurysmal bone cysts. Zahlreiche Pitfalls finden sich jedoch bei der Wahl der technischen Parameter Spulen, Sequenzen, Schichtebenen , der Tumordifferenzierung und beim Staging von malignen Tumoren.

Dialogue on waste management MV. Current developments in waste and resources economics. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Abfall- und Ressourcenwirtschaft. Phosphorus recycling of wastewater and sewage sludge Robert Ristow ; Current waste legislation developments Wolfgang Siederer ; Further development of the recycling industry Andreas Bruckschen ; Resource-efficient recycling business - a challenge for municipalities Holger Thaerichen ; Brick Recycling Anette Mueller ; Who has the buck? Biowaste treatment facility Schwerin - first operation experience Andreas Lange ; Future marketing opportunities for compost Anke Boisch ; Status and prospects of waste and substance flow management Michael Nelles ; Development of separate collection of biowaste quantities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Die quantitativ bedeutendste Methode der nuklearmedizinischen Herzdiagnostik ist die Perfusionsszintigraphie mit Tl oder einem der Tc Radiological findings, evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral pain after total knee arthroplasty; Radiologische Diagnostik , Beurteilung und Behandlung des patellofemoralen Schmerzes nach primaerer Knieendoprothetik. Total knee arthroplasty TKA is one of the most successful operative procedures over the last decades in orthopedic surgery; however, some patients suffer from pain, limited range of motion, instability, infections or other complications postoperatively.

Mainly increasing and localized contact pressure and patella maltracking are held responsible for PFP but the reasons vary. Diagnostics and therapy of PFP is not easy to manage and should be treated following a clinical pathway. The authors suggest that patients with PFP should be categorized after basic diagnostic measures according to the suspected diagnosis: Efficient application of special diagnostic measures and further therapy is facilitated by this classification. Insbesondere der erhoehte retropatellare Anpressdruck und eine schlechte Fuehrung der Patella werden fuer den PFS verantwortlich gemacht, doch die Ursachen sind vielfaeltig.

Diagnostik und Behandlung sind komplex und sollten strukturiert durchgefuehrt werden. Nach der Basisdiagnostik schlagen die Autoren daher eine Einteilung in eine der 4 Gruppen vor: Durch die Einteilung in diese verschiedenen Gruppen werden eine effiziente spezielle. Solche Daten werden von den meisten prozessorientierten Informationssystemen geliefert.

Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der deutschsprachigen Phraseodidaktik. Phraseology in foreign language learning and teaching has been an object of linguistic and didactic research for almost 40 years. This article begins with an overview over phraseodidactic research in German. Then it discusses aspects of phraseology in teaching German as a foreign language, i. Dynamic magnetic resonance defecography in the diagnosis of combined pelvic floor disorders in proctology; Dynamische MR-Defaekographie zur Diagnostik kombinierter Beckenbodenfunktionsstoerungen in der Proktologie. Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik.

Evaluation of magnetic resonance defecography in the diagnosis of pelvic floor disorders were examined prospectively. MRI was performed on a 1. The rectum was opacified with ml of ultrasound transmission gel. A sagittal single section T2-weighted gradient echo sequence with a temporal resolution of 1. Changes of the anorectal angle and the position of the pelvic organs in relation to the pubococcygeal line were registered at rest, during straining, and during evacuation of the rectum.

MRI was superior for the detection of enteroceles, cystoceles and pelvic floor descent compared with clinical investigation. Dynamic MR imaging supplies complex information in anorectal disease and thus improves protoscopy.

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  • aktuelle bildgebende diagnostik: Topics by!

Das Rektum wurde mit ml Ultraschallgel kontrastiert. Diagnostik af Dravet syndrom. Dravet syndrome is an epileptic syndrome of infancy. We describe the features of two cases with genetically verified SCNA1 mutations.

The diagnosis was established rather late in one case. The epilepsies were medically intractable and the symptoms characteristic of Dravet syndrome. Fractures of the cervical spine. Diagnostic procedures in patients with severe cranio-cervical trauma; HWS-Frakturen.

Diagnostik bei polytraumatisierten Patienten. Muenster Germany ; Schuierer, G. Muenster Germany ; Hufendiek, A. Muenster Germany ; Peters, P. The purpose of our study was to analyze diagnostic procedures of the cervical spine in severely traumatized patients. Findings in plain radiographs and computer radiography of patients were evaluated. The image quality of the plain radiographs was examined. Casualty reports were evaluated retrospectively.

Frequency, distribution and morphology of cervical spine fractures were analyzed: Twenty of the fractures diagnosed in CT were not diagnosed in plain radiography and 7 fractures were uncertain findings; 5 fractures were not detected at the casualty site. A new screening procedure in patients with severe head injury is introduced. Retrospektiv wurden Roentgenaufnahmen und Computertomogramme der HWS von polytraumatisierten Patienten analysiert. Konventionelle HWS-Aufnahmen wurden in bezug auf ihre Qualitaet untersucht und der Befund der konventionellen Aufnahmen mit dem der Computertomographie verglichen.

Die Befunde vom Unfalltag wurden den retrospektiv validierten Befunden gegenuebergestellt. Ein neues Untersuchungsprotokoll mit routinemaessiger computertomographischer Untersuchung von HWK 1 und 2 bei Schaedel-Hirn-Traumata wird vorgestellt. MR-angiography in vasculitis and benign angiopathy of the central nervous system; MR-Angiographie in der Diagnostik von Vaskulitiden und benignen Angiopathien des Zentralnervensystems. Halle-Wittenberg Germany ; Kornhuber, M. Halle-Wittenberg Germany ; Keysser, G.

An inflammatory, embolic, neurodegenerative or metastatic origin of these lesions was excluded by extensive clinical studies. In patients suspected of having a vasculitis or vasculitis-like angiopathy, MRA is recommended as a non-invasive modality. If the results of MRI and extensive clinical studies are carefully correlated, MRA may substitute conventional angiography in cases with typical vascular changes.

Minimal invasive stabilization of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Methods and preinterventional diagnostics; Minimal-invasive Stabilisierung osteoporotischer Wirbelkoerpereinbrueche. Methodik und praeinterventionelle Diagnostik. Dieser Effekt war auch noch 2 Jahre nach der Intervention nachweisbar. Bei exakter praeinterventioneller Diagnostik und guter intraoperativer Bildgebung ist die Ballonkyphoplastik eine vielversprechende Anwendung. The value of percutaneous catheter cholangiography in postoperative diagnostics after biliobiliary and biliodigestive anastomoses; Wertigkeit der perkutanen Kathetercholangiographie in der postoperativen Diagnostik biliodigestiver und biliobiliaerer Anastomosen.

To examine the relative importance of percutaneous catheter cholangiography in postoperative diagnostics after biliary reconstruction. Initial examinations were performed between the 3nd and 7th day following operation, while follow-up examinations were executed between the 8th and th day after surgery. The position of the catheter, the function of the anastomosis, the filling of the biliary ducts and the discharge of the contrast medium were assessed. Drainage obstruction of the contrast medium was observed in 24 cases.

Filling defects were observed in 8 examinations. A dislocation of the catheter was encountered in 5 cholangiographies while 19 examinations displayed a bile leak. Percutaneous catheter cholangiographies can be used to detect postoperative complications following biliary reconstruction in an easy, reliable, and cost-effective manner that also does not put too much strain on the patient. Indications for the inplementation of catheter cholangiographies are the occurrence of abdominal complaints, the clinical appearance of a peritonitis, or an increase of the serum bilirubin value.

Routine examinations are recommended in conditions following liver transplantations. In addition to this, a cholangiography should be carried out prfor to the removal of the catheter. Geprueft wird der Stellenwert der perkutanen Kathetercholangiographie in der postoperativen Diagnostik nach Anlage biliobiliaerer und biliodigestiver Anastomosen.

Bei 55 Patienten 33 maennlich, 22 weiblich wurden Kathetercholangiographien durchgefuehrt. Die Erstuntersuchung erfolgte zwischen dem 3. Determination and calculation of hazardous incident scenarios in accordance with the 3rd hazardous incident administrative instruction. Berechnungsmethoden, aktuelle Modelle und Modellgleichungen. Stoerfaellen sowie zu Bedingungen des Standortes und der Anlage die erforderlichen Grundannahmen zum Stoerfallablauf gewinnen kann.

Unterschieden nach Stofffreisetzungen, Explosionen und Braenden wird jeweils auf die konkreteren Hinweise im Anhang 1 zur Abschaetzung von Quelltermen, im Anhang 2 zur Abschaetzung der Ausbreitung und im Anhang 3 zur Abschaetzung der Auswirkungen verwiesen. Der Anhang 4 enthaelt einige Erlaeuterungen zu den Anhaengen 1 bis 3. Mit einer Sammlung von 15 Beispielen fuer Stoerfallablaufszenarien wird im Anhang 5 das im Leitfaden beschriebene methodische Vorgehen veranschaulicht und erlaeutert.

Im Anhang 6 werden die auf dem deutschen Markt erhaeltlichen DV-Programme Software zur Berechnung von Stoerfallablaufszenarien beschrieben und kommentiert. Der Band 2 untermauert das Vorgehen im Hinblick auf Berechnungsmethoden, aktuelle Modelle und Modellgleichungen aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht. It has been shown that intravenous administration of contrast media produces an MR arthrographic effect without the need for intraarticular injection. This is the first study evaluating this new technique of indirect MR arthrography in the diagnosis of glenoid labrum tears.

Indirect MR arthrography significantly improved delineation of the glenoid labrum and hyaline cartilage p Diagnostik von Labrumlaesionen evaluiert. Dose reduction of radiographs of the pediatric pelvis for diagnosing hip dysplasia using a digital flat-panel detector system; Dosisreduktion bei Roentgenaufnahmen des kindlichen Beckenskelettes zur Diagnostik der Hueftgelenksdysplasie unter Verwendung eines digitalen Flachdetektorsystems.

Muenster Germany ; Sandmann, C. To evaluate a possible dose reduction in pediatric pelvic radiographs in congenital hip dysplasia using a digital flat-panel system instead of a phosphor-storage system. During a six-month period, all pediatric patients referred for pelvic radiography for the evaluation of congenital hip dysplasia were randomely assigned to be examined by either a phosphor-storage system or a digital flat-panel system, whereby the latter system was operated with half the radiation dose. Put in a slightly different way: Broadly speaking, the study into the domain of thought is speculation.

Speculative fiction does not have a rigid definition and is putatively understood to be an amalgam of many genres, forms, thoughts, or techniques. Fiction in that analysis appears to be the medium through which the conjectural element of speculation is given a concrete material body. But fiction is not an end product only, the printed book or the text in this case, but also a world of ideas, thoughts, and imagination.

Lists a selection of trade books written in Spanish for young readers. The 14 pairs of short story and essay in Thought X: Fictions and Hypotheticals have at their root the concept that thought experiments in science and philosophy tell stories as they build a scenario to prove a point. Science Fiction on Film.

Reviews science fiction films used in a science fiction class. Discusses feature films, short science fiction films, short story adaptations, original science fiction pieces and factual science films that enrich literature. This list of books and journals is intended as a selection aid for the small library of a hospital, medical society, clinic, or similar organization.

Books and journals are arranged by subject, with the books followed by an author index, and the journals by an alphabetical title listing. The effective use of e- books --now common in school libraries and classrooms--begins when teachers understand how to choose e- books that help to support emergent and early literacy skills for students in their early childhood classrooms. The article describes a particular strategy of communication called a social science fiction. The strategy was taken up following an empirical research project on gender and management, in order to communicate results to the company's managers and Human Resource Staff.

The research results showed The article describes how three cultural mechanisms in the company were condensed into three imaginary figures: The history of science fiction. This book is the definitive critical history of science fiction. The first edition of this work traced the development of the genre from Ancient Greece and the European Reformation through to the end of the 20th century. This new 2nd edition has been revised thoroughly and very significantly expanded. An all-new final chapter discusses 21st-century science fiction , and there is new material in every chapter: The account of 19th-century science fiction has been expanded, and the various chapters tracing the twentieth-century bring in more writing by women, and science fiction in other media including cinema, TV, comics, fan-culture and other modes.

Anthropological reading of science fiction. Full Text Available The paper gives an overview of the prevalence of the analysis of science fiction literature and science fiction in other segments of popular culture in Serbian anthropology. This overview is preceded by a consideration of science fiction as a genre while keeping in mind the fluidity of the genre and the interweaving of subgenres as well as the transformations which science fiction is undergoing in certain media books , films, TV shows and video games.

In Serbian anthropology research on science fiction is more prevalent than the study of other phenomena, as the number of anthropologists whose work is represented in the paper is fairly large compared to the size of the anthropological community as a whole. The causes for this can primarily be found in a collective focus on questions such as: Anthropology gives answers to these questions through the interpretation, explanation and understanding of the world around us, while science fiction does it through the literary considerations of these same questions.

New books are purchased regularly and the books are shelved in our club room which is accessible to members at all times. Membership is open to all staff and external and there is a special tariff for short term students. This book is a compilation of papers from the extensive and varied published literature on the ecology and management of waterfowl. The technical papers reprinted in this book are arranged in eight major sections and are from 21 journals, government reports, several books , and proceedings of symposia and annual conferences.

These readings span the period from through A majority of the technical papers was published during the sixties and seventies, reflecting the expansion of waterfowl research during that period. The front cover and the introductory page of each section are illustrated with black-and-white drawings of North American waterfowl by D. The study was designed to identity the type of marketing strategies employed by book publishers in Nigeria, the criteria for the choice and application of marketing strategies, being used to reach each segment of the market.

The survey research method was adopted for the study. Forty market managers and 60 sales Full Text Available Margaret Atwood's provocative recent book of non- fiction contains many literary references, which help to effectively highlight her points about such a topical matter as debt, debt as a philosophical, politico-economic, religious, and historical issue over the centuries.

In the central chapters of the book she looks at the Protestant Reformation and the introduction of interest on loans and in this light analyzes the novels by Dickens, Irving, Thackeray and G. Her final statement in the book is, however, about the ecological debt we all have to pay to Earth in order to ensure our existence.

Simple, lively, and easy-to-understand science books in Spanish for the very young are the new reality in the publishing world. In contrast to previous years where there has been a wider selection of books for beginning, middle, and advanced readers, today publishers in the United States with a few exceptions seem to be concentrating on books…. Study selection rationale sheets. The supporting rationale sheets are presented which were utilized in the selection and support of the concepts considered in the final phase of the study. Each concept, conceived to fulfill a specific function of the food system, was assessed in terms of the eight critical factors depicted on the rationale sheet.

When weighted and totaled, the resulting selection factor was used as a guide in making the final decision. In this paper we examine how ethical challenges can be approached in and through design fiction. To do so, we develop a new framework for analysis as well as creation of design fictions. Our main focus will be on design fiction within a strategical setting, connecting the notion of design fiction Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers.

Revised and Expanded Edition. This book is designed to be a how-to-write- fiction guide that is long on specifics and short on theoretical material. Each section of the book deals with a separate element of fiction --characterization, dialogue, point of view, plot, etc. Every exercise in the book is introduced in an opening paragraph, followed by instructions for completing the…. Apps are now a dominant content medium: Non- fiction content is being avidly consumed on mobile devices, but in a completely different way to the book model.

This article explores three strands of potential that the app medium holds for non- fiction content, putting forward the case that apps have the power to further weave non- fiction into the fabric of society and life. Traumaculture and Telepathetic Cyber Fiction. Time Travelling with Rosalind Brodsky, usingtelepathetic socio-psychological, psychoanalytic and narrative theories. The CD-ROMexists as a contemporary artwork and published interactive hardcover book authored by painter and new-media visual artist Suzanne Treister.

The artwork incorporates Treister's paintings, writing, photoshop, animation, video and audio work with narrative structures taken from world history, the history of psychoanalysis, futurist science and science fiction , family history and biography. Libraries Can Thrive in the Digital Age. Today's school library uses an increasing number of digital resources to supplement a print collection that is moving more toward fiction and literary non- fiction. Supplemental resources, including streaming video, online resources, subscription databases, audiobooks, e- books , and even games, round out the new collections.

Why Science Needs Science Fiction. Discusses why science needs science fiction , commenting on the author's book about science that draws heavily on the "Star Trek" series. The best science, in spite of popular thinking, comes from leaps of intuition, and science fiction provides a creative spark that encourages participation in science. The New Russian Book.

This book takes up the obtrusive problem of visual representation of fiction in contemporary Russian book design. By analyzing a broad variety of book covers, the study offers an absolutely unique material that illustrates a radically changing notion of literature in the transformation of Soviet It delivers a profound and critical exploration of Russian visual imaginary of classic, popular, and contemporary prose. Among all the carelessly bungled covers of mass-published post-Soviet series the study identifies gems from experimental designers Teaching Science Fiction by Women.

Reviews the year-old tradition of women science fiction authors. Discusses the benefits of teaching science fiction written by women. Describes 5 science fiction short stories and 5 science fiction novels suitable for high school students. Reading behaviour from adolescence to early adulthood: A panel study of the impact of family and education on reading fiction books. In this article we study how the frequency of book -reading - a form of legitimate culture - develops in the period from adolescence to young adulthood and how it is influenced by parents' education, parental reading socialization climate, school and their interactions.

In disentangling parental and. Depictions of global environmental change in science fiction: This paper examined how the use of science fiction books and movies can be used as a tool to educate the public. Narratives encourage interest in global environmental changes and can help demystify how science works. Although most science fiction depictions of global environmental change are outdated and oversimplified, the genre can encourage discussion of ecological and social impacts.

Writers of science fiction consider both natural systems and human societies, anticipating the work of impacts researchers. It was argued that while both science fiction writers and global change researchers require knowledge and creativity to construct realistic extrapolations, a well-written science fiction book is likely to reach a larger audience. Science fiction books emphasize that climate projections are intended as warnings. If properly handled, they can improve public awareness of issues such as global warming and climatic change. It was suggested that collaboration between researchers and science fiction writers could produce some interesting work.

International audience; In her book Fiction and Metaphysics [] Amie Thomasson, influenced by the work of Roman Ingarden, develops a phenomenological approach to fictional entities in order to explain how non- fictional entities can be referred to intrafictionally and transfictionally, for example in the context of literary interpretation. As our starting point we take Thomasson's realist theory of literary fictional objects, according to which such objects actually exist, albeit as abstrac Discusses distinctive children's picture books that depict Asian fathers and other men who play significant roles in the lives of children.

Books are grouped by theme, such as fairly tale versus real life, Asian immigration to North America, and discipline. Includes guidelines for selecting and evaluating books and appropriate classroom teaching…. The Book Club Exploded. One leader, 12 readers, and a few well-thumbed copies of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice. This article describes how the runaway popularity of book clubs has brought with it a whole new set of possibilities.

More than Comic Books. Graphic novels book -length fiction or nonfiction narratives told using the conventions of a comic book bring together text and image in a way that seems to capture students' imaginations. Right now, there is little more than anecdotal research about how graphic novels can be used within specific middle school and high school disciplines.

Full Text Available In the present paper the author attempts to establish the connection between the discursive structure of a work of fiction and the addressee age factor. At that the point of departure for the argument is a the thesis on discursive heterogeneity being a feature of fiction in general, which is a direct consequence of literature of literature being aimed at reflecting the world in its entirety and complexity, and b the assumption that the above-said is applicable to children's fiction , though discursive heterogeneity undergoes a certain transformation due to the specific nature and role of literature for children.

The category of addressee in the cornerstone of children's fiction predetermining: The peculiarity of children's fiction is primarily due to the ideology underlying it - what the society demands from the right book for kids, which is viewed as a socializing tool. And in order to be efficient, the tool needs to be tailored for its object, its exact parameters, age being one of them. Thus the complexity of the discursive structure of literary works for children appears to be directly related to the age of their ideal reader, which is shown in the article by comparative analysis of works addressed to floor and ceiling audiences of the childhood span.

The analysis reveals the fact that older readership leads not only to a greater complexity of a literary work's discursive structure, but also to a wider variety in the ways of introducing interdiscursemes into text. Science in Science Fiction. Offers some suggestions as to how science fiction , especially television science fiction programs such as "Star Trek" and "Star Wars", can be drawn into physics lessons to illuminate some interesting issues. What's Your Money Worth? Discusses budgets for library materials and how to select and evaluate book and serial vendors.

Trends in automation, publishing, and economics that affect both libraries and vendors are discussed; and examples from the University of California at Berkeley that include serials service charges and approval plan discounts are presented. Jordan Krall's speculative fiction. Jordan Krall is one of the most interesting writers in American speculative fiction. This article studies the way Krall redefines the tropes and frames of classical dystopian fiction and references, turning them into an idiosyncratic construction Full Text Available In modern society, undergraduates may encounter multiple pressures and thus feel the sense of alienation, anxiety, disturbance and depression.

For undergraduates, reading can be independently conducted without the intervention of an instructor; therefore, undergraduates who feel reluctant to expose private emotions to counselors can help themselves through the reading of emotional healing books. This is the application of bibliotherapy.

Among various resources, fiction can serve as an appropriate emotional reading material. The researcher deployed semi-structured in-depth interview, and interviewed 21 undergraduates in Taipei City and Taipei County. This study is aimed to understand the kinds of fictions undergraduates read when they are upset and to analyze the emotional healing process of identification, catharsis, and insight so that the emotional healing efficacy can be evaluated.

The findings showed that romance, realistic fiction , fantasy, martial arts novel, inspirational fiction , historical fiction , and science fiction can provide full process of emotional healing efficacy. However, detective fiction , online novel, psychological fiction , and horror fiction can only provide parts of the healing process.

Besides, the healing efficacy of a specific fiction is different from reader to reader. The term "science fiction " has become synonymous, in the media at least, for any discovery in science too incredible or unexpected for the nonscientist to imagine. One of the most common classroom uses of science fiction is for students to pick out flaws in science fiction movies or television shows.

Unfortunately, this approach can result in…. Fiction and Organization Studies. However, prior research has often separated fiction from the reality of organizations and used fiction metaphorically or as a figurative source to describe and interpret organizations. In this article, we go.

Teaching Science Fact with Science Fiction. The literature of science fiction packs up the facts and discoveries of science and runs off to futures filled with both wonders and warnings. Kids love to take the journeys it offers for the thrill of the ride, but they can learn as they travel, too. This book will provide the reader with: Stepping into Science Fiction: This manuscript focuses on fifth graders' understanding of science fiction.

It is argued that it is necessary for students to understand both reading strategies and the key elements of a genre for comprehension. Students read "The Giver" within literature circles and conversation and written responses about the book were used for…. Decision support system of e- book provider selection for library using Simple Additive Weighting. Each library has its own criteria and differences in the importance of each criterion in choosing an e- book provider for them.

The large number of providers and the different importance levels of each criterion make the problem of determining the e- book provider to be complex and take a considerable time in decision making. The aim of this study was to implement Decision support system DSS to assist the library in selecting the best e- book provider based on their preferences. The way of DSS works is by comparing the importance of each criterion and the condition of each alternative decision.

This study used 9 criteria and 18 provider to demonstrate how SAW work in this study. With the DSS, then the decision-making time can be shortened and the calculation results can be more accurate than manual calculations. Should psychiatrists write fiction?

This paper looks at the relationship between fiction and psychiatry. Specifically, the idea of psychiatrists as fiction writers is explored, and reference is made to various fictional texts to illustrate the problems of stigma and negative imagery. These two main areas of focus are highlighted as ones that the practice of writing fiction might address, and some potential pitfalls are discussed.

The paper suggests how psychiatrists might ameliorate the present problems by incorporating their unique clinical skills and knowledge into fictional narratives. Declaration of interest None. Numerous children face abuse at home and in the workplace. These situations of domestic and societal abuse are found depicted in children's books for younger and younger ages. This manuscript examines books in several genres, both fiction and non- fiction.

The books are analyzed for the quality of the writing, the depiction of an authentic story,…. Special science- fiction Science Fiction Special. An issue devoted to the use of science fiction in the French language classroom discusses such topics as the development of the genre, literary techniques, themes, imagery, sociolinguistic elements, and potential classroom activities. In the discussion on the degree to which media, and books in particular, do affect children's attitudes and socialization, it has been underlined that media take effect in the development of specific attitudinal patterns and behavioural dispositions in those cases where the recipient has not already formed a "completed" opinion of the topic at hand.

This in particular is true in children of primary school age, and above all relates to their view of the disabled person. Six selected children's books were reviewed critically, based on a catalogue of criteria permitting coverage of as wide as spectrum as possible of "physical disability" and allied subjects. Summarizing, it is noted that the books reviewed do give children the opportunity, and partly in an excellent manner, of gaining insights into the situation of disabled persons. The potential for didactical treatment in primary classrooms is pointed out. Psychopathy and the cinema: The authors investigated the relationship between cinema and psychopathy to describe and analyze the portrayal of fictional psychopathic characters in popular films and over cinematic history.

From films , fictional psychopathic characters 21 female and male were selected based on the realism and clinical accuracy of their profiles. Movies were then analyzed by senior forensic psychiatrists and cinema critics. Corresponding to the increased understanding of clinical psychopathy by professional mental health providers over time, the clinical description of and epidemiological data on fictional psychopaths in popular films have become more realistic.

Realistic fictional psychopaths remain in the minority but are very important for didactic purposes in Academic facilities, as "teaching Movies. Contemporary fiction and the ethics of modern culture. This book argues for the ethical relevancy of contemporary fiction at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Through reading novels by such writers as David Foster Wallace, Richard Powers, and Irvine Welsh, this book looks at how these works seek to transform the ways that readers live in the world.

We read 48 children's books featuring characters with autism spectrum disorder ASD to determine which books would be appropriate for use during read-alouds in early childhood classrooms. We conducted a search on Amazon for children's books on ASD published after and identified 50 books that met the following criteria: Science Fiction at the Far Side of Technology. This book explores what science fiction can tell us about the human condition in a technological world with the dilemma's and consequences that this entails and also engages with the genre at points where we apparently find it on the far side of science, technology or human existence.

It is our hope that this interdisciplinary approach will set an example for those who, like us, have been busy assessing the ways in which fictional attempts to fathom the possibilities of science and technology speak to central concerns about what it means to be human in a contemporary world of technology Although a scholarly work, this book is also designed to be accessible to a general audience that has an interest in science fiction as well as a broader academic audience.

Aspiring or experienced science fiction writers may be interested in reading critical assessments of the science and technology While some of the contributors to this volume have been working professionally with science fiction for some time, others are newcomers who bring perspectives from their own field of specialization to the study of this genre Clinical Psychology and Special Education Technique of joint reading and discussion of fiction books and movies as a method of psycho-correctional therapy with autistic children of school age and young people is presented.

Cognitive, emotional-volitional sphere deficits strongly impede the reading by autistic people on their own and productive mastering by them of the literature course at school age. In order to the work leave a mark in the soul of an autistic person, enrich his ideas about the world of people and about himself , it Distinguishing fiction from non- fiction with complex networks.

Complex Network Measures are applied to networks constructed from texts in English to demonstrate an initial viability in textual analysis. Texts from novels and short stories obtained from Project Gutenberg and news stories obtained from NPR are selected. Unique word stems in a text are used as nodes in an associated unweighted undirected network, with edges connecting words occurring within a certain number of words somewhere in the text. Various combinations of complex network measures are computed for each text's network. Fisher's Linear Discriminant analysis is used to build a parameter optimizing the ability to separate the texts according to their genre.

Full Text Available Apps are now a dominant content medium: Further, those with a concern for the future may find inspiration in what a study of the politics and ethics of science fiction can tell us about the moral and political dilemmas of our own time. Although this book is more likely to be picked up by someone who already has an interest in science fiction Fantasy and science fiction are two genres that are products of imagination. Both present alternate worlds governed by their own laws and values, but it is the plausibility of events in each world that sets the two apart.

In fantasy, events happen by magic or inexplicable means. In science fiction , events could happen based on advanced…. The Future as Fiction. Because good future studies and good fiction have a great deal in common, futurists need to recognize and apply the skills of word artists from all genres, particularly novelists and short-story writers. One form of science fiction that futurists could use is the scenario, which is an exploration of an alternative future.

A good scenario should be…. Science and Science Fiction. This article is for teachers looking for new ways to motivate students, increase science comprehension, and understanding without using the old standard expository science textbook. This author suggests reading a science fiction novel in the science classroom as a way to engage students in learning.

Using science fiction literature and language…. Chinese court case fiction. This article is, then, a corrective for the international history of crime fiction based on numerous Finding Time for Fiction. With growing advances in psychiatric care come growing amounts of knowledge to be read by psychiatry trainees. This essay presents one resident's experience putting aside some of the official psychiatric literature during residency in favor of more fiction , and his self-perceived growth because of that. Fiction , in the author's perspective, can make us all better psychiatrists.

A selective annotated bibliography for clinical audiology This is the 2nd in a series of 3 planned companion articles that present a selected , annotated, and indexed bibliography of clinical audiology publications from through Research and preparation of the bibliography were based on published guidelines, professional audiology experience, and professional librarian experience.

The first article in the series covered reference works. This article focuses on other books. The planned third companion article will present periodicals and online resources. Audiologists and librarians can use this bibliography to help them identify relevant clinical audiology literature. Four classes totaling students participated in the study. We compared the design creativity of 2 learning groups: This study adopted a quasi-experimental design, using a creativity assessment packet as a pretest and a product-design creativity scale as a posttest. Therefore, teachers needed to offer guidance and help students during hands-on learning activities.

Developing a virtual community for health sciences library book selection: The purpose of this article is to describe Doody's Core Titles in the Health Sciences as a new selection guide and a virtual community based on an effective use of online systems and to describe its potential impact on library collection development. The setting is the availability of health sciences selection guides. Participants include Doody Enterprise staff, Doody's Library Board of Advisors, content specialists, and library selectors. Resources include the online system used to create Doody's Core Titles along with references to complementary databases.

Doody's Core Titles is a unique selection guide based on its method of creating an online community of experts to identify and score a core list of titles in health sciences specialties and disciplines. The result is a new selection guide, now available annually, that will aid health sciences librarians in identifying core titles for local collections. Doody's Core Titles organizes the evaluation of core titles that are identified and recommended by content specialists associated with Doody's Book Review Service and library selectors.

A scoring mechanism is used to create the selection of core titles, similar to the star rating system employed in other Doody Enterprise products and services. These studies led to the identification of a set of strategies for searching and retrieving literature as well as a mutri-kimensional framework for classifying fiction. The subject of the theory of vibrations has carried an aesthetic appeal to generations of engineering students for its richness of ideas, and for the intellectual challenges it offers. Also, the diverse range of its applications covering civil, mechanical, automotive, and aerospace structures has provided obvious motivations for its study.

The intimate relationship that the subject of mechanics has with mathematics strikes home probably for the first time. While teaching this subject, the instructor is spoilt for choice in selecting a text book and so are the students who wish to pursue a self-study of the subject. Many luminaries in the field have offered their own exposition of the subject: Given this milieu, it requires a distinctive conviction to write a new book on this subject. And, here we have a book , written by a practitioner, which aims to deal with fundamental aspects of vibrations of engineering systems.

The scepticism that this reviewer had on the need for having one more such book vanished as he browsed through the book and read selectively a few sections. The author's gift for elegant explanations is immediately noticeable even in such a preliminary reading. After a more careful reading, the reviewer has found this book to be insightful and he considers the book to be a welcome addition to the family of books on vibration engineering. The author has struck a fine balance between physical explanations, mathematical niceties. Enhancement of subject description of fiction with annotations.

Full Text Available In Slovenia, subject description of fiction was traditionally limited to the Universal Decimal Classification number, which was mainly assigned for shelving. Readers found their books by browsing the library shelves, while librarians had to rely on their personal familiarity with the library collection if they wanted to advise readers on the selection of books.

Subject description, such as is often associated with non-literary works, would require a lot of time. Therefore, we wanted to know whether reading book reviews in newspapers could replace reading the entire literary work. We realized that the content is different. However, they could be used for identification of additional subject headings.

The same findings resulted from a similar analysis of literary works written for children. Both subject heading lists should include a larger number of abstract concepts, which more often appear in literary than in non-literary works. Both subject heading lists should also be coordinated. This annotated bibliography lists 45 children's books and 29 young adult books selected by School Library Journal's Book Review staff and Young Adult Review committee, respectively. Arrangement is alphabetical by author with the grade level indicated for children's books.

Examines children's picture books about soldiers and war, including fiction , folktales, and historical fiction , analyzing their implicit and explicit messages about war and the military, and evaluating them for gender stereotyping. Finds that the soldiers conform almost uniformly to an exaggerated male stereotype. Shows different value judgments…. Exploring science through science fiction. Can James Bond really escape from an armor-plated railroad car by cutting through the floor with a laser concealed in a wristwatch?

How might we discover intelligent civilizations on other planets in the galaxy? Is human teleportation possible? Will our technological society ever reach the point at which it becomes lawful to discriminate on the basis of genetic information, as in the movie GATTACA? Exploring Science Through Science Fiction addresses these and other interesting questions, using science fiction as a springboard for discussing fundamental science concepts and cutting-edge science research. The book is designed as a primary text for a college-level course which should appeal to students in the fine arts and humanities as well as to science and engineering students.

It includes references to original research papers, landmark scie Moderate rather than high or low levels of challenge were positively associated with achievement gain, but…. Forging Futures with Teens and Science Fiction: Presents an interview with Greg Bear and David Brin, two science fiction writers who started Reading for the Future, an international project geared toward secondary school students that shows teachers and librarians how science fiction inspires young readers. Discusses programs that have come out of this group; standards for books geared toward…. Beyond Flash Gordon and "Star Wars": Science Fiction and History Instruction.

Historical concepts can be taught through analysis of science fiction. Offers a class outline with science fiction resources to examine the boundaries of historical inquiry; six themes for student investigation based on specific resources; and a bibliography of 44 additional anthologies and books. This paper describes a co-creative text generation system applied within a science fiction setting to be used by an established novelist. The project was initiated as part of The Dutch Book Week, and the generated text will be published within a volume of science fiction stories.

This curriculum guide contains course descriptions for minicourses and semester-long courses , outlines, and class projects for teaching science fiction and the supernatural in junior and senior high schools. The eight course descriptions include objectives, methods, activities, and resources and materials. Lists of science fiction books and…. Does art imitate death? Depictions of suicide in fiction. To determine whether fiction narrative products deals with the issue of suicide and, if so, what it tells us about suicide "drivers". Accounts of suicide in narrative products were sought through web-based lists, book club members, other active readers and a prize-winning film writer and producer.

Seventy-one depictions of fictional suicidal events were identified. In 12 suicides, the author appeared to indicate that the death was directly or indirectly due to mental disorder.