CHIVI SUNSETS (short stories ) not for scientists

Zimbabwe: Chivi Sunsets - a Book With Strong Social Relevance

Too good to be true. This story, as in many others, seems to reveal some dark mystic? I sense a new direction in the Shona short story, releasing it from the usual hidebound traditional oral rungano, to throw it in line with its written counterpart in the other, international languages, but the flavour is strictly here, now, homegrown and home brewed. The space is heavily dominated by the poem and novel and yet the short story in English is on a massive rise in Zimbabwe. Here as in the first book, these stories are flittingly short. Coupled with very high entertainment value, the whole booklet can be read on a bus trip from Mbare to Murambinda!

Some of these stories are teeming with both serious and petty fraudsters. Do not be too engrossed only in the big struggles of survival. Turn your head over your shoulder to check what the next man or woman is doing. You are being invited to pay close attention to the little matters of life -Tudikidiki - and to laugh at yourself, if you can. Mandiziva, a character in the story by the same title, is a township old man who walks up to any home and plays at being a no nonsense long lost old relative from the rural areas.

As a result he is entertained like a king. When the neighborhood wakes up to the truth, Mandiziva is long gone, well fed and comfortable. And when you get to where he was, he is where you were, and because you put so much faith in speed and accuracy, you might never meet with the person you so much want to meet! The laughter generated by these stories is corrective.

The journey of life is portrayed as both awkward and funny and the man or woman who listens carefully to her soul, wins.

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CHIVI SUNSETS (short stories) not for scientists - Kindle edition by KENNEDY MADHOMBIRO. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones . CHIVI SUNSETS (short stories) not for scientists eBook: KENNEDY MADHOMBIRO: Kindle Store.

As Ignatius Mabasa warns in the introduction to this book, these stories are not for children, but are about children. So they can even be read by both adults and young adults. The struggles in life bring out the most basic instincts, making us all children. Memory Chirere is at his best with stories with subterranean meanings and you might be caught reading and rereading these stories for their various levels of meaning and wit.

I have come across this in the few stories of Langston Hughes. Reviewed by Jairos kangira, The Herald, 10 January 3. Chenjerai Hove recently read Memory Chirere's short story collection "Tudikidiki". He made the following observation, shared in an email to both Chirere and me. Hove has stated repeatedly that the current state of writing by new writers in Zimbabwe makes him proud, especially considering that he has been a mentor to most of these contemporary writers. Chirere, for instance, was in the class Hove taught during his days as the writer-in-residence at the University of Zimbabwe.

I too had the priviledge of learning from the master in those days, and every now and then we spend time on the phone discussing literature and our common homeland, Mazvihwa, a place rich in history and memories. Hove is currently based in Miami, Florida. Below are some of his comments on Memory Chirere's "Tudikidiki", reproduced here with his permission: Chirere's talent is his capacity to capture character and landscape in most apt way, with a phrase or a simple comparison.

He is one of the most observant writers ever to emerge in our cruel, beloved homeland. When he compares something like 'semugoti wepanhamo', the images are vivid and he is able to interconnect them into building a strong character in such a short space of language and time. Poetic juxtapositions like, 'chawaitanga kuona pana pembani idzoro rake rainge nhanga, wozoona marengenya' are just breath-taking in creating a compendium of physical looks and the poverty that went with the character of Pempani.

If you also look at Pempani's bio brief, it is wonderfully done as the way in which rumours often paint a complex character is used to show the Pempani's complexity as a person and as a piece of social upheaavals. Then the narrator says in his own assessment of Pempani, 'Ini ndaingoti zvese zvaiita,' without validating or refuting any of the pieces of speculative portrayals. Chirere has this subtle sense of detail, a poetic quality which makes his writing uniquely his.

For example, if you look at how he portrays the manner in which music inflitrates the human consciousness, in 'Kamwe karwizi', you will be amazed that I think it is the best Shona description I have come across of how the body and soul of humans absorb and are consumed by music. It is not the same as simply saying 'I enjoyed the music. With the contemporary Zimbabwean writers "at it like this", Hove believes that "we will soon see another literary boom more exciting than the s and early 90s.

Having enjoyed the Shona version, as well as the Chirere's English collection, "Somewhere in this Country", I look forward to the translation. Article from Emmanuel Sigauke's http: Zvakare izvi zvakandipa have yokuda kuziva chacho chinonzi tudikidiki. Mushure mekunge ndazoverenga bhuku iri, ndakazoona kuti tudikidiki twuri mubhuku iri twuri pakawanda. Chokutanga ndechekuti Tudikidiki ibhuku retunyaya tudiki. Chechipiri ndechekuti tunyaya turikutaurwa nevana vadiki. Chetatu ndechekuti tunyaya turi kutaura nezvezvinhu zvatisingawaniri nguva yokunyatsotarisa mazuva ose.

Zvinhu zviya zvatinoti kana tikazviona hatina hanya nazvo asi izvo zviri izvo zvinoumba zvatiri. Izvo zvidikidiki izvozvi ndizvo zvine hanya nevana vari kutaura nyaya mubhuku raChirere, Tudikidiki. Zvinhu zvatinoti savakuru hazvina basa ndizvo zvinebasa kuvana varikutaura nezvazvo ava. Ingava nyaya here kuti munhu anyore nezvemwana ari kuba zvake nyama mumba mavabereki vake? Asi ukaverenga kanyaya kanonzi 'Mwana' kanova ndiko kanoparura bhuku iri unozoona kuti haisi nyaya yokutamba. Unotanga uchiita kunge nyaya yekuita zvakaipa yakanaka pedzezvo heyo newe mumoto pedzesere watotiza pamusha uchipinda musango kuita ngarara.

Wadaro unozoita hwemwana akati, "Akati panze svaku, ndokutizira muchisango. Kutiza, kuita kunge asina kumbenge aedza kugocha nyama masikati pamba pasina vanhu! Ndiyani anogona kugara pasi nemwana kana achitanga kuratidza kuti ane chipo chehudavadi? Musi wakanzi vana vemukirasi yaPembani Pembani vatare mifananidzo, mudzidzisi haana kufara nomufananidzo wakatarwa naPembani zvakaita kuti amurove achiona sekuti irema. Asi paakarohwarohwa pabendekete naMiss Zuva, Pembani akanyemwerera.

Kanhu kadiki ikaka kanogona kuparadza chipo chaPembani chehudavadi. Izvozvi ndizvo zvinoita kuti vanhu vasabudirira vozopedzesera voita zvinhu zvavasingati kuita nemwoyo yavo.

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Zviya zvokuti unoona munhu achiita basa iro asingafariri. Ko iyo nyaya yamudhara Mandiziva avo vaipota vachikwata zvokudya nekanzira kavo kekusvika pamba pavanhu vachivabvunza kuti, 'Mandiziva? Musha wose unogona kurasiswa nemunhu anongosvikoti, 'Mandiziva? Hunyanzvi hwaChirere huri pakugona kusiya munhu achiri kuda kuona kuti chiiko chakazoitika pamberi? Mandiziva, chirahwe chacho chinotozodudzirwa nemwana anoona mudhara Mandiziva dzichiita chidobi chadzo chekudya zvavanhu nokubvunza kuti, 'Mandiziva?

Sekuita kweruzhinji runorarama nokunyepa unogona kukumbirwazve mari nemunhu mumwechete iyeye achida kuishandisa kuenda kwaambokuudza kuti ari kuda kuenda. MApaonaka, ziso remunyori uyu rine chipo chekugona kumirira vana vachiita zvose zvinonzi hazvina maturo. Chirere ano hunyanzvi hwekunyora nyaya diki zvokuti bhuku rakaita saTudikidiki rive rimwe remabhuku ari mururimi rweChishona ari kuvavarira kubatana nemanyorerwe ari kuitwa nyaya pfupi mune dzimwe ndimi dzinenge Chirungu.

Manyorere aChirere anoratidza munhu anoverenga zvikuru uye munhu anoongorora manyorero arikuitwa nyaya navamwe vanyori vedzimwe ndimi. Tudikidiki raifanira kudai riri rimwe remabhuku anodzidzwa muzvikoro nokuti rinopa vana vechikoro mukana wekutapirirwa nemanyorero pamwe chete nokudzidza kuti chii chinonzi nyaya pfupi?

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Nyaya pfupi dzinonyorwa sei? Zvii zvinodiwa nemunyori kuti azonzi munyori? Tudikidiki harisiri bhuku rokuti unogotarira woti regai rakadaro. Butiro racho ndiro rimwe rinotanga kukukokwezva mwoyo apo unoona nhanga, majombo pamwe neboniboni akanzi apo mwa-a. Munhu akasarudza mufanikiso wapabutiro anoratidza zvakare kuti ane ziso roudavadi nokuti tunhu turi pamufanikiso uyu tudikidiki asi nditwo tunoita kuti tionekwe hunhu hwedu, tsika dzedu pamwe namagariro edu.

Hunyanzvi hwakadai hunofanira kuremekedzwa pamwe nekupembedzwa. Dzimwe nyaya dziri mubhuku iri dzinokuita kuti uti inga munyori uyu akapindana nedzandakambopindana nadzo wani! Kanyaya kakaita sa'Ndikakurega Handizokuoni', kanokuita kuti uone kukosha kwerudo runonzi rudo. Mumukore uno wekuti kuti uwane musikana unofanira kuva nemari, motokari, imba, nezvimwe zvakadaro, ko vasina zvose izvi vanozopona nei? Kakomana kekushaya kanogona chete kuponesa musikana musi wenjodzi ndiko kanozonzi, handikusiyi.

Vangani vakambosanga nenyaya yakadai? Chinhu chidiki chiripabhuku chisina kuita zvakanaka chiripakubatanidzwa kwaro uko kusina kunyanya kusimba nokuti kunoita kuti rikasire kusakara. Pamwe ndongoti zvangu nokuti zvakanaka zvinofanirwa kubatwa zvakanaka ndiko saka rakadarwo.

Chivi Sunsets

Kubvira musi wandatanga kuverenga bhuku iri ndinongoona zvitsva. Nyaya yekuti tunyaya utwu twurikutaura nezvezvinhu zvidikidiki ndakatoiona mwedzi wapera apo ndaiverenga tunyaya utwu zvakare. Literature section , published by Priority Projects Publishing,Harare. Orders can be made through Sam Mutetwa: Wilbert Zvakanyorwa Sadomba Publisher: Wageningen Universiteit, Vita, And the conclusion is: All the major forces in the Zimbabwean milieu in the past decade; the nationalists, President Mugabe and his functionaries, the white farmers and drivers of opposition politics have to contend with the war veterans and the land hungry of Zimbabwe or risk being swept aside.

Therefore, this is a book about the history of the role of liberation war combatants in Zimbabwe much as it is about their driving role in the land reform principally between and The question that drives this very detailed book is: Were the land occupations in Zimbabwe driven and sustained by land hunger dating back from colonialism or by the spoiling operations linked to the political survival tactics of ZANU PF, state functionaries of President Robert Mugabe?

This question, as seen from the works of various writers on land in Zimbabwe; Sam Moyo, T. Davidson, Raftopolous, Feltore, Moore and others, creates a decisive watershed. Working with real dates and statistical evidence, Sadomba shows that the phenomena of land occupations in Zimbabwe is as old as colonialism, admitting that the land issue changed form and intensity during the colonial period but it remained the central focus for the nationalist movement and later fuelled the guerrilla war itself.

Contrary to notions that land occupations and land reform have always been blest by and directed by ZANU PF, Sadomba argues that the issue of land had been put aside at independence because in , there developed a silent alliance between black nationalists, the rising bourgeoisie and white settler farmers. This resulted in a rift within the liberation movement itself and the sidelined war veterans catapulted radical land reclamation from below, targeting the elite, settler farmers and the state itself.

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The second part of the title, 'Not for Scientists' suggests that these stories break all the rules of our real world. President Morgan Tsvangirai was a champion of the workers' struggle, a doyen of democracy, a diplomat and a statesmanall rolled into one. Maybe as Zimbabwe starts to be included in more events like Culture Shift - previously only run in Egypt, Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria - more local ideas, like Openbook, will help drive local identity And there were bad monogamous men, who abused their families every day. This is a book for both the deep academics and ordinary readers. Sometimes a woman desperately falls for a man and at this point, she wants him to declare his love and set her and him free: You must be logged in to post a review.

Minister Msika and vice President Muzenda, respectively to tell the land hungry to vacate the white farms that they had occupied. In the end government had to unleash the security forces. In the war veterans even forced the government to designate 1 farms for compulsory acquisition by November This was heavily resisted by the white farmers through the courts. In the war veterans openly confronted President Mugabe himself, loudly demanding welfare benefits and a return to the liberation agenda.

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Just after this result, war veterans occupied a white owned farm in Masvingo. The clause stated that the land for resettlement would be taken compulsorily and only land improvements would be compensated. Compensation would have to be paid by the British government as the power behind the colonial machinery that had originally appropriated land from the Africans of Zimbabwe. This book shows how the veterans engineered the movement which attracted peasants, urban workers, professionals, farm workers, political activists, security forces and others.

They are moments when war veterans were loaned from where they were highly concentrated like Guruve and Mount Drawin to help in areas of less concentration like Nyabira, Mazowe and Matepatepa. Going through this work, you feel that indeed there are no permanent friends but permanent interests. This book is a must for all those who wish to get detailed insights into the complexity of relations between and among major players in the land reform of Zimbabwe. Wilfred Sadomba himself is a veteran of the liberation struggle and this work is an indictment to all veterans of the liberation war of Zimbabwe and elsewhere in Africa that it is important to document their experiences not only on the war but also the aftermaths.

Posted by kwaChirere at 6: Monday, October 31, NoViolet Bulawayo: I love language for its beauty if done properly. Here she talks about her life as a writer. Let me first ask you about your personal background. Where were you born and raised, and how early on did you know that writing was going to be, if anything, your passion?

I was born and raised in Zimbabwe and left for college in the U. I was into storytelling and writing as early as primary school, mostly because I was raised on orature. The kids steal, eat, go back to the shanty to meet a dead woman dangling from a tree. Their hunger allows them to conquer their fear of death and they steal her shoes so they can sell them in order to buy bread. But the real story is in the class divide, in the loss of innocence, immigration, violence: Congratulations on winning the Caine Prize for African Writing!

Tell us a bit about that experience — from the intimacy of writing a book to now having it out in the open for the world to read. How has your life changed in the past few months? Is this an accurate perception, and if so, why do you think that is? It can always be better, but I think as the world is getting smaller people are becoming increasingly interested in reading about other places, so I feel like the time is right for the African writer, but of course books have to be written, and well-written, especially now, in order to find their way to any shelf.

A need to accurately depict their lives, issues, and everyday struggles? One of the sobering moments for me after the Caine was to get emails from people who could identify with the story and my other stories in one way or the other, and while I was happy being reckless and doing my own thing before, I find myself inevitably thinking about the real person attached to my characters now.

My responsibility, then, would be to write well and be at my best. What are some of your future projects? You have been published on a wide diversity of platforms. Are you planning to publish a novel? I have to ask: Are you influenced by any other cultural mediums?

There are too many, but the Zimbabwean writer Yvonne Vera is very important to me for being fierce and fearless; her work gave me some serious keys back when I needed to open some doors as an unsure young artist trying to find the courage to write. What are you reading right now?

What is the single most important message you try to convey to your students at Cornell about writing? Wednesday, October 19, Ruzvidzo Stanley Mupfudza: Unveilling of tombstone for the late writer Stanley Ruzvidzo Mupfudza will be held at Mupfudzapake homestead, Guruve on Saturday 22 October , from 11am to 2pm. For a long time I wandered through the mazes of our own Zimbabwean condition -- western education, acculturation -- looking for a centre. I even dabbled in Eastern philosophy, always felt on the outside of mainstream society.

Then I started delving into our own religion, history and mythology. One of my short stories is called "The Lost Songs" which is about a singer who repudiates his past, his rural family and gets lost in the seedy life of the city, pop music Then one day he forgets all the lyrics to his songs Things begin to fall apart around him, his so-called friends abandon him Then he makes the journey back home, to his mother where he reconnects with his family history and he discovers an ancient mbira which was passed down from generation to generation in his family and through mbira music he finds his place in the scheme of things.

Conversations With Writers, Friday July 13, Destiny In My Hands Author: You come away with the knowledge that to relate is to invest and to risk. In the very few poems that portray women in love, there are usually no in depth and meaningful explorations of the love of women for their men. The themes of power and political violence appear to have been overplayed in contemporary Zimbabwean literature.

It is both direct and indirect. The woman is transfigured by both the music and the intimate way in which the unsuspecting man musician plays the instrument. This is in tune with Shona folklore where a man wins a woman by playing the drum from morning to sunset and a woman wins a man by dancing until she sinks into the ground beneath her and until water pours from the crater that her dancing feet have dug. The Shona admire such arts to the extent that such a mythical girl is known to this day as Jikinya the inimitable dancer who stamps the earth with her feet.

Inversely, the maidens of old: Darkness is surely the colour of love. In the village of old, night is the moment for half hidden faces of lovers in true passion, dance and ritual. It is time for truthful and undivided reflection: During the moment of the poem, he is finally running away from the innocent woman he has just murdered.

But the woman is everywhere; in his impish thoughts, in the beer mug in front of him and in his running legs. He has defeated her but his victory over her is not victory. It is a journey into doom because to kill a woman is to kill your mother and to kill the source. And such is the tragedy of action without conscience. And yet Dzenga suggests that it is not always easy and safe for a woman to give her heart to a man.

Sometimes a woman desperately falls for a man and at this point, she wants him to declare his love and set her and him free: Very beautiful and nasty.

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Suddenly you notice that there are so many women, past and present, whom you owe an explanation, maybe an apology as well. Charles Mungoshi literature all over the world will be delighted to know that although he has not been feeling well for the past one year, a new book by the veteran writer completed before he was taken ill is soon to hit the streets! The typeset is ready. Posted by kwaChirere at 9: After her reading at the modestly packed Fugard Theatre, NoViolet socialised with Zimbabwean doctoral students at Stellenbosch University, Oliver Nyambi, Kizito Muchemwa, Faith Manyonga and Mickias Musiyiwa who were elated by her promise to unveil a novel and a memoir, soon.

She will be in Zimbabwe over the end-of year festive season. Wednesday, September 28, call to support Charles Mungoshi's new book. This is part of the ongoing UZ Arts festival. Posted by kwaChirere at 2: Sunday, September 18, Zimbabwe Writers Association: Tuesday, September 13, Shimmer Chinodya's boy is looking for his mother. Longman Zimbabwe, Isbn: In this story, a twelve year old boy slowly realises that perhaps the woman whom he calls mother is not his real mother!

Sadly, nobody in the family is prepared to tell him the truth. He pieces together scanty information and sets out on a solo and unauthorised search for his real mother. His resolve is unbreakable as it is nearly self destructive. The journey takes this gangly boy across Zimbabwe. First he goes to Chegutu, to pick very vital information, and back to Harare. He does not go back home because he is now very inspired. He hitchhikes to Kriste Mambo and Bonda HighSchools where his mysterious mother could have attended, and back to Harare. He does not go back home because mother must be found. Finally he goes to Bulawayo by train.

The search becomes a fight! The search for one Maybe Mhlanga takes Tindo through light and darkness. He eventually learns that both his real mother and his foster mother are women who have little choices in this life. His father, Shingi has made many mistakes in his life, one of which being not being able to tell the truth to the right people at the right time. In this story suffering unites people and, strangely, love separates people. This is a book for ordinary readers and for those into family law, culture, anthropoly and history.

It is not easy to search for a woman whose identity continues to shift as you come closer and closer to her. Sometimes you are taken to the wrong woman. Then you begin to meet people who tell you that your description fits a certain woman across the road but her name is not Maybe Mhlanga! You come across people who say they saw the woman you are talking about a few days ago, but when you meet her, you discover that this is not Maybe Mhlanga! His writing tends to dwell on the young individual in the family in the fast changing times in Zimbabwe.

On Writivism mentor Monica Cheru’s new short story collection

His series called Step Ahead: Posted by kwaChirere at These poems are about love; as a woman searches for it or as she gets to know the colour of its brutal insides. These poems are about passionate and difficult men too. These poems are an attempt by the individual to look deeply into herself and take stock of how her mind works or not work. When you are there, you are in Kristina Rungano territory. There is that ability here, to pause and think about the small bricks that make up the huge fabric.

Abused, is the word. Deep pain, is her situation. She suffers in silence, and that disturbs. Eve Nyemba uses a dark shade to give the woman a Christ like figure because as she suffers in silence, there are depths in her that the external blows cannot reach. Their mere presence, in spite of what they have gone through, leaves a discerning reader in awe. But Nyemba can snoop well into the world of menfolk and see the other reality of men in the Third world. His shoulders are hunched His steps falter The load on his head Drains him for reason This is a man who becomes a father when he does not have the means.

He is a castrated fellow, a fatherless father! Sometimes it is the women who give one another a very raw deal. The secret places of my heart Exist in the corridors of love. The secret places of my love Lives in you. Indeed, you and me.

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