Das Konsumverhalten von Jugendlichen. Welche Rolle spielt das Internet? (German Edition)

Zufallsauswahl der zu befragenden Personen oder Haushalte, wobei jeder Einzelne der Grundgesamtheit die gleiche Chance hat, in die Stichprobe zu gelangen. Dem Interviewer werden die Befragtenadressen oder -telefonnummern genau vorgegeben. Die Random-Stichprobe ist jedoch kostenintensiver. Durchschnittliche Gesamtnutzungsdauer aller Personen innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums. Gesamtzahl gesehener Minuten Gesamtzahl aller Personen in Fernsehhaushalten. Nutzer des Mediums Fernsehen.

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Trixie, the European market leader for pet supplies, will expand its popular range of "Shaun the Sheep" accessoires. Pet-owners can look forward to new plush squeak toys and cosy dog comforters. The new live action series by Irish production studio Sixteen South will be filmed in summer It features puppets in beautiful outdoor locations and aims to encourage children to appreciate nature.

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Das Konsumverhalten Von Jugendlichen. Welche Rolle Spielt Das Internet? (German, Paperback)

Zahl der Personen, die in einer Stichprobe enthalten sind. New orginal WDR-formats on the market Content buyers from all over the world can now purchase the rights to produce international adaptations or remakes of the brand new reality formats "My Garden on a Plate" pictured and "Made with Love" as well as the fictional comedy series "Suck it up! New licensed products for pet accessories Trixie, the European market leader for pet supplies, will expand its popular range of "Shaun the Sheep" accessoires. On the way to new heights in international commercial orbit Q Pootle 5 travels at full throttle, and not just aboard his spaceship!

The Dangers of Cashier Receipts Women working at cashiers are exposed to high levels of BPA used on thermal receipts, resulting in harmful health effects and adverse effects during pregnancy Gender and Food Security A guidance document for practitioners Stopping breast cancer before it starts A new campaign is launched to getting environmental and occupational risk factors taken seriously in the breast cancer debate. Communiceren over Zeer zorgwekkende stoffen Art.

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Laatste kans om NEE te zeggen tegen hormoonverstorende stoffen! Laat de Europese Commissie weten dat hormoonverstorende stoffen bedreiging vormen voor volksgezondheid This is shown in the ChemSec report Cry wolf. Europe-wide cancer group calls for action on hormone disruptors Written by Christel Schaldemose on 9 January in Opinion, Parliament Magazine. Christel Schaldemose is calling on the EU to take urgent action in the fight against cancer by identifying and eliminating endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs Last Chance to tell European Commission: Say No to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals!

EDC vrij coalitie biedt grote publiek via publieke consultatie je stem te laten horen in Brussel Grijp je kans: Ministers of the environment of the 28 gathered yesterday in Brussels for a last meeting during the Italian presidency. Willst Du hormonell wirksame Chemikalien? Ein Beitrag auf Utopia. Women pushing it so hard in Lima! An article about the Women and Gender Constituency in Lima Organic farming can feed the world if done right, scientists claim Tom Bawden, Independent, Wednesday 10 December Ein Bericht auf utopia.

November in Bonn statt Engaging youth as multiplication agents in climate change and energy awarenes raising in rural communities Mid-term review of WHO Environment and Health process, April In April , representatives of health and environment ministries from 53 countries will come together to assess progress in reaching ambitious targets to protect children from environmental threats. Open letter to EC President Juncker: Protecting public health from hormone disrupting chemicals 19 organisations working in the EDC Free Europe campaign wrote to the president of the European Commission to urge him to take action against EDCs Kosten van chemische stoffen op de reproductieve gezondheid van mannen in the EU worden geschat op gemiddeld miljoen per jaar Rapport Noord Europese Landen: WECF co-signed letter to European Commission Letter addresses the principles for transparency, excellence and independence in scientific advice Bigger cucumbers in Kyrgyzstan thanks to ecosan toilets World Toilet Day remembers us that proper sanitation is not common all over the world Women's Major Group wants to achieve gender equitable in Post agreement WECF contributes by increasing outreach activities on the need for strong gender instruments to implement the Post agenda Verschuiving Nederlandse positie ten aanzien van hormoonverstoorders zichtbaar AO leefmilieu 6 november: WECF informeert daarom het publiek over internationale discussies inzake blootstelling van met name kinderen en vrouwen aan hormoonverstorende stoffen Pesticideresiduen en hormoonverstorende stoffen in voeding - wie garandeert de veiligheid?

In vele groenten en fruit aangeboden in de supermarkt worden te veel pesticidenresiduen en vooral te veel pesticiden met hormoonverstorende werking gevonden. WECF pleit bij land- en tuinbouw en politiek om zwangere vrouwen en kinderen hier niet langer aan bloot te stellen EESC conference on 5 November: Tajik women are forced to be dependent on men due to lack of land access A study on women and farming in Tajikistan ZijActief Organisation of female volunteers who live and work in the countryside, to support and meet each other Women's Environmental Network A unique, vital and innovative campaigning organisation in the United Kingdom Social Ecological Institute Social Union Agerkech Prix Marjolaine pour les femmes - Votez maintenant!

Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action challenges affecting its implementation and the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women Parastor NGO Facilitating women and children development Rural Renaissance Strengthening and development of sustainable local communities How to integrate gender into sustainable development? It is about sanitation, it is about hygiene, it is about health, it is about livelihood, it is about development.

Vrouwen van Nu Exchange of information for women on different subjects Gezinsbond Belgie Defending families and children at each policy level Leefmilieu - Human Environment Strive for a green and healthy environmen in which people can safely live and work Eden Center Environmental center for development, education and networking Knowledge of Preventive Measures: Conference on women and EDC's and breast cancer SIN List update by ChemSec includes new tool for sustainable substitution The SIN list, highlighting chemicals of high concern since , includes additional 28 chemicals for priority action and launches online tool for sustainable substitution for businesses WECF organized international conference on breast cancer "What is primary prevention of breast cancer all about in ?

Organisations worried about future environmental health protection under new Commission Requests for changes in structure new Commission Il est temps d'en faire une grande loi du quinquennat! In Honor of Prof.

WDR mediagroup

Tested small-scale water supplies are not safe Schools and WECF tested small-scale water supplies in the Arachinova and Vratnica community on nitrate and bacterial contamination. Georgian small-scale water supplies polluted with coliform bacteria Testing bacterial contamination of water with a portable laboratory is now possible in Georgian rural areas Exposure visit of Khorga and Chaladidi Community Representatives to Khamiskuri Water and Sanitation Center Introducing sustainable wastewater and nutrient management in rural Georgian communities Study questions EU pesticide approval process PAN Europe investigated the revised risk assessment reports for seven pesticides How to integrate gender aspects into sustainable development trainings?

How to integrate gender aspects into trainings? Weltweiter Klima-Aktionstag am Case stories from SuSanA partners Mama86 and Ormax featured for their good examples for ecological sanitation and water safety plans Pour une alimentation, saine, locale et durable Vendredi 10 Octobre, Annecy, France Thesis or Internship in the Caucasus on the subject of Sustainable Sanitation Developing and piloting a simple on-site filter system for greywater treatment for households and farms up to 50 PE What happened in in our Food Gardens?

Stories from South Africa The Kyrgyz apricot festival Promoting sustainable development through local folklore and eco-tourism Civil society organizations cooperate with government and other stakeholders on a gender-sensitive NAMA for sustainable energy in rural areas Preparations for a National Appropriate Mitigation Action Nama in Georgia Final proposal for "Sustainable Development Goals": Weniger hormonwirksame Chemikalien EDCs: Organic Solutions and Gender Mainstreaming: Report on Training of Trainers and Findings in two Districts in Eastern Uganda In this report method and content of the training are presented, and the findings on gender inequalities between men and women in Kween and Kapchorwa District Report on Baseline Training Needs Assessment - Agriculture, Uganda In this report the training and the finding of a needs assessment in the field of agriculture, carried out in Eastern Uganda, are presented BVKJ annual meeting of paediatricians and youth doctors in Berlin participants were informed about how to protect children against EDCs Kyrgyz conference highlights need for a stronger joint voice from Central Asian civil society Conference on gender equality and sustainable development in Bishkek Baby und Familie Nachgefragt: Gift im Spielzeug Global Synergy Foundation Gaia Youth Ecological Society Friends of the Earth Ukraine Pan Pesticide Action Network Europe Women of the Third Millennium Women for a Clean Environment Rural Women National Association Ormax Cultural Youth Association Vitality Ecological and Social Union Mutual Aid Association Mehrshavkat Public Fund Habitat for Humanity Solidarity among Women Milieukontakt Albania Milieukontakt Civil Society Perspectives on the Post Agenda Busy day for EDCs: Waarom je geen doemdenker bent als je gevaren in tandpasta en make-up ziet Er is steeds meer wetenschappelijk bewijs dat hormoonverstorende stoffen in alledaagse producten als tandpasta, cosmetica en voedselverpakkingen tot ernstige gezondheidsschade kunnen leiden.

Maar terwijl de zorg bij wetenschappers groeit, draait de lobby van de chemische industrie op volle toeren en blijft de Europese Commissie maar broeden op een aanpak. Genre et Cancers professionnels: Kick-off meeting in Khamiskuri, Georgia: EDCs and related public health concerns: As many as Solar collectors are producing hot water in rural villages of Georgia Switch to sun provides rural Georgians with a much more comfortable life Conference on Proffesional Exposure and Cancer Gender, land and sustainable development Why do we need a Menstrual Hygiene Day?

Talk about menstruation, not only on May 28, Menstruation Hygiene Day Seminar on local and sustainable foods and agriculture Research finds link between chemicals and breast cancer Chemicals in our daily environment pose threat to women's health Reduce exposure to EDCs and advocating for better legislation Protect children and pregnant women against exposure to EDCs by engaging the health sector and informing policy makers and activate German civil society to enhance EDC policy WECF and partners propose chemicals targets for Sustainable Development Goals UNEP global chemicals report estimates close to 1 million deaths from harmful chemicals and pesticides each year Actors of change in sustainable agriculture WECF supports Armenian women to stand up for chemical-free rural development Maak kans op een gratis seminar in Frankrijk!

Between , interested in sustainable food and agriculture? Conference on Gender and Development Work experience in renewable energy French students receive work experience in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan European Commission publishes response to Right2Water campaign Promises revived commitment to water as a public good Gender mainstreaming is beneficial for the environment Involving women in local projects triggers innovative solutions Environmental Working Group posts guides to making healthier choices Practical tips help inform people about the products they use WHO Europe underlines importance of global EDC resolution Environmental origins of increase in endocrine diseases demand more attention Training for teachers and local authorities on Water and Sanitation Safety Plans in Macedonia - Arachinovo and Vratnica municipalities Training for teachers and local authorities on Water and Sanitation Safety Plans in Macedonia - Arachinovo and Vratnica municipalities World Water Day in Macedonia: Switch to the Sun - Live in Comfort!

Read about the improvement of many women every day life in the ECC countries due to the solar collectors Construction of solar collectors for warm water. Practical guide Updated version of the solar collector manual is now available in English and Russian Focus on low income small-holder farms Women for a healthy rural development Armenian Women actors of change for chemical free rural development Dangers of prenatal exposure to harmful chemicals outlined in Dutch Health Council report WECF applauds findings but is left with important questions Dagelijkse blootstelling aan schadelijke stoffen tijdens zwangerschap groot risico voor kind, stelt Gezondheidsraad Landmark textbook published on children's environmental health First comprehensive overview of environmental determinants shaping our children's lives PAN Europe publishes report revealing industry lobbying attempts to undermine EDC policy-making Delays in EU policies attributed to the strategic placement of industry-linked experts in advisory organisations Water Safety Plans for better health".

EU toys rules too weak Thesis or internship in Central Asia For students interested in sustainable sanitation Actie ondernemen tegen hormoonverstoorders Druk op de Europese Commissie neemt toe om actie te ondernemen tegen hormoonverstoorders Global Health and Environment in the Post Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident Zum Weltfrauentag am 8. Gezondheid van Kinderen hoort eerste prioriteit te zijn Publieke hoorzitting in Brussel "veilig water en sanitatie zijn een mensenrecht" groot succes!

Maandag 17 februari vond in het Europees Parlement de publieke hoorzitting voor het Europese Burgerinitiatief European Citizens Initiative - ECI "Veilig water en sanitaire voorzieningen zijn een mensenrecht! ChildProof standpunt over hormoonverstoorders Interdisciplinair forum ChildProof roept nationale en Europese politiek op tot actie met position paper WECF conferentie in Brussel: ChildProtect - Time to act!

De komende drie jaar zal WECF samen met haar partners beleidsmakers, bedrijven, en consumenten bewust maken van de problematiek van hormoonverstorende stoffen voor kinderen in onze leefomgeving. Sur la route de Sotchi: Workshop on Green Technologies: Gezinsbond waarschuwt voor hormoonverstoorders Artikel in De Morgen aan vooravond van het beleidscongres van de Gezinsbond over hormoonverstoorders EU Climate Action lost at sea!

Actions jouets Bescherm kinderen; vermijd hormoonverstorende stoffen! Appel aan Nederlandse overheid: WECF vraagt al jarenlang aandacht voor een thema dat in heel Europa serieus genomen lijkt te worden, behalve in Nederland: We celebrate and remember the struggle of many for human rights and dignity Vier ministeries en meer dan vijftig organisaties in actie voor vrouwen in conflictgebieden Vrijdag 13 december interactief event onder leiding van Kirsten van den Hul Joke Smit prijs International Women's Empowerment The coming 2 years are crucial for future development cooperation.

Driving Home the Link Between Gender and Climate Change "Despite the name, WECF's reach goes way beyond Europe, connecting more than organisations and communities all over the world with the aim of influencing gender-sensitive environmental policies at the international level" Wereld Toilet Dag Poep en pies terug in de kringloop: WECF organised conference in Paris on importance of eco-design of games and toys The need to reduce the environmental footprint of products is increasingly felt in a world of limited resources.

Therefore eco- design seems to be the key element for a successful transition towards a circular economy Parties have several chances to identify priorities and needs and strengthen gender equality in climate policy and implementation. Capacity building and strategy event on Sustainable Development Goals and the Post development agenda Stop the chemical overdose! Chemical contents of children's wear, textiles regulation, labels and more Towards more coherent and transparent rules for textiles in EU and beyond for better protection of workers, consumers and the environment Providing clean water in Georgia Friends of the Earth Europe, visited the village of Sepieti, on the Black Sea coast of Georgia and reported on their work with WECF and local partners to improve the village's water and sanitation WECF participera au salon Marjolaine!

Femmes du milieu rural: Door sanitair te verbeteren versterkt WECF de positie van vrouwen en draagt hiermee bij aan Millenniumdoel 3; mannen en vrouwen gelijkwaardig What is needed to improve living conditions through sustainable innovations? Alarmerende concentraties kwik in lichamen vrouwen en kinderen door ambachtelijke goudwinning WECF co-organiseert side event over "Vrouwen en kwikvervuiling in de ambachtelijke goudwinningsgebieden" " op de Minamata Conventie Dipcom in Japan, donderdag 10 oktober Relooking pour le site Nesting!

Frauen und Kinder zuerst!? Publication Women's Major Group: WECF Netherlands letter to government on unacceptable risks and costs of shale gas fracking Winning van schaliegas in Nederland; een slecht idee voor mens en milieu! As of yesterday the national branches of the right2water.

Bestselling Series

Welche Rolle spielt by Eva Meyer PDF Sprache: Deutsch, summary: In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll es um das Konsumverhalten von Jugendlichen in Deutschland gehen. Welche Rolle spielt das Internet? (German Edition) PDF. Das Konsumverhalten Von Jugendlichen. Welche Rolle Spielt Das Internet? ( German, Paperback) / Author: Eva Meyer ; ; Social institutions.

Peter Morgan has been named the Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for his work to protect the health and lives of millions of people through improved sanitation and water technologies New Publication on NCDs: Environmental factors one of the main causes of preventable deaths Civil Society Groups release, in cooperation with UNEP, first publication about non-communicable diseases and environmental determinants Milieufactoren een van de belangrijkste oorzaken van te voorkomen sterfgevallen Niet-overdraagbare ziekten NCD zijn nu de belangrijkste oorzaak van te voorkomen ziektes en arbeidsongeschiktheid, en daardoor van significante invloed op het welzijn en dagelijks leven van vele individuen en werknemers.

Terra Preta - The Future of Sanitation? Qu'est-ce qui vous perturbe? Faites savoir au gouvernement que vous voulez un avenir sans perturbateurs endocriniens! Zonnedrogers van blik en karton Leerzame en praktische workshops door Fedde Speelgoed blijft Spelbreker EU beschermt kinderen onvoldoende tegen schadelijke stoffen Collegium Ramazzini ask for new ways to test EDC's chemicals and to revise current approaches to risk management The Collegium Ramazzini, an international academy of scientists from 25 countries, experts in environmental and occupational health, has released a statement calling for new ways to test chemicals and to revise current approaches to risk management Exposure to Bisphenol-A in developing prostate increases risk of later cancer Early exposure to Bisphenol-A or BPA, an additive commonly found in plastic bottles and containers, food can lining and thermal paper receipts; is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer Are we on track to the Future we want?

Why aren't we up in arms? At international meeting on sustainable future, women are referred to in unacceptable terms The Women's Major Group, composed of organizations from 80 countries, participated in the 4th Open Working Group Session on Sustainable Development from 17 to 19 June Perturbateurs endocriniens dans les produits de consommation courante: Weed killer found in human urine across Europe People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe and released today Wat gebeurt er op Aarde?

Help Jan Juffermans en zorg ervoor dat ook politici gaan nadenken over hun voetafdruk Fat under the skin points to chemical exposure Study of POPs in obese patients Nieuwe maatregelen in Zweden voor regulering hormoonverstorende stoffen en Bisfenol A moeten voorbeeld zijn voor andere Europese lidstaten Blootstelling tot giftige hormoonverstorende stoffen EDCs zoals Bisfenol A kan voortkomen uit verschillende bronnen.

Dit is een van de redenen waarom het nodig is om een omvangrijke strategie voor de regulatie van deze stoffen te ontwikkelen. Deze dag is door de VN ingesteld om jaarlijks stil te staan bij ons milieu. Lutte contre les cancers: Second Gender Picnic organised during Climate Negotiations Germany fighting for safer toys in front of the European Court Germany granted extended enforcement of stringent limit values on heavy metals in toys France finalizing plans for a national EDC strategy A draft strategy is expected to be presented, although many NGOs fear it to bee not ambitious enough and under-financed Sweden has taken first steps towards this goal.

Combination of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in cosmetics increases health risk For the first time, in a study presented by the Danish Consumer Council, the combined amount of EDC-exposure from different products has been determined Food Garden Project in Blikkiesdorp and Lavender Hill Food Garden to battle poverty, malnutrition, and providing opportunities participating in the community Batterien sind zu oft giftige und ineffiziente Energieversorger Das Umweltbundesamt hat eine Studie vorgelegt die aufzeigt wie unzureichend giftige Schwermetalle in Batterien gekennzeichnet sind A glossary on sustainable development The Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies ICFG published a glossary on sustainable development from a gender perspective Glufosinat endlich vom Markt nehmen!

Wie erneuerbare Energien auch in der Ukraine funktionieren! Project Nesting available in three languages on Facebook! Come have a look at www. Toxic flame retardant to be phased out globally despite EU protest Alexandra Caterbow: Rotterdam Convention in crisis, say civil society groups Handful of countries highjack international agreement, intended to protect human health and environment Nieuwe resultaten Doetinchem Cohort Studie Jongere generaties hebben een hogere risicofactor Demonstration of asbestos victims groups Wir geben den Leuten nicht nur einen Teller voll Essen, viel wichtiger: Worldwide more people have a mobile phone than access to a toilet Out of 7 Billion people, 6 Billion have a mobile phone, but only 4.

Launching reporting cycle for the Aarhus Convention - WECF highlights importance of input from civil society The process of preparing the reports, which involves a dialogue with the public at the national level, is an extremely important aspect of the reporting mechanism. Bet on countries missing the 2 degrees goal fuels Carbon bubble Disproportionate investment into still buried fossil fuels creates risky, enormous market bubble April , New York New Californian regulation will halt the reason for possibly the largest flow of toxic flame retardant chemicals worldwide WECF supported the important work of civil society organisations to stop a Californian furniture flammability rule, which was one of the major reasons for the presence of brominated flame retardants in furniture foam worldwide Recentelijk heeft de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO een rapport gepubliceerd over deze stoffen Verzamelpunt voor initiatieven betreffende de VN Millenniumdoelen In Utrecht zijn er inmiddels een flink aantal organisaties actief die zich bezighouden met de VN Millenniumdoelen.

Een van die organisaties is WECF Time for Plan B: Toys Safety in the Balkans Safe consumer products are a demand for countries to be able to join the European Union. French fries high in acrylamide A study points out that efforts should be continued to reduce intake of acrylamide in adolescents. Worried parents demand clean air for their children European Year of Air Quality We are not only giving people a plate of food, but more valuable than this; we are empowering people to help themselves.

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Fat from under the skin points to chemical exposure Study of POPs in obese patients Women Major Group members present in Bonn and Bali WECF and other major group and civil society organisation representatives met for 3 days in Bonn at the CSO post conference and from there many went on to Bali, for the high level panel post members meeting Internationaler Tag des Wassers, The Working Group will also be discussing items in preparation for the fifth ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties Europees Burgerinitiatief - Water is een Mensenrecht 1,2 miljoen handtekeningen, maar we zijn er nog niet!

Internationale Vrouwendag Met het oog op de internationale vrouwendag vrijdag 8 maart wil WECF vooral aandacht vragen voor de negatieve impact van milieuvervuiling op de gezondheid van vrouwen en hoe dit zelfs kan leiden tot geweld richting vrouwen en meisjes Prevention of breast cancer key to reducing burden of the disease A federal advisory committee of leading breast cancer experts finds that preventing breast cancer is done through identifying and eliminating environmental causes Violence - Ecologies - Livelihood Post Development Goals: Festival International du Film de l'Environnement: Save Reduce Your Foodprint, Ministers were served meals made from food rejected by retailers due to cosmetic reasons Inventory report published - WECF project on Chemical Safety in Georgia finalised An analysis of the chemical legislation and the situation regarding hazardous chemicals and their alternatives in the agricultural and construction sectors in Georgia Veertig procent van de Nederlandse consumenten laat WEL leuke dingen staan om milieu te sparen Uit een onderzoek van NCDO is gebleken dat de meerderheid van de Nederlanders weinig doet om duurzamer te leven.

Milieucentraal denkt dat dit komt doordat consumenten vaak informatie missen, waardoor duurzaam kiezen moeilijker of duurder lijkt dan het is. Side Event on Sustainable Development Goals Bulgarians back plans for a nuclear plant by referendum In a historic referendum, the plan for the Belene nuclear plant has been backed by the voting majority.

Due to the low turn-out, the decision is now referred to Parliament. Uitzending 16 februari over schrikbeeld Waterprivatisering in de EU Morgen, 16 februari , komt Jerry van den Berge praten over de prijsverhogingen en slechtere waterkwaliteit voor de burgers als gevolg van waterprivatisering. Wij willen iedereen ontzettend bedanken die getekend heeft voor dit Burgerinitiatief.

Toch willen we iedereen die nog niet getekend heeft, vragen om alsnog een handtekening te zetten, want hoe meer handtekeningen, hoe sterker we onze stem kunnen laten gelden. Research from CIEL links tighter chemical regulation to market innovation CIEL has published a report on the positive and unexpected effects of chemical regulations which are usually seen as a burden by the chemical industry We zijn er bijna, maar nog niet helemaal: Right2Water Campagne heeft nog The Nordic council condems Russia's anti-homosexual law The Nordic Council strongly condemns the new Russian law banning so-called "homosexual propaganda World Cancer Day What if prevention was the cure?

Good to know that we offer in house hands-on trainings, knowledge-transfer, and capacity building projects within our projects, to achieve long-run sustainability BPA industry plays down health effects with biased studies Part of the recent "late lessons from early warnings" report of the European Environment Agency also revealed the heavy bias in studied on the harm of BPA. New Mercury Treaty agreed in Geneva; WECF regrets many exemptions The Mercury "Minamata" Convention, a new international legally binding instrument, agreed to at 5th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee in Geneva last Friday, has been in the making for many years, and was badly needed.

However, WECF regrets the many exemptions, which weakens the treaty Water en sanitaire voorzieningen zijn een mensenrecht! Ieder mens het recht heeft op schoon drinkwater en sanitatie. Water is een publiek goed. This provides long-term prospects and sustainable development. Spielverderber - Schluss mit Gift in Spielsachen!

Warme kleren in Kunduz: No to privatization of water and sanitation! In Europe, the access to water and sanitation is endangered. Een Veilig Nest Het bouwen van een veilige en gezonde leefomgeving voor zwangere vrouwen en pasgeborenen WECF wishes you and all future generations a happy, healthy and sustainable new year Participants were representatives from the Manevyshi Administration, energy department of Volyn oblast administration, regional media, local project participants and other participants.

Improve the water network of the Armenian village of Sverdlov by donating one metre of piping for 3 euro 50 Help the villagers of Sverdlov to sustainable and durable access to drinking water Hand in your best picture of the Ecosan toilet in your School or Kindergarten Veel groenten en fruit niet veilig voor zwangere vrouw en jonge kind!

Pas op bij het Kerstdiner - Veel groenten en fruit niet veilig voor zwangere vrouw en jonge kind! Christmas Dinner Preparations - Many fruits and vegetables not safe for pregnant women and young children! France bans BPA in food packaging Help de bewoners van Sverdlov aan schoon drinkwater! Voor maar 3,50 euro helpt u de mensen in Sverdlov aan schoon drinkwater!

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Nederland zet in op krachtige participatie vrouwen in conflictgebieden Jouets et substances chimiques: Dossier de Presse Post Civil Society Consultation: What is the future we want? Women NGOs at COP18 lead public action demanding "fierce urgency and ambition" from governments Women say "lack of commitment" is "not in my name Peace Lords for Change Interactief event over powervrouwen in post conflictgebieden o. New hope for the climate? Strong political will and joint efforts are needed to address this threat. Safe Water for Small Communities Closing Conference on raising awareness for environmental protection - by encouraging the population with the aid of 'drinking water safety plans' for local water supply systems.

Toxic Free Gifts for Dutch Parliamentarians Concerned parents reached out successfully to politicians! Questions will follow in Dutch House of Commons Gifvrije cadeau's voor Tweede Kamerleden Bezorgde ouders deden succesvolle oproep aan politici! Get active on World Toilet Day and beyond: Sign the European Citizens Initiative!! Since April European citizens can put an issue on the European political agenda by means of a European Citizens Initiative ECI , which involves collecting one million signatures.

The first ECI "Water and sanitation are a human right! Kom in actie op Wereld Toilet Dag en ook daarna: Teken het Europees Burgerinitiatief!! Wereldwijd sterven dagelijks kinderen omdat ze geen toegang tot veilig water, sanitaire voorzieningen en hygiene hebben. Zelfs in de Europese regio hebben we het dan over Bezorgde ouders doen oproep aan politici! Geef me als ouder een veilige en gezonde keus. Product and Chemical Safety in the Balkans Midterm report: Post, what is the future we want? Wat krijgen Europese consumenten elke dag binnen? Wat zit er in onze sla, tomaten en druiven?

In heeft Europa de pesticidenrichtlijn aangenomen om tot duurzaam gebruik te komen. Deze wetgeving bepaalt dat iedere lidstaat een actieplan moet opstellen zodat schadelijke effecten voor menselijke gezondheid en milieu verminderen Water Safety Plan Compendium: Kom naar Den Haag op 21 november! Sustainable Cosmetics Summit 21strd November , Paris Notre Dame des Landes: Een Veilig Nest komt met Groene Kluswijzer! De winter komt eraan. Bisphenol A vanaf 1 januari in Belgie verboden in verpakkingen kindervoedsel Al sinds juni geldt een verbod op de verkoop van zuigflessen met Bisphenol A.

Dit verbod wordt nu uitgebreid naar voedingsverpakkingen voor kinderen tot 3 jaar en zal ingaan op 1 januari October in New York. Le pouvoir a-t-il un sexe? Closing conference of the project 'Local plans for safe water' Today, the resignation of John Dalli from its position of Commissioner in charge of Health and Consumer Protection provides a highly contrasting picture with the recent award. Pregnancy and early life are critical stages for environmental chemical exposure Evidence to indicate that early exposure to environmental contaminants may result in a greater risk of serious disease later on in life has been presented by researchers in a new White Paper published by the European Commission Kamer en kabinetsformateurs gewezen op ontbrekende schakel in aanpak stijgende zorgkosten Steeds duidelijker verband tussen hormoonverstorende stoffen en gezondheidseffecten L'avenir serait-il plus rose pour les femmes sans les perturbateurs endocriniens?

Although there is some progress towards greater policy coherence in this area, a lot more needs to be done on policy and implementation levels to make sure WASH is part of the solution to undernutrition Therefore girls are trying to hide that they are menstruating.

Ansichten und Angewohnheiten als Jugendlicher - Marshell

Unfortunately, due to lack of safe facilities or supply of feminine hygiene products many young girls are forced to drop schools during their period. Each month they are deprived of their basic right, namely right to education. The technology is well accepted and new sanitation technologies are being appreciated, as toilets can be installed inside or adjacent to the house and do not smell Tracing Nano Currently many products at the market incorporate nanomaterials for which a proper risk assessment could not be made.

Contrary to the REACH principle no data no market the presence of nanomaterials in its content is generally not reported either Japan after Fukushima; Looking for Justice. More than thousand inhabitants of Fukushima decided to sue Tokyo Electric Power Company TEPCO in order to disclose matters that were not included in the investigation launched by the government. Deens Verbod op Ftalaten "We kunnen niet op de EU wachten" - Dit waren de woorden van de Deense minister van Milieu Ida Auken gebruikte om de recente Deense beslissing tot een verbod op 4 ftalaten in consumentenproducten toe te lichten.

In total, participants from 38 countries shared their experiences related to dry toilets during two full days. Tracing Nano for Downstream Users and Consumers De Nederlandse vakbonden en milieuorganisaties werken samen aan het formuleren van hun wensen ten aanzien van de traceerbaarheid van nanomaterialen in producten. An online petition is launched to make the Human Right to water a European Citizen's Initiative call Water and Sanitation are a Human Right!

Online Signing is Open! We need your help to reach out to all citizens in Europe. Our demands will only be taken into consideration if we achieve over one million valid signatures. Water en Sanitatie zijn een Mensenrecht! Online Ondertekening is Geopend! Wij hebben uw hulp nodig om alle burgers in Europa te bereiken. Onze eisen worden alleen maar in overweging genomen als wij meer dan een miljoen geldige handtekeningen verzamelen. Bijzonder Boekje Helpt Moeders om Borst en Baan te Combineren Weer aan het werk gaan is voor veel moeders een belangrijke reden om te stoppen met borstvoeding of er zelfs helemaal niet aan te beginnen.

Borst en Baan is een bijzonder boekje van Kenniscentrum Borstvoeding, met daarin alles over de combinatie van borstvoeding en werk. Veilig cosmeticagebruik tijdens de zwangerschap Welke cosmetica zijn nu wel en niet veilig tijdens de zwangerschap? Welke partij staat dichtbij jouw wereld? Despite the evidence, some countries, including France, always seem to see the nuclear "an industry of the future".

Denmark bans 4 phthalates from consumer products After banning Bisphenol A in children's food containers and two parabens in children cosmetics, Denmark proves once again a frontrunner among EU Member States in the phase out and substitution of endocrine disrupters Tracing Nano Tracing Nano stelt zich ten doel manieren te zoeken om nanodeeltjes te volgen vanaf het moment van productie tot en met de afval fase, zodat ook in de toekomst terug te leiden is waar de verschillende deeltjes vandaan komen, met een focus op consumentenartikelen.

Werkervaring opdoen bij een internationale NGO op het gebied van gezondheid en milieu? Bavarian Delegation visits food garden in the township Khayelitsha On July 19, Ben Getz from Urban Harvest took the Bavarian Delegation to a fantastic and healthy looking food garden in Khayelitsha. Construction of solar collectors for warm water Updated Russian version of the solar collector manual is now available In Georgia many lifes were lost and property damaged after unexpected and violent storms.

Twenty new trainers on solar collectors are now ready to train their own communities Trainings given by WECF, the National Centre of Ukraine and Greens Movement Georgia made sure that 20 new certified specialists on construction, use and maintenance of solar collectors are now able to pass on their newly acquired information on independently to others The Role of the Sisters.

The Challenges of Sustainable Development for Women 'How can we reverse the fact that women are the most vulnerable? Reduce exposure to EDCs Advocate at EU level for better EU legislation to protect women and the developing child from hormone disrupting endocrine disrupting chemicals EDCs such as phtalates, bisphenol A and pesticides. Women creating food sovereignty Women organisations from Pakistan, Colombia, Zimbabwe and Papua New Guinnea showed case studies of how their food sovereignty and livelihoods are being destroyed by commercial logging, mining and industrial agriculture activities, and how women are resisting.

The role of the Sisters. The challenges of sustainable development for Women "How can we reverse the fact that women are the most vulnerable? How can the environmental dimensions be included in the social protection floor? Van de toekomst die we willen naar de toekomst die we nodig hebben.

Vrouwen en jongeren blijken wederom de dupe te worden van conservatieve lobby One million signatures for water as a Human Right has started! Nieuws van de Nederlandse Vrouwenraad: The gap between the rich and the poor is growing, social unrest is on the increase, and governments are less and less able to address both economic and environmental crises. Un nom pour l'association couveuse: Environmental perspectives in setting Global sustainable development goals Do-it-yourself Solar House Heating system constructed in Misaktsieli, Georgia Families in rural areas spend a great deal of their income on energy, primarily in the form of wood to heat their homes, which significantly contributes to deforestation and climate change.

Risk of nuclear disaster larger than expected When could be the next nuclear disaster? This question has been investigated by Mainz atmospheric chemists, who have also calculated which region is most vulnerable: Vrouwenvertegenwoordigers van maatschappelijke organisaties nemen deel aan de onderhandelingen als de "Women's Major Group". Check out for concrete guidance, successful practical and policy measures. Alter Eco Alternativas Ecologias Facilitate the sustainable human development to overcome poverty and hunger through the improvement of life co For Healthy Life Azerbaijan Research ecological conditions and educate the people about the results Young generation of Tajikistan Nasli javoni Tojikiston Creating a healthy environment for children and youth National Centre for Sustainable Development Assisting social networks with environmental issues and women empowerment Mensenrechten staan op het spel!

Grietje Zeeman benoemd tot persoonlijk hoogleraar Nieuwe publieke sanitatie bij de Sectie Milieutechnologie. Negotiations informal informals on the zero draft A Practical Guide for Women Who Are Planning To Be or Are Pregnant The advice in this brochure published by the Danish Ministry of the Environment is based on a study of potential endocrine disruptors found in a number of products which women use every day.

Workshop on Water Safety Plans: Diese Belastung kann allerdings durch bewusstes Konsum Verhalten gesenkt oder verhindert werden. See how WECF and partner Greens improve the lives of the people living in Manavi, Georgia Watch this video and see how simple energy solutions can change the daily life of villagers in Eastern Europe Secretary of State to address U. Childhood Cancer - Early exposures and childhood cancer Exposure to radiation both ionising and non-ionising , chemical toxins in air, food and water highlighted during conference Experts roundtable on Endocrine disrupters EDCs: Concern Arises After Georgian Government Amends Law of Environmental Protection Recent amendments to the Georgian Law of Environmental Protection spark outrage concerning their approval of government authorized contracts permitting unregulated activities in environment and natural resource usage.

Voldoende Basis voor Vertrouwen en Verantwoorde Keuzes? WECF co-organised International Expert Conference on Asbestos in Kiev, and demands phase-out of asbestos production and use in Ukraine For the first time in Ukraine a public open debate was held to discuss the issue of chrysotile asbestos in Ukraine I on "Business Day".