Dunkelheitskinder (German Edition)

Translation of edition in German

We are living on this unique planet, full of ancient treasures, life and color. However, we are wasting the beautiful world we have been given. The film will be introduced by Rusty Miller, local legend, and one of the surfers who appears in the film. Reduce the amount of plastic you use everyday to protect their habitats.

Translation of version in German

Recycling alone will never stem the flow of plastics into our ocean. We must address the problem at the source, slowing down the production of all this plastic waste. Always bring a reusable bag to the shop 3. Try to buy in bulk 4.

Participate in Beach or River Cleanups 5. Demand your government to take action 6. Plastic pollution must stop. We forget how much plastic we actually use and waste in a day, including straws. Join our January challenge and start the New Year ick-free. Link and email in bio theecoexistenceproject projectplastICK ick noplanetb plasticfree plasticpollution 30daychallenge plasticfreeliving plasticfreeoceans reducereuserecycle zerowaste zerowasteliving saynotoplastic nomoreplastic doyourpart plasticplanet goplasticfree plasticocean planetorplastic plasticsucks noplasticplease bethechange stopsingleuseplastic stopsingleuse yourplasticsucks nosingleuseplastic pointlessplastic justdoit climatechangeisreal ecofriendly savetheplanet 86 2 18 hours ago.

The city's looming submergence is not primarily cause by rising sea levels but by the sinking of the city itself, according to a study by the geodesy research division of the Bandung Institute of Technology ITB. Like many other global cities in the world, overuse of ground water has served as the leading cause of Jakarta's problem. Every 4 pack we sell serves each person for an entire year! We recommend changing your toothbrush every 3 months! I thought Australian supermarkets used way too much packaging for their fresh produce but Waitrose in the UK are in the premier league.

I was actually shocked and a bit lost for words. Totally unnecessary and I refused to buy what I went in for. This might be across all UK supermarkets to be fair, but I expected better from Waitrose. Never underestimate the power that your shopping trolley can have on what supermarkets provide. Complain and make a difference. Refuse 1 single-use plastic item today!

Translation by Vocabulix

This is an image of all of the plastic found in the remains of an albatross. It is estimated that adult albatross carry 5 tons of plastic to their young on Midway Atoll annually. Scientists estimate there are now wild bengal tigers in Nepal, a huge leap from , when there were only about of the endangered animals, according to natgeo.

Not only is it hurting marine life but it is also hurting us! Scientists examining the devastating impact plastics are having on the world's oceans have identified seabirds with more than man-made objects lodged in their stomachs, from bottle tops to pen lids. The Albertos spends so much of its life at sea often mistaking plastic objects floating for food, the adult birds pick them up and then feed them to their young, with disastrous consequences.

How does this make you feel?

Will you be using less plastic in your everyday life? Pretty much everyone on this planet knows that plastic pollution is a problem. Animals die every day because of the plastic and other rubbish every single one of us uses. Our society has changed rapidly in the last few years. And how do we buy most of our food? Single used and mostly not recycled. At least medicine is packed in plastic most of the time.

And sometimes everyone of us has to take some medicine. We can also raise awareness in asking staff if they have the same thing not packed in plastic or if you can use your own container. If the demand for food not packed in plastic rises, companies will adjust. So next time you go to the supermarket, try not to buy anything packed in plastic and ask one or two staff members for non plastic wrapped food. We can do it! We have to be the change we want to see in the world. Are you looking for a Christmas present that a great for the environment and helps a good cause?

What do you do once you are finished with your Bamboo Toothbrushes? Ikea says it will stop selling single-use plastic products by , according to the bbc and ,in future, it will design products to be able to be repaired, resold or recycled. More than 5 trillion pieces of plastic are already floating in our oceans.

By , virtually each of the seabird species that exist on the planet will be eating plastic. Once it is covered with algae, plastic seems like food to animals. When these eat it, they start feeling lethargic and unpleasant. If you do not get moved by the former, do it for the human kind, do it for yourself. The average person eats 70, microplastics each year.

Plastic chemicals are absorbed by the body and some of these have the potential to alter hormones or have other harmful effects in humans health. The entirety of Costa Rica went days using only renewable energy, beating their own record of of days, according to the. But there is a catch: Gas usage, for vehicles or heating purposes, were not surveyed. Sozinhos somos uma gota, mas juntos somos um oceano. Waitrose have said their own-label products will either be glitter-free or use an environmentally friendly alternative. Glitter contains a form of microplastic that can find its way into the oceans.

It can also pose a danger to people and animals. Link in our Bio! Mijn boek zal je leven veranderen want One nightmarket in Asia.

Who has been to Asia knows that this is Schlaraffenland. Beautiful clothes, amazing food. But this consumption has a huge impact of environment. I went tonight to the market to eat and drink and to consume.

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