La caída de Cristóbal Colón: El juicio de Bobadilla (Estudios) (Spanish Edition)

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This apprentice has a similar age as Barthelemy Columbus, that in declared to have been born around In his return voyage after the discovery of the New World, Columbus wrote and sent three letters after his arrival in Lisbon in March This fact has to be seriously considered because the contract between the Catholic Kings and Columbus for the discovery of America has been done with the royal administration of the crown of Aragon.

In the case that Columbus would have been a natural subject of king Ferdinand, doing the contract with the administration of the Crown of Aragon, there was no need to. As you see, the Crown of Aragon has had a more active role in the discovery of America than generally accepted, since, in the end, the newly found territories were adscribed only ONLY! Many authors that have studied the writings of Columbus have concluded that he belongued to a jewish or a jewish-converted family 9.

ALBAÑIR - Definition and synonyms of albañir in the Spanish dictionary

This is a clear demonstration that Columbus grew and belongued to the Hebrew World. Valencia had a multicultural society in the second half of the XVth century: It is clear tu us that Columbus grew in such a kind of mixed society and he tried to find a sincrethism of all these religions when he said: We can not detail if the city of origin of this silk master is Genova or Savona or any other Ligurian town, but he could have come to Valencia forming part of the silk masters that came in the first company of the Gavoto clan of Savona at this time.

Gobiernos de la Española-Gobiernos de Cristóbal Colón y Francisco de Bobadilla

And, beeing our man a bachelor, he married, with a young woman of Valencia entering in the family clan of silk weavers of his wife. Doing so, his integration in the Valencian society should have been very quickly.

The most logical fact is that the Catalan language has become the current language among this new couple. Both, groom and bride, were Roman Catholic believers and even if this couple was a mixture of two different cultures, their kids would be educated in christian religion and assist for their education to the school of the cathedral in Valencia, between 8 and 14 years of age.

Synonyms and antonyms of albañir in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms

As you see, the Crown of Aragon has had a more active role in the discovery of America than generally accepted, since, in the end, the newly found territories were adscribed only ONLY! Yet, because their ordering of the materials has followed that in which Columbus left them, use of these books has proven problematic. The hypothesis that Columbus was member of a Genovese family probably Savonese , established for a long time in Valencia, explains the fact of his knowledge of the Catalan and Castilian languages before entering in Castile in his flight from Portugal, as well as the fact of having signed his contract for the discovery of America with the Catalan royal administration and not with the Castilian royal administration, simply because Columbus was a kind of natural subject of King Ferdinand, even if he and his brothers were still considered as Genovese. Port Towns in the Spanish Caribbean: The Pasamontes owned a large sugar estate. SearchWorks Catalog Stanford Libraries. But it was not, fact that ment that Columbus was considered a natural subject of king Ferdinand.

Being the mother of jewish origin, it is possible that Columbus and his brothers had received also some complementary education from the jewish side. If we make such important assertion is because it seems proved that Christopher and Berthelemy, at least, could write in hebrew. Many of the women included in that census finished their lifes beein burnt to death after been declared as heretical by the newly imposed Castilian Inquisition of Valencia.

Among several of the condemned Colom family members, we may find Johana Colom, who was burnt alive at the stake in These woman could perfectly by a sister of Columbus! In the case that the sister, or even the mother, of Columbus had finished their lives in the stake of the Holy Castilian Inquisition in Valencia, we can understand their fear.

Better to keep accepting a false Genovese biography of Columbus than to have to accept that several members of his family in Valencia were punished by the Inquisition! In the year , professor Francesco Giunta of the University in Palermo invited me to take part in an international symposium about Columbus, that was hold in the small village of Erice in Sicily and he asked me to expose the theory of a possible Catalan origin of Columbus of the Peruvian historian Luis Ulloa Cisneros Therefore, before beguinning my lesson, I exposed to the assistants, that the state of confrontation of the two most important theories about the national origin of Columbus, the Genovese and the Catalan, was very similar to the confrontation given in the XIXth century among physics about the nature of light: I told to them that I hoped to find a similar solution for the confrontation Genovese- Catalan of the origin of Colombus, and that is what I have achieved now in my research.

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In the scientific world, when a theory presents too many anomalies respect the phenomenoms that wants to explain, it is normally replaced by a new theory, that fits better the real facts. Presenting the Genovese theory such a great number of anomalies as the related below, it was urgent to find a better and new theory: How could Columbus be of Genovese origin if he did not speak neither Tuscan nor popular Genovese dialect? Why Columbus signed his contract for the discovery of America with the administration of the Crown of Aragon and not with that of the Crown of Castilla, if America has been adscribed exclusively to the kingdom of Castile?

If Columbus would have been a foreigner in the Crown of Aragon, in that contract his nationality would have been mentioned, following the normal administrative proceedings.

La Caida de Cristobal Colon: El Juicio de Bobadilla

But it was not, fact that ment that Columbus was considered a natural subject of king Ferdinand. The solution of Columbus enigma is that he had a dual identity: But he was a citizen of Valencia, because his mother belongued to a long in Valencia established jewish-converted family of merchants and silk-weavers.

La caída de Cristóbal Colón: El juicio de Bobadilla (Estudios nº 42) (Spanish Edition) La caída de Cristóbal Colón: El juicio de Bobadilla (Estudios nº 42) (Spanish Edition) eBook: Consuelo Varela, Isabel Aguirre: Kindle Store. La caída de Cristóbal Colón: el juicio de Bobadilla. Front Cover Other editions - View all Estudios (Marcial Pons, Ediciones de Historia) Spain & Portugal.

Such a mongrel origin of Columbus combined with his childhood and youth spent in the multicultural and multiracial ambiance of Valencia, makes the life of Columbus much more atractive to us. In our humble opinion we have squared the circle: Columbus has been at the same time Genovese of Savona?

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