Drogues : Pourquoi la légalisation est inévitable (Impacts) (French Edition)

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

Les rues y sont pleines de rabatteurs. Pas besoin de coller un alcootest dans chaque bagnole si des abrutis ne prenaient pas le volants ivres morts….

Elle fait partie de la culture des pays producteurs. Je parle ici majoritairement du cannabis, opium et autre drogues douces. Quelques personnes en moins ne feraient pas de mal haha Allez la bise, sur ce je vais fumer un joint. Dans votre argumentaire complotiste implacable, M. Je vais vous parler de mon histoire. Vous pouvez la mettre en favoris avec ce permalien. Comme on dit, stfu parce que rofl…. La mal bouffe c est mal, interdisons le mac D.

Oui, je reflechi, autant que le drogue me le permet rires! Tout comme au nicaragua ou au Guatemala! Al Capone Escobar et alii. Vous vous foutez de qui?? Je vous laisse entre promoteurs. Vive la logique binaire, et bonjour chez vous. La guerre contre la drogue! Les forces de police justifie cette guerre pour confirmer leur budget qui parfois xxxx. Above these minima, Member States can fix levels of taxation as they see fit, taking into account national policy considerations. Excise duties and other taxes are only one part of the final price and price differences may also result from differences in other price elements, such as distribution costs or profit margins, between Member States and between different areas within a Member State.

The Commission does not intend to propose introducing a maximum limit on excise duties on fuels as this would go beyond what is currently necessary to ensure the functioning of the internal market and would thus contradict the principle of proportionality. Ruggero Franceschini, ha presentato la richiesta alla commissione di conciliazione del parlamento turco organismo parlamentare che sta ascoltando le richieste delle minoranze religiose e sociali in vista della riforma costituzionale ; inoltre l'arcivescovo ha ricordato che, sebbene la Chiesa cattolica non sia legalmente riconosciuta in Turchia, chiede lo stesso la restituzione dei beni sulla base dell'accordo del fra il Gran visir Said Halim Pasa e l'ambasciatore francese Maurice Bompard.

The Turkish Catholic Community, represented by the Archbishop of Izmir and president of the Turkish Conference of Bishops Monsignor Ruggero Franceschini, presented the request to the conciliation committee of the Turkish Parliament a parliamentary body that listens to the requests of religious and social minorities with a view to constitutional reform.

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The Archbishop also reminded the committee that, although the Catholic church is not legally recognised in Turkey, it was demanding the return of the assets based on the agreement between Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha and French Ambassador Maurice Bompard. Does the Commission not consider it appropriate to support the request from the Catholic community in Turkey to the Ankara Government based on the principle of respect for religious freedom by the Turkish Islamic Committee in its dealings with minorities? The Commission follows closely the issue of return of seized properties to foundations of non-Muslim communities.

This was the fourth attempt of the Turkish authorities since to restore the property rights of non-Muslim communities. This legislation provides that non-Muslim community foundations can register in the Land Registry, under their names, immovable property entered in their declarations. Interested parties will have to apply for the return of properties. The market value of foundation properties currently registered with third parties will be paid.

This covers properties seized and sold to third parties, and which cannot be returned to the foundations. The Commission is also aware of the problems resulting from the lack of legal personality of non-Muslim communities. This has implications at least for their property rights, their access to justice and their ability to raise funds. The consumer confidence index fell to historically low levels in Greece during the first quarter of , according to figures from the latest Nielsen Global Consumer survey. Consumer confidence in Greece was lower than ever in the first quarter of , with a second successive fall in the consumer confidence index to an all-time low of 37 points.

Will the Commission say how it can boost growth in Greece and what action plan could be implemented? The ultimate objectives of the economic adjustment programme of Greece is to correct the fiscal and external imbalances of the Greek economy which are necessary to restoring sustainable growth and jobs in a medium-term perspective. In a context of liquidity constraints and given the size of the required fiscal adjustment, the programme is supported by unprecedented financial assistance provided by the euro area Member States and the IMF.

The programme includes a wide-range of growth-enhancing policies which aim at modernising the public sector, rendering product and labour markets more efficient and flexible, and creating a business environment that is friendly to investors. She completed her feat in order to raise money for research on the rehabilitation of patients with reduced mobility resulting from accidents. Lomas, 32, lost the ability to move her body from the chest downwards when she fell from the horse she was riding during an outing in The strategy aims at facilitating the social and occupational integration of all persons with a disability, and ensuring that they can fully exercise their rights as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The strategy also included support of research on new technologies addressing both assistive technology and accessible mainstream solutions. In particular, it includes the promotion of knowledge and innovation in assistive technology, and a study on the assistive technology market with a view to improve its functioning; the objective will be to make sure that the fruits of research reach their potential users.

Funding of research relevant to persons with disabilities will happen through different instruments, including FP7 and its proposed successor, Horizon Furthermore, accessibility is the first of the strategy's eight focus areas: The European Accessibility Act is an action foreseen by the strategy; the European Commission is preparing a proposal for legally binding measures, aiming at creating more favourable conditions for the development of a well-functioning market in accessible mainstream goods and services.

This will facilitate the participation in society of persons with disabilities in their everyday life on an equal footing with the rest of the population. Vliegtaks miljoenenstrop voor Europese luchtvaartmaatschappijen. De topman van Lufthansa verwacht dat deze kosten de komende jaren verder oplopen en dat passagiers hiervoor zullen opdraaien. He expects that these costs will increase further over the coming years and that passengers will have to foot the bill.

Does the Commission agree with the PVV that criticism by major airlines such as Lufthansa and KLM should be taken seriously and that this criticism is another confirmation of the failure of the flight tax?

The French Health Minister has announced that France is lagging Journalist Michel Henry, author of Drogues, pourquoi la légalisation est inévitable sees it as a the Terra Nova think tank are active players, but they still lack impact. . digital version of this issue, log in or subscribe to France-Amérique. Results 1 - 16 of 68 Drogues: Pourquoi la légalisation est inévitable (Impacts) (French Edition) La Loi Falloux: 4 janvier - 15 mars (French Edition).

If not, why not? Does the Commission agree with the PVV that the flight tax is a fatal blow to the European airline industry, which is already suffering economic difficulties? Does the Commission agree with the PVV that in view of the criticism from countries, consumers and airlines inside and outside Europe, there is no basis for the European flight tax and that scrapping it is unavoidable? Proposta dell'emittente televisiva Al Quds Educational.

L'emittente palestinese Al Quds Educational Television, che ha collaborato con l'Unione europea per diversi programmi, vorrebbe creare un nuovo canale satellitare indipendente. Inoltre, la proposta dell'emittente consiste concretamente nella trasmissione di programmi per bambini altamente educativi sui seguenti temi: Grazie alla connessione con la rete satellitare egiziana NILESAT, i programmi non saranno visibili solo nei territori palestinesi ma nell'intera regione araba, promuovendo ovunque cultura e benessere.

Alla luce di quanto precede, sarebbe la Commissione interessata a dare un sostegno finanziario al progetto?

Il sistema radiotelevisivo e i media non rappresentano un settore primario per l'UE nel quadro della ripartizione dei compiti tra i donatori nei territori palestinesi occupati e la Commissione non prevede di proporre finanziamenti UE per progetti in questo campo. The Palestinian broadcaster Al Quds Educational Television, which has collaborated with the European Union on various programmes, plans to create a new independent satellite channel.

Besides this, the services the television station actually provides consist of broadcasting highly educational programmes for children on the following topics: These are to be developed in conjunction with international organisations and NGOs such as Unicef and Save the Children. In view of the above, would the Commission consider it worthwhile providing financial support for the project?

There is however the possibility of submitting project proposals under the different calls for thematic instruments and the specific Euromed Audiovisual III programme for the Neighbourhood South countries. Is this step being taken because of the political factors relating to the existence of this installation and its possible expansion, or is the visit intended to be a continuation of the stress tests carried out by the Nuclear Safety Regulators Group?

Whichever of the above is the case, on what legal basis or other mandate does the Commission intend to base these visits? Does the Commission have specific authorisation for these visits, and if so, of what type? Does the Commission agree with the view that, if no such authorisation has been granted, this would necessarily be an arbitrary and unauthorised step?

The Commission will present to the European Council a communication which will take into account these additional elements as well as the peer review report. The details of this action plan, including the choice of nuclear sites for additional visits have not yet been decided upon. It should also be noted that stress tests are carried out on a voluntary basis by all EU Member States with nuclear facilities, Switzerland and Ukraine.

All EU Member States agreed to subject nuclear power plants in their territory to stress tests, based on the specifications and methodology agreed between all EU nuclear safety regulators and the Commission. The methodology requires peer teams to access documents and facilities as needed.

The report adds that more research is needed to examine the serious concerns raised by patient groups regarding the safety of all currently available forms of low energy lighting.

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A paper is now about to be published in a peer-reviewed journal refuting a part of the evidence on which the committee relied when claiming that energy saving bulbs are safe to use. It believes that the high level of blue light and the spectral distribution of low energy lights may form the main cause of many of the problems. This would make it impossible for any of the current forms of low-energy lighting to meet the health requirements of those affected.

There are other potential causes, such as high-frequency flicker and radio frequency emissions, that have not as yet been fully researched. A double envelope only delays the inevitable effects. LED lighting, although an improvement on CFLs, has both an erratic spectral pattern and a high level of blue light. LEDs also have various issues related to radio frequency emission and high frequency flicker. What representations has the UK Government made to the Commission on obtaining such an exemption?

SCENIHR recognise that the light spectrum can differ from one lamp model to the other, and recommend that sufficient information is provided to healthcare professionals and their patients to allow them to choose their lighting solutions optimally. There has been no suggestion from the UK Government for an exemption for those with specific medical needs. Violazione della direttiva sul benessere degli animali.

I giardini zoologici e i bioparchi, a detta dello studio, non si stanno impegnando come dovrebbero per garantire il benessere e la conservazione degli animali.

  1. .
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  4. ?
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According to the study, zoos and wildlife parks are not doing everything they should to ensure the welfare and conservation of the animals. It is obvious that tigers, lions and tropical birds confined in cages which, although capacious, certainly do not allow them the space they would have in their natural habitats, grow up in captivity and behave in a manner entirely different from that in which they would behave in the savannah or in the forests.

Confirmation of the suffering of animals born in captivity was given recently by the premature death of the polar bear Knut at the Berlin Zoo. Considering that too many European zoos are not complying with the directive on the welfare of animals in zoos, does the Commission propose to monitor the situation more closely in order to prevent the infringement of the directive and ensure that no further suffering is inflicted on the millions of animals kept in European zoos?

It is in regular contact with the organisers of this study who have indicated that they are actively engaged in dialogue with different Member States about the findings of their study. The Commission has made clear to Born Free that it will investigate any alleged breaches of the directive, on the basis of clear evidence that is provided. For example, the issue of the welfare of wild animals in Zoos has been included in the recently finalised programme of training for Veterinarians in Animal Welfare for which workshops have taken place in Budapest, Barcelona, and Riga.

The Commission is also undertaking a study this year to produce a guidance and best practice document to support the implementation of the Zoos Directive.

La légalisation du cannabis en France - Cyrusly

Member State authorities and key stakeholder groups will be invited to participate in this initiative. Il che comporta, evidentemente, il rischio di invalidare la garanzia del software originale. In buona sostanza, i clienti non possono condividere con altri terminali cellulari, computer la connessione internet attiva sulle sim dei tre operatori.

La situazione trova conferma nelle numerose segnalazioni che molti utenti hanno formulato da diversi mesi sui vari forum. Nel valutare tali accordi la Commissione deve prendere conoscenza di tutti gli elementi di fatto pertinenti, in particolare la situazione del mercato, la posizione delle parti sul mercato e le eventuali giustificazioni obiettive delle prassi denunciate. Se confermati, gli accordi in questione potrebbero rientrare nel campo di applicazione dell'articolo del TFUE.

Obviously, this solution carries the risk of invalidating the original software warranty. This situation is confirmed by the numerous reports made in various forums by large numbers of users over a number of months. It also emerges that this matter is linked to a specific contractual choice by the American company, which also affects telecom operators in other European countries: In particular, the computer company is said to be trying to negotiate a percentage of this additional cost, and meanwhile has blocked the tethering function.

This explains why the users of a single telecom operator are not having any problems: Given that the applicability conditions in respect of the Community legislation referred to are fulfilled, will the Commission carry out investigations to clarify the position of the American company and of the telecom operators involved on the European market? When assessing such agreements the Commission has to ascertain all relevant facts, in particular the market situation, the position of the parties in the market as well as a possible objective justification for the alleged practices.

Go to the disambiguation page to edit author name combination and separation. Verbal abuse and, humiliation, threats and physicsal violence are frequent features of arrests and transfers. Furthermore, European legislation, in particular the directive on the energy performance of buildings, will necessarily continue to have consequences concerning the reaction to fire performance and fire resistance of materials used in buildings. How much does the Council spend each year on other alcoholic beverages? In the current context of budgetary constraints, Greek universities should take full advantage of the possibilities of the European Structural Funds which can underpin reforms and also finance education infrastructure.

The Commission appreciates that the Honourable Member has raised the issue of compliance of the said practices with EU competition rules. Given that such practices could adversely affect consumers, the Commission will follow developments closely. Medicina rigenerativa — microimpalcature per lesioni dei nervi. Una struttura a nido d'ape — ideata e testata per ora solo in provetta — come microimpalcatura per riparare nervi lesionati, ad esempio in seguito ad un incidente d'auto; si tratta di microscopici sostegni su cui aderiscono e crescono cellule umane, le quali creano un tessuto con una forma ben definita e seguono la conformazione della struttura stessa, fatta di acido polilattico sostanza da alcuni anni introdotta in medicina estetica contro le rughe.

In un lavoro pubblicato sulla rivista Biofabrication, il team di Frederik Claeyssens dell'University of Sheffield Regno Unito , ha evidenziato il potenziale di questa particolare microimpalcatura, con l'obiettivo di presentarne gli sviluppi scientifici e le condizioni d'impiego. These are microscopic supports made from polylactic acid a substance introduced some years ago in aesthetic medicine for countering wrinkles on which human cells adhere and grow, to create a tissue with a well-defined shape, under the guidance of the underlying support.

In a study published in the journal Biofabrication, a team led by Frederik Claeyssens of the University of Sheffield United Kingdom has highlighted the potential of this particular microscaffold, outlining the ways in which it might be further developed and used. Microscaffolds are already being used in regenerative medicine, particularly for bladder and trachea reconstruction.

Studies involving humans can only begin after relevant legal and ethical approvals have been received at Member State level, and EU legislation ensures this. Spazzatura che si trasforma in acqua mediante l'uso dei batteri. La decomposizione di questi scarti alimentari si ottiene grazie a un processo biologico che impiega batteri prodotti in laboratorio.

Queste piccole particelle biologiche assorbono i rifiuti alimentari e li trasformano in acqua inodore e cristallina. I vantaggi dell'innovativo sistema di smaltimento sono moltissimi. In primo luogo, esso consente una diminuzione sostanziale dei rifiuti che andrebbero smaltiti con le tecniche tradizionali. Food waste is broken down through a biological process using bacteria produced in the laboratory. These small biological particles absorb the food waste and convert it into odourless, crystal-clear water. The resulting liquid is definitely not drinkable and has no domestic use but it would be very useful to agricultural companies and to industry since the water produced has fertilising properties.

The advantages of this innovative disposal system are numerous. Firstly, it substantially reduces the amount of waste which would be disposed of using traditional methods. Intelligent waste disposal is needed urgently to protect the environment, especially soil and water. Given that it is of vital importance to recycle urban waste and reintegrate it into daily life, and that this method could represent a genuine solution to the problem of waste and its disposal, can the Commission state whether it intends to step up research and the dissemination of information on the equipment in question and on its large-scale use?

There is already a wide range of technologies turning food waste into valuable products, e. I dati presenti nel report sono allarmanti. Oggi vi sono circa 35 milioni di persone nel mondo affette da una forma di demenza. Le previsioni sono state fatte considerando il continuo allungamento della vita. I sistemi sanitari dei paesi non sono in grado di farsi carico dei pazienti affetti da questa patologia.

Infatti, secondo il rapporto, solo 8 dei Stati membri dell'OMS hanno un piano nazionale sulle demenze. L'Italia non rientra in questi pochi paesi virtuosi. Il Parlamento europeo ha approvato la dichiarazione scritta n. I cani, in particolare di razza labrador e golden retriever, ricorderanno ai loro padroni di prendere i farmaci o li incoraggeranno a dormire, mangiare, lavarsi, ecc. Intende incoraggiare gli Stati membri ad adottare piani nazionali per far fronte al problema economico e sociale dei malati di demenza?

Intende, infine, prevedere misure di ricerca specifiche per trovare soluzioni concrete al progressivo aumento dei casi di Alzheimer proporzionali all'allungamento della vita dell'uomo? L'azione intende repertoriare le buone pratiche in fatto di trattamento e di cura e migliorare la diffusione e l'adozione di tali pratiche.

La Commissione sostiene inoltre l'attuazione dell'iniziativa di programmazione congiunta sulle malattie neurodegenerative, un'iniziativa guidata dagli Stati membri per accelerare il progresso nelle diagnosi e nelle cure delle malattie neurodegenerative. The data in the report are alarming. Currently the risk of dementia stands at 1 in 8 for those over 65 and 1 in 2. The impact of the disease becomes ever greater with the passage of time. Italy is not among these virtuous few. A good practice to highlight is the use of assistance dogs for dementia sufferers.

The pilot project was devised by students of the Glasgow School of Art and will give four Scottish couples the opportunity to use animals trained as companions and guides. The aim of the project is not just to guarantee the sufferer permanent help but also to provide support of a moral kind in that the dog becomes a genuine companion. With regards to the dissemination of results of the project in Scotland using trained dogs and monkeys as companions and guides for people with dementia, the Commission does not have the possibility to publish, disseminate, or present results of external projects as such.

Action includes mapping good practices related to treatment and care and to improve the dissemination and application of such practices. The Commission also supports the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases, a Member States-led initiative to accelerate progress towards diagnosis and cures for neurodegenerative diseases. Does the Commission intend to consult leading academics with a view to drawing a distinction between dangerous and non-dangerous animals, leading to a revision of the directive so as to aid academic research?

EU legislation has been put in place in order to ensure that high levels of both human and animal health are safeguarded within the European Union. These controls are needed to ensure that animals imported into the Union are as stated in the accompanying documentation and are not animals carrying serious diseases that could carry serious implications for animals and people in the Union. If no anomaly is identified, no further checks are necessary. The Commission is currently in the process of reviewing its import control legislation, in order to ensure that a high level of protection for the Union is maintained whilst simultaneously ensuring that controls are entirely risk-based.

This will ensure that controls are only carried out when necessary. Under pressure following the election results in France and Greece, but also facing market unease, European leaders must strike a balance between austerity and growth. Harsh austerity measures are continuing to swell the ranks of the unemployed and are generally threatening social cohesion in the European Union as a whole.

The results of local and national elections throughout Europe, for example in Italy, Germany, France and elsewhere, mark a generalised resistance to harsh austerity policies. It is certain that there is a need for a slight easing of the German model of fiscal discipline and for immediate economic growth to restore equilibrium to European societies and maintain cohesion. We must ensure that European citizens continue to enjoy tolerable living standards. How does it plan to generate economic growth in conjunction with an ongoing harsh austerity policy, as outlined by Commissioner Olli Rehn? In this instance, based on the principle of European solidarity, should a friendlier solution not perhaps be considered for those countries that are not able to meet the demands of these harsh austerity measures?

Could the issuing of Eurobonds, the strengthening of the European Investment Bank and the issuing of new money by the ECB not contribute to placing the European Union back on the path to growth? The Commission thinks that economic growth and employment are of central importance to the success of Europe's social market economy. Therefore the Commission proposed in its Europe strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, which the European Council endorsed.

Equally important, and socially responsible, are sound public finances and prudent fiscal policies. Countries cannot live beyond their means, piling up debt and transferring the burden to future generations, while eroding confidence in their economies, thus deteriorating their financing conditions. Fiscal consolidation, which should take place as growth-friendly as possible and structural reform to boost growth and jobs are two sides of the same coin. However, overcoming the crisis will require a leap forward in terms of economic and monetary integration. In dat kader de volgende vragen:.

Kan de Commissie specifiek en gedetailleerd aangeven hoe dat komt? De onderliggende redenen voor het lage absorptiepercentage zijn zwak bestuur, ontoereikende beheerscapaciteit, buitensporige en complexe procedures, een veranderende politieke en wettelijke situatie en de economische crisis. During my visit I talked to various official spokesmen and to a non-profit relief organisation. From these conversations, it became clear that the Romanian authorities s are not in a position to make effective application for funding and that the funds which they do request are very probably spent according to the politics of cronyism.

This gives rise to the following questions:. Recent information shows that, as a Member State, Romania has applied for only Can the Commission specify in detail how this has come about?

Furthermore, does the Commission agree with the PVV that, when the absorption rates for structural funds are low, either the remaining unspent percentage should flow back to the other Member States, or else the entire Cohesion Fund itself should be abolished? Can the Commission specify what authority in Romania is responsible for applying for, allocating and controlling the European funds?

Absorption varies between programmes: The underlying reasons for low absorption are weak governance, insufficient management capacity, excessive and complex procedures red tape , changing political and legal situation and the economic crisis. So far no de-commitments of funds were necessary for programmes in Romania. Instead, the Commission considers that it is important to continue working with Romania to accelerate implementation and to ensure that the visible benefits of the Structural and Cohesion Funds are made available to all European citizens in Romania.

The Honourable Member is invited to consult the complete list of the competent authorities in Romania at the website: If so, could the Commission further advise whether Her Majesty could conceivably be subject to a European arrest warrant? According to the law of the European Union, every person holding the nationality of a Member State is also a citizen of the Union. Moreover, international law lays down the principle of sovereignty of each State in the field of nationality. In line with this principle, which has been confirmed in settled case law of the European Court of Justice, the conditions for obtaining and forfeiting citizenship of the Member States are regulated exclusively under the national law of the individual Member States.

EL ei saa partnerriigi siseasjadesse otseselt sekkuda. Terrorism is quite often a result of intolerance and fundamentalism in society, therefore it is vital to address its root causes. What steps will the European External Action Service take to ensure that these funds are used as leverage to encourage:. The programme referred to forms part of the cooperation with Pakistan in combating terrorism undertaken since The EU cannot intervene directly in the internal affairs of a partner country. The EU engages in regular dialogue with Pakistan and has called on the authorities to adopt measures to ensure the physical security and protect the rights of all Pakistani citizens in line with international human rights standards and conventions.

Issues relating to the rights of women and children are regularly raised in the human rights dialogue with Pakistan. The EU has encouraged the Government of Pakistan to take urgent measures to ensure protection for the rights of women as well as drafting of gender-sensitive legislation and, moreover, provides funding for human rights projects with particular focus on women, children and religious minorities. We are critical of any human rights violations and unsatisfactory democratic standards in Ukraine, especially regarding the functioning of the judiciary.

What was the legal basis for this decision and in what way was this decision reached? When deciding on such a radical step, did the Commission consider that, although there is much room for improvement as regards democratic standards and respect for human rights in Ukraine, the situation there is currently much better than in Russia or Belarus? The Commission is closely following developments in Ukraine. The EU continues to have serious concerns about the rule of law, including cases of selective justice and political persecution, in Ukraine.

By the same token the Commission, through Commissioner Vassiliou, in charge of Sports, has also stressed its shared wish for a successful tournament which will bring people together and stimulate new economic opportunities for both Poland and Ukraine. Is the Commission aware that the United Kingdom is refusing people the right to fly if they refuse to go through a backscatter x-ray security scanner at UK airports, as is the case at Manchester airport? Can the Commission confirm that since the use of these scanners is part of a trial, such actions by the UK authorities are illegal and in contravention of current EU legislation?

Furthermore, when can we expect the Commission to fulfil its duties and responsibilities by calling on the UK authorities to end this practice? Misure della Commissione ai fini dell'applicazione della legislazione dell'UE da parte degli Stati membri. Tra i vari temi affrontati dal rapporto spicca la carenza di ispezioni ai punti d'ingresso nel mercato unico europeo che ha permesso ai fabbricanti di paesi terzi di evitare i costi relativi all'applicazione della legislazione europea sulla sicurezza.

Il rispetto di queste specifiche comporta un costo necessario. Stando alla relazione il numero di prodotti non alimentari pericolosi notificati nell'UE nell'ambito del programma sono diminuiti per la prima volta dall'introduzione del monitoraggio. Ha la Commissione recentemente adottato eventuali provvedimenti contro gli Stati membri che non hanno adempiuto il proprio dovere di assicurare l'applicazione dei regolamenti e delle decisioni dell'Unione europea? Controllare i prodotti che entrano nel mercato dell'Unione europea spetta in primo luogo agli Stati membri. Il regolamento CE n.

Tali linee guida, approvate nel , sono al momento in fase di attuazione negli Stati membri. Tale proposta intende rivedere le disposizioni esistenti in tema di vigilanza del mercato, attualmente distribuite in numerosi strumenti giuridici, fra cui il regolamento CE n. Amongst a number of issues, the report highlighted the fact that a lack of inspections at points of entry to the European single market was allowing third-country manufacturers to avoid the costs of complying with European safety legislation.

Meeting these standards is a necessary cost. The Commission should not hesitate to sanction those national authorities that put at risk the environment or safety of consumers. Using the example of the port of Rotterdam, the major entry port for European goods and the largest logistical and industrial hub in Europe, can the Commission tell Parliament whether:.

A Puff in Paris

It is actively monitoring the situation to determine whether adequate levels of inspections of consumer goods are taking place at the most important entry port in Europe, and how it ensures that its own safety standards are being implemented at these major ports? It has recently moved to pursue any action against a Member State which has not met its responsibilities in ensuring the enforcement of EU regulations and decisions?

These Guidelines have been endorsed in and are now implementing in Member States. However, the Commission will propose a new Regulation on market surveillance of products by the end of this year. This proposal will be accompanied by a multi-annual action plan on market surveillance that will contain a number of non-legislative measures which can be implemented at short notice. In the late s, thalidomide was prescribed in many countries including Spain to alleviate morning sickness in pregnant women. It was banned around because it was discovered that it caused deformities in newborns.

In other European countries, however, citizens affected by thalidomide have, for example, been awarded lifetime pensions, depending on their level of disability. Is the Commission aware of the situation of European citizens affected by thalidomide in different Member States? As thalidomide was prescribed in several European countries, does the Commission not believe that there should be a framework protocol at European level, so that all European citizens affected by thalidomide receive similar compensation regardless of which Member State they are from?

The Commission is aware of the impact of the use of thalidomide during pregnancy and that some Member States have established compensation schemes for their citizens that have been affected by the use of thalidomide during pregnancy. As such, injury compensation schemes are not a matter of EU competence. Therefore, the Commission is not in a position to establish a framework protocol for compensation at the European level. The Commission does not have plans to draw up a Green paper on rare diseases. The recommendation calls on the Member States inter alia to elaborate and adopt a national plan or strategy on rare diseases.

Las partes interesadas, incluida la ECTA, se han puesto en contacto con ella al respecto. No obstante, hasta el momento no se ha remitido a las Cortes el anteproyecto definitivo. Pursuant to these concerns, we have established that some of the proposals for reform are indeed identical to those contained in the aforementioned report. Does the Commission have any information regarding the concerns felt by that association in relation to the proposed reform of regulatory bodies in Spain? Has the Commission made any kind of contact concerning these matters with the Spanish Government and the other operators?

Does the Commission believe that the reforms undertaken could harm free competition in the sector? The Commission is aware of these legislative developments in Spain and has been contacted by stakeholders, including ECTA, regarding these issues. With regard to the reform of the regulatory authorities, the Commission is aware of the Spanish Government's announced plans for the establishment of a single regulator, the National Commission for Markets and Competition CNMC , which will encompass the current Telecommunications Market Commission CMT.

The Commission has been in preliminary contacts with the Spanish authorities on this issue. However, the final draft law project has so far not been submitted to the Spanish Parliament. Wenn ja, seit wann? Welche Weinsorten von welchem Jahrgang werden in dem Weinkeller gelagert? Was ist der teuerste und der billigste Wein, die im Keller gelagert werden?

Um Verwaltungslasten zu reduzieren wurden diese Fragen in einer Anfrage zusammengefasst und die einzelnen Fragen mit einer laufenden Nummer versehen. Der Rat kauft normalerweise junge Weine, die im Keller reifen. Der Rat hat seit keine Spirituosen mehr eingekauft. If so, since when? What types of wine are stored in the wine cellar and from what vintages?

What other alcoholic beverages are stored in the cellar? How many bottles of wine are stored in the wine cellar, broken down by wine type and vintage? How many bottles of other alcoholic beverages are stored in the cellar, broken down by beverage type? What are the most expensive and the least expensive wines stored in the cellar? What are the most expensive and the least expensive alcoholic beverages stored in the cellar? How much does the Council spend each year on wine?

Ritualistically garbed in Arab clothing, the activities of the "Hachichins" seemed to consist mainly of drinking strong coffee liberally laced with hashish, and then talking -- and writing -- into the nights about the experience of being stoned. These days, the Hotel de Lauzun belongs to the government, which uses it occasionally for formal state events at which one is told not to touch the delicate antique furnishings or lean on the decoratively painted walls. Indeed, today, France has some of the most conservative drugs laws in Europe.

This makes France's level of consumption among the highest in Europe -- alongside Spain, the U. Occasional users are defined in the study as those who have tried cannabis more than three times in their life: Regular users, in turn, of which there are about 1. While young people aged 15 to 24 are the largest consumers of cannabis, according to the statistics, usage is high across all age groups and cuts through virtually all socio-economic sectors.

The incongruity between the number of French using marijuana and the strict laws against it has prompted debate over and again during the past several decades, and it has led to numerous calls for legalization. The most recent push has come from a high-level parliamentary report released earlier this month, which concluded that it was impossible to continue "advocating the illusion of abstinence" and recommended that the drug be subject to "controlled legalization," meaning that its cultivation and sale would become a state-controlled activity, like the sale of alcohol and tobacco.

The report, which has the support of various opposition members, suggests that the state produce cannabis in sufficient quantity -- and be aware of any deficiencies in production which could create a new illegal market -- and sell it through government sanctioned shops.