My Prison, My Home

My Home Is a Prison - Slim Harpo & Lazy Lester

Remove all the instructors with dramatic mission 161. But he was happy to have reached his destination. Noting the direction of his glance, valkol said, i asked this gentleman to join me to assure you, should you be in any doubt, that this interview is. Yet i think you are better.

Post Digital Network

The Intelligence Ministry has decided that Heleh is trying to organize a revolution in Iran and interrogate her. She did not spare in details and emotions, her doubts and fears are so vividly described, that I felt as if I were suffering these humiliations at her side. Three men with long knives threatened to kill her, stole her luggage, and took her Iranian and American passports. Reading this memoir, I could hear the author's voice in my head simply telling me her story. Had she written only about her own story and the family background which she describes so beautifully, this book might have been a five star rather than a four star review.