Sinngwell: An Ode

Norwood New Town

I can't play music.

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Sinngwell - An Ode (Paperback) / Author: Copernicus again ; ; Poetry texts & anthologies, Literature: texts, Language & Literature, Books. Sinngwell: An Ode (Paperback). Copernicus again. £ Unavailable. Replaced by new version by new supplier. Unavailable. Synopsis.

Heck, I can't even sing well. My voice cracks in odd places and I'm either too high or too low to follow the worship leader who is usually my husband and plays mostly contemporary and Hillsong-type songs. Even though the words are on the screen, she'll give us the page number so we can use the hymnals if we wish. And somehow when I'm holding the hymnal and singing those timeless words that I've heard since my childhood, I follow the notes and I know when to sing high and when to sing low and my voice seems to reach up to the heavens and I don't care how I sound because I'm singing to God for God and that's all that matters.

And it's after those hymn-singing sessions when people have come up to me and said they wonder why I'm not singing in front with my family because I have such a beautiful voice that I just shake my head and admit it's not always that way One week it will be the hymns, another the contemporary cover songs, and another the country gospel sound.

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Or perhaps a mixture of all and always with familiar and choruses. Someday I'll hear you play, CJ. Anita, how interesting that the old hymns suit your voice so much better than more modern music. The minister this morning decided to add an extra song near the end of the service. How Great Thou Art. Having just written this post, I of course reached forward, grabbed a hymnal, and found the correct hymn number. Don't know why it didn't occur to the minister to find the number and announce it for all the poor people struggling to sing the song from memory.

Hymnals for the win! Share This Post Share.

Ode To My Project Chicks

Chase July 17, Chase When I was a girl…no, wait, not even that long ago, congregational singing at church involved a piano, an organ, and a hymnal. The music leader would announce the next song and the hymn number, then we in the congregation would reach forward to grab the volume of songs from the rack on the pew in front of us.

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If you were daydreaming and missed the announcement, it was generally okay because most churches also posted the numbers on a board at the front of the church. The hymns themselves were almost always in four-part harmony. Four verses and a chorus was a common pattern, although there were variations like three verses and a chorus, or four verses and no chorus. At some churches, we sang all the verses all the time; at others, the minister would instruct the congregation to only sing selected verses—usually because he ran overtime on the sermon.

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Later, as an organist, I discovered I had to pay special attention during this time. The words are now on a screen and a bass guitar accompanies the piano and organ.

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How much longer before hymnals disappear from sanctuaries altogether? I expect it to be within my lifetime. You are a burden. You were faithful and true, even when you ached or the nurses said your nipples were too flat to properly feed a baby. Boy, did YOU prove them wrong! But perhaps I should be proud of you. Perhaps I should wear you with pride.

You carry my worries and proclaim to the world that I have survived.

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You give me depth and paint wisdom on my face. You never figured out how to sing well, but I forgive you for that. You are good to me, dear mouth. I forced you to carry too much weight, and then berated you for being heavy. May they be as good as the last 40 have been. Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Heather……………Happy Birthday to you!

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Hey wait a minute! I thought I was first this morning with a Happy Birthday?! This is the cutest and nicest birthday gift you could have given yourself. Your email address will not be published. Ode to my 40 year old body, on its birthday by Heather Plett May 20, Uncategorized 16 comments.

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Michele on May 20, at 4: Accidental Poet on May 20, at 5: Janet on May 20, at 6: Praying for your Prodigal on May 20, at 6: Anvilcloud on May 21, at 2: Gina on May 21, at 3: Jenell on May 21, at 3: What a great post.