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Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Synonyms and Antonyms of unshaken. Words Related to unshaken. Phrases Synonymous with unshaken. During launch we want to let players experience the game at their own pace without having this sub ruin certain content or moments for them.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you needed to re experience that. Arthur literally says that he did right by his kid and child's mom. He provided for them and visited them as much as his lifestyle allowed him.

They were killed in an 'accidental' robbery! Even if he would be living with them and be the rightful man all the time, it could have happened if he would go, for example, to chop some wood in the forest, or to buy supplies in the store They didn't die because of him, but he still blames himself for it, because he thinks that it is a punishment for the bad deeds he did in his life.

God Unshaken Resources

Arthur did the right thing when he became a father, cared about the child and about the woman ho was the mother, but he lost them both, without being able to prevent that. That is why he resents John so much at the beginning, because John was 'gifted' with Jack and Abigail, but first he doubted that Jack is really his child, and then he did not care too much to provide for them.

And we see how John slowly grows to the role of a head of a family in later chapters and in the epilogue, mostly because he was so much influenced by Arthur. Even from the interactions between Arthur and Jack you can see how naturally spending time with the kid comes to Arthur. He would be a great father Honestly, taking Jack fishing as Arthur was one of the most underrated parts of the game imo.

Made me real emotional.

This whole mission is amazing. Their talks and interactions were wonderfully done. I liked how Arthur just let Jack be Jack, do whatever he wants like picking flowers but staying close to watch over him, not complaining that kid finds fishing boring. Also, it was great how he wanted to draw his weapon when the agents arrived, but then when Jack said something he changed plans, because he did not want to kill them in front of the kid. After the mission I also heard Arthur telling someone what happened there with agents, and being really angry that Jack had to witness that conversation.

Other than this mission, I loved a small moment in the camp, when my Arthur saw Abigail talking with Jack about how the boy needs new clothes but she cannot afford them.

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When Arthur got closer, Abigail mentioned to him that John does not really do enough to provide for the kid and then Arthur gave her the money for the clothes it was a player's choice to do it or not. She was really grateful, and I felt like Arthur at that moment in game was really filling the role which was supposed to be John's fortunately John understood that later on. Thinking about Arthur's journal entry about how he should have married Abigail before she fallen for John, I think that if John would not return to the gang, it was possible that Arthur would marry her and would treat Jack as his son.

Yeah I think I remember that little interaction as well. Definitely remember him saying he should have married Abigail. It could have happened to anybody. It was totally random, unpredictable event. He could have been in a regular work at that time. The point of the whole conversation was, to show that Arthur believes that he cannot be happy because of his sins. This is where he unjustifiably sees his fault. He talks about that to Rain Falls, because he treated the illness which he suffered from as a punishment as well.

All the bad things that happened in his life he sees as a 'payment' for all the wrong he had caused. But he totally wasn't responsible for what happened to his son and boy's mother. It's only him thinking about "what ifs" again. I'm on the epilogue and I never got this scene? Is this when he finds Reverend Swanson running away?

The Game Awards Orchestra - Unshaken (RDR 2 Music)

The first one's avalibable at the market where the trapper and fence has their respective shops. Ye, thats when I broke a bit as well. By the time the ending rolled around it was more cathartic than heartbreaking. I also had a talk with the reverend back in camp. He thanks Arthur for helping him staying clean, and how Arthur is a good man and stuff.

I did the one where you find the dudes in the basement at the fence in saint denis, then the one where you get her cross back. There should be three. Fence mission, then she's at a small church in the slums with Dorkins, then you go to the cathedral. I felt my heart sink and also cry. In that moment Arthur show just how much a human he is. Never played that part during the entire first playthrough of the game - would've appreciated a spoiler tag, but it's no biggie. Not gonna lie, I cried more when my horse died. You're in the middle of the shit; he knows it, everyone knows it. Its all going down and theres Arthur, his horse goes down and he just says Fuck it.

Kneels down amid the chaos, the danger, the general panic This part hit me especially hard because there is a Stranger questline in Chapter 6 called The Veteran, in which Arthur makes a new friend in Hamish, a wounded war vet. They go hunting and fishing together and the idea of Arthur making a new friendship while he knew he was nearing the end really got to me. Then Hamish meets a tragic end and asks you to take his trusty steed.

Seen and Heard

“Unshaken” is a song that appears in Red Dead Redemption 2 at the gang's lowest point. During a ride to Shady Belle, Arthur is left to reflect on what he has. Unshaken definition is - not weakened or shaken: firm, fixed. How to use unshaken in a sentence.

I loved that damn horse. Maxed out bonding with the boah. Rode him into my final battle. As Arthur kneeled down and said, "Thank you," I just felt the horse maybe knew that it was his time to go. His old master had passed and he had a chance to help another before his end. Just really felt similar to Arthur's finale.

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I thought it was significantly worse than the version from the game. Made me real emotional. De Rossett - Unseduced and Unshaken: First Known Use of unshaken , in the meaning defined above. None of it was exactly my kind of music, and this performance was by far the best one. Lmfao I paused and ran away so fast ahahah. Unseduced, would be that man's extraordinary willpower to resist such advances.

Idk or maybe I'm just a fucking dork who's wayyyy too deep in this game. I never finished that quest line with Arthur, and I went back and finished it with John. John told him that Arthur passed away and Hamish invited John in and showed him the fish and the wolf they caught together. It was a really touching moment. I thought that Hamish was one of the more meaningful people for Arthur to meet. He's the only person in Arthur's life that's ever just been his friend and nothing more or less, everyone else is drawn together by the circumstance of being an outlaw and part of Dutch's gang, everyone Arthur knows is part of him being an outlaw, then this simple and great man tells him to come around, they'll do stuff together, it'll be nice.

Then that damned boar came along. Losing Hamish was hard, and that horse is the living memory or their friendship. When you say thank you to Buell it's like your saying goodbye to Hamish, as well as to something that Arthur never thought he could deserve; someone who just likes him around for him being around. My story is that ol' Cricket shacked up with a mare in the stables one rainy night while I was getting a deluxe bath in valentine. You lied to me sir! I can get the warhorse for John but Arthur and Mikey will never ride together again.

I put up my Clarabell in the stables right before and got my backup horse because I had a feeling it would happen. My horse that i had most of the game died like 15 minutes before this scene to bounty hungers. I didn't reload because i was so focused on finishing the game. Then this scene happens with my brand new horse that i didn't care about. I still feel a bit cheated. Oh well, still a very cool scene. Lol, my Arthur didn't even give a shit when my horse died in that cutscene. I also had very high honor.

I suppose it's a bonding thing as it was a relatively new horse It sums up really everything I felt for my horse. He was my transportation, my weapons carrier, my cargo hold, my companion, and my friend. He was my one constant throughout the whole game, even when everything else went to shit.

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Anyone who ditches their horse for the midget Arabian is a dick. I miss you Badger. Towards the end of the game, they give you tons of chances to bring your honor up. Unsure if it was to allow you a last ditch shot at being an honorable dude. That seems to be a natural progression of things. You can be shooting everybody in sight but the narrative was that Arthur was against indiscrimate killings