Black Pawn

A former special ops soldier, he uses his training and skills to stay alive and one step ahead of those hunting him. Jessica Nickoli's life is forever changed when a chance encounter with Michael in a cafe almost leads to her death.

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Sa After witnessing something he wasn't meant to see, Michael Cailen is caught in a real life game of chess where every move could be his last. Saved by Michael, she must go on the run with him as it becomes clear they intend to kill her now too.

As Michael learns more about Jessica's murky past and questionable career as a computer hacker he begins to wonder if there is more to her than meets the eye. He soon realizes it was not mere coincidence that brought them together. With his own survival now dependent on hers, he will stop at nothing to protect her as they work together to bring down the powerful forces working to kill them.

Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Black Pawn , please sign up. I read that one.

Black Pawn

The one that came after the black pawn, was it the 2nd book in his series? I want to read the rest of this story?

Black Pawn Visions Barbados Crop Over Music

See 2 questions about Black Pawn…. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I have a "thing" about not quitting books once I start them.

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If not for that, I never would have finished this book. Jessica is the most annoying, unlikable character ever. She cries constantly, and for no reason. The first half of the book was a romance novel, which is fine, but don't bill it as a thriller if it's a romance. The story was okay, but maybe a bit shallow. None of the characters were very likable. Things started to move and it was a fun read. Couldn't put it down! Such an amazing plot! Strong characters in fact I fell in love with Michael..

What an Action Man! Would be so pleased if it turned into a movie! I highly recommend it!!! Les Bakke rated it really liked it Dec 06, Patty rated it it was amazing Aug 27, Jim Hendricks rated it really liked it Nov 24, Marcin Krol rated it it was ok Aug 15, Dave rated it really liked it Jun 18, Darrel Riddle rated it did not like it Nov 20, Unlike other pieces, the pawn does not capture in the same direction as it moves.

A pawn captures diagonally forward one square to the left or right see diagram. Another unusual rule is the en passant capture. It can occur after a pawn advances two squares using its initial two-step move option, and the square passed over is attacked by an enemy pawn. The capturing pawn moves to the square over which the moved pawn passed see diagram , and the moved pawn is removed from the board.

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The option to capture en passant must be exercised on the move immediately following the double-step pawn advance, or it is lost for the remainder of the game. Without en passant , a pawn on its initial square could safely bypass a square controlled by an advanced enemy pawn. A pawn that advances all the way to the opposite side of the board the opposing player's first rank is promoted to another piece of that player's choice: The pawn is immediately before the opposing player's next move replaced by the new piece.

Black Pawn - Hearthstone Wiki

Since it is uncommon for a piece other than a queen to be chosen, promotion is often called "queening". When some other piece is chosen it is known as underpromotion , and the piece selected is most often a knight , used to execute a checkmate or a fork giving the player a net increase in material compared to promoting to a queen. Underpromotion is also used in situations where promoting to a queen would give immediate stalemate. The choice of promotion is not limited to pieces that have been captured.

Thus a player could in theory have as many as ten knights, ten bishops, ten rooks or nine queens on the board at the same time. When the correct piece is not available, some substitute is used: The pawn structure , the configuration of pawns on the chessboard, mostly determines the strategic flavor of a game. While other pieces can usually be moved to more favorable positions if they are temporarily badly placed, a poorly positioned pawn is limited in its movement and often cannot be so relocated.

Because pawns capture diagonally and can be blocked from moving straight forward, opposing pawns can become locked in diagonal pawn chains of two or more pawns of each color, where each player controls squares of one color. In the diagram, Black and White have locked their d- and e-pawns.

Here, White has a long-term space advantage. White will have an easier time than Black in finding good squares for his pieces, particularly with an eye to the kingside. Black, in contrast, suffers from a bad bishop on c8, which is prevented by the black pawns from finding a good square or helping out on the kingside. On the other hand, White's central pawns are somewhat overextended and vulnerable to attack. Black can undermine the white pawn chain with an immediate Pawns on adjacent files can support each other in attack and defense.

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  • Pawn (chess).

A pawn which has no friendly pawns in adjacent files is an isolated pawn. The square in front of an isolated pawn may become an enduring weakness. Any piece placed directly in front not only blocks the advance of that pawn, but cannot be driven away by other pawns. In the diagram, Black has an isolated pawn on d5.

If all the pieces except the kings and pawns were removed, the weakness of that pawn might prove fatal to Black in the endgame.

File:Chess piece - Black pawn.JPG

In the middlegame , however, Black has slightly more freedom of movement than White, and may be able to trade off the isolated pawn before an endgame ensues. A pawn which cannot be blocked or captured by enemy pawns in its advance to promotion is a passed pawn. In the diagram, White has a protected passed pawn on c5 and Black has an outside passed pawn on h5. In this vein, a pawn majority , a greater number of pawns belonging to one player on one side of the chessboard, is strategically important because it can often be converted into a passed pawn.

The diagrammed position might appear roughly equal, because each side has a king and three pawns, and the positions of the kings are about equal.

Black Pawn

In truth, White wins this endgame on the strength of the protected passed pawn, regardless which player moves first. After a capture with a pawn, a player may end up with two pawns on the same file , called doubled pawns. Doubled pawns are substantially weaker than pawns which are side by side, because they cannot defend each other, they usually cannot both be defended by adjacent pawns, and the front pawn blocks the advance of the back one. In the diagram, Black is playing at a strategic disadvantage due to the doubled c-pawns.

There are situations where doubled pawns confer some advantage, typically when the guarding of consecutive squares in a file by the pawns prevents an invasion by the opponent's pieces. Pawns which are both doubled and isolated are typically a tangible weakness. A single piece or pawn in front of doubled isolated pawns blocks both of them, and cannot be easily dislodged.

It is rare for a player to have three pawns in a file, i. In chess endgames with a bishop, a rook pawn may be the wrong rook pawn , depending on the square-color of the bishop. This causes some positions to be draws that would otherwise be wins. The pawn has its origins in the oldest version of chess, chaturanga , and it is present in all other significant versions of the game as well. In chaturanga, this piece moved directly forward, capturing to the sides one square diagonally forward to the left or right.